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Hit and run


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Hit and Run would like to apologize about the comments made in several posts by someone impersonating battkt. The posts are an immature response by DJO and they should be ashamed.


I'd also like to point out anyone mistaking thorazine for the GM should feel silly.



-Jeanluc Picard

Hit and Run

Edited by NamesAllTakenQQ
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I dont know about you guys but fake Magnius's troll attempts were epic. I enjoyed the storms he stirred up in gen chat from time to time.


I do not know who he was, and he caused a lot of problems for us, but I will tell you that I have a sort of... dark respect for him. He trolled very very well.

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DJO is awesome. Haters gonna hate.


Thank you for the love. Again as I posted in the original post the following. Nobody in my guild knew about this issue and I have been offline for work so this is all news to me. Here is what I said in the other thread.


"I greatly appreciate the random accusations towards DJO when a guild has a member freak out on the forums, its fun/funny to sit back and let the wackjobs appear from the wood work and riddle the star wars forums with their rampant social disorders and anxieties.


I will repeat myself. What makes DJO superior to the guilds trying pathetically to troll us, is we judge quality by the members/company we keep not by who can kill the Space Ogre to get the best gear the fastest and who can play 48 hours and not suffer from a ischemic stroke. The guilds that I am stating we are superior to are the ones that openly and pathetically attempt to condescend our guild and boast statements like...


"I reached 55 first or I played all night to get to 55,"

"I am the servers first valor 100 in my signature"

"I have seven level 55's"


These are not accomplishments to brag about but vices that can condemn you IRL, it becomes a form of addiction and can ruin lives. So YES DJO beats ASB and Doomed Lemmings HANDS DOWN in every aspect of the game; simply because at the end of the day, to us at DJO it is "just a game."



Rybes (The guy who just owned you)"

Edited by benrici
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Thank you for the love. Again as I posted in the original post the following. Nobody in my guild knew about this issue and I have been offline for work so this is all news to me. Here is what I said in the other thread.


"I greatly appreciate the random accusations towards DJO when a guild has a member freak out on the forums, its fun/funny to sit back and let the wackjobs appear from the wood work and riddle the star wars forums with their rampant social disorders and anxieties.


I will repeat myself. What makes DJO superior to the guilds trying pathetically to troll us, is we judge quality by the members/company we keep not by who can kill the Space Ogre to get the best gear the fastest and who can play 48 hours and not suffer from a ischemic stroke. The guilds that I am stating we are superior to are the ones that openly and pathetically attempt to condescend our guild and boast statements like...


"I reached 55 first or I played all night to get to 55,"

"I am the servers first valor 100 in my signature"

"I have seven level 55's"


These are not accomplishments to brag about but vices that can condemn you IRL, it becomes a form of addiction and can ruin lives. So YES DJO beats ASB and Doomed Lemmings HANDS DOWN in every aspect of the game; simply because at the end of the day, to us at DJO it is "just a game."



Rybes (The guy who just owned you)"


That almost made me wanna apply to your guild. Well said. Although, it would have been funnier if you said, "Yeah that was us. What're you going to do about it." Ah, a perfect world.

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Wish I could go back in time about 15 years. I miss the community of MMOs from a time long past. All I see now, its pathetic. The fact that I care is pathetic, that I care that this generation is full of such wastes of space, people who are proud of their ignorance. I am pathetic for caring.


You guys win, since you will all be alive when I am long dead, you say that real life is more important, but you come here and force your opinion. You say that you don't care but you respond.


I genuinely feel bad for you guys. I always believed that people could be better than this, and that makes me a loser.

Edited by Reynaga
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These are not accomplishments to brag about but vices that can condemn you IRL, it becomes a form of addiction and can ruin lives. So YES DJO beats ASB and Doomed Lemmings HANDS DOWN in every aspect of the game; simply because at the end of the day, to us at DJO it is "just a game."


Why the Doomed Lemming hate? :/ I don't understand. Or any hate at all? You act like you're above it all, and yet you try to demean other guilds.

Edited by SweetMegan
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Why the Doomed Lemming hate? :/ I don't understand. Or any hate at all? You act like you're above it all, and yet you try to demean other guilds.


Your guild openly condemns DJO. The policy DJO has Megan is a "Live and let live"

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Thank you for the love. Again as I posted in the original post the following. Nobody in my guild knew about this issue and I have been offline for work so this is all news to me. Here is what I said in the other thread.


"I greatly appreciate the random accusations towards DJO when a guild has a member freak out on the forums, its fun/funny to sit back and let the wackjobs appear from the wood work and riddle the star wars forums with their rampant social disorders and anxieties.


I will repeat myself. What makes DJO superior to the guilds trying pathetically to troll us, is we judge quality by the members/company we keep not by who can kill the Space Ogre to get the best gear the fastest and who can play 48 hours and not suffer from a ischemic stroke. The guilds that I am stating we are superior to are the ones that openly and pathetically attempt to condescend our guild and boast statements like...


"I reached 55 first or I played all night to get to 55,"

"I am the servers first valor 100 in my signature"

"I have seven level 55's"


These are not accomplishments to brag about but vices that can condemn you IRL, it becomes a form of addiction and can ruin lives. So YES DJO beats ASB and Doomed Lemmings HANDS DOWN in every aspect of the game; simply because at the end of the day, to us at DJO it is "just a game."



Rybes (The guy who just owned you)"


Rybes, it is quite obvious that you are behind the troll posts. Not everything revolves around The Dark JedL Order and I hope you know that. You've further reduced your credibility on this server . Let me give the community a few reminders of why you're so horrible.


1) You claim to be unbiased, and that's what makes you the best guild. You just openly insulted Hit and Run, Ascension, and Doomed Lemmings.


2) Hit and Run has run your guildees through operations. We've run you specifically through Lost Island. We've had the patience to teach your members the mechanics of fights in KP, ones that give us 0 benefit to run.


3) Even though you continued to bash us, we ran one of your guild officers through scum and villainy to teach him the mechanics so he could share it with you and your guild. Need I not remind you this was during all of this imposter forum drama. We've done nothing but try to "make nice" yet you continue with your ********.


4) You mock Ascension, when they are obviously a superior guild. They're professional in what they do, and anyone who can turn Solarbased into a raider must be great at something.


5) You mock Doomed Lemmings which is one of the guilds that allows others to raid with them. A lot of Hit and Run's knowledge and growth was due to a Doomed Lemming taking a lot of time to teach us mechanics in raids and to be patient enough with us to give us an opportunity. Your guild? I've seen your previous PVE leaders scream and swear at people for messing up and giving up on them until they leave and go to BETTER guilds.


6) Where is your credibility? You say you haven't been on in a while so the forum posts couldn't be you buy your Shadow on Tatooine says otherwise. Queeef'qun'ginn or something along those lines right? So please, don't try to lie yourself out of this ridiculous hole you've dug yourself.


7) You claim to be a billionaire. You don't even have the exuberantly wealthy title. That means you don't even have 10 million. Hilarious.


8) You claimed server second on NiM EC yet NOBODY in your guild has the achievment for it. Heck, most of the people don't even have sm ec.


9) Need I go on?


Just stop your trolling events and maybe you can save what little dignity and credibility you have.

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anyone who can turn Solarbased into a raider must be great at something


I <3 Solar. He is a fine raider and we all are always learning new things/better ways to play. I am glad we stumbled onto him. He showed his own potential and interest right from the the first flashpoint run, which is how he is on our team.

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I <3 Solar. He is a fine raider and we all are always learning new things/better ways to play. I am glad we stumbled onto him. He showed his own potential and interest right from the the first flashpoint run, which is how he is on our team.


I know :) I just had to poke fun at Solar. haha.

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Live and let live here means DJO won't harass

Other guilds unless harassed. Sure we make mistakes but the prime directive here is for their members

And other guilds members to have fun and grow as a community.


And that is a very admirable cause. It is always a great thing when a guild tries to bring the community together.

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Live and let live here means DJO won't harass

Other guilds unless harassed. Sure we make mistakes but the prime directive here is for their members

And other guilds members to have fun and grow as a community.


The Doomed Lemmings have never "harassed" DJO. Give me proof if you think so. People in my guild may have their opinions about DJO, but again, that's not harassment.


You guys are the only ones doing the harassing at the moment.

Edited by Radzkie
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Live and let live here means DJO won't harass

Other guilds unless harassed. Sure we make mistakes but the prime directive here is for their members

And other guilds members to have fun and grow as a community.


Says the one who brought a personal dispute onto the server forums posing as someone else to sully their name. Stay classy buddy.

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Live and let live here means DJO won't harass

Other guilds unless harassed. Sure we make mistakes but the prime directive here is for their members

And other guilds members to have fun and grow as a community.


This whole fiasco is to further publicize your guilds name. Sad.

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