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Everything posted by Light-years

  1. Game lacks any type of Force-based healer companion across all classes. Give us a smexy sage/sorc companion that we can choose the gender of and SSR. Thanks.
  2. I honestly wish people who consider this game to be bad or dead would get on with their lives. I don't go crap all over the everquest 2 forums all day... I got better stuff to do.
  3. Well there goes my main reason for staying subbed for early access. Ask for 3D space for years, devs take cheap way out, and then don't openly disclose that they have no plans of giving us what we actually ask for. Thanks for saving me $15/mo.
  4. My post got removed from this thread. All I did was counter the arguments in this thread with an honest opinion that was not sexual or political in nature. Thank you CS for letting me know that you are completely one-sided on this issue and will not allow someone to express their opinion in a mature and open manner. Meanwhile trolls run rampant and trash talk for your game (which I hate seeing) litters the front page and assuages future or returning players from joining the game when they check the forums to see it's current status. If someone cannot express their honest beliefs in a PG-manner here, but others in this thread can post like a 12 year old, my respect for these forums is dead.
  5. Thank you for not having an option to always stay logged in to our accounts on the website.
  6. http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349
  7. Dev post: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6182884#edit6182884
  8. People are arguing about two completely different things in this thread, and then they are confusedly crossing the streams. Point A: OP is worried this game will lose casual interest because of people approaching it with a WoW mindset. Point B: People jump in with sith like "It's already wow clone lol". Then people proceed to argue both points and confuse who's arguing A or B. Do everyone a favor and keep the discussion to OPs original concerns. Trolls have an infinite appetite until you ignore them.
  9. The point of the post was not about statistical data at all, that was a lead-in description of the stereotypical MMO mindset. Obviously people don't have the attention span to read past the first line. The point remains: the trends OP is worrying about is not WoW culture. It's MMO culture. It's been around a lot longer than WoW.
  10. My statistic wasn't made up. It was my experience based on my friends that I play with. I know exactly how many do not give a sith about story or immersion at all. My statistic based on my experience with my friends is precise. Nice try though.
  11. Space missions should give space related rewards. The problem isn't them removing elite comms, the problem is there's nothing to buy with fleet comms.
  12. 90% of people I know that play this game spam the spacebar to skip cutscenes. And if you are in a flashpoint together, they spam chat telling you to spam spacebar because they do not want to wait around for some stupid talking, they just want to get this instance over with so they can get their loot and comms. The same type of people want DPS meters in the game very badly. The more DPS someone does, the faster things die, the faster they get their loot and comms and move on to the next FP for more loot and comms. They want to know who is lacking in numbers so they can avoid grouping with them in the future (or avoid seeing them in GF queue via /ignore). These are not WoW players. These are just MMO players.
  13. You can buy it now. It is a tradeable item, just throw it in cargo for later.
  14. For those of you who don't understand how QA works: The bug could have easily been picked up early in testing. After determining it was a critical issue, the decision would be made that "Ok, if we do not have a fix for this by April 21st, we will need to delay the patch. The community will be notified on the 22nd, once the necessity of the delay is confirmed." Your assuming that they found it at the last minute. And because you're also assuming that a patch is delayed as soon as a bug is found, rather than when it's determined it can't be fixed in time, that the community is only notified at the last minute. This is not how QA works at all. These forums are plagued by what can only be considered the game development parallel to back seat driving.
  15. I had this occur also over the weekend. I had to completely close and relaunch the game. Relogging did not fix it. I have no idea what caused it tho. The last thing I was able to click before it happened was a fleet pass.
  16. There's a Field Reset perk in Legacy unlocks. You can use it to respec any time you are out of combat. Being able to switch between, damage/tank/heals/pve/pvp on a whim is a lot better than a dual spec imo.
  17. Doing something in a game is doing something in real life. I am dedicating my time, as a human being, of which I have a finite amount in the day, to playing a game. I do not need to have my time wasted by people who can't read instructions before trying to accomplish a task. If you want to die a dozen times on the same Zelda puzzle, fine. If you want to spend 3 hours trying to figure out how to finish a 2+ Heroic with a friend that shares your mindset, fine. But do not waste the time of 3 or 7 other people by not researching before hand. That's a lot of man hours to go to waste for one person trying to "learn through experience".
  18. This bug is can clearly be seen during a sniper's Series of Shots. When you hit the hotkey, the first shot comes out immediately, and then nothing happens until the end of the cast, the other 3 shots fire in very shot succession, similar to a hammer shot attack. Sometimes, it will be so delayed that only 2 shots fire at the end, and the 4th shot never fires. When this happens the cooldown on Follow Through is not reset. It's a pain in the ***. As for performance/lag arguments. I run this game with fully maxed settings and it does not even use half of my PC's resources. I also maintain a 25ms ping to the server over fiber connection.
  19. +10 endurance = 100 health. It is definitely not a game breaker. That's not even enough damage for 1 attack at level 50-55.
  20. The biggest problem with this is that most people spam the space bar any time a cut scene comes up. If the characters said something in the open world and didn't interrupt play it would be a good idea.
  21. Crafted by synthweaving I believe. Hypercloth is a tier-9 fabric.
  22. Hell, I'd take it all with the 30% current perks as a cherry on top.
  23. You can get to level 50 and complete your class story unrestricted. If you know of any other way to do this other than playing the game, please tell me your secrets.
  24. The problem with your proposal is that this would require a significant coding overhaul. It's not as simple as adding heal skills to Kira's quickbar.
  25. You can get the adds killed by the droid's rocket volley. It will 1 shot all of them. Have your entire group stick close together so the rockets all land in one place. When the adds spawn, a rocket volley will follow you soon after, move accordingly to catch them in the volley and keep moving on. Just go clockwise around the room hitting terminals. The turrets down bottom will take care of the droid for you, just keep them up and keep his shield down.
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