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Why are people against a LFG Tool


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That word doesn't mean what you think it means.


Word means EXACTLY what I think it means, and you fit the definition.


You sound like one of those who spams guild chat looking for people to drop whatever they are doing to help you out. Yeah, I ignore people like that. I also do not resort to that behavior. I respect other people's playtime and don't think the world revolves around me and what I want to do.


Actually, I'm in a GOOD guild... Where people actually talk to each other about all kinds of things, including what content we might run together on any given day.


You can feel free to crawl back under your rock now. If you don't want to deal with other people and only see them as a means to an end, then why play an MMO in the first place?

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I think your post is very narrow-minded, there are many people in their mid-late 30s with families who love star wars and don't have time to play more then 5 hours a week and who would benefit greatly from a looking for dungeon tool. But you want everyone to join a guild and know the birthdays of everyone they group with....lol.


Yeah, and you never blow anything out of proportion, right? :rolleyes:


There are many people in my guild that fit the description you gave... If they can do it, why can't you..?

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There is simply no need for it in ToR. Lot of the flashpoints are based on conversation system that will be disaster with five anonymous people because of increased chance of getting a troll/griefer, etc..


At least, when you are forced to put a group together. It makes you behave properly with other human beings because its your reputation that will take a hit if you are griefing over and over again.


Reputation and social aspect are two most important thing for any multiplayer/coop game. imo.

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I've been playing WoW since it's beta. I was part of the server first kills of C'Thun and Kel'Thuzad back when raiding was "hardcore".


Let me tell you something, it sucked. We had fun obviously, but just because something is more tedious, doesn't make it more fun. It didn't require ANY skill to get 40 people together, or grind reputation or farm requirements to enter raids... it just took ridiculous amounts of time. When Blizzard finally learned this, they stopped torturing their players and instead focused on making the game more fun.


I approve of LFG and LFR tools. It lets more players have fun, and that's always a good thing.


Don't like it? Don't use it. Stick to heroic modes and do your other so called "1337" things. You aren't better then anyone, so get over yourself.


Signed, a former 1337 raider.

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The LFD tool in WoW is a huge success that millions of players love, so that's not going to help your case.


Sure they love. That's why everyone now sits in towns and wait in line for heroics or Dragon Soul.

There is nothing else to do. Just pick your nose, troll the chat and wait in line.

Edited by maxbaby
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I for one am against an LFG tool as most implementations don't let you choose who you group with like when setting up a group. There is less "accountability" and I also think it affects how fast content is consumed. Just because something can be automated doesn't mean it should. I wouldn't mind a LFG channel to make it easier to group without spamming General though.
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I for one am against an LFG tool as most implementations don't let you choose who you group with like when setting up a group. There is less "accountability" and I also think it affects how fast content is consumed. Just because something can be automated doesn't mean it should. I wouldn't mind a LFG channel to make it easier to group without spamming General though.


If you want to form your own group, go ahead. Pick every member, and don't use LFG. Just don't use it. Just because it's available to those who want it, doesn't mean anything is different for those who don't want it. No one is forcing you to use it.

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The LFD tool in WoW is a huge success that millions of players love, so that's not going to help your case.


The LFD is a success in wow, sort of. If your only criteria for success is making things FAST. In fact it had created an accepted atmosphere of not caring about other players because the attitude of "I will never see these people again, why should I care if I act terrible?" You see it in the forums ALL the time.


I've been a tank in WoW since vanilla and in WotLK the mindset had gotten so bad at the end of that expansion, LFD was just to see if we could finish an instance in 5 min or less. Queue, enter instance, start yelling "GO GO GO TANK" "PULL MORE TANK", aoe it all down and leave. If I even stopped to loot something as a tank, hunters are MDing to me and mages pulling crap, but WHO CARES? I WONT SEE YOU AGAIN!!


I don't know, maybe a bad example, but it just creates a community of people who just don't care about their actions to others. If this was something that was SERVER SPECIFIC I think it would be more accepted by the WoW players who seem so against it just as a general addition to the game. But I feel like, if it is implemented server specific, people will STILL complain and want it game wide.


I came to this game because I wanted something different from wow for a while. I loved that game for over 5 years, but I am ready for change. So far, I think this game is doing fine, for the most part.

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The LFD is a success in wow, sort of. If your only criteria for success is making things FAST. In fact it had created an accepted atmosphere of not caring about other players because the attitude of "I will never see these people again, why should I care if I act terrible?" You see it in the forums ALL the time.


I've been a tank in WoW since vanilla and in WotLK the mindset had gotten so bad at the end of that expansion, LFD was just to see if we could finish an instance in 5 min or less. Queue, enter instance, start yelling "GO GO GO TANK" "PULL MORE TANK", aoe it all down and leave. If I even stopped to loot something as a tank, hunters are MDing to me and mages pulling crap, but WHO CARES? I WONT SEE YOU AGAIN!!


I don't know, maybe a bad example, but it just creates a community of people who just don't care about their actions to others. If this was something that was SERVER SPECIFIC I think it would be more accepted by the WoW players who seem so against it just as a general addition to the game. But I feel like, if it is implemented server specific, people will STILL complain and want it game wide.


I came to this game because I wanted something different from wow for a while. I loved that game for over 5 years, but I am ready for change. So far, I think this game is doing fine, for the most part.


In my random thread pop-in, you happened to be the last post on the subject, so I'll ask you: Can you back any of that up or are you relying on the "I said it is so, therefor it is and some people on a forum agreed with me" argument style?


In other news, I went to a forum where people said they were abducted by aliens, so the whole argument is moot since we're being invaded by body snatchers.

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Also, I think people begging an MMO community to meet their social needs status quo should be forced to spend time with -real- people outside of a game. I think the MMO experience, for these social aspect begging people, should be forced to socially interact more... With real people, so they don't need it so bad in game.



I play a multiplayer game instead of a single-player game because of the interaction with other people, and I would use the word social to describe the interaction.


To infer that I have no social contact and require it from a game, to me, seems like you are just dismissing my personal opinion as flawed because you have viewed me as some douche sitting at his computer with nothing else to do.


It also, in my opinion, furthers my argument. The more anonymous people are, the less consequences people have, the less they care about their social or anti-social activity. If you knew me IRL, or were arguing with me in real life, there is no way you would have said that.


I want interraction with other players from this game, I will forgoe convieniance and speed and instant gratification in order for a longer-lasting nicer community and a greater sense of delayed gratification.

I personally feel no instant-dungeon-finder ala WoW is one way to help this along.

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I want interraction with other players from this game, I will forgoe convieniance and speed and instant gratification in order for a longer-lasting nicer community and a greater sense of delayed gratification.


Clearly you aren't yet jaded enough. Try PUGing, especially as a Healer or Tank.

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The point of a MMO is to play with people. Find a great guild that every night you play together. You kill stuff together. You progress together and you won't need a LFG tool. Honestly I didn't even use the LFG in WoW I just played with my friends. Find friends and play the game how it should be played.
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We need a lfg tool to place us in a que for a flashpoint. if you dont like it dont use it, for those of us who play at odd times it is a great tool.


Hanging out in the starport for 1+ hours to maybe find a group is horrid. I would rather level my toon and get a que prompt.

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Clearly you aren't yet jaded enough. Try PUGing, especially as a Healer or Tank.


In WoW I was always a tank or healer.


Currently i'm a healer.


I'm happy to take the good with the bad, but for me, personally, I much prefered the expierance before the LFD instant-tool was implemented.


We need a lfg tool to place us in a que for a flashpoint. if you dont like it dont use it, for those of us who play at odd times it is a great tool.


Hanging out in the starport for 1+ hours to maybe find a group is horrid. I would rather level my toon and get a que prompt.


I play aussie times on a server with little to no australian population (in otherwords I play at middnight-4-5am)


I have only started and only get an hour or two to play at a time.


I have had no trouble finding groups for stuff i'm doing.




Also, while i'm here, I was a huge advocate for the LFD tool when it first got implemented into WoW, I thought it was great and used it extensivly, and loved it.


Over time, the whole mindset of people deteriorated, and by the time it came around to cata, I hated dungeons so much that I quit. It, in my expierance and opinion only, destroyed the community feel that we had.

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I don't understand the argument. A LFG tool would not be any less social than how things are now.


The argument, is that it prevents people from having to talk with one another to form their groups, and once the group is made, if you like them, you add them to your friends list.


This is reasonable, but if you take a LFG Tool, that is server side only, your point is mute.



Spamming LF HEALER FOR SUCH AND SUCH FP in General is not being social, and once they respond: I'll do your instance, invite me~


Guess what? That's exactly what the tool does, without the General Spamming, without the sitting in the Space Station doing nothing, but watching General Chat Spam waiting for that special some one who's paying attention, and it saves General Chat for people who actually want to use it.


Please stop saying this is a bad idea. The opinion that it takes away from the social aspect of the game, is bad.


It's not about being social, or any such thing. The complaint was that when once people would gather up around the entrances of dungeons or form up groups while out in the world it felt more dynamic it some way. With the LFD tool people just sat in town and waited for a queue.


Now is SWTOR that already happens due to the Space Station where all the flashpoints are housed. So if a LFD tool were to be implemented you likely wouldn't notice any change save for less chat channel spam.

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It's not about being social, or any such thing. The complaint was that when once people would gather up around the entrances of dungeons or form up groups while out in the world it felt more dynamic it some way.


It sure as hell was fun being ganked in front of the dungeon entrance. But if someone needs that, no one would take that opportunity away. Adding a dungeon tool does not eliminate the traditional way of doing a dungeon. Of course with a tool you have less people to pick from, because most people prefer the convenience of an LFG tool. If they wouldn't, there would be lots of people out there not using them and traveling to dungeons the old way.


With the LFD tool people just sat in town and waited for a queue.


Without the LFD, people also sat in town, while trying to form up the group. Sometimes people would even continue to sit in town after the group was formed, because they were arguing over who flies to the entrance and summons the rest of the group.


Ironically, back then you had to sit in town for hours, because you needed to use the channel, while now, if you wish to do so, you can just queue up and actually leave the town and do something. If people don't that's because there is nothing out there, that they want to do. Forcing players to fly to the dungeon EVERY time, again and again doesn't make anything more exciting. At least not for me. Besides, is there really a difference between seeing people hang around in front of a dungeon as opposed to hanging around in their home city?

Edited by Nindoriel
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