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*protest for bolster removal*


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Just for a different view on this...


I'm a lowbie, grinding though levels and cheap gear. That said, I DON'T want "bolstering" either...not forever anyways, lol.


Bolstering is great for lower levels. It lets you get in the WZ and learn on a somewhat even playing field. I think thats important to get new people intrested in PvP.


That said, once I've gotten to the endgame I don't want bolstering anymore. I don't mind grinding for gear, and I want to EARN a place in PvP and not have it handed to me. I don't DESERVE to be equal to people who have put months into grinding thier gear. They should be able to beat me sensless, and its okay, because I know that at some point THEY got beat senseless too. They persevered, they persisted, and they earned thier place.


I'm jealous of them to be honest, and I'm a little pissed that some developer decided not to give me the same chance because people want things handed to them.



Edited by RPAngel
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I have been a swtor pvper from launch, and a pvper for allot longer. I read the forums almost every week and have never signed any post. Bolster is a disaster and YOU CAN'T FIX IT.



Edited by Galactuzz
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I have been a swtor pvper from launch, and a pvper for allot longer. I read the forums almost every week and have never sighed any post. Bolster is a disaster and YOU CAN'T FIX IT.




LOL best - typo - evarrrrr. :cool:

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bugs shouldn't exist

bolster is a good concept with a terrific implementation

i want it fixed not removed


Ahh, spoken like a true PVE'er that want to dable in PVP. Oooohhh, but its not fair, these other guys have so much better gear than me, boohoo. Rage, rage QQ.

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The playing field is leveled by skill and i have no problem gearing my toons

AS far as i know the fun in PvP is the competition and of course winning, also min/maxing can be fun

Can't see any fun in grinding things like a hamster but i assume we are not talking about grinding.


So I take it you don't pvp? If not then STF UP please. TY.

/signed all pvp'ers

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I don't mind bolster in and of itself, and think it has a place, but it has to be working and not exploitable first.


Until such a time as Bioware can put out a bolster system that works, /signed, with the caveat that they need to introduce a new free PvP set at 55 a-la recruit, with stats equal to what the intent of bolster was.


It's become quite clear that Bioware is unable to make a working bolster system at this time.

Edited by ryuzo
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And I haven't even PvP'ed nearly as much as some. But one thing I can sympathize with, when you reach cap, you are in a different league of PvP. And those who've PvP'ed in that lvl for a while all started at the same place at one point, where they were at a disadvantage. They had to die a lot, lose a lot most likely, and play wz after wz to gear only to get nerfed with this bolster. That's not "leveling the playing field" at all. Once you reach 55, expect to have to work a while, and not just suddenly be equal to another who's grinded out the gear and gone through a grueling process. ::hands two cents::

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Signed. Should be removed completely from 55 PVP. With all the glitches with it, its hardly worth getting PVP gear at the moment. The more progression I make in getting the whole set, the less expertise I have in actual warzones. Noble idea, poor implementation. Remove it from 55 altogether
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