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Gender stereotypes surface in suprising ways...


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I feel a bit uncomfortable when I see that women are able to be practically naked under the cover of wearing a slave girl (!) outfit, but the men still have to wear pants/robes (or if a covert energy legs exist, its no longer available on the GTN, and it should have been from the start to provide a male alternative). The fact that it's a slave girl outfit just adds to the insult.


It is blatantly sexist, even though some people might say it is "lore-friendly" (then again, that particular "lore" was made about thirty years ago, a different time).


It's so strange that Bioware has created a rigidly stereotypical game in some ways (Mobs overwhelmingly composed of men, absence of SGR at launch, sexually segregated armor designs, SGR for men on the "evil" side).


Of course, the blatant problems with bolster cancel this out since everyone fights naked :p

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I feel a bit uncomfortable when I see that women are able to be practically naked under the cover of wearing a slave girl (!) outfit, but the men still have to wear pants/robes (or if a covert energy legs exist, its no longer available on the GTN, and it should have been from the start to provide a male alternative). The fact that it's a slave girl outfit just adds to the insult.


It is blatantly sexist, even though some people might say it is "lore-friendly" (then again, that particular "lore" was made about thirty years ago, a different time).


It's so strange that Bioware has created a rigidly stereotypical game in some ways (Mobs overwhelmingly composed of men, absence of SGR at launch, sexually segregated armor designs, SGR for men on the "evil" side).


Of course, the blatant problems with bolster cancel this out since everyone fights naked :p


I agree in a way but the game is what you make it. Some people like to play as slave girls, so be it, let them. I think it's stupid and degrading but then that's my opinion. I also really dislike what they did for SGR. Really now, I'm not, but they should have given two options on each side for SGR, male and female to make it equitable.

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I feel a bit uncomfortable when I see that women are able to be practically naked under the cover of wearing a slave girl (!) outfit, but the men still have to wear pants/robes (or if a covert energy legs exist, its no longer available on the GTN, and it should have been from the start to provide a male alternative). The fact that it's a slave girl outfit just adds to the insult.


It is blatantly sexist, even though some people might say it is "lore-friendly" (then again, that particular "lore" was made about thirty years ago, a different time).


It's so strange that Bioware has created a rigidly stereotypical game in some ways (Mobs overwhelmingly composed of men, absence of SGR at launch, sexually segregated armor designs, SGR for men on the "evil" side).


Of course, the blatant problems with bolster cancel this out since everyone fights naked :p


yeah and what's up with the boring bra when your female character wears the covert top. The male characters are completely bare chested so why not the female characters?


There are always stereotypes. It's always difficult to figure out where you want to draw the line....

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Oddly enough, there is a chest piece for JK's that is different when worn by different genders. I cannot recall what it's called, but for the female it shows the mid drift along with bare arms (except the rings just below the shoulders)


On the male of the same piece, it is similar, but with a white t-shirt to cover all the flesh. :rolleyes:

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Oh no don't misunderstand me! I don't want the females to stop being naked, I want both sexes to be naked!


I'm all for objectifying everyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation etc.!!!




Thank the maker we have players such as the OP in the following thread making such wonderful creations :




So devs take a look at that thread and make some more skimpy outfits for the male characters. :D

Edited by Kirameki
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I feel a bit uncomfortable when I see that women are able to be practically naked under the cover of wearing a slave girl (!) outfit, but the men still have to wear pants/robes (or if a covert energy legs exist, its no longer available on the GTN, and it should have been from the start to provide a male alternative). The fact that it's a slave girl outfit just adds to the insult.


It is blatantly sexist, even though some people might say it is "lore-friendly" (then again, that particular "lore" was made about thirty years ago, a different time).


It's so strange that Bioware has created a rigidly stereotypical game in some ways (Mobs overwhelmingly composed of men, absence of SGR at launch, sexually segregated armor designs, SGR for men on the "evil" side).


Of course, the blatant problems with bolster cancel this out since everyone fights naked :p


It is almost like they gear the game towards their target demographic of 20-30 year old males or something...Insane!


But I agree, let's bring in speedos for guys to even it out.

Edited by Cidanel
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Thank the maker we have players such as the OP in the following thread making such wonderful creations :




So devs take a look at that thread and make some more skimpy outfits for the male characters. :D

Not gonna lie, some of the clothes in that thread I'd use myself on some of my chars.... <notbad.jpg>

So yeah, I'm all for equal opportunity objectifying! :cool:


And in the interest of full disclosure: I put my dark side jedi lady in one of the skimpy cartel pack outfits. :rolleyes:

Edited by Talahar
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Oddly enough, there is a chest piece for JK's that is different when worn by different genders. I cannot recall what it's called, but for the female it shows the mid drift along with bare arms (except the rings just below the shoulders)


On the male of the same piece, it is similar, but with a white t-shirt to cover all the flesh. :rolleyes:


Same for half of the sorcerer robes.

And I believe it's the aspiring Knights vest...

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I feel a bit uncomfortable when I see that women are able to be practically naked under the cover of wearing a slave girl (!) outfit, but the men still have to wear pants/robes (or if a covert energy legs exist, its no longer available on the GTN, and it should have been from the start to provide a male alternative).


On the other hand, if you put off all you clothes, female characters still have tops, so technically it is the men who are forced to wear less.


I demand this blatant sexim to be stopped!


Either we get mankinis or females loose their tops! Only way to achieve gender equality in ... a... videogame.


p.s. After thinking a while on this subject, I have decided that I rather prefer the solution without mankinis.

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They're trying to appeal to the majority of their target audience. This game isnt anymore sexist/not PC than the rest of the entertainment industry. Quit trying to create an issue where there isnt one.


The fact that it has become normalized makes this a bigger issue. Ofc, it's much easier to claim it isn't an issue when the stereotype is in your favor :rolleyes:

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Women pixels in-game being "nude" under the slavegirl outfit actually feels like a throwback to SWG. I dig it. :tran_eek:


But regarding the whole gender stereotype thing.. Stereotype is stereotype. They surface everywhere. Anything you can say in regards to in game dialogue is practially based on stereotypes. Iguess all I have to say is that I don't want you to get your knickers in a twist over it.

Edited by Sjax
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