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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How were there 55's minutes after servers went up?


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Within 10-15 min of servers coming live there were 55's being spotted. I saw a 54 with my own eyes. Even if you held onto a ton of dailies/weeklies to turn in that still shouldn't have equated to the 2.5 million plus xp needed to reach 55.


What's going on here?


*ocd edited for misspellings.*

Edited by Dawginole
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Within 10-15 min a servers coming live there were 55's being spotted. I saw a 54 with my own eyes. Even if you held onto a ton of weeklies to turn in that still should have equated to 2.5 million xp needed to reach 55.


What's going on here?


Dailies, weeklies and massive XP bonuses?

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As you said, holding max cap quests from the latest givers and such will only get you so far, (dailies, pvp, operations, daily flashpoints, everything)


I can see someone get to maybe 52, unless bioware FORGOT, to up the exp needed for ding ding, which in that cause MIGHT make it plausable to ding 54 in those first 15 min. MAYBE. otherwise someone just figured out a exploit in beta and didnt report it *shrugs* Either case is possible.

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Apparently people found a way around the pending tab turn in by saving up daily fp turn ins over a long period of time. They held up to 150 turn ins until expac and turned them in getting lvl 55 instantly. Yet again people find a way around the blocks in place to abuse the system and gain...I wonder if bioware will actually do something about it this time.
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really ???? 55's in 15 mins? even 30 mins ???


Working under the impression this is not a troll post and i hope you would not OP....


IM so dissappointed in bioware / ea right now :( it really makes them look bad and the leveling process trivial


but alas it will not detract from my own enjoyment by playing the content correctly ... but this will leak out to general gaming comunnity and be looked at as a joke of an expansion if true


its just sick that devs could allow a major ummmm exploit like this to happen ... but if the way they handled the ILUM valor fiasco is any barometer of how this will go .. nothing will happen ... they dont have the b^%$ls to ban or roll back anything even when using this clear of an exploit of the system in a way not intended

Edited by Trushott
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Apparently people found a way around the pending tab turn in by saving up daily fp turn ins over a long period of time. They held up to 150 turn ins until expac and turned them in getting lvl 55 instantly. Yet again people find a way around the blocks in place to abuse the system and gain...I wonder if bioware will actually do something about it this time.


I don't get how they did this. It can't have been the Daily HM reward from the terminal since you can only have 1. So it must have been from doing the flashpoints but not accepting the 1 tionese comm? I never realized that didn't count as part of the 5 pending mission rewards since I'd never done that.

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Apparently people found a way around the pending tab turn in by saving up daily fp turn ins over a long period of time. They held up to 150 turn ins until expac and turned them in getting lvl 55 instantly. Yet again people find a way around the blocks in place to abuse the system and gain...I wonder if bioware will actually do something about it this time.


If so, I'm not convinced that's "cheating" in any respect... they actually did all those quests,and earned the XP involved, they just timed the grant until after it was useful. As there is not a race to get to 55, why does it even matter? There aren't even limited resources that they get to first by virtue of being there earlier, since those resources always infinitely regenerate.

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Did you not read any of the responses above yours? It has nothing to do with hacks.


Did YOU read? There is no way to get to 55 in that time unless your a gm in the game or you used a hack. For those of you who think they maybe saved all their dailies to turn in at once did you not read the sticky entitled, "Mission Versioning Update":



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Old Today , 06:09 AM | #1 This is the last staff post in this thread.

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Due to Game Update 2.0: Scum and Villainy and Rise of the Hutt Cartel creating new versions or replacing missions (such as PvP, [DAILY], and [WEEKLY] missions), you may find that your Mission Log has been altered or that missions you had completed before the patch but did not turn in have been reset or cleared.




Courtney Woods | Community Production Specialist

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Four what us saving up our quest so we could turn the man and get free levels? It is not our fault that we thought ahead and you all did not. I guess this form Post is where the people new to mmos will cry


People always find a way around everything there's no escaping it it happens in all aspects of life

Edited by Zergnaut
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People always find a way around everything there's no escaping it it happens in all aspects of life


You are only "supposed" to be able to have 30 quests in your journal and 5 in the pending area. The complaint is that its obvious some people did significantly more than that.

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Quest stacking for weeks. Have around at least 100+ quests "saved" and turned them in----> L55.


do you want a cookie becuase you found an exploit of the mission and quest resets they did to prevent this?


you only are suppose to have in any event without the resets ... 30 quests in your journal and 5 in the pending area


its a clear unintended exploit used that the devs did not forsee .. if they did see it coming and did nothing to stop it then they will be laughing stocks to other mmo devs / companies and gamers alike ... not good punlicity for a game i would like to see garner triple the sub rate it has now


clearly was not intended by devs ....


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Old Today , 06:09 AM | #1 This is the last staff post in this thread.

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Due to Game Update 2.0: Scum and Villainy and Rise of the Hutt Cartel creating new versions or replacing missions (such as PvP, [DAILY], and [WEEKLY] missions), you may find that your Mission Log has been altered or that missions you had completed before the patch but did not turn in have been reset or cleared.




Courtney Woods | Community Production Specialist

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but rejoice your lucky ... bioware and EA will not rollback or hand out any "timeouts " they just want your money

Edited by Trushott
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really ???? 55's in 15 mins? even 30 mins ???


Unless they had their entire guild do the quest stacking, its really no achievement... i doubt you can 1 or 2 man Story mode S & V. Now if their entire guild did it... lol. World #1 SM SnV 3 hours into the game lol

Edited by paowee
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Who cares?


I am going to level how I want to level and seeing another person at 55 isn't going to bother me in the slightest.


I will be enjoying this new expansion to it's fullest! Can't wait til my download is done!!


*If they where cheating, then yes they should be delt with. But otherwise WHO CARES!

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Four what us saving up our quest so we could turn the man and get free levels? It is not our fault that we thought ahead and you all did not. I guess this form Post is where the people new to mmos will cry


Yep, and hopefully Bioware will have some backbone this time and revert every character that did this back to level 50.


Only after they've equipped their shiny, new gear, of course, so they'll have to remove it and stare at it as they climb back to 55. :p


Then, there will be a ton of posts about those people crying...


And the circle of forum life goes on... :D


(I'm not really worried about it for the whole '1st' thing. I just think it's pretty lame (and, I hope, totally unintended) for people to earn over 3 million experience this way. I'm all for keeping the 25 missions in the log (and gaining xp from those 25), but come on.. 3,092,490 xp? Obviously, they didn't intended for people to hit the new cap immediately after launch.. I hope.. Meh, back to watching Eureka while I wait for my crappy connection to finish downloading.)

Edited by Fractal_Eye
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Yep, and hopefully Bioware will have some backbone this time and revert every character that did this back to level 50.


Only after they've equipped their shiny, new gear, of course, so they'll have to remove it and stare at it as they climb back to 55. :p


Then, there will be a ton of posts about those people crying...


And the circle of forum life goes on... :D


(I'm not really worried about it for the whole '1st' thing. I just think it's pretty lame (and, I hope, totally unintended) for people to earn over 3 million experience this way. I'm all for keeping the 25 missions in the log (and gaining xp from those 25), but come on.. 3,092,490 xp? Obviously, they didn't intended for people to hit the new cap immediately after launch.. I hope.. Meh, back to watching Eureka while I wait for my crappy connection to finish downloading.)


if they did intend it ... wow that doesnt say much for the dev team

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I do not understand why players are mad about this. We all are here to play our own game and to have fun. Jealousy and envy are distracting you from your own experience. Some may claim that it is an unfair advantage, but if one group of players could do it, everyone had the same capability of doing it, they just did not figure out how. Edited by Truami
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I do not understand why players are mad about this. We all are here to play our own game and to have fun. Jealous and envy are distracting you from your own experience.


also i see you edited so ill reply to last half of what you added above me .. the rest is below ... its not players did not figure out how ... most of us want to play game as intended and not be like a console game or solo game where you can just grant yourself certain things that are not intended





not mad about it ... as i already pointed out earlier in the thread im going to enjoy the new content at my own pace anyway as intended and envisioned by the devs ...


but exploiting in games is generally frowned upon in mmo gaming since i started playing mmos in 1997


and as pointed out in the devs own words in this thread there had to be an exploit somewhere to get the 3 million XP


it also reflects bad on SWTOR in the broader general mmo gaming community ... when this gets out people that may have tried it will hear things like .." what a joke did you hear 12 mins after the new 2.0 was released that had level capped players?"


this is not good for the image of swtor or the devs


but as i also stated earlier in the thread bioware / EA will do nothing about it as usual even though its really a bad business decision not to hand out some time outs and resets to 50's .. handing out those suspensions and rollbacks to 50 would get around the general gaming community that do not play swtor and people would be like ... i like that they seem to have a handle on that game i might try it... VS. did you hear a few minutes after launching new ocntent people level capped in that game LOLZ

Edited by Trushott
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The simply fact of this comes down to this:


These people have EXPLOITED the game and therefore cheating. Read the EULA and you will see that this is against the rules. If they cheat/exploit in this way, what other ways do they cheat and/or exploit. We already know that PVP is full of cheating and hacks, so there's a good chance these are the same people.


This will also be the people that will farm the new gear like there's no tomorrow and put them up on the galactic market for a stupid amount of credits, therefore falsely inflated the value/market and causing the galactic market to again be a laughing stock.


THAT is what this is about, not that they were "First" or playing in a way different to ours. It's that they are dishonest, lying, cheating and immoral people, and this being a social game, DOES affect others and cause them upset, pain and suffering.


If you can't play the game fairly, within the bounds set, and without lying/cheating/stealing/etc/etc then you aren't welcome in our gaming society, and personally I hope your accounts are wiped, and banned, whether it is a paid, or a free account.



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