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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vice Commandant’s Contraband Pack


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Don't worry, you are not forgotten. There are new items coming to the CE Vendor with Game Update 2.1! We will have more information on what they are closer to its release.


Im going to guess a green and perhaps magenta efficiency scanner.........also known as a raised middle digit.....

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40$, not a single thing I wanted was obtained. Wasn't even shooting high, wanted any one of a whole mess of items. Instead I got a ton of duplicates from previous packs (return of same emotes, same weapons, etc.) tons of Tier 6 crafting mats which are absolutely worthless. I get the same crap Thul statesmen armor FOUR TIMES. FOUR. No Tirumphant armor, no holo disguise, no mounts, no helmets, Red Blades _pants_. All the crap that noone wants will happily drop.


I have to re-stress - Grade 6 crafting mats too? Who the heck is this useful for anymore?


This whole stupid scratch-ticket system to getting things you want is reminding me why I almost let my sub lapse. All the good things I felt about SWTOR with Makeb and 2.0 is quickly scuttled today when I'm reminded of the near bait-and-switch you have with Cartel Packs. If I'd gotten a single thing I wanted, I wouldnt complain. Instead I simply want my 40$ back.

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40$, not a single thing I wanted was obtained. Wasn't even shooting high, wanted any one of a whole mess of items. Instead I got a ton of duplicates from previous packs (return of same emotes, same weapons, etc.) tons of Tier 6 crafting mats which are absolutely worthless. I get the same crap Thul statesmen armor FOUR TIMES. FOUR. No Tirumphant armor, no holo disguise, no mounts, no helmets, Red Blades _pants_. All the crap that noone wants will happily drop.


I have to re-stress - Grade 6 crafting mats too? Who the heck is this useful for anymore?


This whole stupid scratch-ticket system to getting things you want is reminding me why I almost let my sub lapse. All the good things I felt about SWTOR with Makeb and 2.0 is quickly scuttled today when I'm reminded of the near bait-and-switch you have with Cartel Packs. If I'd gotten a single thing I wanted, I wouldnt complain. Instead I simply want my 40$ back.


I got tons of things I wanted, the entire Vesh set, 2 matriarch sets, relaxed uniform, and much more. RNG is just that, RNG. I also got the Blade pants and helm, several crystals and other such stuff.

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Gotta say... I contribute a decent amount of money to the CM. Good use for my Credit Card. I thought they "upped" the luck system on this. Yet I get all the crap items. And last round I played I got 4 skiffs, the WB crystals, all the weapons, Malaks sets, everything minus the stupid little toothpick and the Scanner. Now I get belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves,belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves,belt, bracers, gloves. I only stress that because I just enjoy the fact I have 1 full cargo bay of just trash. And the reputation system for the Cartel Market, I already maxed, did it by week two. Sorry for my little rant, sounds like everyone else, but I normally never rant, but after $80 of just trash. I'm tired of it.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
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Gotta say... I contribute a decent amount of money to the CM. Good use for my Credit Card. I thought they "upped" the luck system on this. Yet I get all the crap items. And last round I played I got 4 skiffs, the WB crystals, all the weapons, Malaks sets, everything minus the stupid little toothpick and the Scanner. Now I get belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves,belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves,belt, bracers, gloves. I only stress that because I just enjoy the fact I have 1 full cargo bay of just trash. And the reputation system for the Cartel Market, I already maxed, did it by week two. Sorry for my little rant, sounds like everyone else, but I normally never rant, but after $80 of just trash. I'm tired of it.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


can't say I blame you for being pissed. I bought 40 something dollars worth of cartel coins once. Never again.

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can't say I blame you for being pissed. I bought 40 something dollars worth of cartel coins once. Never again.


I mean I have blown well over $500 on cartel packs (split two ways for my wife and I) and I shoot for things I would love to have for my toon, AKA the super rare ****. But I never get it. I didn't get tweaked until the this pack when I just got all belts and bracers and effing gloves. >:(



But someone who understands my pains with this. :) I just wish the CE vendor would have all the vanity crap....


Only time will tell. Don't worry BW ... I still have hope in you.

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belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves,belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves,belt, bracers, gloves

Yep. I hear you. Same mantra here. All I wanted was the Vesh chestpiece/upper body armor, couldn't give a [bleep] about the rest. No joy. Just belt, bracers, gloves, belt, bracers, gloves, belt..............:rolleyes::mad:

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Don't worry, you are not forgotten. There are new items coming to the CE Vendor with Game Update 2.1! We will have more information on what they are closer to its release.
I seem to recall the same thing being said about the other vendor up there in the VIP section. Pretty much zip there. How about you pass off the original CE items to the VIP vendor, like phasing out the obsoletes.
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Best bet of getting the item you want I find is buy the packs, wait for the to become unbound (usually 1 day 16 hours) then sell them unopened on GTN and then buy the item you want.

I used my free pack last month, sold it and bought one of the vehicles I wanted and still was 50k credits up :)


Wish I took my own advice. Just opened my monthly pack and got:

1 x rare (rare lol) Dallorian Alloy (ill add It to the other few hundred my alt has)

1 Flashpoint XP gain (handy for a level 55)

1 Small Reputation trophy

2 ( Yes 2) Jawagrams

1 Blue companion gift.

Edited by Ziso
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135 packs and not a single Than Vesh upper body armor, the only thing I ever wanted in this game - well bioware, you certainly know how to milk people, and I'm just incredibly stupid enough to have fallen for it... I'm THIS close to cancelling my subscription. :mad:
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135 packs and not a single Thana Vesh's upper body armor, the only thing I ever wanted in this game - well bioware, you certainly know how to milk people, and I'm just incredibly stupid enough to have fallen for it... I'm THIS close to cancelling my subscription. :mad:


You spent $390 to try to get Thana's armor? I admit, I love it too, but I'll just wait for someone else to get it and buy it off the GTN when the price stabilizes. Don't be mad at EA for your lack of self control.

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I said I was stupid, I'm just as mad at myself for that. And good point, guess I'll just sell most of the stuff I got in the packs and hope it'll be enough for the upper body armor when (if) it goes up on the GTN.


LOL - well, I think I've done my part to keep this game afloat:P


Edit: just wanted to apologize to BW if I seemed a little harsh in the earlier post - I was just a little frustrated and needed to vent.

Edited by Karovd
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Don't worry, you are not forgotten. There are new items coming to the CE Vendor with Game Update 2.1! We will have more information on what they are closer to its release.

It's really pathetic that a vocal minority has milked precious development attention which this game desperately needs in other areas to go towards adding new CE items which makes no sense. The CE was a one time thing we bought over a year ago, we do not deserve updates, make your damn game better.

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Give it till about 6 PM tonight and the market will be flooded with the new items. Although the Vesh armor and Bastila look to he fairly rare as I only got the Vesh pants and Bastila boots/bracers so they might go for a lot but hey at least it's not the lotto. Although I admit I kinda like the random chance thing.


I bought a hypercrate plus 1 pack (additional 1 was to max my rep to buy Revans helm finally without dropping 4-5 mill on it) I did get both sabers for my sin plus the 2 new mounts that aren't skiffs in additions to 3 silver-blue crystals and the red blade helm/chest/gloves. I thought I actually made out well this time around. At least the rifle and sniper rifle are much cooler then the prior packs as well. The thul crap and jawa and the I can't recall the name starts with an ma set I got a crap load of they will probably end up like the organa loyalist and state set that are worth nothing.


Also got 2 relaxed uni shirts and covert gloves I think they will be all over the place as well. The only thing I would've liked I didn't get was the Thes boots and chest and Triumvent chest. Oh and the new ship pet! But oh well better then other crates I bought. I just wish we could vendor the crap like genteel and covert stuff and organa I just end up destroying it and that makes those packs feel sorta like a waste but I never regret it. I love Star Wars and I know what I am buying a random crap shoot!

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It's really pathetic that a vocal minority has milked precious development attention which this game desperately needs in other areas to go towards adding new CE items which makes no sense. The CE was a one time thing we bought over a year ago, we do not deserve updates, make your damn game better.


2/10 on the troll-o-meter.


Seeing that REGULAR updates was a very obvious and emphasized advertisement, it is not a one time deal.


And minority? What game are you playing? I'd say half the player base consisted of CE Owners haha. Unless you server just happens to not have any?


But yeah, have fun with your delusions. ;)

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Hey Gullesvupper,


The Stalwart Protector's Armor Set is the Trooper character creation armor. We will be posting a preview image with the Cartel Market Update blog, which I'll be putting up on the site tomorrow. :sy_havoc:


Bahahhaha....haha....ha.... heh. :/


Re-skinned armor with the color theme of a Creamsicle....


Well, I have to admit, it's pretty on-par w/ the comparative care they take w/ the class in general. lol.

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I was very happy. until... I noticed Silver-Blue looks horribly close to Cyan. Guess ill have to wait for Dark Blue in the shipment 3...






I am outraged. Holo Revan Satue has the wrong lower robe, and his gloves didnt have the metal device on them. So to not only stack the fact revans gettable outfit is still bugged. You overlook his holostatue aswell? I love you added more cool revan related things, but unless you fix them than add more with bugged things to it. please stop at the holo statue. :(




P.S. Thul Soldier armor is translated incorrectly. which might be the only thing you'll aknowlage from me. Edit: heh... so far I am right on the money on this..



Eric Musco, you said you were investigating the double hood issue. what about this?




Then we heard nothing since..




still nothing.

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135 packs and not a single Than Vesh upper body armor, the only thing I ever wanted in this game - well bioware, you certainly know how to milk people, and I'm just incredibly stupid enough to have fallen for it... I'm THIS close to cancelling my subscription. :mad:


For $390, you should've bought them all, waited for the cool-down, sold all 135 on the GTN, made millions (so much you reached your cap, probably!) and just bought Thana's armor, and with the remaining credits buy Revan's mask and every other expensive item you can use for your class on the GTN, because you'd have that many credits from what you just sold. :cool:

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Restored Triumvirate Body Armor - Bounty Hunter - Can we please have the flame boost from skill "Recharge and Reload" come from the boots instead of a glitch, imaginary backpack?


Thank you,


So this animation on Restored Triumvirate Body Armor without backpack but not on Partisan Bounty Hunters gear with backpack? :eek::confused:

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Revan holo x2

Bastila Shan's Tunic

•Matriarchal Lower Body Armor

•House Thul Loyalist Upper Body

•House Thul Loyalist Auxiliary

•Matriarchal Auxiliary Body Armor

•Bastila Shan’s Bracers



Not bad for only 5 boxes ^_^


If any1 seriously wants them im on the proginator server xD


P.S any give me ideas on value of these items


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