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I'm Finding it Hard to Play a Dark Side Character, Suggestions?


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As the title says.. I want to play a dark side character because I feel like i'm missing out on a lot of lore if I don't.. But every time I try to play a dark side character, I get sucked into my characters story and I can't help but make the same decisions I would most likely make myself..


I'm all about helping people and saving them because I just think it's the right thing to do i'm a charitable person and I believe that whomever I help will one day repay me.


I find killing potential allies, useful people & innocents just pointless and wrong.. But isn't that what being a dark sider is all about?


I really am missing out on a lot of lore such as dark side jaesa & general conversation choices.. My only idea to play a dark sider is as follows.


I'm forced into the sith order (or any other order for that matter) and I am corrupted by my trainers and twisted into a weapon of hate and cruelty, not by my choice, but through manipulation and so on. And anyway that sends me pretty dark and I end up killing most people not because I want to, but because I fear if I don't I would let my superiors down and they would kill me or someone I know.. I'm just trying to survive and it's the only way.


So I go on.. killing and deceiving, betraying, lying and bringing people to my side as my masters command.. I still refuse to kill innocent civilians or young people, because even if i'm ordered to, something deep within me stops me from doing it.


I am not beyond redemption, and someday I will turn away from the path of evil and set about changing the galaxy into a better place, I just need somebody to reach out to me, to bring out my inner good.. and it will happen some day.. but not while I still have masters or superiors watching over my shoulder.



Anyway that's the only possible way I could play a dark sided character.. Would I truly be a dark sider like this? or would I have to go full evil and slaughter countless civilians and so on to be a dark side character.. if so, to hell with that.


What do you think? any suggestions?



EDIT; Another thing that could of happened which corrupted me, was I was traded along with a bunch of other people by a corrupt jedi master to the sith to spare the life of one pathetic senate, hundreds of us were traded for him. and this could make me hate the republic and the jedi order ect.


And after this my family tries to rescue me, and they are executed by the same senate for treason and crimes against the republic.. making me REALLY Hate them.

Edited by Berronaxftw
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The key to playing a convincing dark side character is to turn off the alignment loss/gain indicators and roleplay exactly how you would play your character. Never pick an option simply because it has the dark side symbol beside it. Many of them fall into the realm of "chaotic stupid" rather than "intelligent evil" or "necessary evil". Act as you feel a true Sith, or a dark Jedi, etc. would (or whatever your character is).


You may even end up with some light side points, but that's just a meaningless number that has no effect on gameplay. I have probably overused this example, but if Palpatine was somehow bought this game and was playing through the Old Republic, he would have probably racked up about 10,000 light side points (i.e. not mindlessly killing people) before finally revealing his true nature and taking over the Republic.

Edited by Jenzali
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I role play my character as a DS character, he is helpful doesn't kill innocents or potential allies.

He's loyal to the Empire and will strike down any republic solider or npc without a second thought.

He strikes down anyone who mocks or betrays the Empire, but is always nice to non-sith and other races.

My character is a DS 4 and has not killed innocents or potential allies, he focuses on protecting the Empires interest and citizens.


There is this one mission on Alderaan where there is a DS option to basically kidnap a lady of the house and give her to another house. I went lightside and spared her, and the dude who wanted me too do it tries to betray you later on I killed him for lying on her and to my master(DS). And spared his body guards(LS)



I basically spare people who was there at the wrong time or was betrayed.

Edited by momentDroid
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After playing 1 pure light side character and 2 pure dark side characters I'd recommend against playing in any one direction.


There's not much of a point in going completely one sided unless that's the way you want to play it that way.


I personally had more fun with Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter story lines because I was playing them more grey or doing what I wanted rather than sticking to an alignment.


To a certain degree I actually wish the LS/DS system wasn't in the game. I feel like people would be more inclined to play the way they wanted or would possibly role play a little more, rather than trying to go down a good/evil path. Not to mention alot of the choices aren't just simply good/evil choices. There are a number of times where the light/dark side actually have no place or context in certain decisions that they're marked with.


I understand why they included them though, because people expected it, but honestly at this point, the whole good/evil thing is an outdated system and thankfully we're seeing more games that involve choice move away from that like The Witcher and The Walking Dead.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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As the title says.. I want to play a dark side character because I feel like i'm missing out on a lot of lore if I don't.. But every time I try to play a dark side character, I get sucked into my characters story and I can't help but make the same decisions I would most likely make myself..


I'm all about helping people and saving them because I just think it's the right thing to do i'm a charitable person and I believe that whomever I help will one day repay me.


I find killing potential allies, useful people & innocents just pointless and wrong.. But isn't that what being a dark sider is all about?


I really am missing out on a lot of lore such as dark side jaesa & general conversation choices.. My only idea to play a dark sider is as follows.


I'm forced into the sith order (or any other order for that matter) and I am corrupted by my trainers and twisted into a weapon of hate and cruelty, not by my choice, but through manipulation and so on. And anyway that sends me pretty dark and I end up killing most people not because I want to, but because I fear if I don't I would let my superiors down and they would kill me or someone I know.. I'm just trying to survive and it's the only way.


So I go on.. killing and deceiving, betraying, lying and bringing people to my side as my masters command.. I still refuse to kill innocent civilians or young people, because even if i'm ordered to, something deep within me stops me from doing it.


I am not beyond redemption, and someday I will turn away from the path of evil and set about changing the galaxy into a better place, I just need somebody to reach out to me, to bring out my inner good.. and it will happen some day.. but not while I still have masters or superiors watching over my shoulder.



Anyway that's the only possible way I could play a dark sided character.. Would I truly be a dark sider like this? or would I have to go full evil and slaughter countless civilians and so on to be a dark side character.. if so, to hell with that.


What do you think? any suggestions?

Friend, I'm a dark sith warrior... Dark 4 in fact. But, I still make light options when the dark goes against my every moral. For example, on Belsavis, I chose to spare Jedi Master Timins. (Jaesa didn't like that). I also took off Vette's shock collar, and eventually married her. But i still made all the major dark options. I KILLED Darth Baras, I KILLED The voice of the Emperor. I CHOKED Malavai Quinn to near death, and then kicked him to wake him back up. It's okay to mix light and dark together.

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I might suggest a Trooper.


While my SW is dark side, was up to light side 2, by the time she got to Jaesa, she was neutral, and when she killed Baras, it was enough dark side points to end her at dark side 2. I didn't go in with either LS or DS in mind.


Now my Trooper, I went in with the thought of her following orders, as I knew of one dark side option that was following orders from a previous attempt at a trooper.


Wanting a dark side twi'lek (so I can get her white, which is a great look on twi'leks), I went with Trooper and the idea that, "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few" and thusly...on Esseles...crew out the air lock (the other alternative wasn't 100%) and Asara left behind (as Kilran may decide to chase them untill he got them...so this kept the passengers safe).


And OMG, first time I'd ever seen the DS options to Esseles and it was heart breaking!

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When I play my sith characters i tend to do more evil things. However part of the sith code is to never dispose of a potential ally (not specifically stated in the code but is explained as an understanding in the sith warrior story). I they can be useful they live. My characters do not tolerate weakness and will not hesitate to eliminate a potential weakness to the empire. However if they have proven useful then they are an asset to the empire and to me.


And i did the same thing to that traitorous fool quinn lol. I enjoyed every second of that cutscene :D

Edited by samrayx
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Roleplaying aside, play the story as you see fit, or have fun doing. If every Sith in the Old Republic was Dark V because he took every Dark Side option, the Empire would fall apart. The person who said 'chaotic stupid" was right on.


I also agree with SithKoriander that Dark Trooper is easier to play. A lot of it is 'follow orders to the letter' and 'being a little mercenary too.'


As far as game mechanics, if you want Dark V for the Legacy bonus ability, the title, or to wear Dark V relics, run a bunch of flashpoints at the end of the game and chose the Dark option. For RP purposes, I don't consider flashpoints to be part of my character's story so crushing some Mandalorians or Advosec in their flashpoints doesn't matter to me.

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Be pratical. Often DS decisions are more beneficial than lightside ones. Cast aside your morals and think, what will be best of the Empire? This will likely lead to you making a majority of decisions dark side and a smattering of light side ones. You'll find yourself killing and destroying a lot, but refraining from doing so when it seems to serve no purpose. Given the fact that your character is corrupted, he or she is likely to use fear of pain or death to keep his or her subordinates in line.


One thing I will say though is that, as far as I'm aware, you don't have to be dark sided to get dark side Jaesa, you just have the make the DS choice at that moment, which makes sense. However you have to make DS choices to get affection with here, but she also hands that stuff out like cookies.

Edited by Beniboybling
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But every time I try to play a dark side character, I get sucked into my characters story and I can't help but make the same decisions I would most likely make myself..


Lol i have the same problem but with light side characaters.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Yea, I don't choose options purely for the dark side or light side points, I just find most of the dark side options a little to dark and.. well to be frank, stupid.


So every time I try to play a dark sided character i'm always sucked into my characters story and I pick the options I would pick myself which ends up mostly picking light side options.


I have loyalty to the empire's citizens, but not to the empires rulers, nor it's policies and ways, to be frank I hate the slavery in the empire and one day I hope to change that, because as history shows using fear, oppression and similar tactics to rule will always lead to destruction.


But as one previous poster said, I could just farm dark points in the black talon hehe :p

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I tried to make a dark side inquisitor once, but gave up on Dromund Kaas. Always felt bad after majority of dark side choices. Deleted character and have no regrets. :)


I didn't make it passed korriban.. I found it stupid killing and torturing everyone.. for one, torture is evil, it only serves to pleasure the person doing it, it bends the truth, people will say anything to make it stop. And secondly killing potential allies and resources it plain stupid and just evil.

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I didn't make it passed korriban.. I found it stupid killing and torturing everyone.. for one, torture is evil, it only serves to pleasure the person doing it, it bends the truth, people will say anything to make it stop. And secondly killing potential allies and resources it plain stupid and just evil.


Its not stupid as long as it makes u stronger in Dark Side. It's better to have 1 powerful sith than 100 weak servants.

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I didn't make it passed korriban.. I found it stupid killing and torturing everyone.. for one, torture is evil, it only serves to pleasure the person doing it, it bends the truth, people will say anything to make it stop. And secondly killing potential allies and resources it plain stupid and just evil.
Interesting, I'd like to know what you would do in the following situation...


You've confront a pair of Jedi Masters in a unstable cave on Hoth. One of the masters has been trapped here for many years and yet to recover, yet he has become powerful and a threat to the Empire. You defeat the first master, yet the second bargains for his life. Claiming he is no longer concerned with the war and has no intention of returning. Do you: kill both masters anyway, or spare them and collapse the cave, leaving the Jedi to continue his transcendence?

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Interesting, I'd like to know what you would do in the following situation...


You've confront a pair of Jedi Masters in a unstable cave on Hoth. One of the masters has been trapped here for many years and yet to recover, yet he has become powerful and a threat to the Empire. You defeat the first master, yet the second bargains for his life. Claiming he is no longer concerned with the war and has no intention of returning. Do you: kill both masters anyway, or spare them and collapse the cave, leaving the Jedi to continue his transcendence?


This situation seems familiar...


Sith Warrior story if i remember correctly? I killed them whether he said he was uninterested or not he is still a threat to the empire


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Interesting, I'd like to know what you would do in the following situation...


You've confront a pair of Jedi Masters in a unstable cave on Hoth. One of the masters has been trapped here for many years and yet to recover, yet he has become powerful and a threat to the Empire. You defeat the first master, yet the second bargains for his life. Claiming he is no longer concerned with the war and has no intention of returning. Do you: kill both masters anyway, or spare them and collapse the cave, leaving the Jedi to continue his transcendence?


I would spare him, and then place spies to watch him and if he made one move against the empire I would find him and kill him for betraying my trust.

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Its not stupid as long as it makes u stronger in Dark Side. It's better to have 1 powerful sith than 100 weak servants.


those 100 "weak servants" could become your loyal followers if you treat them right, loyalty inspires heroism and those weak servants could become formidable warriors

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Is it bad that I find it easy?


Saying that though, it's also because it works for who my characters are.


But I found dark side Bounty Hunter worked better than Sith characters. With Sith, it just feels all too predictable: force choke this guy, kill this Jedi etc etc... but with the Hunter, it really felt like you're playing a ruthless contractor.


So I just think of it as, that's who my characters are, I'm not thinking 'I wouldn't do this IRL so I can't do it here'.

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