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Nerf the Healing, Buff the DPS


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I think Bioware needs to rethink how pvp should work. Right now you have healers and tanks who are only support roles in pvp. I think they need buff the dps across the board. Healer, tank, and dps need the damage to their attacks increased. You can help counter this by also buffing defensive CDs, but increase the length of time it takes for CDs to be ready again.


I don't think tanks or healer are worthless by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, it is the opposite. One tank and two healers seems to the to most optimal build for pvp. This really shouldn't happened. The way how pvp is now it makes tanks and healers more viable than a dps class. It is really screwy when a healer with guard can do a better job at tanking in pvp then an actual tank. If dps is boosted for everyone, then I believe you will see people taking on a more offensive approach to the game.


I think healing should only come in short bursts, and in-between those bursts healers can spend their time dpsing, and their damage being only slightly less effective as an actual DPS.

Edited by Tycoon
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If you can't burn through someone in a matter of seconds your doing something wrong.


Boosting dps would mean that everybody would be REQUIRED to have healers and tanks, I don't know if you pay any attention, but not every single team always has a couple heals and at least 1 tank.

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Healing need to be nerfed for sure. Right now a team with 2-3 good healers is virtually invincible.



Yes i'll agree there healing is very strong at the moment. Incredibly more so with a tank next to them.

I do not think the issue however is that DPS is low, because i've been seeing some astonishingly high numbers in wz's at the moment. I think the issue is that there needs to be a way to reduce healing done, or healing received.


Possibly by adding a debuff ability, maybe something along the lines of "apply XXX to the target, when the target of XXX is healed, 30% of that heal is transferred to you, can only be used on an enemy player."


I can see issues with something like that, but I can also see it as a very good way to fix the issue of super strong healers.

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Healing need to be nerfed for sure. Right now a team with 2-3 good healers is virtually invincible.



The title of this post is bad, but healers are insane now. Leave DPS the same and scale back healers just a tiny bit. Maybe increase the costs of their actions a bit or increase cooldowns so it doesn't take 3 people to burn down a healer.

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I think Bioware needs to rethink how pvp should work. Right now you have healers and tanks who are only support roles in pvp. I think they need buff the dps across the board. Healer, tank, and dps need the damage to their attacks increased. You can help counter this by also buffing defensive CDs, but increase the length of time it takes for CDs to be ready again.


I don't think tanks or healer are worthless by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, it is the opposite. One tank and two healers seems to the to most optimal build for pvp. This really shouldn't happened. The way how pvp is now it makes tanks and healers more viable than a dps class. It is really screwy when a healer with guard can do a better job at tanking in pvp then an actual tank. If dps is boosted for everyone, then I believe you will see people taking on a more offensive approach to the game.


I think healing should only come in short bursts, and in-between those bursts healers can spend their time dpsing, and their damage being only slightly less effective as an actual DPS.



DPS are hitting 1-1.5 million in a match... dps does not need a buff ---- terribads who relied on overpowered specs to 3 shot people need to learn how to play the game....

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very constructive...


Dude I was not trying to be an *****. It was just funny man. It's not that healers need a nerf it is the team composition you play. The burst on dps now is crazy strong for almost all classes. How can you say healers need a nerf. Plus don't merc/commando healers still suck? I will just say this good players will ALWAYS BE GOOD and BADS WILL ALWAYS BE BAD!

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