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Revenge of the Archon: too hard?


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There are Consoles??


Merc DPS = Shoot Droid Left and right, Shoot Boss and dodge red AOE. Didnt see anything that looked like a laser

Maybe would be a real challange if he would be a champion, not gold elite.


Eh... that's what I did too. Me + Mako and the usual dps race.

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This quest took me way too many tries, when I did complete it; it wasn't because I did anything differently.


The reason? The field of missiles.

So many times I dodged the missiles and then got pulled back in due to lag, then I flew across the room from the health chipping missiles. Another reason I couldn't change was that my healing comp that I do rely on has been acting like a starved brain slug since Makeb's release. No heals every attempt for at least 70% of my lifespan. Quinn pls.

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Why is it when a very FEW people cannot complete a quest it needs to be nerfed???


Do you people ever think that because you cannot complete something it means you are bad rather then the content being too hard???


The fight was super easy if you ave any amount of reasoning skills... Droids come out heal boss... so kill droids, a basic attack kills them. Its not hard and it does not need to be nerfed, you simply need to LEARN 2 PLAY.

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The fight was super easy if you ave any amount of reasoning skills... Droids come out heal boss... so kill droids, a basic attack kills them. Its not hard and it does not need to be nerfed, you simply need to LEARN 2 PLAY.


To be honest, the boss was pretty easy when it came to numbers and mechanics. Main enemy of the fight for me was lag though. I personally wish I could fight him again when the lag subsided just to see how easy he really is.

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Trick is to make your absolute priority focusing the repair droids and leave dps-ing the boss for the quiet moments. Also do the secondary quest and pick up the cannisters from the droids and destroy the console in the back of the room. The console doors open when the boss drops down to do his recharge thing. I found once you destroy the console the boss goes down much quicker.
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It's funny how ppl complaining about this game as too easy and on the other hand, someone can't even defeat planet story boss, which is really easy.


And, yeah, welcome to MMO ... you are not supposed to play alone, use your friends or make some!

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People are Joking right? This was the most fun quest because it was challenging, it wasn't hard but it is challenging. I have solo'd it 3 times on an Assassin, Jugg and Sorc and didn't have trouble with any of them.
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I did it as a 54 healer with my tank comp on the boss. I found it long but fun and not at all difficult. I wasn't in any danger of dying. Took me longer than I'd care to admit to figure out that things would be easier once I killed the droids...... I just healed through my stupid up until that point though ;)


Thumbs up for this fight BW, and the cranky droid with running up and down stairs nonsense. Would really like to see more of these for single player. Don't want to have to raid to see fun fights. You did well with these.

Edited by Rantank
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It's a trick fight, once you figure out the trick it's simple. Fights like that are why I love SWTOR more than other MMOs, they have shown that yes you can have challenging solo content.


Just know that it's going to be a long, drawn out fight. Keep moving and try to avoid abilities with long cast times or channeling, when he knocks you back to the end of the room get out of the slow trap immediately and run back up to the fight on the sides avoiding the other slow traps...anticipate the red circles, if you've waited to move until you actually see the red circle you're too late. He will eventually go down, and he hits softer and softer as the fight continues as long as you take care of the robots relatively quickly.

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I ignored alts on my 54 jugger in full BH gear (and Quinn in Tionese) - took some micromanagment of Quinn - setting him on passive when he was in front of droid and such.


Yes, he reloaded more quickly, but Quinn in proper gear can outheal damage, and if you interrupt missiles, he can't even scratch you. Took 3 tries though, before I learned mechanics :)

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Here's my issues:


1) Droids aren't dropping the Isotope


2) He teleports me about 100 feet away, I can Force-Sprint out of the room, but it's a long run back (the teleport occurs just before he fires the laser)


3) Missles. I can get underneath him to DPS, but once I step out to attack the droids I get bounced around like a pinball


4) Companion, using Talos for heals, but he too gets teleported away then plinks at the boss with his pistol (even though I've turned off every non heal ability)


I destroyed the first room, but now (to reiterate) the isotopes aren't dropping and I can't get to the second. May try just killing Droids and ignoring him for the most part. VERY frustrating.


EDIT: 5) Ignores my Assassin taunts

Edited by Lotharofxev
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No this should not be nerfed!! It was an epic fight and alot of fun. its rare I run into a challenge in this game, but this was definately a good challenge. First attempt I was flattened but I did learn the trick and the 2nd time I rocked his world. I did with a lvl 52 maurauder and healer quinn
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you know what would be great? if tab targeting worked in this fight. I'm not exaggerating: every 4th time I tab, I'm able to pick up a droid that's right in the middle of my frame. that's my ONLY problem here. yeah. it could be easier. blah blah blah. but no. the only issue is tabbing to a new target works so randomly that by the time I pick up the target, two more are fueling the damn boss. c'mmon, bioware! do I really have to play this thing in first person?
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did this on a sin


I had to give up tab targeting and switch to mouse clicking every single droid that came out. since I don't even have turn keys bound anymore (just strafe) it was quite frustrating. but I couldn't count on tabbing at all.


anyway, it slowed me down A LOT so I switched my deception sin into dark charge. that plus drellik kept me up, and dark charge kept aggro off the healer comp.


if you have a knock back, I suggest pushing the boss into the far back corner. it clears a little space and gives the droids further to run.


this would have been a fun fight, if tab targeting wasn't so obnoxiously finicky, and it's not because when the droids come out, they're yellow. I'm almost certain it's a camera zoom/obstruction thing.

Edited by foxmob
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you know what would be great? if tab targeting worked in this fight. I'm not exaggerating: every 4th time I tab, I'm able to pick up a droid that's right in the middle of my frame. that's my ONLY problem here. yeah. it could be easier. blah blah blah. but no. the only issue is tabbing to a new target works so randomly that by the time I pick up the target, two more are fueling the damn boss. c'mmon, bioware! do I really have to play this thing in first person?


In my experience it doesn't work randomly. The droids are neutral as long as they are not yet refueling, so you can't tab them. As soon as they are refueling, they turn red and you can tab them.

Whenever they were refueling, I didn't have any problem tabbing them.

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Personally, I think the difficulty curve is a bit too high on Makeb just in general. There are large packs of mobs very densely packed. Significantly more so than any other planet. This makes things difficult in that avoiding aggro is next to impossible for all except stealth classes and those whose hand-eye is near supernatural. On the Imperial side, the boss fights are just stupid hard. Champion level mobs, one of which requires the use of terrain and items on the battlefield to win, and one which spawns near-infinite adds that constantly replenish him. These can be done solo, but, for some classes, doing so is almost impossible. Not all players are going to have the right combination of class/companion/skill level to beat these guys. I have not done the Republic side yet, but I imagine it is much the same.


I understand that the hardcore players love this kind of thing and don't see why the rest of us find it so hard, but many of us do. I was only able to defeat the Archon with help. I don't think I would ever be able to do it solo. Not because I suck, not because I need to L2P, not because I am a scrub, but because I am not a "leet hardcore" kind of player. I don't have endgame gear. I don't sit in front of my keyboard 23 hours a day honing my skills. I have Tionese gear with a few mod upgrades that I got from planetary commendations, a moderate level of skill, and I only play about 3-4 hours on a good day, less if I have to work that day, and I have been known to go several days without playing at all.


Certain players will say that this is the way the game should be. That any player that can't hack it needs to quit and go away and stop polluting "their game" with "casual scrubs". I, personally, believe that this is the wrong direction to go. If you make the game too hard, too gimmicky, or start putting in fights that force players into an unfamiliar playstyle to the point where they practically require a group to complete, you end up chasing away players. The hardcore few seem to think that the entire game should revolve around them and that casuals shouldn't even be allowed to play. Unfortunately, those so-called "casuals" are the vast majority of the playerbase, a majority that can and will leave if the difficulty gets to high.


For me, fights like the Archon are obnoxious, annoying, and overly difficult. This is the sort of content that has chased me away from many a game. I'm not to the point of quitting yet, though. As long as I can find someone to help me with fights like this I'll continue to play. All that I am saying, is that planets like Makeb, with a difficulty curve quite a bit higher than any planet previous, can be a severe system shock for a sizable portion of players. That, in the long run, can cost you players, which can also cost you money.


Just my opinion, of course.


Enjoy the rest of your day.

Edited by Dinoviking
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This is one of the few things in game where it helps to actually know your class and how to play it in different situations. For you guys having trouble do some FP's get the campaign gear if you don't have it. Change companions and make sure they have some decent gear as well.


I am really not meaning to be a banthas backside when I say this, but it might actually be the first time for some who either power leveled and didn't learn how to play, or the first time for some they couldn't just button mash the way through. Change your tactics, specs, companions, make sure you have the right mods for your class and spec.


I f none of these things work for ask for help, regardless I really hope they don't dumb down these quests, for I found most of them really enjoyable and now that i'm 55 with good gear the planet is easy, Good luck to those having trouble, and who knows if you ask for help in general I might be the one to do it:)

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Personally, I think the difficulty curve is a bit too high on Makeb just in general.....


This. My husband is terminally ill so I cant really play games like I normally would. Which means that I dont have the latest/greatest gear. I just sort of pitter pattered my way through the game leveling 7 50s in the process. I solod everything including my class stories etc. I never ran into anything that I couldnt do or just didnt want to do out of sheer frustration. I had unsubbed but decided that since I paid for the xpac I may as well play it so I resubbed, logged in, went to Makeb, and proceeded to get my arse handed to me more times than I care to admit.


Its not really the fights or mobs themselves, its the number of them, there are no safe places to run to if you get in trouble, mobs are too close to each other and get aggrod on accident, or they just simply are too crowded and I cant get through them in one piece..


Yeah, Ima noob, so tell me to learn to play all you like but the fact of the matter is that if I wanted to play really challenging content Id do ops and stuff. I dont want a game to be so easy that there is no fear, no challenge at all, but I do want to be able to relax and enjoy a little levelling without it making me never want to log in again.


I wont be levelling another char through it and I may not even get my main through it. Its not that i CANT do it, its that it just isnt fun plowing through all those mobs and dying all the time. People with QUEST gear need to be able to complete QUEST content. simple.



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It's tricky but not bad if you take time before you do the fight to analyze your abilities. I went in with a 55 marauder with Vette, maximized my damage reduction(changed forms, popped whatever would help, etc), used predation to keep my speed up and got through it after a few failed attempts doing what I did in every other fight.
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What about the 4 or so AOE circles he clusters around on the ground? How do you avoid those. As a marauder, I don't have the ability to get out of them that fast. And I take a good chunk of damage when they hit.


You need faster reflexes... I did it on my marauder without getting hit once, it's really not that difficult.


This fight is how all boss fights should be in the solo storyline. I think modern gamers that consider themselves "casual" gamers are used to be carried through games now.


I've witnessed in general chat the people who only gave it one shot and started raging when they clearly didn't understand the fight.


You just need to be aware of your surroundings and stop tunnel visioning on your hot bars.

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