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Everything posted by Yormik

  1. Is the pre-3.0 pve set still available? If so, which vendor sells the pieces?
  2. Heya Just wondering if any theorycrafting has been done concerning op heals.. I haven't found anything solid on the forums. Did anyone do the math? Are the overkill augments the way to go, or the cunning ones? Is alacrity more of a factor? Is it worth stacking above 3%/4%? What is the DR for crit, and what is the optimal percentage? How about surge? Thank you for your time
  3. Yawn. Try harder next time, please bbeboiii I've asked you consistently to queue 4s, you didn't, and when you said you were queueing, no one in DP was on. When's the last time your VG did ranked? smh. Keep convincing yourself though if it makes you feel good, peasant *Knock Knock*
  4. oooreally... ''bestvgworld'' ... this guy is serious why don't you post more on BC forums about your lowbie pvp records, you seem good at that goml goml my ballsack... if you don't know what that mean, just read it out loud Edit: Oh, I heard you were moving to Wildstar.. pretty sure you'll be back here in no time hehe.. I believe it actually requires ''skill''... clicking and keyboard turning won't cut it anymore, you won't get away with being ''bad''.. and here he thought he was gonna join MVP. lol
  5. Why don't you goml my ballsack? Why would I get on your level when I surpassed it by a long shot? I said a few weeks back that I would be back with more than words, whereas you, still stick to the same BS day after day. I get things done. Server first solo Q (class). Oh and btw, I didn't have to buy my way through it... maybe you should invest that money somewhere else, like moving out of the basement instead of ''servers'', who knows As for ''your'' server first, that technically is not true, didn't happen on BC. You really are a whore when you think about it, buying your way to get a title that doesn't represent **** when you know the ''real'' story. As for best pvper.. I'll let you think about that in your corner. You've been a bad boy. Child please. Please don't come at me with your ''who cares about this or that''... child, you're posting in a pvp record thread to show how much ''heals'' your assassin got... You're desperate. I pity you. Get a job. A real one PS: I bet a few ''kings'' will come at me about how much soloQ doesn't mean anything, but here they are, posting on a pvp record thread about how much they've done... Oh the irony.
  6. Woman? Your father? This ain't the 40s son... get out of your mother's basement and go work a bit harder at that theater... #herecomesthethesis #nobodygivesacrapaboutyou
  7. Gosh Roishybbe, I'm being serious here! Butt butt... where's are #1 VG in the world? Lol... just thinking about it makes me actually lol... #elitistbutfarfromelite But trust me... this kid is gonna play ''with'' MVP/DP in Wildstar... oiiboii, that's like dreaming about Ron Paul 2048!
  8. Not too bad 7/10... try this out now
  9. Ranked should not be bolstered... I could careless about the ''bolster'' elsewhere. How *********** difficult is that?
  10. lololololol, u 1k lower on every single character u have, why u have to sniff around n' call ppl bad when u can't even carry urself... go back where u came from kkthx... I had nothing against u, but u just had toooooooooooo.... imma just say, child please @Evo stop that bbe, that thing is on replay in your house...
  11. @Teuty @JBalla Rating plz. #ipwnun'urcrew #rankwone #proornoobthatslife
  12. Holy fahc, this isn't middle east with you're diplomacy ****... it's a game, called star wars the old republic, get over yourself and do the *********** content... you sound ridiculous lol.
  13. Title says it all. I'll be waiting, Imagine, you and I running across the galaxy, mounting that enormous monster...
  14. #1 highest DPS, #1 highest HPS, #1 highest protection Ranked 8v8 Today, whatever the date is I have seen it. I have eyez. I am proof. Write it down, take a picture, do something!
  15. Can we have a link plz? And if that is true.. then basically we won't even know who's top 5 since they are already resetting it on 2.7, right?
  16. Chewie! Take the Professor in back and plug him into the hyperdrive!
  17. Look, I agree that we shouldn't go back to recruit gear. The bolster should be kept, but closely watched. I shouldn't have to worry about PvE gear when I'm PvPing. Your system doesn't work because it gives an unfair advantage to PvE-ers. You guys already get the gear, crafting materials, money, titles and mounts. Be honest here If I'm PvP-ing, my goal is to get the BiS gear... which should be PvP gear. If I'm PvE-ing, my goal should be the BiS gear... which shoud be PvE gear. What they should do is create PvE relics thats are better than the PvP ones (for PvE-ers). For PvP-ers, they should allow bolster on PvE gear, but in no way or form should it be better than the PvP gear (penalized if you get the PvE bonus set for example). I truly hope that 2.7 will change that... that the 19-something expertise cap for those that don't have 2018 expertise out of warzones will be a big enough <<nerf>> that the high end pvp players will not use PvE gear. Pretty please 2.7, make PvP gear BiS!
  18. That's the thing, PvP gear should be BiS, no matter what. I do not mind PvE-ers having a shot. But what bugs me is seeing raid gear set bonuses being used while I have full Expertise out of a warzone, and the other guy has this advantage over me with PvE gear.
  19. How about the bonus sets you get from doing raids? One way or the other, someone is going to be advantaged, whatever system you implement. It seems you would rather advantage PvE-ers that already have the majority of the cool stuff in-game by doing raids and all (mounts, gear, titles, etc,). I mean come on man, be honest here, what kind of players are advantaged here (your system)?
  20. What you don't seem to understand is that most PvP players do not want to do PvE, like at all. When I log on, I want to get straight to PvP, use the comms I get from them and gear up from that point on. PvE is another aspect of the game, I want nothing to do with it while I'm PvPing. Edit: If I decide to do some PvE and do the high-end content, I need to get the gear. I fail to see how PvE-ers should get everything while PvP-ers have to grind for something in an environment they have no interest in. Once again, PvE-ers want to get everything.
  21. I get where you are coming from, but you do realise that is impossible to implement right? What determines how much health I have and how much main stat I have? How does this work if I have an hybrid spec? I like the idea of having gear with bonus sets, where I get to choose one from the other and swap one in or out. PvE gear in PvP is the problem, not ''gear'' itself.
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