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REMOVE Bolster from level 55 warzones!


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They removed the reruit gear for new players who hit level cap, so I think a bolster is not entirely wrong. Only the way it currently works is totally of, it should not be better to play naked in any way.


They could just take some old set, repaint it, put blue lvl 55 stats on it and give it away as entry level for 55. Problem solved.

Instead of just completely killing any point there is to grind for 55 pvp gear.

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Remove it! theres a reason why ppl should grind wz... does it encourage ppl to play warzones when there no gear reward?

Its only natural that the players that spend alot of time grinding this gear should be rewarded and be the best at the battlefield...If not the bolster is removed i dont see any reason to grind for this gear, nor will i see any reason to play this game for mutch longer..


so now PvE players can enter wzs and challenge the best geared PvPers by being naked, while PvP players must farm to be able to do flashpoints.. WTH?

If this game are gonna favorise PvE players, just remove the goddamn pvp allready, you allrdy seem uncapable of making it work so why the hell keep it?

Edited by Jiingles
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The bolster for 55 is jacked. Im mostly conqueror gear already, and it is still bolstering my stats....which is stupid. I thought the bolster was only intended for PvE geared players coming into 55 to be bolstered to a recruit gear stats of some sort? fix it!
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Oh my god..


Someone pinch me.. someone pinch me.


I mean.. as long as I have played MMO's, the most common complaint is "The PVP is unbalanced." Heck... it is even in my sig!

But now.. I go to the PVP forums and I see complaints that basicly boil down to: "The PVP is balanced! Please unbalance it again!"


This has to be a dream.. it is so silly it can't be real life. Someone pinch me!

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I love how bw is doing everything to please casuals and leaving hardcore players behind.

Lvl 55 pvp is a joke now, gg bw. You're going to loose a lot of subs with this.


its not a joke, just make partisan gear a bit better than bolster stats.

no more gear advantage in pvp = GOOD

no more gear advantage in pvp = SKILL


this is PVP

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Since 1.7 where WH became basic gear, getting gear on this game is stupidly easy. It takes 2 days for a hardcore gamer and 1 and a half week for a casual player. For END GAME gear...


Also as I've said before, just loging in and see everyone on par no matter playtime/gear is not MMORPG matterial...

I completely agree.

This isn't a FPS game.

But now it is...


If Bioware is trying to compete with FPS games, not only will they lose but they will also alienate the traditional MMO players. Oh well.

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They're not going to remove it. At least not for a long while.


Even @ 55, the Bolster system encourages more people to PvP since the gear gap has been reduced to the point of non-existence. Players won't need fully modded/optimized gear sets to be competitive in ranked PvP now, and even the "elite" players should have the foresight to see that.


There has been very little interest in ranked teams for a long time. Inexperienced teams are still going to get stomped for awhile, but at least the 2.0 system encourages them to keep trying without having to worry about gear grinding.


Now using the quote above I feel that as a pvper who pays subs primarily to pvp and I've been this way since initial beta testing, I had to address some points.


I agree that the art and determination of dedicated PvPers apply to min/maxing is now void. What is the point of investing time into wz's if random PvE guys and going to get better stats than the guys who grind out the pvp gear? Where is the incentive to want to put the hours into pvping to get the conqueror gear if you can just wear PvE gear and get better star through the bolster system?? I honestly felt for the first time that pvp has now become worthless for the dedicated pvper. Yes ok bolster allows players to have an "even" chance but it strips away a PvPers reward system. Look at it this way, in pvp, you get bolster to pretty much elite gear level, why isn't there then a bolster in place for PvPers to get stat inflation when hitting hard mode or nightmare mode operations? It's seems unfair that both communities are not hit with the same brush.


I do agree with giving non PvPers a chance in 55 pvp but the bolster needs to be tweaked. The stats given should be no where near as good as pvp gear. Bolster should be there only to give you a helping hand until you get the pvp gear. I would say that there should be a 40% difference between bolster and full pvp geared players. Even 30% would suffice, this would mean players get a chance and if they have the skill they could even beat players in pvp gear. With this change, it would mean that dedicated PvPers like myself would have our sense of purpose back and that grinding out the wz comms becomes important again. It will give us back out reward system and give us a reason to continue doing what we enjoy most about the game.


In conclusion, pvp no longer has the same attraction as it did prior to 2.0. There is no longer a sense of achievement with regards to grinding gear and there is no longer a purpose for the dedicated pvper. Bolster needs to change in 55 and should most definitely not exist in ranked wz's. we don't get bolstered for PvE so why should everything be given on a plate in pvp.

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First of all there's not much skill involved in some classes. Especially when there are 3 button playstyle classes. People may change their minds when every single marauder/jugg is jumping to the group dealing 9k AoE damage.


Also this system encourages FotM classes. It was bad as it was before, immagine what it will be now... All you have to do is just level to 55 and PvP without any gear but green weapons...


about FOTM, yes, it makes it easier, but also, it's easier to pvp with a FOTM counter. and when FOTM counter becomes FOTM, next FOTM will be counter to FOTM counter.

It is class rotation.

I personally loved my 'since level 10 healer' to respec, go naked and do concealment. some classes requires more buttons, some requires less, while i agree, bolster is broken so hard it's gona be named 'lolster' soon, it is needed to some degree.

also, people do cry about juggs and maras, and that's why, we have topics 'snipers next FOTM', and when we start having more then 3 snipers per WZ, amount of maras and juggs will decrease.





Give them recruit gear and let's move on


Also you don't have to be hardcore to grind partisan gear



been mentioned before. They tried recruit gear, and they failed.

Some didn't wear it since they had 'better stats lol' in pve gear and was pain to explain each single time (I also belive, these are people who complain over some classes hitting them to hard)

some didnt wear it since is so freacking bloody ugly

some sold it for money and then gimped their team with pve gear since 'it's just 2 more weeks and I'll be warhero lolz, chill duudes'.

for every player, there can be a different reason


bolster instead of recruit is far more better choice.

Edited by Atramar
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INB4 all the bads come on this thread and scream about how they need bolster so they can beat top premades who worked hard for their gear. Bolster needs to be done away with. How about you stop catering to the carebears Bioware, and let them earn their stripes in PVP? You think giving them a handicap in PVP is going to make them better all of a sudden? I would wager a fact that this is actually making a lot of players worse, because now, instead of thinking tactically and planning ahead, and being smart, these same bad players are now coming into WZ'S and are now: "OMG, let me push dis one button and one shot dat 53 player with mah leet uber lvl 10 sniper with all whites on and with no AC, LOLZ"


Seriously Bioware, fix your game.

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INB4 all the bads come on this thread and scream about how they need bolster so they can beat top premades who worked hard for their gear. Bolster needs to be done away with. How about you stop catering to the carebears Bioware, and let them earn their stripes in PVP? You think giving them a handicap in PVP is going to make them better all of a sudden? I would wager a fact that this is actually making a lot of players worse, because now, instead of thinking tactically and planning ahead, and being smart, these same bad players are now coming into WZ'S and are now: "OMG, let me push dis one button and one shot dat 53 player with mah leet uber lvl 10 sniper with all whites on and with no AC, LOLZ"


Seriously Bioware, fix your game.


in before all bads who need big gear advantage come and scream about how they need 2xmore hp and 2x more damage and a 2x4 premade to beat 8 man pug..awww, to late.

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in before all bads who need big gear advantage come and scream about how they need 2xmore hp and 2x more damage and a 2x4 premade to beat 8 man pug..awww, to late.


And? What's stopping you from doing this exact same thing? I pug pvp 99% of the time and I have no issues with pre-mades playing the way they were. You know why? They EARNED IT. That's right. They worked thier buts off to earn that gear, to gain a little advantage over other players. You want that same advantage? Go out and EARN IT. Go out and make some friends. Stop begging to Biofail for handicaps and for them to bend over backwards catering to casuals. If you really want to improve your performance in PVP, you will research how your class is played, look it up on Google, Youtube videos, etc, etc.. learn how to min/max your gear for optimal performance. Unfortunately, individuals with your "mindset" lack the foresight and intuition to go out and do this. Instead, indiviuals with your "mindset" want hand outs and expect to be catered to.

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And? What's stopping you from doing this exact same thing? I pug pvp 99% of the time and I have no issues with pre-mades playing the way they were. You know why? They EARNED IT. That's right. They worked thier buts off to earn that gear, to gain a little advantage over other players. You want that same advantage? Go out and EARN IT. Go out and make some friends. Stop begging to Biofail for handicaps and for them to bend over backwards catering to casuals. If you really want to improve your performance in PVP, you will research how your class is played, look it up on Google, Youtube videos, etc, etc.. learn how to min/max your gear for optimal performance. Unfortunately, individuals with your "mindset" lack the foresight and intuition to go out and do this. Instead, indiviuals with your "mindset" want hand outs and expect to be catered to.


I have 2 chars ewh and 3 mostly ewh and still some wh left, 2 chars have to sets, one tanking set, one dps set.

I don't care about gear advantage, I'm rocking hard since recruit (as I refused to do lowbie pvp as it's gore of badness)


Also, I did 2 'semi twinks' at L 47 blues augumented rocking hard lowbie warzones, and beside my gf cheering up 'kill that noob lolz ahahaha' (a bit weird lol I know), there was no real fun in there, probobly even less for those poor fellas who came across my wrecking ball.


Bolster will not give any one advantage, will just make them suck less against you. If you are such a good player, you will win even with equal stats (crazy I know),You will still keep your gear advantage, it will just eliminate pve geared easy kills.

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and imo everyone shouldn't get the Expertise for free, the wz should boost it to like 1600 and then its your gear, since the game is based about getting best gear there is!


So as a PVP'er I would like the advantage against someone crappy guy who doesn't know how to gear his char (I always min/max my gear and now there will be naked parties)

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Oh my god..


Someone pinch me.. someone pinch me.


I mean.. as long as I have played MMO's, the most common complaint is "The PVP is unbalanced." Heck... it is even in my sig!

But now.. I go to the PVP forums and I see complaints that basicly boil down to: "The PVP is balanced! Please unbalance it again!"


This has to be a dream.. it is so silly it can't be real life. Someone pinch me!


This is what you understand from the thread?! That we don't want ballanced PvP? Seriously?!


PvP being unballanced means that not everyone is being offered the same chances, and some people will always be below others due to some mechanics/class issues etc...


Having gear plays a significant role, IS what MMORPG's are about, and it is available to everyone with no exceptions. In a game like SWTOR, getting proper gear (PvP) recuires 3 days for a semi-harcore player, and one and a half week for someone playing casual.


So why should the system reward the people that refuse to spend even that one week getting their armours and improve their characters?!


PvP ballance has nothing to do with this thread.

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This is what you understand from the thread?! That we don't want ballanced PvP? Seriously?!


PvP being unballanced means that not everyone is being offered the same chances, and some people will always be below others due to some mechanics/class issues etc...


Having gear plays a significant role, IS what MMORPG's are about, and it is available to everyone with no exceptions. In a game like SWTOR, getting proper gear (PvP) recuires 3 days for a semi-harcore player, and one and a half week for someone playing casual.


So why should the system reward the people that refuse to spend even that one week getting their armours and improve their characters?!


PvP ballance has nothing to do with this thread.


But bolster (in plans) is suppsoed to put pve geared players close to starter pvp not augumented gear.

min maxing top tier augumented gear will still give you advantage you need (joking) to kill pve pvp newbie.

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all I can say is I'm not spawn camped anymore in my recruit gear, I'm new to this game :p, also won 3 matches in a row on pub side wich is ... unusual


elite min max pvpers are so mad at you for not being able to 2 shot you... the type that doesnt mark healers, but recruit pve geared players :rolleyes:

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To people that say bolster is good in order to close the gear gap...


You are logging in to play an MMORPG and expect NOT to have anything to grind?!


Acording to that logic, they should remove all armour both pvp and pve completelly (because obviously some people do not have the time to get it), and boost everyone to the same level. Would that be ok? or skills are also complex to use and should remove those as well?


You can't expect to log in an MMORPG and from day 1 to get boosted on the same level with those that play for months/years. This is not a FPS game i repeat...


lol grind is for pve only ...


did you play GW2 ? this is now very simmilar ...maybe better

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And? What's stopping you from doing this exact same thing? I pug pvp 99% of the time and I have no issues with pre-mades playing the way they were. You know why? They EARNED IT. That's right. They worked thier buts off to earn that gear, to gain a little advantage over other players. You want that same advantage? Go out and EARN IT. Go out and make some friends. Stop begging to Biofail for handicaps and for them to bend over backwards catering to casuals. If you really want to improve your performance in PVP, you will research how your class is played, look it up on Google, Youtube videos, etc, etc.. learn how to min/max your gear for optimal performance. Unfortunately, individuals with your "mindset" lack the foresight and intuition to go out and do this. Instead, indiviuals with your "mindset" want hand outs and expect to be catered to.


This is exactly what im saying.


I earned my gear, i earned my place with the pugs i play regular with and no way should anyone be handed anything for free other than a basic gear level and then rest you EARN. Imagine how much fun raids would be for pvers if they had no gear progression lol they be singing a different tune then.

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Yes I was assuming it works as the devs designed it to and not the way it does now (rewarding pcs for wearing nothing in some/many slots). As it was described, expertise makes a pc perform better (let's say 20% better) vs non-expertised characters. But if PVE gear has a 20% stat advantage vs PVP gear, and if bolster bumps PVE gear to 80% of max expertise anyways (and keeps it's stat advantage), it seems like the PVE gear wins or is unnoticeably different. Obviously I'm just throwing numbers around (%20, %80, who knows?) but I'm now not convinced BW devs know what they're doing so I am wondering about the logic.


On the PTS wearing Arkanian pve gear (69) yielded only 900 expertise underworld less than that

The pve > PvP gear is only happening with gear that is 63 rating or less

Edited by Zoom_VI
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