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I don't get it when dudes play as girls in MMOs...


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I'm always confused when this topic comes up. Why? Because it's always about 'men playing women'. No one seems to care about women playing men, which suggests to me that the people who complain about this issue have been burnt by trying to flirt with a female avatar.... ;)


I'm one of those rare ladies who plays almost exclusively male characters. Why? I just like them much better. I get tired of bare midriffs and over sexualised armor (the skimpy bikinis in the Cartel Pack have been driving me nuts) for females. And good grief I cannot get enough of the SI and IA male voice actors. Both of them are awesome.


No one assumes my sexuality for playing a guy. No one makes childish comments about why I play guys. It seems to be uniquely aimed at men playing women.


I've mused over this in the past and I think it comes down to the way players perceive their avatar. For some people, the avatar is a separate character, and then gender is a non-issue. This is my character, they are separate from me and I couldn't care less that they may be a different gender. For some people though, they make an avatar that they want to *be*. So - hideous generalisation warning - they'll make Manly McManChin because that's what they want to be, and because they are straight, Manly McManChin will flirt with everything female. Then they meet a guy playing a lady character and will think 'what? Why would I want to do that? I don't want to be a girl and flirt with guys! If I did that I'd be gay. Therefore, they must be too!'. It never occurs to them that the character is just an avatar - or heck, that the guy makes an attractive female character because he wants to LOOK at an attractive female character; or enjoy some of the top-notch female VA's.


That's my theory, anyway. Certainly, the 'I want to look at hot dudes rather than skimpy over-sexualised Barbies' reason is exactly why I play male characters anyway.

Edited by Jazshen
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That's my theory, anyway. Certainly, the 'I want to look at hot dudes rather than skimpy over-sexualised Barbies' reason is exactly why I play male characters anyway.


I want a skimpy over-sexualised Ken and we're almost here Bioware! Almost there!


But yes, I've never understood why playing a female character would mean the man behind her is gay, but you've provided an adequate explanation. It certainly also explains why the video-game market is dominated by white male characters.

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I like my gorgeous ladies in their relaxed jumpsuit jackets, i create the image of my ideal woman in my toons cause i like to look at them. Makes playing the game for longer periods even more enjoyable. I only make body type 1 and 2 female toons.


I don't like big butts and i'm not lying.

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Its just a personal thing.


Every game that gives me the option to make a woman I do. Idk why. Doesnt mean Im gay or anything.


From morrowind all the way to now. I play on an RP server but I dont do none of that romantic stuff. And if anyone asks me I just tell them Im a guy.

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IIt certainly also explains why the video-game market is dominated by white male characters.


(you could be sarcastic if so forgive me) but I'm pretty sure that's the case because that's what the plurality of gamers are and it's easier to identify with them.

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(you could be sarcastic if so forgive me) but I'm pretty sure that's the case because that's what the plurality of gamers are and it's easier to identify with them.


I think that's exactly what is meant. Heck, there have been several articles recently highlighting how publishers won't take gambles on games with female characters because they think the audience can't identify with them (because Tomb Raider sold so poorly, amirite).


It's a shame really, because there are some *excellent* female characters out there AND ones that aren't there solely for a male character to sleep with - for example, see Aveline in Dragon Age 2. We really need people who are 'bothered' by the characters other people choose to get the hell over it, because that perception that gamers won't play a female character is stymying what we can do with games.

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I'm always confused when this topic comes up. Why? Because it's always about 'men playing women'. No one seems to care about women playing men, which suggests to me that the people who complain about this issue have been burnt by trying to flirt with a female avatar.... ;)


I'm one of those rare ladies who plays almost exclusively male characters. Why? I just like them much better. I get tired of bare midriffs and over sexualised armor (the skimpy bikinis in the Cartel Pack have been driving me nuts) for females. And good grief I cannot get enough of the SI and IA male voice actors. Both of them are awesome.


No one assumes my sexuality for playing a guy. No one makes childish comments about why I play guys. It seems to be uniquely aimed at men playing women.


I've mused over this in the past and I think it comes down to the way players perceive their avatar. For some people, the avatar is a separate character, and then gender is a non-issue. This is my character, they are separate from me and I couldn't care less that they may be a different gender. For some people though, they make an avatar that they want to *be*. So - hideous generalisation warning - they'll make Manly McManChin because that's what they want to be, and because they are straight, Manly McManChin will flirt with everything female. Then they meet a guy playing a lady character and will think 'what? Why would I want to do that? I don't want to be a girl and flirt with guys! If I did that I'd be gay. Therefore, they must be too!'. It never occurs to them that the character is just an avatar - or heck, that the guy makes an attractive female character because he wants to LOOK at an attractive female character; or enjoy some of the top-notch female VA's.


That's my theory, anyway. Certainly, the 'I want to look at hot dudes rather than skimpy over-sexualised Barbies' reason is exactly why I play male characters anyway.


Its mainly about how secure you are in your sexuality. Alot of men are so homophobic that they cant play a girl because they automatically think that will mean they secretly want to be a girl and thus like men.

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When I watch a movie, I don't like watching movies with only male characters. Sometimes I like strong female leads. I have 4 50's, two male and two female. Also in this games sometimes the female voice actors are better than the males.
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OP- I have a question for you. Why do you always flirt with girls in mmorpgs? That's the only reason you could possibly care if it's a girl or guy on the other side of the screen.


Try flirting with people in real life if it matters this much to you.

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It's an easy way to score free loot, get help (before they hear ya over Vent), have stuff bought for you, etc..


People can try and break gamer stereotypes but, c'mon... the sheer amount of basement dwelling trolls in MMOs is staggering and they can all be taken advantage of with ease.

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I'm really confused about the "butt-focused" playing that seems to be going on.

I also can't understand the whole "oh If I'm staring at butt" thing. My main is male and I never focus on his butt, I look at what's in front of him. Also with all the "buttcapes" I couldn't stare at his butt even if I wanted to.


Better voice acting (Jennifer Hale, Grey DeLisle, Jo Wyatt...)

Every single nerd is obsessing about Jennifer Hale, sure she's great, but not THAT much.

I think all voices are fine, except male consular and female knight, those 2 are kinda meh.

I really like male inquisitor and male knight. Both seem to be perfect for their roles.


Better looking models and animation (male body types just suck, either you are too skinny or too muscular/fat, female body type 2 and 3 are way better)


Can't really argue about looks. To me male body 2 and 3 is fine, 1 and 4 are ugly. Female 1 and 2 are fine, while 3 and 4 are ugly


Not getting stuck as male bodytype 3 and 4 in the doorway while getting datacrons... :D

They fixed that long ago.

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