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I don't see the problem with bolster or anything. Good job Bioware/EA.


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For you level 50's


If you have EWH/WH with AUGMENTS and are min maxed? Wear everything except the min/max pve armoring belt/bracers (that we all had). Take those OFF. Also take off RELICS. If implants/ear are WH and up and are augmented? Keep them on.


Weapons. If you have EWH augmented keep them on. If not? Any 50 wep WITHOUT expertise is ideal.

Grats now you have clothes on and good stats. For instance I had a "so so offfhand" on my scoundrel. I put a 50 blue NON EXPERTISE shotgun in his offhand and the stats went way up in the WZ.


If you are past level 50, then of course green/blue leveling gear is probably going to be better then level 50 gear. Is this your first MMO? This happens every single expansion. Why do you think people told you to save your coms? A new expansion is a RESTART. You have better gear to pve level with from 50-55 (prob something like 52 quest gear will be better), and THAT is the only advantage you have going into an expansion.


As far as "class balance". Expansions with new talents aren't balanced at any level but the TOP level in the expansion. If you are crying about it? You are an idiot. Some specs can reach all their awesome abilities, some can only get that stuff at 55. Add to that? There are new abilities that many of us can't get till Sunday.


If you are not topping dmg now? You prob weren't topping dmg before, or are used to fighting undergeared people. This is a SKILL issue. Get better.


I have topped dmg in damn near every single warzone on marauder/sniper/shadow/scoundrel so far and can't level past 50 (didn't preorder in January).


I don't see any issues at all, except people overreacting and thinking gear will also be useless in the 55 bracket.


Good job Bioware/EA. Relax people. It took all of 30 seconds to take individual pieces on and off in the warzone (before it started) to figure this crap out.

Edited by biowareftw
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I agree with you, I know have a heartattack. :D


I do think the bolster has balanced all the classes, and all the classes feel viable, maybe not all the trees but at the moment I could argue that sages, commando, shadow, and scoundrel dps could be put in a ranked team and considered atm.


Whatever has happened is good, and I do notice people having fun with their classes again, I also notice people being more competitive and puting out nice numbers in these wz's.


It might be to early for me to say this, but if this was the change they had intended they just made alot of people happy, and if people are complaining about gear or how the brackets are then they need to take a chill pill and see the big picture.

Edited by Caeliux
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Yeah relax people... its totality legit that you need to remove your gear before pvping.


And what would happen if you couldn't?


For those powerleveling in warzones, your 50 pvp gear would be CRAP compared to quest greens. People NOT powerleveling and just leveling through quests and getting new gear with occasional warzones would have a HUGE advantage.


Is that what you would rather have? Imagine the QQ then...


What makes you think this is going to be the same at level 55 (all that matters)?

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I don't see any issues at all, except people overreacting and thinking gear will also be useless in the 55 bracket.


Really? You really see "no issue as all" with NO gear being better than having the best (at level) gear? That seriously doesn't make you wonder if it's working as intended? Even just a little bit?

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Really? You really see "no issue as all" with NO gear being better than having the best (at level) gear? That seriously doesn't make you wonder if it's working as intended? Even just a little bit?


The naked no gear is a bug, with gear bolster is working as intended.


The misconception of the bug is why people are in this naked warzone panic, people need to go to a store and buy chill pills.


I hear they cost $19.95.

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Really? You really see "no issue as all" with NO gear being better than having the best (at level) gear? That seriously doesn't make you wonder if it's working as intended? Even just a little bit?


Of course it s a problem but like other ppl said pvp is fun again and balance is better... Even my 44 comando can dominate pvp now...and I don t even have demolition round yet!!!

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Not sure removing gear or putting on worse gear to get better stats is a good idea.


But as you said if you were a solid player yesterday you will be today as well. If you were productive when you outgeared your opponent, you may notice some drop off.

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Really? You really see "no issue as all" with NO gear being better than having the best (at level) gear? That seriously doesn't make you wonder if it's working as intended? Even just a little bit?


Heh, look at the OP's name...biggest fanboy on here.

The "World's best PVP developer team" (actual Bioware quote) is getting their inspiration from people like him.

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Heh, look at the OP's name...biggest fanboy on here.

The "World's best PVP developer team" (actual Bioware quote) is getting their inspiration from people like him.


Oh, trust me...I noticed it :) Obviously this is a troll thread by him, and a damn good one because it's an issue that simply doesn't make any sense to people.

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I will bump with this comment from op,


For you level 50's, If you are not topping dmg now? You prob weren't topping dmg before, or are used to fighting undergeared people. This is a SKILL issue. Get better.


^ The truth in that statement needs posted and stickied and remembered daily.


It is almost sig worthy.

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Oh, trust me...I noticed it :) Obviously this is a troll thread by him, and a damn good one because it's an issue that simply doesn't make any sense to people.


It actually makes perfect sense. They phased out any gear below 55 with expertise. You can't buy it anymore, and that's how bolster is designed for PvP 10-54. So don't wear any non level 55 pvp gear. The QQ I see is people don't understand this concept or they are mad because they can't use there leet gear to face roll more skilled players anymore.

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It actually makes perfect sense. They phased out any gear below 55 with expertise. You can't buy it anymore, and that's how bolster is designed for PvP 10-54. So don't wear any non level 55 pvp gear. The QQ I see is people don't understand this concept or they are mad because they can't use there leet gear to face roll more skilled players anymore.


^ Yup lol. I can only imagine that these kids who thought they were hardcore are now losing with their premades and are "mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore!"


Guess what kids? We don't care. Get rolled by valor 10 people. Why? Because they are better then you. Deal with it.


Don't worry at level 55? The gear escalator starts all over again and you can have that edge you need to compete in PvP...LAWL.

Edited by biowareftw
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