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Did Revan fall in the end *spoilers*


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So on the Republic side you rescue Revan from Maelstrom Prison, then on Empire side you track down Revan and attack him. You find out he is making a droid army with the sole purpose of wiping out anyone with even a hint of Sith Blood. To me that sounds like genocide and not something a Jedi would do. Also when you "finish" Revan he says "And now I know how you felt in the end, old friend" in which he is referring [i think] to Malek when he died on the Star Forge. Then Revan vanishes in a flash of light much like the Emperor in TOR and ROTJ. So in the end had Revan fallen back to the Dark Side? And a 2nd question. Do you think Revan is dead, or did he simply use the force to vanish.
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He vanished. In beta, you could actually kill him and loot his body.


Interesting, I'm curious if that was for an eventual return either in game or in book form. Or if BW simply wanted to add some mystery with no real plan to continue Revans story

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I think with both Revan and the Emperor you need to apply "Soap Opera" logic. They are not dead unless you see a body, and even if you see a body it could have just been a clone/twin/possessed.


So no, i don't think Revan is dead or that the Emperor is gone for good.

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If you pay attention during his fight in the Foundry flashpoint, you'll see that the buff for the Ataru combat stance says "Total Balance" and at one point, after he starts using lightning storm, the stance changes to Shii-Cho and it says "Power Of The Darkside" instead. Having that in mind, I assume it's safe to say that 300 years under the Emperor's control took its toll.


Also, it is indeed a reference to his old friend and padawan but it's Malak, not Malek.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Revan refers to the Jedi Exile as "old friend" at the end. The fact that he disappears before his health reaches 0 makes me believe that he's not done yet.


As for the light/dark side thing, revan was a Jedi, fell to the dark side and became a Sith Lord. He was betrayed by his apprentice, Lord Malak and redeemed by the Jedi. He became a Jedi again while knowing and understanding both sides of the force. This gives him complete control over the force, dark and light side combined.


I still find it odd that he's trying to wipe out an entire species. Revan from KOTOR would never have dreamed that, he destroyed the star forge for crying out loud!


Would like to see some reference of satele Shan being revans offspring though .

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Keep in mind, one technology that the Rakata were known to have (And found functioning on Belsavis) is a matter transporter.


The Foundry is a gigantic Rakatan installation.


Force nothing. Revan was, if nothing else, a long-term planner. He had an emergency teleport set up.

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Keep in mind, one technology that the Rakata were known to have (And found functioning on Belsavis) is a matter transporter.


The Foundry is a gigantic Rakatan installation.


Force nothing. Revan was, if nothing else, a long-term planner. He had an emergency teleport set up.


Or force warp.

Don't forget force warp.

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After Darth Maul came back after being cut in half and falling down a bottomless pit, I'd say Revan's being alive is more than a possibility.


All he did was disappear. No clothes left, either: so he didn't become one with the force.

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So on the Republic side you rescue Revan from Maelstrom Prison, then on Empire side you track down Revan and attack him. You find out he is making a droid army with the sole purpose of wiping out anyone with even a hint of Sith Blood. To me that sounds like genocide and not something a Jedi would do. Also when you "finish" Revan he says "And now I know how you felt in the end, old friend" in which he is referring [i think] to Malek when he died on the Star Forge. Then Revan vanishes in a flash of light much like the Emperor in TOR and ROTJ. So in the end had Revan fallen back to the Dark Side? And a 2nd question. Do you think Revan is dead, or did he simply use the force to vanish.


what? i never tracked down revan and attacked him...my story ended with malgus creating his own mini empire....

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Revan refers to the Jedi Exile as "old friend" at the end.


No no no. actually he is talking to the dead Darth Malak, whose last words were "As the darkness takes me, I am nothing." and Revan says "As the darkness takes me, I am nothing. Now I know how you felt, old friend." an obvious reference to Malak since they were good longtime friends. This dialogue directly referenced Malak's prior death and thus Revan's death in Beta, since he would literally fall dead and you could loot/dance on his corpse.


Anyway my guess is, since his fate is uncertain and he has literally no friends or allies. [Even Republic thinks he's dead] he will be used as the Emperor's final vessel in some much later expansion flash point, operation, or [far more likely] planet storyline, since it's confirmed in Makeb that the Emperor is basically a bodiless force ghost for the time being, and a final sacrifice to destroy the Emperor [with the help of the protagonist] would appease most Revan fans and allow the character some closure.

Edited by maxetius
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No no no. actually he is talking to the dead Darth Malak, whose last words were "As the darkness takes me, I am nothing." and Revan says "As the darkness takes me, I am nothing. Now I know how you felt, old friend." an obvious reference to Malak since they were good longtime friends. This dialogue directly referenced Malak's prior death and thus Revan's death in Beta, since he would literally fall dead and you could loot/dance on his corpse.

No, there is also line "Thank you, old friend. I will finish what we started". It happens after Mitra disappears.

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No, there is also line "Thank you, old friend. I will finish what we started". It happens after Mitra disappears.


You're talking about two different flashpoints. He talks to Meetra when the Republic saves him. Says the other quote before he disappears on the Empire flashpoint.

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And, by the way, I don't understand how the Republic, and the Jedi council, could condone Revan's extermination plan... I think they are aware of his plans, aren't they? :rak_02:


Var Suthra's crazy weapons, Godera's research, Barrager on Balmorra, experiments on Belsavis.... Revan extermination plan matches the other deeds of "good Republic".

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i mean at this point whether Revan fell or not doesnt really matter. he's been in touch with both sides for so long i feel as if its more like how he feels in the morning...do i feel like a jedi today? nah im feeling sithy. he can obviously draw on either side whenever he wants. and i guess its more important wat he does in the future of the game. and no he's not dead.... its been confirmed they chose not to kill him in an interview so to decide how they will use such a key icon in the future. (idk why ppl still ask if he's dead...) fact is. they wont kill him till he meets his descendant. i call it.
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And, by the way, I don't understand how the Republic, and the Jedi council, could condone Revan's extermination plan... I think they are aware of his plans, aren't they? :rak_02:


Shades of grey, the Republic are by no means saints.


Actually the implication of Revan surviving his flash of light disappearance would be interesting as later on in the canon Shaak ti disappeared in an almost identical fashion during her 'death'.

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i mean at this point whether Revan fell or not doesnt really matter. he's been in touch with both sides for so long i feel as if its more like how he feels in the morning...do i feel like a jedi today? nah im feeling sithy. he can obviously draw on either side whenever he wants. and i guess its more important wat he does in the future of the game. and no he's not dead.... its been confirmed they chose not to kill him in an interview so to decide how they will use such a key icon in the future. (idk why ppl still ask if he's dead...) fact is. they wont kill him till he meets his descendant. i call it.


Pretty sure he already did, since by the end of the Maelstrom Prison flashpoint, he's on his way to Tython to share all he knows with the Jedi Council. I believe it's safe to assume that Satele was there.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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And, by the way, I don't understand how the Republic, and the Jedi council, could condone Revan's extermination plan... I think they are aware of his plans, aren't they? :rak_02:


I don't think they actually knew the plan. They knew Revan was building a droid army to defeat the Empire, but only Revan and HK-47 knew that the droids were programmed for genocide.


(That would make the most sense, I guess.)

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Revan lives on, at least on my server. There's: Revann, Reven, Revaan, and just about every variation in between. :rolleyes:


But seriously, he isn't dead. I remember being able to actually kill him in beta too, but that was changed for their own reasons. Personally, I think they've squeezed all the life of out that character they can and it's time to let it go. I'd like to see him be gone for good in an upcoming operation. Malgus is dead, the Emperor is dead, give the Empire players some love and let them have Revan's head on a stick. It will tick off the fanboys something fierce.


Also, Revan's stance changes throughout the fight. It goes from light to balance to dark.

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