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PvP in Game Update 2.0: Scum and Villainy


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Stay off forum posts about 2.0 if u don't know anything about it. If ur gonna complain at least complain about something that the devs actually need to fix.


They need to fix the timeliness of their responses to community feedback when major issues present themselves.


Stay off the forums if you are not going to bother to read and fully understand what people are saying before writing snarky remarks.

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Make resolve last longer


best solution i've seen suggested is making allowing the user when to "drain" the full resolve bar - essentially granting cc immunity for a few seconds - and I wouldn't reset it on death (how it is now, but wouldn't decay behind the spawn door)

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I just started doing some more Warzones after taking a break and yeah, stuns are more annoying then ever. I wish I had a solution as I kind of understand having them from a strategic control stand point, at the same time, it's just not any fun not being able to move at all for the better part of the battle.


Well they already have knockbacks... they have snares... they have roots... they have stealth. How can that not be enough? You have to add 6 different stuns as well? I mean really. War Zones are just unplayable.

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Love the new bolster, But you are going to be alienating players from grouping together. Can you make the Lowbie Group Queue put you in a warzone with the Highest level player. So say if you have a Lvl 51, 45, 37, and 25 all 4 players could still queue together but would be in the 30-54 bracket?
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All changes seem to be fine and dandy. Personally, I kinda like stomping everyone because my gear is better, but I recognize wanting to put everyone on an even playing field in lowbies.


What i didn't like in this article was the proposed changes to Civil War (Alderran). By far, my favorite PVP zone, and most of the people I play with love civil war. I would suggest not messing with stuff that works and go ahead and give us some more maps.

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There is no possible way that 30-54 is going to be a viable "bracket." That is just insane.


It should be 30-49 and 50-54. Fifty will remain the point at which you first get access to PvP gear, so it is going to continue to be a major breakpoint. It's also the level that "maxed" characters who don't buy the expansion will stop and twink at. It is going to be flat out stupid on launch day when all the maxed out geared 50s are facerolling masses of 30-49ers. You thought 50 PvP was bad now . . . you ain't seen nuthin yet. It will probably even keep a lot of people from leveling their PvP toons up, just to make the most of the hilarity.


These breakpoints really need to be oriented around the lines where capstone abilities (40) and access to major expertise gear (50) come in, not just random numbers that someone stuffed into a spreadsheet.

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I see your blog post and I'll respond with three questions:


1. Now that the expansion is out of the way, could Austin and his team potentially draw up a "road map" for class balance in PvP in the future? (Where are you bringing some of the classes? What challenges are you facing (we want to do X, but we don't want to undermine this weakness of class Y)? What ideas from your "wall of crazy" may be appearing in game as an ability or skill in the near future? What are some examples of ideas from the forums you think could work in the class design? What are one or two suggestions from the forums that wouldn't work and why not? What is one example of an ability/skill your team tested internally that failed hysterically? Or a whacky idea that has been a tremendous success? etc.)


2. Has the issue been resolved where Expertise does not grant the correct amount of damage reduction and healing done? On the PTS I understand there was a small inconsistency for damage reduction, but there was a much larger disparity for healers. For instance, the patch notes cited that maximum expertise would grant 35% healing bonus -- in full Expertise gear (Conqueror) I had only 20%. Was this a bug with the UI or the math, and was it rectified?


3. I haven't done the math myself (so correct me if I am wrong), but are you sure that PvE barrels/hilts won't be BiS for PvP? In my experience on the PTS I was much more successful with the PvE barrels than I was with the PvP barrels, even considering the loss in Expertise (with the rest of my gear being Conqueror). If this isn't resolved, this could cause an obstacle for PvPers who will need to PvE to perform optimally.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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I see your blog post and I'll respond with three questions:


1. Now that the expansion is out of the way, could Austin and his team potentially draw up a "road map" for class balance in PvP in the future? Where are you bringing some of the classes? What challenges are you facing (we want to do X, but we don't want to undermine this weakness of class Y)? What ideas from your "wall of crazy" may be appearing in game as an ability or skill in the near future? What are some examples of ideas from the forums you think could work in the class design? How about one or two that just won't work and explain why not? What is one example of an ability/skill you put in game that failed hysterically? Or has been a tremendous success? All of these are great places to start and I know I can't be the only one that would greatly appreciate this kind of dialogue.



I find that balance isn't a huge issue. I like classes having flavor. Another MMO I used to played was constantly tweaking for "balance too and every class ended up being mirror versions of each other.

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Since you're on the subject of PvP.... let's talk about a few things that I'm sure bug everyone except those dishing it out..




I'm not the biggest fan of warzones.. they CAN be fun sometimes, but more often than not, I'm finding myself doing this routine.


fight some, get stunned, purge stun, stunned again instantly. Then I'm forced to stand there unable to do anything and I die. this sucks.


This part tells me you're not using your Resolve bar. It's the little circular meter next to your portrait. When you get stunned it starts to fill. If you get stunned again it will fill to white. THAT is when you need to break the stun. At that point you cannot be stunned again until it depletes, although you can be slowed. People are just waiting for you to cleanse the first stun so that you've used your stun break and then they stun you again immediately.

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What i didn't like in this article was the proposed changes to Civil War (Alderran). By far, my favorite PVP zone, and most of the people I play with love civil war. I would suggest not messing with stuff that works and go ahead and give us some more maps.


I really like Civil War too, UNTIL the score gets to 2:1 and the winning team has two nodes. Then you are better off changing out the laundry than playing the game. I think this is what they are trying to address.

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Weird the first few pages of this thread turned into a Fix Commando/Merc thread.


Bioware please here is your fix, In the Arsenal Tree Switch Stabilizers and Power Barrier and change Power Barrier to lower the cool down on the shield to 30 Sec, and make it so when the shield is on you that you can not be interrupted. And give then a 35M range to some how, Sniper/GS has it, Sage/Sorc have it.

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Fix resolve, probably the biggest issue with pvp is resolve. I hear a lot of people say it works as intended. Pvp would be more fluid if there were not so many ccs, or ccs actually filled resolve. Roots should be counted as a cc and should fill and adhere to the laws of resolve just as stuns do. Make resolve fill faster and tick down faster.


Smash is still not fixed completely. Auto crits need to leave the game. Why is it only a select few classes get 100% crit skills added to them? If they do not all have the option then none should have the option.


New races was something we were told would be introduced, it has yet to happen. Not that I really care for the Cathar, it was still said they were going to be added.


Server transfers should be implemented as well. Not by you guys but let people choose to change servers or factions if they so choose. Even if you have to pay x amount of credits or cartel coins its better then not having the option at all.

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This part tells me you're not using your Resolve bar. It's the little circular meter next to your portrait. When you get stunned it starts to fill. If you get stunned again it will fill to white. THAT is when you need to break the stun. At that point you cannot be stunned again until it depletes, although you can be slowed. People are just waiting for you to cleanse the first stun so that you've used your stun break and then they stun you again immediately.


So for me... no I'm not using it at all. There is so much that I already to need to keep track of LOL. So yeah...


Also, it's not working as intended. You get stunned over and over and over and over again. Resolve doesn't work the way they thought it would. WarZones are a joke right now.

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I agree, stuns are a little ridiculous in pvp. I think that increasing the amount of resolve gained per stun and/or increasing the duration of resolve would help greatly.


I also agree that the mercenary and commando classes could use some love. I am rarely afraid to engage a merc with any rep class that I have tried.


All in all, I appreciate the effort. I'll be glad to see the naked bolster go away. That has long creeped me out.

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At the moment we don't have any open world PvP. We have a few areas that allow for ganking but no real reason to go there. The PvP design team have been focused on fight clubbing with no real open world reason to PvP. The new Bolster system seems like a way to allow for people that haven't ground out the PvP rating to get the top PvP gear to have the same expertise and therefore be able to compete in PvP. Is this a move to open world PvP?


Equally has Expertise proven to be a mistake? It seems to be a hurdle that has caused problems for people entering PvP hence the need for the recruit armour and recruit armour mk 2 and now the bolster system. If you are giving all armour the same expertise level to get rid of the hurdle would it not make more sense to get rid of expertise. You have already said that you will be focusing on primary stats in later armour. By getting rid of expertise you simply speed this up and can't start focusing on PvP sets. And allow people 2 means of entering any open world pvp in the future grinding through warzones or grinding through ops and flash points.

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And yet there is still no response to the horrendous class imbalance from Bioware. We have baby fed this information to them, we have created countless threads on the subject, we have provided feedback and possible solutions at every available opportunity, and yet Bioware has yet to give us any assurance that they are working on the issue, or for that matter any response at all on the subject.


This is our feedback: we ( including the various AC's that as a whole believe themselves to be under-powered) are tired of being face-rolled in PVP.

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It's about time that they brought something like this out.. I hated pvping at lvl 10 when i first started because it was so hard to fight when all you have on is green pve gear. Hope that they come out with lvl appropriate (low lvl) gear for newbies as well

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What about stuns? Have you removed the stuns? PvP is unplayable. It's game-breaking. You are making all of these changes, every patch to PvP and they are meaningless if you spend 90% of your time in WarZones standing there stunned. I mean really.


disagree. I think the stun/resolve system is fine. It could use a few tweaks e.g. how about turning off resolve decay if I DIE in a warzone and not start the resolve decay ticking again until I enter combat again. I can take being stun locked and killed but to watch my resolve drain away in the respawn or as I'm running back to get in combat is a slap in the face.


+1 on "why do you hate PvP commando/mercs so much" sentiment. How about this: BW gives the top 10% rated WZ commandos (by rating) 1 year free subscription if neither of the finalists in Season 1 bring a command/merc of any sort (much less DPS). How many classes can I make this bet on and be assured of winning? (This hypothetical bet would not benefit me as I'm not top 10% in commando/merc or anything else). If it is not working in rated WZ then it is not working in WZ!


I like the new bolster and the new brackets in theory. We'll see how they play out.

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Guys, remember: That blog was only for the PVP System and Peckenpaugh is the man to talk to and keep us informed on Class Balance!


Exactly why Mercs and Sorcs are still the red-headed step children of PVP. They've ignored all of the player feedback (as demonstrated by the lack of PVP changes in 2.0 and lack of communication // feedback on the PTS to the player base) from our Class Forum and continue to buff the classes that don't need it.


Then again. We're still in Pre-season: SO I guess pvp feedback is still pretty pointless.


Looking forward to the Class Balancing Blogs though since one of the Devs (hickman) seems to honestly believe that PVP is currently as close to balanced as possible. :rolleyes:

Edited by veyl
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Looking forward to the Class Balancing Blogs though since one of the Devs (hickman) seems to honestly believe that PVP is currently as close to balanced as possible. :rolleyes:


IF, they fixed the BIG HOLE bolster had that allowed a player to swap gear with the intention of getting extra stats and or load/unload with different types of gear with the intention to get more main stat and endurance is ok. Aiming for non gear dependant pvp is a nice idea.

I hope they fixed this


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