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Did the TTK..... Just get shorter?


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Howdy folks,


Thanks for all the reports regarding shortened TTK! I just wanted to let you all know that we are looking into the issue, and we could use your help - if you feel so inclined.


For those of you who feel that you are quickly defeated in PvP, please post the following information:


1. What level is your character?


2. While in a PvP zone and under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for the following stat values?

A. Health (while bolstered) = ?

B. Endurance (while bolstered) = ?

C. Expertise (while bolstered) = ?

D. Armor Rating (while bolstered) = ?


3. In that same set of equipment, while you are NOT in a PvP zone and NOT under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for those same values?

A. Health = ?

B. Endurance = ?

C. Expertise = ?

D. Armor Rating = ?


4. What kind of equipment are you wearing? Please list any modifications you've made to your equipment (for example, please note if you have added any augments to it or switched out any of the armorings, mods, enhancements, color crystals, etc. - and note what type of augment/armoring/mod/etc. that you have swapped into each slot of each piece of equipment). The more detail you give here, the more likely we will be able to find the issue that is causing your character to be quickly defeated in PvP.



For those of you who are critically hitting with certain abilities for over 9000 damage in bolstered PvP situations, please post the following information:


1. Which advanced class is your character that is able to critically hit for over 9000 damage in PvP situations?


2. What level is this same character?


3. Which ability or abilities are critically hitting for over 9000 damage in PvP situations?


4. About how often would you say the above ability or abilities critically hit for over 9000 damage in PvP situations?


5. While in a PvP zone and under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for the following stat values?

A. Expertise (while bolstered) = ?

B. [Melee/Ranged] Bonus Damage (while bolstered) = ?

C. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Chance (while bolstered) = ?

D. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Multiplier (while bolstered) = ?

E. [Force/Tech] Bonus Damage (while bolstered) = ?

F. [Force/Tech] Critical Chance (while bolstered) = ?

G. [Force/Tech] Critical Multiplier (while bolstered) = ?


6. In that same set of equipment, how much expertise does your character have while NOT in a PvP area and NOT under the affects of bolster?

A. Expertise = ?

B. [Melee/Ranged] Bonus Damage = ?

C. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Chance = ?

D. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Multiplier = ?

E. [Force/Tech] Bonus Damage = ?

F. [Force/Tech] Critical Chance = ?

G. [Force/Tech] Critical Multiplier = ?


7. What kind of equipment are you wearing? Please list any modifications you've made to your equipment (for example, please note if you have added any augments to it or switched out any of the armorings, mods, enhancements, color crystals, etc. - and note what type of augment/armoring/mod/etc. that you have swapped into each slot of each piece of equipment).


We know it can be frustrating when changes are made to statistical values that have become accepted and expected, and we thank you for your help and patience as we further diagnose this issue!


This may sound harsh, but this is the reason you have the PTS.


Continuing to ignore the issues posted in the PTS forum is bound to yield players no longer caring, since it seems quite obvious the QA/Dev team doesn't care or value input. If I were wrong in saying that, we wouldn't be seeing you ask any of the above information. Again, not a spiteful post, but understand the frustrations of players when they have to repeat themselves on issues that were reported months ago. Ironically, I'm not even PvP'ing anymore until these issues gets situated, as I just don't trust the system any longer, plus the fun factor is now gone for me.

Edited by Pistols
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I'm glad the devs are looking at it. From what I could tell last night, it seemed there would be times where damage would seem normal and others where it seemed way high. When I think about it, it seems like it will be hard to trace in such an uncontrolled environment as a warzone.


BTW. I'm so into old jokes and childish that I still chuckle when we are talking about crits "over 9000!"

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This just shows how some people in this PVP community would rather point, blame and rant than offer to fill up constructive feedback even after it was spoon fed by a yellow post a few pages above. :(


PTS is done, i'm pretty sure you've made your point clear. Now why don't we move forward and post something that is actually useful instead of


Because when you ignore useful info. that was posted before, it stands to reason it will happen again.


Constructive feedback was provided on the PTS, which is how this usually works. I'd help, but like others, I have no time to waste on testing what's wrong with PvP in this game. That's what a QA team is for. /cheers

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Just get rid of bolster all together, was a good attempt I guess at trying to make things a little more fair for people (even though it was not that bad to begin with, not sure what the fuss was about, if there really even was a fuss) but seems like it does not work right, and you probably won't be able to ever truly get it to work the way you envisioned it.


Also, the way you guys have it set up , it is still a gear grind and "unfair" but even more so now to the pvper, because we have to go to raids to get the best pvp gear , which I don't think is right.

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I will reply with my information as requested by Bioware this weekend. In the meantime, I want to say that I played more Warzones last night and my conclusion is the same: TTK is very short and fast right now. While it's true that tanks can last a bit longer and having a healer helps survivability, all classes feel a lot squishier. Generally, I find I have to use my fastest attacks. A lot of times, the target is dead before I can get off an explosive probe + ambush, for one example only. Solo guarding is out now. We used to be able -- with the same team, players and gear -- to leave a solo guarder on the node. Now, with the dramatically reduced TTK, that's a very risky proposition because our teammates don't last long enough for help to arrive.


I'm playing on full-augmented, EWH gear, with the exception of a few mods and enhancements that are WH. My experience so far has been from level 50 to 54. I will post my specific gear and requested info this weekend.

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2. While in a PvP zone and under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for the following stat values?

A. Health (while bolstered) = 19960

B. Endurance (while bolstered) = 1596

C. Expertise (while bolstered) = 1802

D. Armor Rating (while bolstered) = 2999


3. In that same set of equipment, while you are NOT in a PvP zone and NOT under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for those same values?

A. Health = 18198

B. Endurance = 1570

C. Expertise = 1802

D. Armor Rating = 2613


Naked stealthers will take me down to 40% health with their opener. They can easily finish me during the duration of their next stun. Stunlocking isn't a good thing for a game, that's why DAoC and WoW removed that ability from stealthers and gave them better longevity.

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The question is can they then see what the person who took the hit was wearing vs what the person who made the hit was wearing?


I suspect the monster crits are fairly easy to track, and that it's gear that muddies the waters. The ease with which players can swap out gear and individual mods within that gear from one minute to the next is likely a contributing factor here. For example, maybe their system only stores gear information periodically, a snapshot if you will, and isn't granular enough to account for the type of real-world changes players make when trying to push the bolster system to the limit. When you're trying to log data it's difficult to find the sweet spot between logging too much information and logging just enough. Pure speculation on my part of course...


Obviously, without knowing exactly what metrics they do have, we may just be making some pretty big assumptions.



Very true. I just don't think people realize how complicated this stuff truly is. There's a cost and a trade-off for everything and just because it's possible to measure something doesn't mean it's cost-effective to track and store the data. Lets give them the benefit of the doubt here and the time to implement a good fix.

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He didn't spell it out but reading between the lines it seems likely that the issue is highly situational which makes specific issues difficult to wade through when you're working with an ocean of metrics. They're looking for patterns that will help pinpoint the issue and then extrapolate out from there using their metrics to determine a baseline, calculate variance, etc.


Seriously people, if you're going to complain about the state of PVP and insult the developers, don't be a jerk when they ask for your help gathering data. If you're not part of the solution, don't be part of the problem. The least you can do is stay silent and not get in the way.


Clearly, some of you don't understand how the business world works or you'd be a bit more understanding about the need to release, warts and all. You can iterate forever, eventually you have to set a date and launch. As long as they're committed to squashing bugs quickly and have devoted the resources necessary to make it happen, I'm fine.


Exactly I understand being angry and entitled to a degree but if you have any software release experience that deals with direct release to customers you know what happens.


But clearly by the responses the entitlement continues and they would rather complain and bash them then help. Thank you to those that are assisting once I am not at work I will assist as well when I get home.


Someone posted in another thread about fostering a better PvP community it is up to us to do that. So lets get one thread everyone go bash and complain about things you dont like in there. Then lets get helpful threads going on logging what we can to help fix the problems and get back to kicking each others *** in game.

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Howdy folks,


Thanks for all the reports regarding shortened TTK! I just wanted to let you all know that we are looking into the issue, and we could use your help - if you feel so inclined.




David .. this is easy.. you are risking to lose all the pvp community that make sense to you? pvp 55 is a naked pvp feast... remove the bolster from 55 wz.. fix it in a PTS and them MAY be ready for 55.


but if u don't remove the bolster from pvp 55 ...

Most of MMO don't allows you to enter in PVE gear and get a PVP bolster anyway.. gear should be seem as a reward after the grinding.. if not.. you are killing your own MMO.. and believe me you have done very well in this so far.

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I'm not arguing that TTK isn't a bit faster then before, but I'd suggest people like you grossly exaggerate reality, and ignore the fact that healers compensate for this....two good healers can essentially prevent a team from dying for quite some time.


edit: Here's proof http://i.imgur.com/4KlO2iq.jpg


I think the difference is much more apparent under focus-fire. If I am focused by two or three people -- particularly by ranged classes - I am dead in one or two GCDs.


Previously, sure, I'd go down, but I wouldn't be completely instantly obliterated; I'd have time to activate defenses, LOS, and prolong my survival for a bit.

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I will reply with my information as requested by Bioware this weekend. In the meantime, I want to say that I played more Warzones last night and my conclusion is the same: TTK is very short and fast right now. While it's true that tanks can last a bit longer and having a healer helps survivability, all classes feel a lot squishier. Generally, I find I have to use my fastest attacks. A lot of times, the target is dead before I can get off an explosive probe + ambush, for one example only. Solo guarding is out now. We used to be able -- with the same team, players and gear -- to leave a solo guarder on the node. Now, with the dramatically reduced TTK, that's a very risky proposition because our teammates don't last long enough for help to arrive.


I'm playing on full-augmented, EWH gear, with the exception of a few mods and enhancements that are WH. My experience so far has been from level 50 to 54. I will post my specific gear and requested info this weekend.


This last part is half your problem. Stop wearing your gear, you'll live longer. I have 26k health at 54 ungeared.


The one part of your post I'll agree with, is solo guarding is MUCH tougher. If the guard doesn't call incs early - and he could get ambushed by 2 stealthers and have no shot - the node is lost for sure.

You really need two healers in a warzone now.


This is the choice Bioware seems to have made though. I've shown a screenshot of tons of damage done mitigated by healing. If they nerf DPS output overall - despite the fact player health goes up 30-40% at 55 after gearing - then they better nerf healing output just as much.



I think the difference is much more apparent under focus-fire. If I am focused by two or three people -- particularly by ranged classes - I am dead in one or two GCDs.


Previously, sure, I'd go down, but I wouldn't be completely instantly obliterated; I'd have time to activate defenses, LOS, and prolong my survival for a bit.


This is fair, for sure.

If you are focused by two ranked DPSers, you're dead within a few seconds. Less if it's two melee who are stealth and can't see them coming.


As I mentioned just above, I think Bioware's decision to make healers more critical to WZ success is the cause of this. Damage output is always balanced by healing output and they have done a solid job at this. However, if you don't have healers...

Edited by islander
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Howdy folks,


Thanks for all the reports regarding shortened TTK! I just wanted to let you all know that we are looking into the issue, and we could use your help - if you feel so inclined.


For those of you who feel that you are quickly defeated in PvP, please post the following information:




For those of you who are critically hitting with certain abilities for over 9000 damage in bolstered PvP situations, please post the following information:



We know it can be frustrating when changes are made to statistical values that have become accepted and expected, and we thank you for your help and patience as we further diagnose this issue!


Just to let you know, the situation in 10-29 is that people can come from around 50% of their life while I'm casting a 2.5 heal (kolto injection). And this is when they are 1vs1. Can't really give any stats since the I'm healer in those situations (and usually run if someone attacks me, people in this bracket don't have much stuns), but especially low-levels (something like levels 10-16, a rough estimation) seem to die rather quickly. Since this would be the first touch of pvp to new players, dying quickly again and again (maybe because the healers and tanks don't really have the tools to properly heal/tank) doesn't sound something that would be a good welcome to the SWTOR pvp.

Edited by Seireeni
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I think they need to tweak some classes dmg or at the very least, scale the HPS higher after bolster. As a MM slinger/sniper, i can throw an instant EP on a target, then hit a 5-8k ambush (1.5 sec cast), which also explodes EP for 3-5k. Then immediately followup with an instant trickshot which i've been hitting alot for 5k~8k. That's a potential 21k in 3 seconds. Even if only one or none of those crit, you'll be left with a quarter or less hps, as most people are in the 22-24hp range with bolster. And guess what? I then hit you with an instant QD which will usually finish a target off.


The kicker here? Ok, maybe that 3 gcd rotation doesnt finish you off. I then either move and drop for instant CB, which will hit for ~3-5k, or cast SS (dmg on this one is sporadtic), but then trickshot is off cooldown thanks to auto-reset skill, and bam, another 5k-8k. No energy issues what so ever, i cant potentially lay down 30k worth of dmg in about 6 seconds. And i didnt even use a cc if i wanted to root my target to make sure they dont get away. I have a 36 lvl slinger (52 sniper). I've been pushing 600k-800k in WZs, with 0-1 deaths. Thats insane for a lvl 36 anything.


This isnt a 'nerf slinger' post, but people have to realize whats going on. EVERY match i've been in, and i've been in alot since the patch, has 2+ snipers on a team. If you have two snipers pewpewing everything, things will just die almost instantly if its focused.


The problem as i see it are the skills that reset other skills in the skill trees. Like Recoil Control resetting trickshot. I love this feature, but it allows me to string out some massive damage with no downtime anymore...

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And since everyone who appears capable of posting data is too disgusted to bother, after being ignored on PTS and watching threads on this same topic get deleted daily, now Bioware will say, "Well, we haven't seen any documented examples of it happening. So . . . working as intended."



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You really need two healers in a warzone now.



As I mentioned just above, I think Bioware's decision to make healers more critical to WZ success is the cause of this. Damage output is always balanced by healing output and they have done a solid job at this. However, if you don't have healers...


I can agree with this, to an extent. Part of it makes it very interesting, but part of it can be downright frustrating when you have no healers. In a way; I kind of like healing so I am interested, but at the same time I can't help but wonder if the same result couldn't be obtained by less burst damage with more sustained while having larger yet slower heals.

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This is fair, for sure.

If you are focused by two ranked DPSers, you're dead within a few seconds. Less if it's two melee who are stealth and can't see them coming.


As I mentioned just above, I think Bioware's decision to make healers more critical to WZ success is the cause of this. Damage output is always balanced by healing output and they have done a solid job at this. However, if you don't have healers...


Thing is, before 2.0 those healers could often survive being focused during 1 stun and then use acute selfheals/cc/defense to try and get away or manage to throw out a few heals before they died. Now in 2.0 everyone dies just about instantly when stunned and focused.


Every single warzones i've been in (pre55) since launch of 2.0 have given me the feeling of everyone just running around in a big pixel pile, mashing buttons to execute as many highdmg attacks they can before they die...and then run back in, rince and repeat.


I can't for the life of me understand who would consider this skillfull pvp, or even entertaining for more then an hour.

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Howdy folks,


Thanks for all the reports regarding shortened TTK! I just wanted to let you all know that we are looking into the issue, and we could use your help - if you feel so inclined.


For those of you who feel that you are quickly defeated in PvP, please post the following information:


1. What level is your character?


2. While in a PvP zone and under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for the following stat values?

A. Health (while bolstered) = ?

B. Endurance (while bolstered) = ?

C. Expertise (while bolstered) = ?

D. Armor Rating (while bolstered) = ?


3. In that same set of equipment, while you are NOT in a PvP zone and NOT under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for those same values?

A. Health = ?

B. Endurance = ?

C. Expertise = ?

D. Armor Rating = ?


4. What kind of equipment are you wearing? Please list any modifications you've made to your equipment (for example, please note if you have added any augments to it or switched out any of the armorings, mods, enhancements, color crystals, etc. - and note what type of augment/armoring/mod/etc. that you have swapped into each slot of each piece of equipment). The more detail you give here, the more likely we will be able to find the issue that is causing your character to be quickly defeated in PvP.



For those of you who are critically hitting with certain abilities for over 9000 damage in bolstered PvP situations, please post the following information:


1. Which advanced class is your character that is able to critically hit for over 9000 damage in PvP situations?


2. What level is this same character?


3. Which ability or abilities are critically hitting for over 9000 damage in PvP situations?


4. About how often would you say the above ability or abilities critically hit for over 9000 damage in PvP situations?


5. While in a PvP zone and under the affects of bolster, what does your character sheet show for the following stat values?

A. Expertise (while bolstered) = ?

B. [Melee/Ranged] Bonus Damage (while bolstered) = ?

C. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Chance (while bolstered) = ?

D. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Multiplier (while bolstered) = ?

E. [Force/Tech] Bonus Damage (while bolstered) = ?

F. [Force/Tech] Critical Chance (while bolstered) = ?

G. [Force/Tech] Critical Multiplier (while bolstered) = ?


6. In that same set of equipment, how much expertise does your character have while NOT in a PvP area and NOT under the affects of bolster?

A. Expertise = ?

B. [Melee/Ranged] Bonus Damage = ?

C. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Chance = ?

D. [Melee/Ranged] Critical Multiplier = ?

E. [Force/Tech] Bonus Damage = ?

F. [Force/Tech] Critical Chance = ?

G. [Force/Tech] Critical Multiplier = ?


7. What kind of equipment are you wearing? Please list any modifications you've made to your equipment (for example, please note if you have added any augments to it or switched out any of the armorings, mods, enhancements, color crystals, etc. - and note what type of augment/armoring/mod/etc. that you have swapped into each slot of each piece of equipment).


We know it can be frustrating when changes are made to statistical values that have become accepted and expected, and we thank you for your help and patience as we further diagnose this issue!




Are you fricking kidding me?


You want us to do your testing for you on the live servers? You realized this was brought up on the PTS.

There is NO excuse for this lolster system to go live and be this bad! Did ANYONE look at it and test it? or did you just assume that PVP prior to 2.0 was already so flipping bad that you couldn't possibly make it worse? Or is this part of your greedy/cheap budget plans....to get us to do your work for you in the testing department.


Players should be compensated for this mess. Why the heck should we be paying 15 bucks a month to do your jobs for you....in a broken game. Where the only perks of subscribing are the ability to buy crappy new CM stuff. CM is not content...and it seems you break more then you fix. yet we pay you? wow...That a crime....



i'm sure you guys will eventually attempt to fix it. but for the love of all things holy...

Do not just come up with another stupid fix off the seat of your pants. puts some actual thought into it! For instance...dont just buff everyone to an even playing field. not only does it ruin PVP balance and make it nothing more then a button mash fest...it kills the economy. No one has any need to buy gear pre 55...if you guys allow people to fight with no gear.


I get that you wanted to play fair for those with nothing in empty slots. but the real solution should be for the to get off there asses and lvl up and get gear. Not make everyone else and there gear obsolete...


i have never seen such a F up by a dev team in my life...

This is bad. i've played every major MMO since Ultima online and evercrack. This seriously compares with how bad the NGE was in galaxies. No forsight was given at all....

I love the story and concept of this game..but you keep making it worse!!! i'm seriously hoping for a SWTOR-Emu now because i just dont trust your decision making abilites.

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Howdy folks,



I'll consider aiding you in this once you explain to us why this wasn't properly tested and fixed before launch, and also how come you ignored the reports from PTS testers.


Explain how this happened.

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There is no room for skill anymore, it has turned in to Team Rockets, where whoever sees who first will win. I guess it´s their way of catering to the casuals.


And while I still manage to top the majority of damage charts, albeit at a much lower frequency (perhaps 50 % now compared to atleast 90 % in 1.7) than before, it's just a terrible experience every time. Everyone's output is obviously over the top but what makes me feel gimped is my complete lack of crowd control. I basically have a 4 s stun on a 1 minute CD, that's it. Remember how people didnt grasp resolve in 1.7 so they would break the stun just to get whirlwinded instead? That hasnt changed, my ability to use WW has though because it's impossible to get it off now that I have to channel it. I havent used it a single time since 2.0. No bubble or backlash either of course so when my bubble pops I better hope that it was three minutes since I found myself in a similar situation (it never is btw) and I have barrier off CD. I feel like a sitting duck every time I have more than one on me, obviously rooted or some crap too, so I just stand there and try to deal whatever damage I can until the unevitable happens, I die.


That said, I don't die more than i used to but it's only because I'm playing like a nervous reck now. You can't relax for 5 secs because if you do you'll probably be caught offguard. Horrible expereince.


And all the things you can't do in 2.0, i used to have no problem with fighting two on a node. Sometimes I'd die but it wasnt a given. I would never even consider initiating a fight against two enemies, regardless of how bad they might be, now. Can't even enter AHG mid unless I know that the players there are somewhat even on both sides. I used to have a field day in there against several enemies in 1.7 and even if I didnt kill anyone I was able to interrupt or get away.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Howdy folks,


Thanks for all the reports regarding shortened TTK! I just wanted to let you all know that we are looking into the issue, and we could use your help - if you feel so inclined.


Ok, things are messed up, but I'll be doing this and I would URGE everyone else coming into this thread to do so rather than constantly hammering away at how bad Bolster is. We know it, the devs know it - it should never have been released. But it was and we've got to live with it.


For the devs to ask for this much help indicates to me that their much vaunted 'metrics' and the improved level of control Alex Modney blogged about have turned out to be diddley-squat, so I get the feeling that any help would be appreciated.



Also - could someone post proof of a 9k crit? Like a pic or something?




Edited by UltimateKrucible
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Ok, things are messed up, but I'll be doing this and I would URGE everyone else coming into this thread to do so rather than constantly hammering away at how bad Bolster is. We know it, the devs know it - it should never have been released. But it was and we've got to live with it.


For the devs to ask for this much help indicates to me that their much vaunted 'metrics' and the improved level of control Alex Modney blogged about have turned out to be diddley-squat, so I get the feeling that any help would be appreciated.



Also - could someone post proof of a 9k crit? Like a pic or something?





I have seen one myself. Killed by a 9k crit , i haven't gotten any on my operative yet, but I was getting 7k heals and 7 k crits.... Didn't think at the time to take a screen shot of it, but it happens alot so I'm sure I will get around to it. The 9k crits that is.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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Ok, things are messed up, but I'll be doing this and I would URGE everyone else coming into this thread to do so rather than constantly hammering away at how bad Bolster is. We know it, the devs know it - it should never have been released. But it was and we've got to live with it.


For the devs to ask for this much help indicates to me that their much vaunted 'metrics' and the improved level of control Alex Modney blogged about have turned out to be diddley-squat, so I get the feeling that any help would be appreciated.



Also - could someone post proof of a 9k crit? Like a pic or something?




I completly agree, and as soon as they explain how this happened and why they ignored the PTS reports i will do what i can.


I'd also like an answer to WHY they seem to think it's better to bolster emtpy slots instead of granting access to gear on all slots for level 10's adn then bolster those stats. There simply is no reason to allow naked bolster whatsoever.

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You know BW, it's fine you're asking for help now but what happened when we were telling you about all this on pts?


Btw, Smash hits pretty consistently for around nain thausand! It does so every 10 seconds or so, you built it that way, why are you asking us about it now? You want it to not respect crit stat and only depend on power.


TTK is shorter because power has no diminishing returns. End of story.

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