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RotHC // 2.0 : Healing - It's ridiculous.


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I bet a team with 3 healers will be the winner in every warzone ( maybe Huttball not ), except the players are not complete *******.


3 healers makes an 8 man team "immortal" in many ways. Doesn't matter if the other 5 are DD's or tanks - but as soon as there are 3 healers, you can't kill any player ( not mentioning 1:1 ).

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Don't look at me, I am just a RDPS player that gets LoSed to death by healers as well as gets his roots cleansed and removed without much effort. Ask your marauder friend to aid you in puting the healers out of their misery, because right now they broke Pyrotech as a healer killer spec.


A good marauder now is more important than ever to have in a warzone.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Bingo. If you see people being healed, locate the healer. Even if you are not killing them, you are annoying them, making them heal themselves, making them run around. Healers are the only class where if they are 1 on 1, they really arent doing their job at all, even if its a stalemate.


The other reason people are probably noticing pve healers, is because (at least me) I run a full heal specc, none of that gimped out hybrid. So I have a ton of healing tools and never look to do any damage. Many zones previously had healers with bubble stun, so that wasnt actually healing 100% of the time, they were just being general annoyances.


Right now 1 good healer probably makes a bigger difference than 1 good tank or 1 good dps, but in terms of role utility, the healer still relies on everyone else doing their job properly.


The funny thing is that healers still have the lowest mitigation compared to DPS let alone tanks, so even if your sole goal is to pad DPS you might as well hit a healer anyway. I think people have this wrong concept of what focus fire means. If you're the only guy attacking their healer you do get focus fired and die terribly. Some people take that to mean attacking a healer leads to focus fire = bad idea. But if every DPS is attacking the healer at every reasonable opportunity, there's no magical DPS the opposing team can conjure out of thin air to bring down your team that they didn't use before.

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I looked at that, not sure what you are getting at. I cant see how much damage those 3 healers took. I can say that none of those 3 healers put out exceptional healing (all undeer 300k).


Not to mention, the other team seemed to have 0 dedicated healers?


Looks like 2 players were trying a ****** hybrid spec, where they put out bad damage and bad healing.



I bet a team with 3 healers will be the winner in every warzone ( maybe Huttball not ), except the players are not complete *******.


3 healers makes an 8 man team "immortal" in many ways. Doesn't matter if the other 5 are DD's or tanks - but as soon as there are 3 healers, you can't kill any player ( not mentioning 1:1 ).


Didnt you just say you dont play 55 pvp?


Lowbie pvp is not a good place to draw conclusions on.


And you shouldnt kill a good healer 1 on 1, pretty much under any circumstances. In fact most players are very hard to kill 1 on 1, if they are actually trying to mitigate death, instead of just death matching.

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This is what happens when you stack healers:






Pretty pointless screenshot. The team that lost with "stacked" healers had pretty horrible healers. None of them broke 300k, and none beat out the operative healing. The DPS on the losing team wasn't all that good either, well below the DPS of the winning team.


All that screenshot shows is that the winning team was good, and the losing team was bad.

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The 3 (or more) healer team requires a different approach compared to normal and most people aren't good at reacting on the fly.


A heavy healing team will generally send like 4 guys to your natural node immediately on a 2 node map (Novare Coast/Alderaan/Hypergates) with the intention of denying you from ever capturing that with their superior heals. They have to do this because this team has an extremely hard time capturing any nodes once control is established, as this team lacks DPS. A heal heavy team should abandon the middle room completely in Hypergates, because you're not going to win in a war of attrition if you have any respect for your opponents. Instead your goal is simply cap your own turret and deny the other side from capping and hope that 75 point from capping is enough. I had a game against 4 healer team, the score was 75-0 after first round, with 75 being the team with 4 healers. That is, they capped their pylon and denied us from capping, and they never killed a single person. But instead of ragequitting after round 1 being behind 0-75, we realized what they're doing and we did the same thing back to them by assaulting their pylon immediately (they can't kill us either) and beat them at their own game. It was one of the bizarrest game I've played as there was one round where neither side capped a pylon, and the score was like 400-200 (we're ahead) at the end of the X6 round. I think our side died a total of 7 times and 5 of them were from pylon explosions, and they had similar numbers too.

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Don't look at me, I am just a RDPS player that gets LoSed to death by healers as well as gets his roots cleansed and removed without much effort. Ask your marauder friend to aid you in puting the healers out of their misery, because right now they broke Pyrotech as a healer killer spec.


A good marauder now is more important than ever to have in a warzone.


Deception Sin is pretty good at beating healers too.

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Having healers makes the warzones interesting, because actual tactics make a difference. My favorite thing to do is feint as a healer. Once I know Ive been marked, Ill feint to a different node, knowing that about 4 jump monkeys will immediately be on the chase. By the time I get to snow (grass, west, etc) my team has gone after the other position.


Kind of funny watching a train follow me, only to realize that they dun messed up. :)

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We played in a rateds match and in voidstar the opposing team decided to respec 4 healers while they were defending. At the end of the match we won by 2 kills overall. While you can't kill anybody neither can they. I would also say because of bolster all matches are more ranked style and basically means whoever gets the objective first usually wins. This is what everyone wanted with bolster amirite? Matches that are more even? Don't give me this bolster stuff because you get bolstered to as dps. ( I am almost fully geared with partisan) Finally lethality snipers/slingers put up more damage than healers if you are good. If you are mad OP that you can't faceroll undergeared players anymore welcome to 2.0.
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Never had a problem pre 2.0 with healers they felt extremely balanced.


Ok, so, you never had a problem killing them so that meant they were balanced. Think of that from the healer point of view...I always die, so this must be balanced. If you NEVER had a problem w/ healers they WEREN'T balanced...

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Ok, so, you never had a problem killing them so that meant they were balanced. Think of that from the healer point of view...I always die, so this must be balanced. If you NEVER had a problem w/ healers they WEREN'T balanced...


Haha yep.


And the irony is, against a good team, I generally still die the most, I just now am able to actually heal and help out before I get 3-4 on me. I wonder if dps even know how to check "Damage received", because some of these character are taking less than 50-100k per zone. Im taking 400-500k pretty regularly. When my team loses the first thing I look at is how much damage did the other teams healer receive. I almost never lose a wz when my team put up more damage on their healers.




Go to your User Interface and you can change it so that it shows numbers.

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So this is what happens if healing is gimped. Not only does it lower the output of healing on the enemy team but also on your team as well. That means you'll die quicker even with a healer following you around.


If you can't beat a healer in PvP then maybe that healer is geared well and knows what he/she is doing. There's only been a few cases I've gone up against healers and couldn't kill them solo (at which time I move onto another target). They were good healers who understood the strengths and weaknesses of their class. They probably didn't kill anyone either.


Also, do you expect the healer to just sit there and take damage from you? Thats just asinine. Of course they are going to run away/kite you and heal themselves while doing so. You mad because you can't keep up??? You suck lol. Plain and simple.

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Ok, so, you never had a problem killing them so that meant they were balanced. Think of that from the healer point of view...I always die, so this must be balanced. If you NEVER had a problem w/ healers they WEREN'T balanced...


You didn't read my post correctly, I thought they were balanced because if they were godly i knew they worked for their gear, but bolster is getting fixed so if it truley does i can care less about this issue now.

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So this is what happens if healing is gimped. Not only does it lower the output of healing on the enemy team but also on your team as well. That means you'll die quicker even with a healer following you around.


If you can't beat a healer in PvP then maybe that healer is geared well and knows what he/she is doing. There's only been a few cases I've gone up against healers and couldn't kill them solo (at which time I move onto another target). They were good healers who understood the strengths and weaknesses of their class. They probably didn't kill anyone either.


Also, do you expect the healer to just sit there and take damage from you? Thats just asinine. Of course they are going to run away/kite you and heal themselves while doing so. You mad because you can't keep up??? You suck lol. Plain and simple.


quoted for truth

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You are ignoring one important thing here: Normal warzones.


I don't know what kind of normal warzones you are playing but mine consist of atleast four clueless pugs. So how do you implement tactics and "focus" when everyone is scattered and no one ever listens? Yes, your own healers will most likely be able to free cast too but I've never argued that I win less because of healers. I'm arguing that it's *********** boring to play this way. And no, I can't single handedly burn down a healer while he has another healer healing him.

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With all the damage available out there, I am surprised healers even stand a chance, but with the shield mechnics changed and the increase in Trauma, healers are pretty close to being balanced. Basically they are about the same as they were prior to 2.0. Good ones are good, facetanker ones are still bad, and no peels/guards mean healers go down... I still constantly see healers trying to get casts off when I am in melee range, and it always seems that I am the only one peeling..
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