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2.0 Hardmode Flashpoints are not worth the payout.


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I still don't see the problem. I'm using the same tactics I learnt between levels 15-30, when I did these FPs on sm, when I levelled my first character and for 30 of minutes of play, I get commendations and with luck a piece or two of ops level gear.


there is no such word as learnt... try learned.

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You might, however the word was still used incorrectly in its first instance.


Learnt is used as a past participle. Much as Show - Showed - Shown.


For instance, the sentence should have been constructed as "I'm using the same tactics I learned between levels 15-30" or "I'm using the same tactics I had learnt between levels 15-30".


That said, it's pretty much a dick move to correct someone's grammar over such a minor issue, particularly when you don't even actually know what you're talking about.


But, your ignorance notwithstanding, the purpose of language, and grammar, is still to communicate ideas clearly, and GuruVII did just that. As such, any corrections are unnecessary.


Grammar Nazi OUT.

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learnt sounds like a slang word to me


Never read that word in any book. You may color it up as you see fit - you will still be just as wrong.


In any case, the new FP have me to the point Im probably cancelling anyhow. Didn't leave TSW because of 1 shot kill mechanics.... to turn around and see it has come here.


Every time they make a new fp/operation it is unbearably hard, and they nerf it later. But this still doesn't make it right. I shouldn't be left waiting for a nerf to even have a ghost of a chance to play content ALREADY PAID FOR~!!

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Wow OP you don't know much about 55 HM FP... let me entertain you.....



1. Bosses drops BLUE gear really? And dont hold your breath but a whooping 2 elite tokens . what is the point. If i can craft the level of gear given is too low. I havent seen this blue??? I have seen levle 162 black market purple gear. What are you smoking?? Is it good stuff????


2. Boss difficulty levels are set too high, perhaps they were set for pts when we all had full gear but no one does now, for example the wookie in cademimu spawns so many death trolls so fast it is near impossible to beat. the heat beam in hammer station cause so many wipes everyone quit. Both times i got que no we did not make it past the first boss.Bosses are where they need to be... your group has to suck. I have done all the runs and never had an issue. Lets talk those boss fights you listed. Wookie, yeah spawns alot, get better dps to drop him quick and AOE heal (I am an OP healer, was no issue). As for Hammer station, that boss is stupid easy... you know what you do on the laser??? At 5 stacks you purge it off the tank, otherwise yes you die. Your healer if you or someone else was use to normal mode where it didnt matter, guess what its called HM for a reason, you HAVE to follow strats. Get someone to purge at 5 and that fight is a cake walk. The tank I run with, we have cleared these FP's in under 1 hour normall easily with no wipes. Just get geared up slowly and it becomes easy, and FOLLOW STRATS... these arent normal mode anymore.


3. Repair cost are tooo high to make the 10k payout at the end worth anything. The last run caused 5 wipes at a cost of 23k per wipe. so to do this flashpoint and get 0 gear from it i spent over 100k in repairs.really no way to avoid if your group doesnt follow the strats, so hope for a better group???


4. The overall payout for the vs the cost of gear per tokens if the gear goes from 80-140 tokens per item the payout is just not worth the repair bills or time.Payout of the 162 gear is worth it, not sure what you are talking about. I have 5 pieces of 162 and alot of 156 gear, HM are now a cake walk again more or less as long as dps is there to hlep us.


Omg I love you .... I was gonna say all of that ... the new FPs actually require skill ... I LOVE IT ..... oh wait ... newbies are QQing ... I guess they will majorly nerf it now like Lost Island (original) .... sigh ... ppl make me sick.

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that is stupid. My guild sucks more than I do. Playing with a Pug gives me a better chance. Problem is the new HM FP's are geometrically harder then the original HM FP's. If you can even get a 55 Pug, which is almost impossible, you will wipe. The only place to get Elite Comms is in these FP's, so if you continue to wipe you never get them and never advance your gear past basic crap comms. Honestly, this game has become **** on rye, poor and lazy design and a game which will become quickly forgotten once others arrive.

The new 55 FPs, in 63/66 gear, are on a par with the old ones when they were first released and we were wearing 49/51 gear.


People have become used to face rolling the old FPs. Until the next tier of gear is released, and pugs are being run in 69/72 gear, they're going to require more skill, understanding of strategies, and more care to pull off.


You just can't derp your way through them, like you could with the L50 HM FPs.

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Firstly I didn't read all of the above, its just to damn long. But as for my 2 cents.


If you think the new HMs are too tough, or don't drop the proper gear, or cost way to much in repairs there is an explanation that is very simple.


1. If you expected to go from 50 to 55 in tioneese gear, and then get right into HMs your out of your mind. A highly skilled team of 4 couldn't accomplish that. You need to stop trying to short cut the game and work your way up. To compare, dread guard players could step right into HMs, learn the mechanics and then cruise through them picking up gear as they go.


2. If you have a Tank/Heals/DPS that dont know their rolls in the HM your going to have problems. ADDs can not be a legitimate reason for a wipe on a boss. Sure you might wipe once, then correct your mistake when you realize the adds come in at this time. Adjust accordingly. IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE KILLING ADDS YOU NEED TO GEAR UP. The old OPS still drop gear worth getting if you were a fresh 50 or only partially geared 50 when the patch came out. Dont try to skip past the game to try to keep up with the highest geared players. You will miss out on the part of the game that is supposed to be fun, and the new OPS will be waiting for you when you get there.


3. If you are "reaching" and trying to do a HM that is out of your gear range it is going to be expensive. I am a Sorc Healer with half 69 gear and half augmented Rakata with replacement 61+ mods/enhancements. I RARELY, if ever, wipe playing with people my own gear level. Now we are a guild and work well together. But my point is wiping 3,4,5,6+ times in a single Hm will cost you more than you make for sure. Take a step back, Complete the OPS and HMs are geared for and build yourself up.


Everyone is on the fast track to top gear. If you dont have the gear, or the skills to makeup for it, TAKE A STEP BACK. Instead of crying about how it SHOULD be so that YOU can accomplish a HM.


If you want to question anything question crafting, and grade 9 drops. THEY ARE HAD BECAUSE THEY ARE MEANT TO BE HARD. Not everyone in the game should be running around fully augmented in 3 weeks. THATS THE POINT!


For everyone out there that isn't crying, excuse me. I had to get that out.

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I've been hearing how hard these new level 55 HM FPs are so when I went in there with two friends I expected us to wipe. We all have gear that is modded with the makeb mods (58 mods) and quest green implants and earpieces from makeb. The 4th person in the group was a dps sniper with mostly 69 mods.


Anyway, we cleared HM athiss no problem, including the bonus boss. Now you could say that the dps guy was carrying us, however the three of us use damage meters so we can see how well the other guy performs. Long story short I was averaging 1550ish dps, tank was averaging 900 dps, and when the boss was dead, when you add up the total damage done by my friend and myself, the 4th dps guy was about midway in between myself and the tank. In other words, despite his vastly superior gear, he wasn't a very good player.


So long story short, if you know how to play your class, know how to interrupt, know how to cc, the new 55s are easy. If you don't, then I can see how they can be hard.

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I find your comment about the boss difficulty bizarre and completely contrary to my own first experiences with the 55 HMs.


I've done 3 of the 4 new HMs as a tank, which I did not start queuing for until I was in mostly ilvl 66 gear. In all three of them (all but Hammer Station) my experience was pretty similar; relatively simple and low-damage bosses with very high-damage packs of trash between them. I feel far more threatened by the trash packs when a CC is broken (or simply not used at all) than I do any of the bosses I've fought so far, and this is with a fully random group (solo queue).


As far as the loot rewards, I agree somewhat, but mostly in regard to the bonus and final bosses dropping random loot instead of tokens. It's far too common to get drops that nobody can use because it is for a class that is present but a spec that isn't being played. I think if they are going to use randomized drops like this there should be one or two more opportunities for them to drop in each FP.

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To my thinking, there are three key components to success in TOR:


1) Knowledge of self (know your class/role and how to do it well).

2) Knowledge of opponents (know the strategies and best ways to kill your opponents).

3) Gear of the oppropriate level.


You absolutely HAVE to have at least 2 of those components to succeed. If you have all 3, then it's a cake walk, but you can get by with just 2.


For now there are lots of people who are not wearing the new end-game purples (blackmarket+). So many people are short on gear. That means they'd have to know the fights and their role within it to succeed.


As a Bounty Hunter healer, I wasn't seeing any good drops from my first several 55 HMs. I was in mostly campaign gear. My gear was low-ish. I didn't know the fights, so I needed explanations. I didn't go online though; the group either explained the fights to me, or we learned it on the fly (through wiping). The only boss that gave me real grief was the bonus boss in Hammer station. That fight just was _not_ doable until I realized I could A) use Hydraulic Overrides (new skill for a merc) to get out of the stun and damage attacks, and B) stand with the tank and use Kolto missile for a Heal-over-Time (boss doesn't do conal attacks normally, and my Kolto missile now heals people standing in it, beyond the initial heal). So I just had to learn more about my own class, and a bit more about the boss, and it became easy, even with only campaign gear.


I'm now in mostly elite gear with some basic pieces, and the HM 55s and the story-mode 55 raids are indeed becoming cake-walks.

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Hydraulic overrides makes the BH immune to pretty much evereything. Knockdowns, Physicts, movement imparing effects. You just have to be free and able to use it. The bonus boss in Hammer Station does a quick cast before he stuns the group. I see the quick cast, use my Hydraulic overrides before the stun, and I completely avoid the stun and the damage. The skill has a 30-second cooldown, though, and the boss does that stun about every 20-25 seconds. So I use my override the first time, the second time I do get stunned by use my CC breaker (as soon as you are no longer stunned, you stop taking damage from that skill). The third time my override is back up so I use it. The fourth time, I do get stunned and damage. Fifth time I can use overrides... and so on, just have to keep myself, the tank, and the melee alive (ranged shouldn't be getting hurt at all). So I use the kolto missile as often as I can on the group. Edited by Jaing
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Think HMs are basically fine. Though, at least as a Sin, haven't heard from other tanks the damage seems a bit high from adds etc. I tanked the level 50 HMs in recruit gear and it wasn't like this, and I'm in full DG (and now some better gear).


So...Think they're slightly over tuned...just slightly. It would be nice if every boss dropped purple gear though.

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Other than Mandalorian Raiders, the other three lvl 55 HM can be a walk in the park after you get familiar with it. MR is only a real pain when you have inexperienced healer in group. The inexperience is not about the skill but being aware to pump huge heals into tank during add fights.
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Other than Mandalorian Raiders, the other three lvl 55 HM can be a walk in the park after you get familiar with it. MR is only a real pain when you have inexperienced healer in group. The inexperience is not about the skill but being aware to pump huge heals into tank during add fights.



bad player is always bad player,

i did 2.0 55 HMs and OPs, most of em is a shot clear,

i said it is not hard,

but my team member said : " No , he met lot of stupid players in pub side"

i smiling face it;

but after few days, i played my alt with a lowbie 50 HMs,

OMG, WTH is that, horrible players with 63 gears but dont know how to play a cake FP,

others r wipe out, only me survive;


i think average little above ppl just rush the expansion, and quit quickly or just play with their guilds,

so if u want to have fun with an MMO, try to hardcore at the beginning!


(i hate to grind and hardcore a game, it should be relax ur RL stress, but in an MMO, u have to rush,

that's one of the reason that SWTOR shouldn't exist, EA should make it into a CONSOLE game like kotor serials! )

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bad player is always bad player,

i did 2.0 55 HMs and OPs, most of em is a shot clear,

i said it is not hard,

but my team member said : " No , he met lot of stupid players in pub side"

i smiling face it;

but after few days, i played my alt with a lowbie 50 HMs,

OMG, WTH is that, horrible players with 63 gears but dont know how to play a cake FP,

others r wipe out, only me survive;


i think average little above ppl just rush the expansion, and quit quickly or just play with their guilds,

so if u want to have fun with an MMO, try to hardcore at the beginning!


(i hate to grind and hardcore a game, it should be relax ur RL stress, but in an MMO, u have to rush,

that's one of the reason that SWTOR shouldn't exist, EA should make it into a CONSOLE game like kotor serials! )


No idea how this is a reply to my post.

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Man there are apparantly so many people in this game that are so full of themselves, just waiting for a self satisfying opportunity of saying how easy the new HMs are. Ever heard modesty is a virtue? Ffs try to contain yourselves you weirdos. Edited by Quickglue
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Man there are apparantly so many people in this game that are so full of themselves, just waiting for a self satisfying opportunity of saying how easy the new HMs are. Ever heard modesty is a virtue? Ffs try to contain yourselves you weirdos.


Full of themselves? No, just honest.... the 55 HM's are NOT that hard....if you're trying to do them in Black Hole gear or lower and expect to zerg through, you're wrong.

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Man there are apparantly so many people in this game that are so full of themselves, just waiting for a self satisfying opportunity of saying how easy the new HMs are. Ever heard modesty is a virtue? Ffs try to contain yourselves you weirdos.


Frankly, I think most posters here don't really give a damn to whether others think they are "elite" or not. They are more concerned game getting "dumbed" down and drawn out of fun to satisfy players who are expecting everything to be a walk in the park.

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learnt sounds like a slang word to me


Never read that word in any book. You may color it up as you see fit - you will still be just as wrong.


In any case, the new FP have me to the point Im probably cancelling anyhow. Didn't leave TSW because of 1 shot kill mechanics.... to turn around and see it has come here.


Every time they make a new fp/operation it is unbearably hard, and they nerf it later. But this still doesn't make it right. I shouldn't be left waiting for a nerf to even have a ghost of a chance to play content ALREADY PAID FOR~!!


So because you are struggling within the first couple of days of the expansion with the new FP you'll just quit instead of learning how to do them properly...

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