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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Did the TTK..... Just get shorter?


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Yes! TTK is super fast now and it is no fun! I don't bother to use my long-cast abilities because either I don't last or they don't last long enough to get the attack off.


The TTK is only fast if you don't have any healers or tanks. This is how it should be. With tanks and healers I have seen fights on the node last 5+minutes without a death since the patch.

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This. Had an insane Voidstar yesterday where almost no one died. Healing heavy on both sides. I was a PT tank. The enemy team had a Jugg tank. Both tanks had over 300k protection, which made the burst damage very easy to heal.


Tanks are awesome in PvP when played right.


Agreed, most of the people complaining about the TTK are on teams with 8 full glass cannon dps. This is no longer a viable team, it's really sad that it went on like this for so long that people think this was a viable team at any level.

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Why not? Healing is more fun than ever, especially with the bolster that increases your alacrity, power, crit rating and all the essential things healers love. I routinely heal between 750k and 1.3 million per warzone, and my power only amplifies if I have a guard and/or a second healer. My numbers are almost guaranteed to eclipse any numbers DPS are putting out.


Healers are fine. In fact, they're probably overpowered. However, if you're the sole healer and you have no guard, and you solo queue, yeah, you're probably going to die fast and often. But, you know what? You should. Learn to play.


I know right? I have no idea how anyone could think healing is not a blast right now. I understand bolster will be tweaked, but this beats the hell out of getting jumped on by 4 smashers and dying in 5 hits when you're wearing full EWH.

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So what happens when you get into a WZ without a healer? I should have taken screen shots of the THREE I just played without one. Made me want to quit the game.


Join a guild, make friends with a healer, or roll one yourself. With the changes to heal output I wouldn't worry about it too much, you will be seeing a LOT more tanks and healers moving forward .

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Yeah - it's currently a race between the players and BW to see if we can come up with a recipe for gear that works before they totally gut the bolster system in some horrible overcompensating knee-jerk reaction which creates even more problems :)


I keep thinking 'Oh well, get used to it, this is PvP now'. But ...... dagnabbit - how did this monstrosity ever make it live? Surely they saw this coming? :mad:


I think it's because they tend to give away stuff in test, so everyone was on a mostly even playing field. Now that people are trying to get to that point, they're noticing stuff that they didn't notice back then, because they're in the grind that was skipped in the PTS.


I think.

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The TTK is only fast if you don't have any healers or tanks. This is how it should be. With tanks and healers I have seen fights on the node last 5+minutes without a death since the patch.


No. I am obliterating tanks with my sniper. They stand no chance. It used to be that a tank could take on a few bad guys and live long enough to stop a cap, delay, etc. Now it's over almost immediately. It's true that tanks last a bit longer than squishier classes but they are not lasting any where near as long as they used to.


This little misinformation campaign you are on is cute but it does not reflect the reality of the live game right now: TTK is dramatically shorter in 2.0.

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Personally I love the changes!


It makes you think twice as a player what your intention is if you're charging into a group of enemy players: do you have backup? Will you wipe these guys yourself? What's the point in this situation if it doesn't benefit the team?


Pvp feels like it's no longer about killing random players on the field to advance your objective and win the game; in my experience so far I've noticed that providing that peel off a healer or focusing a key target down is even more important than it ever has been, especially with the TTK as it stands now.


I feel 55 Pvp is so much better than what it was before. It makes me think twice about old habits and turns the warzone into a more team coordinated effort than ever before.

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Personally I love the changes!


It makes you think twice as a player what your intention is if you're charging into a group of enemy players: do you have backup? Will you wipe these guys yourself? What's the point in this situation if it doesn't benefit the team?


Pvp feels like it's no longer about killing random players on the field to advance your objective and win the game; in my experience so far I've noticed that providing that peel off a healer or focusing a key target down is even more important than it ever has been, especially with the TTK as it stands now.


I feel 55 Pvp is so much better than what it was before. It makes me think twice about old habits and turns the warzone into a more team coordinated effort than ever before.


Now this I can't quibble with. If you LIKE the new system, borked as it is, that's fine. But to suggest (as others have done) that TTK is not down dramatically is pure fiction.


You are most certainly entitled to your opinion. And I respect it. Here is mine: TTK is so fast, that PvP is no fun and feels more like a zerg FPS than a strategic MMO.

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Now this I can't quibble with. If you LIKE the new system, borked as it is, that's fine. But to suggest (as others have done) that TTK is not down dramatically is pure fiction.


You are most certainly entitled to your opinion. And I respect it. Here is mine: TTK is so fast, that PvP is no fun and feels more like a zerg FPS than a strategic MMO.


Can I ask then: if we strip this down to its bear backbone, what would the ideal TTK for you as a paying customer?


You recognised my view perfectly, I wasn't sure if I conveyed it appropriately but you're right I enjoy the fast paced combat because unlike vanilla tanks no longer feel like operation bosses anymore with a healer, and regardless of how strong healers are right now they no longer feel invulnerable if there are more than 2 aware healers in a warzone.


Right now, to me, it feels like a balance has been struck that wasn't there before and players are now feeling like this change is not for the better because they don't enter combat strategically, they never have before and now that they are forced to have that awareness they don't appreciate the change.

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Can I ask then: if we strip this down to its bear backbone, what would the ideal TTK for you as a paying customer?


You recognised my view perfectly, I wasn't sure if I conveyed it appropriately but you're right I enjoy the fast paced combat because unlike vanilla tanks no longer feel like operation bosses anymore with a healer, and regardless of how strong healers are right now they no longer feel invulnerable if there are more than 2 aware healers in a warzone.


Right now, to me, it feels like a balance has been struck that wasn't there before and players are now feeling like this change is not for the better because they don't enter combat strategically, they never have before and now that they are forced to have that awareness they don't appreciate the change.


Interesting way of looking at it, and (so far with my experience as of yet) I tend to agree.

Edited by jolleebindu
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I do kind of like the argument about healers being more vital, and the role they play; but the swing in TTK from no healer to healer still is a bit lopsided. It makes it to where it is not really about executing your abilities intelligently; but rather get as many stuns and damage attacks out as quick as possible before you die or they get healed. I think some of you have not come across a good infiltration shadow if you think you can just position yourself to combat this.


At least in sub-55. I haven't played 55 yet, but sub-55; people should have time to learn smart ability usage.

Edited by Technohic
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And we are not queing because of the ridiculous damage that can be done to us and our light armor


Maybe you're not queuing, but I've been doing just fine on my sage. Sure, if I get focused I will get destroyed, but that's the point. If your team is decent, they should be doing the same to the other healer. But if you've got a good tank watching your back and peeling/taunting/guarding, your job will be 10x easier.

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I do kind of like the argument about healers being more vital, and the role they play; but the swing in TTK from no healer to healer still is a bit lopsided. It makes it to where it is not really about executing your abilities intelligently; but rather get as many stuns and damage attacks out as quick as possible before you die or they get healed. I think some of you have not come across a good infiltration shadow if you think you can just position yourself to combat this.


At least in sub-55. I haven't played 55 yet, but sub-55; people should have time to learn smart ability usage.


Try 10-29. TTK in there is so short that healers would probably be more useful dpsing. Haven't tried tanking there yet but probably the result wouldn't be much better.

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I feel like I play call of duty now


Half the time I spend farming enemies at their spawn point


The other half I get farmed out of spawn point




If they don't change bolster I'm going to go play halo 4, I live longer

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Yeah - it's currently a race between the players and BW to see if we can come up with a recipe for gear that works before they totally gut the bolster system in some horrible overcompensating knee-jerk reaction which creates even more problems :)


I keep thinking 'Oh well, get used to it, this is PvP now'. But ...... dagnabbit - how did this monstrosity ever make it live? Surely they saw this coming? :mad:


They saw it coming, because dozens of PTS posters told us it would. I figure they erase PTS every time they close it simply for the fact they hate to continually look bad for ignoring all of our troubleshooting. Happened in Beta, Happened in 2.0


And we are not queing because of the ridiculous damage that can be done to us and our light armor


You've got escape mechanisms. Ask for assistance via a tank guard. Trust me, people want to be healed.


OK maybe not in 10-29, that subgroup looks like one huge train wreck.

Edited by islander
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No. I am obliterating tanks with my sniper. They stand no chance. It used to be that a tank could take on a few bad guys and live long enough to stop a cap, delay, etc. Now it's over almost immediately. It's true that tanks last a bit longer than squishier classes but they are not lasting any where near as long as they used to.


This little misinformation campaign you are on is cute but it does not reflect the reality of the live game right now: TTK is dramatically shorter in 2.0.


Funny, I don't obliterate 30k health tanks as a geared MM. Unless they are ignoring me, and don't use any defensive CD's. Not sure what kind of tanks you are seeing. Bad ones, I guess.


Even using lethality, those dots take time to proc. Freebie takedowns are somewhat overrated, I found personally, because you lose a lot of crit damage and it's white damage - easily defensed against in a one on one scenario.


The only people really getting ripped up by me in 'record time' are poorly geared light armored folks. Yeah, I can - like any other DPS class, get around 9k on a critical hit on an easy target with ambush, and follow it up with a 4-5k follow through and 6500-7500 takedown - with an extra follow through if needed. IF all three crit (and remember, crit rate drops precipitously in the expansion) and it's a soft target. Highly situational, I did 5 warzones last night and only found 4 targets total like this. Should've warzoned more but got way too caught up in Makeb chat last night ><


I'm not arguing that TTK isn't a bit faster then before, but I'd suggest people like you grossly exaggerate reality, and ignore the fact that healers compensate for this....two good healers can essentially prevent a team from dying for quite some time.


edit: Here's proof http://i.imgur.com/4KlO2iq.jpg

Edited by islander
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  • Dev Post

Howdy folks,


Thanks for all the reports regarding shortened TTK! I just wanted to let you all know that we are looking into the issue, and we could use your help - if you feel so inclined.


For those of you who feel that you are quickly defeated in PvP, please post the following information:


1. What level is your character?


2. While in a PvP zone and under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for the following stat values?

A. Health (while bolstered) = ?

B. Endurance (while bolstered) = ?

C. Expertise (while bolstered) = ?

D. Armor Rating (while bolstered) = ?


3. In that same set of equipment, while you are NOT in a PvP zone and NOT under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for those same values?

A. Health = ?

B. Endurance = ?

C. Expertise = ?

D. Armor Rating = ?


4. What kind of equipment are you wearing? Please list any modifications you've made to your equipment (for example, please note if you have added any augments to it or switched out any of the armorings, mods, enhancements, color crystals, etc. - and note what type of augment/armoring/mod/etc. that you have swapped into each slot of each piece of equipment). The more detail you give here, the more likely we will be able to find the issue that is causing your character to be quickly defeated in PvP.



For those of you who are critically hitting with certain abilities for over 9000 damage in bolstered PvP situations, please post the following information:


1. Which advanced class is your character that is able to critically hit for over 9000 damage in PvP situations?


2. What level is this same character?


3. Which ability or abilities are critically hitting for over 9000 damage in PvP situations?


4. About how often would you say the above ability or abilities critically hit for over 9000 damage in PvP situations?


5. While in a PvP zone and under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for the following stat values?

A. Expertise (while bolstered) = ?

B. [Melee/Ranged] Bonus Damage (while bolstered) = ?

C. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Chance (while bolstered) = ?

D. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Multiplier (while bolstered) = ?

E. [Force/Tech] Bonus Damage (while bolstered) = ?

F. [Force/Tech] Critical Chance (while bolstered) = ?

G. [Force/Tech] Critical Multiplier (while bolstered) = ?


6. In that same set of equipment, how much expertise does your character have while NOT in a PvP area and NOT under the affects of bolster?

A. Expertise = ?

B. [Melee/Ranged] Bonus Damage = ?

C. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Chance = ?

D. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Multiplier = ?

E. [Force/Tech] Bonus Damage = ?

F. [Force/Tech] Critical Chance = ?

G. [Force/Tech] Critical Multiplier = ?


7. What kind of equipment are you wearing? Please list any modifications you've made to your equipment (for example, please note if you have added any augments to it or switched out any of the armorings, mods, enhancements, color crystals, etc. - and note what type of augment/armoring/mod/etc. that you have swapped into each slot of each piece of equipment).


We know it can be frustrating when changes are made to statistical values that have become accepted and expected, and we thank you for your help and patience as we further diagnose this issue!

Edited by DavidDemaree
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The only people really getting ripped up by me in 'record time' are poorly geared light armored folks.


how can you tell they're poorly geared? my 50 gains exp, mainstat and end by taking gear off. my 47 with twinked out and aug'd purples but green relics has BETTER stats than anything I can get with a mix on my prevously endgame 50s. iunno. it's a mess sub 55 for sure.


edit: Dave, you might wanna recolor your post. I didn't realize it was an actual BW post and started to ignore the troll. heh.

Edited by foxmob
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I feel like I play call of duty now


Half the time I spend farming enemies at their spawn point


The other half I get farmed out of spawn point




If they don't change bolster I'm going to go play halo 4, I live longer

Indeed i have kolto overload on my merc and it heals me up to 30% but whats the point when the shadows finisher hits 9k?

I am 55 2 pieces of pvp gear and i am getting killed in a scoundrels opener killed in a pyro vanguards stun getting killed in 2 hits by lolsmashers 4k obliterate lol leap 4k? logic. It's a melees game again and don't get me ranting about shadows and assassins they have always been op with every utility in the game bar team healing and now they can kill me in a opener i mean 6k maul which is spammable 6k project at 55. The pvp does not get better it is the same roll it back to pre 2.0 at least then it didn't feel like a fps bolster shouldn't be in 55 pvp anyway why have bolster in pvp if its in pvp i want it in raiding so i don't have to do any grinding.

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Howdy folks,


Thanks for all the reports regarding shortened TTK! I just wanted to let you all know that we are looking into the issue, and we could use your help - if you feel so inclined.


For those of you who feel that you are quickly defeated in PvP, please post the following information:


1. What level is your character?


2. While in a PvP zone and under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for the following stat values?

A. Health (while bolstered) = ?

B. Endurance (while bolstered) = ?

C. Expertise (while bolstered) = ?

D. Armor Rating (while bolstered) = ?


3. In that same set of equipment, while you are NOT in a PvP zone and NOT under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for those same values?

A. Health = ?

B. Endurance = ?

C. Expertise = ?

D. Armor Rating = ?


4. What kind of equipment are you wearing? Please list any modifications you've made to your equipment (for example, please note if you have added any augments to it or switched out any of the armorings, mods, enhancements, color crystals, etc. - and note what type of augment/armoring/mod/etc. that you have swapped into each slot of each piece of equipment). The more detail you give here, the more likely we will be able to find the issue that is causing your character to be quickly defeated in PvP.



For those of you who are critically hitting with certain abilities for over 9000 damage in bolstered PvP situations, please post the following information:


1. Which advanced class is your character that is able to critically hit for over 9000 damage in PvP situations?


2. What level is this same character?


3. Which ability or abilities are critically hitting for over 9000 damage in PvP situations?


4. About how often would you say the above ability or abilities critically hit for over 9000 damage in PvP situations?


5. While in a PvP zone and under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for the following stat values?

A. Expertise (while bolstered) = ?

B. [Melee/Ranged] Bonus Damage (while bolstered) = ?

C. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Chance (while bolstered) = ?

D. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Multiplier (while bolstered) = ?

E. [Force/Tech] Bonus Damage (while bolstered) = ?

F. [Force/Tech] Critical Chance (while bolstered) = ?

G. [Force/Tech] Critical Multiplier (while bolstered) = ?


6. In that same set of equipment, how much expertise does your character have while NOT in a PvP area and NOT under the affects of bolster?

A. Expertise = ?

B. [Melee/Ranged] Bonus Damage = ?

C. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Chance = ?

D. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Multiplier = ?

E. [Force/Tech] Bonus Damage = ?

F. [Force/Tech] Critical Chance = ?

G. [Force/Tech] Critical Multiplier = ?


7. What kind of equipment are you wearing? Please list any modifications you've made to your equipment (for example, please note if you have added any augments to it or switched out any of the armorings, mods, enhancements, color crystals, etc. - and note what type of augment/armoring/mod/etc. that you have swapped into each slot of each piece of equipment).


We know it can be frustrating when changes are made to statistical values that have become accepted and expected, and we thank you for your help and patience as we further diagnose this issue!


Ok I have to ask, you want the players to help now? yet when those that went to the pts and said the bolster system was as much use as a chocolate tea pot you ignored it. From my understanding folk did comment on the forums about the bolster system yet the threads were deleted? come on guys its Star Wars not Star kill the same npc the same way over and over and over and over..... folks like the challenge of pvp as it stands you've well messed it up big time.


That said makeb looks great and is fun just a shame you had to wreck the other side of the game.

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Ok I have to ask, you want the players to help now? yet when those that went to the pts and said the bolster system was as much use as a chocolate tea pot you ignored it. From my understanding folk did comment on the forums about the bolster system yet the threads were deleted? come on guys its Star Wars not Star kill the same npc the same way over and over and over and over..... folks like the challenge of pvp as it stands you've well messed it up big time.


That said makeb looks great and is fun just a shame you had to wreck the other side of the game.


Honestly , I'm not getting paid to put all those numbers together, it is their job they should go test this out for themselves since they deleted my bolster thread when the PTS was still going on, why should I bother now?

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As far as my observations go, TTK is only a joke on sub-55 warzones, if anything healing is quite strong on 55 bracket and TTK seems to be under control.


Of course a lot of DPSers are undergeared in the 55 bracket yet, and people will still find "optimal" values for their stats and modding, which will improve DPS as the meta game evolves.


Again, this are initial observations, maybe there are some DPSers "doing it right" and wrecking people on 55 bracket in 3 hits, but i have never seen that.


TLDR: lowbie PvP, who cares?

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