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The outright lies people are telling regarding bolster.


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I also just noticed that of all the setups my damage reduction was highest while in my underoos.


Yeah I guess you could argue that for some classes underoos is better, and others not so much.


The 4pcs shadow is insanely good with the new infiltration changes, as is the marauder/jug bonus (we wear the same set). My scoundrel? Worst set bonus ever lol. I actually wear my snipers gear, because the orbital strike is better for preventing caps.


Now if you had 2 pcs 15 percent crit backblast pve gear? That would be rockin. People already did that though before 2.0. :)


Regardless this thread is delivering feedback for Bioware/EA and for players which was my intent. Was I too harsh in my OP? Probably. It is getting silly though with people reporting people in underoos for "exploiting", especially when there is no real basis for it.

Edited by biowareftw
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When I take off my gear on my 50 toons my expertise and main stat both jump to ~2000, give or take a few points. I'd rather take this instead of my full gear which puts me around 1500 expertise and lets these level 38 and 40's absolutely blow me up in a blink of an eye
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I have been enjoying the bolster unintended feature (I'm upgrading it from bug since it's not really that bad). Everyone is on pretty even ground and it's making for some close games. Hopefully when they fix it the results are the same but we don't have a bunch naked people running around.
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Bolster is fine. TTK is broken though. They need to change expertise, +60% damage is just too much.


If they fix either TTK or bolster, I'd vote to fix the TTK. If they don't, I'm not going to bring a single healer to pvp anymore, it's simply horrible.

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ok when i do naked pvp i get almost 2k expertise about 1.6k melee dmg 78% surde and 35-36crit and about 98-99% accuracy plus the extra 2-3 k hp.when i have my full pvp min max armor i get worst stats and i can prove it with photos not so difficult.So then ppl say naked is better trust them it is but i think it is only if you get pvp armor i have seen ppl with some pve and some naked parts getting omg stats.
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Bolster is fine. TTK is broken though. They need to change expertise, +60% damage is just too much.


Dmg and healing are both over the top right now. This dmg (expertise) was simply capped too high for sub 55. We will have the same expertise at 55 but we will have 30 k health on dps and 40 on a tank.


Simple solution would be to cap expertise at a lower number till the 55 bracket.


In essence I totally agree with you. :)

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Yeah I guess you could argue that for some classes underoos is better, and others not so much.

Your opening post proclaimed that anyone who said "WH/EWH is worse than naked" was lying. Now you're conceding that "you could argue" some classes might have it better naked?


I think you have to accept that other people aren't just "too lazy" to try removing / changing gear in warzones, they've just had different results to you.

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Your opening post proclaimed that anyone who said "WH/EWH is worse than naked" was lying. Now you're conceding that "you could argue" some classes might have it better naked?


I think you have to accept that other people aren't just "too lazy" to try removing / changing gear in warzones, they've just had different results to you.


The only class I can think of with a worthless 4 piece is scoundrel/op and it isn't an issue since many were already wearing a pve set bonus for backblast 15 percent crit.


So...those who were wearing it still are.


Everyone else? Is better off wearing their 4 pcs then being naked.


5 energy was trash before and now it is even bigger trash with the improved energy on scoundrel/op.


So yes. One class is screwed by this, who already used pve gear, which scales just fine. Then again I would hardly call my scoundrel screwed. I wear the sniper set (why not, the other one is worthless) and I have no problems on the class. Hell the longer orbital strike is probably an improvement on the garbage pvp set bonuses for that class lol.


So yes you are either a liar or incompetent (not looking at all stats, min/maxed wrong) if you think naked > 5 pcs.


As far as the "different results"? What the hell are you talking about. You mean people expecting non augmented, vanilla gear to be relevant in a new expansion?


You sacrifice some health to do more dmg and to get a 4 pcs bonus. It is worth it on damn near every class. If health meant everything we wouldn't have min maxed pre 2.0 in the first place...


Burst is king atm, and if you want to talk about TTK, expertise is scaling too high with ALL GEAR, and should have been capped lower then the 55 bracket. Both healing and dmg are ridiculous atm. He who bursts harder wins. That extra 1 k health isn't going to help against 15 percent more crit on railshot, 10 percent damage on charge, etc.


This isn't a problem with WH/EWH gear, this is a problem with the expertise cap.

Edited by biowareftw
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Sure... I'm glad expertise is standardized. I'm also glad pvp is seemingly more skill based and less gear based, good things from a pvp perspective.


Edit: I've only leveled my two inquisitors so far, my assassin and my sorc... my sorc's Force Storm was critting for 1400 a second on bolstered 30s, when my sorc was in full optimized ewh. There is a huge difference in expertise that makes up for all other apparent stat differences. I was probably hitting them 20-25% harder just due to expertise difference. I finished a few warzones in full ewh with 500k+ damage, with all others doing less than 50% of that -- ewh is working fine.


The "Right...." part meant that I think you're a little senile for supporting this crap.

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as a 50 sniper its way better for me to go naked then wear my full ewh set. I get over 100 more primary damage nearly 2000 expertise etc.... but I loose like 500 hp and my set bonuses whoopty dooo. im still sitting at nearly 24k


And I end up being top damage and kills in wz's.


The op made a blanket statement about everyone and that simply doesn't hold truth in it for all cases.certainly not in mine.

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I'm very willing to believe its a bug, because everything is just so screwed up right now. Everyone and their mother is claiming 7-8k crits, and yet the biggest I've seen whether naked, geared, or any combination of, is a 5k Maul and 4k Discharges as full Deception. Something is off.


EDIT: and even pve or levelling gear without expertise dropped me significantly. I threw on old leveling blues I had, and my stats still went down. Idk if I'm just special, but everything I've tried points to the best stats absolutely naked :confused:


Totally agree with you. I have not seen anything past a 5-6k crit on the damage side. Not sure if this is a bug or people embellishing a bit

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The lies.


1. Being naked is better then 5 pcs WH/EWH at level 50.


LOL what? My marauder has near 100 percent surge. If you think 1000-2000 health is better then that? You are an idiot. Also my 4pc shadow set bonus is absolutely incredible. There is no way in hell I would give that up for 1000 more health, a tiny bit more expertise and less surge/power/dmg.


2. Being naked somehow mitigates more dmg and that people are exploiting.


No. There is no exploit going on. Blues/epics, WH/EWH are better then being naked with the exception of relics and implants (sometimes) if those blues/epics are around your item lvl and augmented. I don't know who started this rumor but they are an idiot.


3. You have no advantage with WH/EWH over people who don't have it.


At level 50 this is completely false. You do have an advantage. It is not a HUGE advantage. If the player is better then you? You are going to get wrecked. If you think gear should matter before endgame? You are also an idiot and probably twinked to steamroll new players. This HURT the game. Just because you are bad at the game, doesn't mean you have the right to have 1/3rd more health and double other peoples dmg, while also being in voicecom. If you thought Bioware or any MMO company would let this continue? You are delusional. This game wants to GROW, not have people try a warzone and have zero chance to do anything.




1. Past 50, level 50 gear isn't that great. Duh. This happens every expansion in every mmo. Expansions are a restart. Sorry you didn't get the memo a decade ago....


2. It is better to be naked (sans weapons) at higher 50 levels then wear level 50 gear. Again. Duh. If you level in instances/quests? That gear is better then being naked. That is how bolster is supposed to work. At 55? You are going to have 30 plus k health as dps in wh/ewh and close to 40 as a tank. Burst isn't going to be as much of a problem.


Things they can do to fix what is already a good system.


1. Any time a gear set (other then wh/ewh) or a piece of gear does not have expertise or health as high as a "naked slot", it is automatically upgraded to "naked gear". This solves the let's get nakid problem.


2. Expertise from bolster can be capped below 55 for less burst. Maybe 1800ish instead of 2000 plus.


Stop lying, stop making excuses. Instead give Bioware/EA GOOD solutions to the problem. If you were a twink steamrolling lowbies? You are delusional if you think that is coming back. Lying will do you no good. Play a different game. You are trash. You hurt the game.


I give you a 2/10 because it looked like you were actually believing what you were saying. Not a very funny post. I would have given a 0/10 but you wrote a lot so I felt generous.



But if you do actually believe what you are saying, maybe you should check the dev tracker

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Totally agree with you. I have not seen anything past a 5-6k crit on the damage side. Not sure if this is a bug or people embellishing a bit


Last night there were several 6,9k crits on both ours and the opposing team, in allmost every match i was in. Not sure i've seen any higher then that though. Ill pay more attention tonight.

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I have been enjoying the bolster unintended feature (I'm upgrading it from bug since it's not really that bad). Everyone is on pretty even ground and it's making for some close games. Hopefully when they fix it the results are the same but we don't have a bunch naked people running around.


Yea me too. I played my merc healer tonight in pve gear(mostly 61/some 58 stuff) and once I took off my relics I had 2.4k+ aim, 24k health and 1900+ expertise. TTK didnt seem short at all and I was throwing around some huge heals. Only pvp gear left was augmented WH pistols I believe.

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I bought some empty armor pieces for my sage and he is way better. He has much more damage than with WH/EWH gear. Usually my sage is in top3 kills / damage at the end of the game.


So noooo, these claims are not lies. WH/EWH is the worst choice right now in 30-54 bracket.

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The bolster is definitely wack. Very first thing I tested was naked PvP the moment the patch dropped. My tank sin had ~ 31k HP, 59.5% expertise damage bonus. Her stats were so much better than guys wearing gear that I ended up playing naked. I tested various gear setups to see how it would affect the bolster and did notice there are some extreme anomalies. For instance, I tested having an elite war hero saber equipped with an expertise crystal and a modless shield also with an expertise crystal. The expertise bolster was like 52%. I then removed the expertise crystal from the offhand and my PvP damage shot back up to ~ 59.5%. I just don't think the bolster was built to take into consideration the warhero / elite war hero gear and that is where the problem lies.


I also tested the bolster system out on my level 26 Merc this morning. Whether I was geared made little difference. The bolster system appears to do a fantastic job of equalizing player stats in the 10 - 29. Everyone pretty much had the same stats. Personally, I like it. Games are definitely more skill based.

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I also tested the bolster system out on my level 26 Merc this morning. Whether I was geared made little difference. The bolster system appears to do a fantastic job of equalizing player stats in the 10 - 29. Everyone pretty much had the same stats. Personally, I like it. Games are definitely more skill based.


Oh? From my experience, people die ridicously fast in 10-29, you don't need much skill to spam explosive probe + ambush + a few snipes. (Not saying that snipers are a problem, just using these as an example).

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Oh? From my experience, people die ridicously fast in 10-29, you don't need much skill to spam explosive probe + ambush + a few snipes. (Not saying that snipers are a problem, just using these as an example).


hide behind a wall, then he cant pew pew you.

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