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Finished Makeb...disappointed


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I, and several people I play with, have thought that makeb was some very nice piece of work, both graphics-wise (Makeb in general, plus I love the new water animation) and story-wise (yes, it is the same, but I still found it quite enjoyable).

Also, there is way more to RotHc than just main Makeb storyline. You have staged weekly missions that offer several quest that will take some time to finish. It offers several more hours worth of new dailies, several hours of two new missions revolving around Macrobinoculars and seeker droids, new Operation with some interesting and funny mechanics, and much more.

In my opinion, RotHC were the best 10$ spent in a long time

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It's not really, he was complaining about something he paid for that he finished in 3 days. The point being made was that CoD costs 6 times more and is finished in a fraction of the time but you never hear people complain as often about that fact.


People play the campaign on COD?

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I enjoy all the other things they added other than Makeb. Makeb just seems contrived and the same old mob killing you have done since day 1. NOTHING personal, just cut and paste for all classes. The story is boring, the planet is uninspired. In all honesty, this doesn't even compare to great expansions like Guild Wars and WoW have. Makeb is more like an event than a real expansion.


But again, I enjoy all the other things that came with 2.0. They just need to iron out a few of the bugs still.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Can't believe it took them that long to develop content I finished in 3 days.


There are a few things to think about here.


First, did you really finish ALL the content? All crafting professions at 450 and you have all the recipes including those that you have to RE? Every single daily quest and heroic done at least once? In 3 days? REALLY?


Second, let's not confuse calendar time with development effort. If they had 3 developers working on Makeb, it would certainly take a very large amount of calendar time to produce. If they had 300 developers working on it, it would have taken substantially less calendar time. Since we don't know how many developers they have assigned to producing content like Makeb (as opposed to CM garbage), we don't know how much effort they really put in.


The true bottom line for us consumers is if we feel we got value for our $10 or $20. At the $10 price I paid, I feel like I got plenty of value.

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I will start by saying, it was certainly worth the 10 dollars i paid for it. However I was also a bit disapointed in Makeb itself. No class specific quests was a big oversight. That is my favorite part about SWTOR, they did such a great job with the class quests for each class, to not have them in an expansion seemed odd.
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I thought Makeb was very well done and the $10 was a great deal. That said, I was disappointed in no continuation of class/companion stories. I'm also curious to see what they do for the next xpack and whether it will be another standalone planet or a proper chapter 4.
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And? Play in the Snow.


lol! You must be from the south where that sounds "fun". I'm not from Minnesota, I live in Wisconsin, but I think I speak for every flipping northerner when I say that stepping outside to see MORE freaking snow is the LAST possible thing I'd like to do this year. Global warming isn't something we fear up here, it's something we PRAY for!!! I stopped at Walmart and bought an SUV full of aerosol cans that I plan to toss into a fire pit tonight while I burn plastics in the hopes of popping a hole in the ozone layer...wish me luck!

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lol! You must be from the south where that sounds "fun". I'm not from Minnesota, I live in Wisconsin, but I think I speak for every flipping northerner when I say that stepping outside to see MORE freaking snow is the LAST possible thing I'd like to do this year. Global warming isn't something we fear up here, it's something we PRAY for!!! I stopped at Walmart and bought an SUV full of aerosol cans that I plan to toss into a fire pit tonight while I burn plastics in the hopes of popping a hole in the ozone layer...wish me luck!

Heh. I used to go skiing every year without fail. Loved it.


That is, until I moved to a snow-heavy region. Urgblatt.


The next winter I spent in Palm Springs riding ATVs in the desert. Best vacation ever.

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Blame EA. EA is more interested in results instead of content. If bioware wasn't hindered by EA's failure, they would have brought out something so much better.


Yes, blame EA that the op is snowed in and has no life.


Sure, why not. I heard EA is actually another word for "El Niño"

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Im dissapointed in the "expansion" as well. It was worth the 10 bucks but pretty much what I expected, a weeks worth of content and half of it being rehashed instances. I would have much rather gotten a full size expansion and paid 50 bucks for it. That is likely to never come IMO. If it took them this long to create this small planet with a weeks worth of content at most, then i just dont think they have the resources to do a proper expansion. Also, its likely the game will not last very long due to taking so long to make 1 DLC that is so short of content. Edited by Soluss
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Blame EA. EA is more interested in results instead of content. If bioware wasn't hindered by EA's failure, they would have brought out something so much better.


Blame EA for what? It is fun, and a lot of people think so as well. It looks like EA made a pretty good financial decision. One can see why their stock is worth more than the makers of that other MMO.

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Im dissapointed in the "expansion" as well. It was worth the 10 bucks but pretty much what I expected, a weeks worth of content and half of it being rehashed instances. I would have much rather gotten a full size expansion and paid 50 bucks for it. That is likely to never come IMO. If it took them this long to create this small planet with a weeks worth of content at most, then i just dont think they have the resources to do a proper expansion. Also, its likely the game will not last very long due to taking so long to make 1 DLC that is so short of content.


God your life must be just miserable

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Again, it's not the money, it's the fact that its a lot of time to regear for only one new Op. I'd have rather paid more and gotten more.


Finally someone who agrees with me!


but the fanboys in here love the cheap expansion, but fact is, its just a lackluster DLC nothing more, from a company that has already lost too much.

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Name me some from MMOs that started out with a paid sub model then went F2P. Note not games that started out F2P like Guild Wars.


For instance what expansions for Champions Online, Star Trek Online, D&D, LOTRO, Age of Conan, etc, had more significant amount of content than RoTHC? Hell name me one that comes anywhere close to what WoW does..


Rise of Isengard and Riders of Rohan for LoTRO (both released after it went F2P). Both larger expansions but priced at a higher level than RotHC (but lower than a WoW expansion). The latest introduced mounted combat to the game.


10 bucks for about 30 hours of content? Imp + rep side story line on Makeb + GSI and others story and daily missions. Point me to the game which provides so long gameplay for this money.


I find 2.0 and RoTHC very nicely done en enjoyable.


I agree, its 30+ hours of brand new content when you consider both factions, which is good value for money.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Im dissapointed in the "expansion" as well. It was worth the 10 bucks but pretty much what I expected, a weeks worth of content and half of it being rehashed instances. I would have much rather gotten a full size expansion and paid 50 bucks for it. That is likely to never come IMO. If it took them this long to create this small planet with a weeks worth of content at most, then i just dont think they have the resources to do a proper expansion. Also, its likely the game will not last very long due to taking so long to make 1 DLC that is so short of content.


Conjecture and baseless assumptions.


I love the "game will not last very long" part. Didn't you threaten to quit a long time ago? Yet...here you are.

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Conjecture and baseless assumptions.


I love the "game will not last very long" part. Didn't you threaten to quit a long time ago? Yet...here you are.


Heh.. yeah... and he completely forgot to toss in a "tortanic" at least once as well. :p

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I'm not from Minnesota, I live in Wisconsin, but I think I speak for every flipping northerner when I say that stepping outside to see MORE freaking snow is the LAST possible thing I'd like to do this year.


Two words: Ice Fishing :rak_04: They love their Ice Fising in Minnesota.

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Im dissapointed in the "expansion" as well. It was worth the 10 bucks but pretty much what I expected, a weeks worth of content and half of it being rehashed instances. I would have much rather gotten a full size expansion and paid 50 bucks for it. That is likely to never come IMO. If it took them this long to create this small planet with a weeks worth of content at most, then i just dont think they have the resources to do a proper expansion. Also, its likely the game will not last very long due to taking so long to make 1 DLC that is so short of content.


Ok I said this in another thread, but I'll say it again. People are coplaining that ROTHC takes a solid weekend to compled (for the sake of argument, 24 hours).


Call of duty costs about £40 (or conversion price!) and takes 5 hours to complete. Jeez, which has the better deal :rolleyes:

Edited by chimex
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