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Dysney s gonna kill starwars


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I don't know if it is the right place to publicly this commentary, neither if it 's going to appear far out from the site moderator's eye, but I realized about the last terrible news of today's LUCASARTS's laid off, and did not want to get sleep with out expressing my total rejection and anger because the DAMM Disney's management of the LUCAS group.

First they killed a very profitable product such as CLONE WARS, because the series was too violent to be broadcasted for the DISNEY CHANNEL, and its stupid taking over management politic requires the full product's distribution.

Now, the company which so many happiness has given us, for so mny years, is shut down, letting 150 people unemployed, cancelling promising projects such as STAR WARS 1313, STARWARS FIRST ASSAULT, ... who is the next SWTOR?? I Hope NOT.

DISNEY, has become in a monster, buys everything on the entertainment market because it can. Overbuying investments and taking over everywhere even beyond its own growing capacity. but carefully because when it happens may the overbought invest, could not be paid off.

Now just keeps wait and see how these management genius screw up the episodes 7,8,9 turning OUR (BECAUSE STARWARS BELONGS TO THE FANS) franchise into a piece of crap.

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As far as I am aware they didn't outright cancel SWTCW's. Rather they ended the 5th Season, and are as far as I am aware planning to do a follow up mini series using the cast and crew from that show (I could be wrong about that but thats what I heard). Even if they do ultimately end the Clone Wars, the show had a 5 season run for a War that at most lasted 4 years (but more probably only lasted 3). I doubt Disney was going to step on the toes of Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith by allowing Star Wars: The Clone Wars to continue on beyond what happened in Episode III. But that is just my take on things. And it was not because show was too violent to be broadcast on the Disney Channel. Afterall that is the channel that Power Rangers has been broadcasting on for years, and Power Rangers is far more violent in most cases (and in some cases more graphic) than the Clone Wars. Gargoyles the Animated Series also aired on Disney for quite a while and Gargoyles was way way more graphic and mature than Star Wars the Clone Wars. So it has nothing to do with the graphic and violent nature of the series.


And last I heard Disney did not buy all rights of ownership away from George Lucas. He is still a part of their consulting team. He is still the creative genius who conceived of Star Wars (that alone grants him some rights to determine what is done with the series in the future). And last I checked Disney did not fire everyone. Rather they reallocated resources to where they would best be utilized within their own company. This sometimes entails the firing of employee's (especially when big corporate enterprises are involved). But generally they do justice to what they are doing.


Also if it turns out this is yet another reaction to the "Star Wars Episode VII: Star Trek" April Fools Day Spoof, I will be sorely disappointed that yet another person bought into an April Fools Day Joke.


And no. Star Wars does not belong to the Fans. The Fans were granted amazing interpretive privileges while George Lucas was in charge of Lucas Arts. Mainly because he thought the fans were important. However it is currently Disney's job to interpret the future of Star Wars. As far as they are concerned they can legally go in, and determine that everything except Movies I through VI are non-Canon. Meaning that they no longer apply to the universe that Disney is going to be creating from now on. Meaning that all of our Expanded Universe games, comics, animation, tv series, movies, what have, would become entirely the realm of fan fiction and nothing else.

Edited by XantosCledwin
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Alright, most of the EU is probably going to remain in place. Everything covered by the post-RotJ era stuff will be reworked and probably overwritten.


This isn't Disney's doing, it's Lucas. They're using his original story treatments to craft the new trilogy, while retaining Lucas as a creative consultant. Which is what he does best anyways, not directing or screenwriting.


As for LucasArts, who cares? They're deadweight, really. They haven't produced any games in years, and Star Wars 1313 had some small potential, but was probably going to end up as a generic cover-based shooter. Might have had a good story, might not. We might still see that game released by an out-of-house developer under license from Disney.


TCW had gone on a long, long run. The only reason it was still going so long was because it was the only thing LucasFilm was putting out. Now that they're refocusing on the new films, they need to allocate their resources to those. We'll probably see a few special episodes wrapping up the major plot arcs of the TCW, and then they'll release the whole deal as a BluRay bundle or something to complete your collection. No big deal.


I'm rather sick of people crying their eyes out because Disney is running the show decisively. You're getting three whole new episodes of Star Wars! This is every fan's dream come true, since the late 80's when it was rumored that there would be nine films, three trilogies! Then Lucas dismissed all that, made the prequels, and the fandom despaired.


So, instead of getting all melodramatic and claiming that Star Wars belongs to you and you're sad that Disney is ruining it. First of all, they haven't actually done anything. You have seen ZERO content produced by Disney, so you have no way of knowing how good it'll be. Disney has a long history of fantastic franchise management, I expect great things from Star Wars in the future. Secondly, Star Wars does not belong to you. It belonged to Lucas, and now it belongs to Disney.


Nothing appreciable has changed, except that Disney is committed to producing new content, something Lucas hasn't done in almost a decade. So sit down, shut up, and enjoy the ride.

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Today's issue is the closing of LucasArts and the announcement they will now be licensing SW games instead of making them. This could be good allowing a great company a chance at Star Wars IP, but knowing Disney, they'll probably license to ANYONE that can afford it.
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alright, most of the eu is probably going to remain in place. Everything covered by the post-rotj era stuff will be reworked and probably overwritten.


This isn't disney's doing, it's lucas. They're using his original story treatments to craft the new trilogy, while retaining lucas as a creative consultant. Which is what he does best anyways, not directing or screenwriting.


As for lucasarts, who cares? They're deadweight, really. They haven't produced any games in years, and star wars 1313 had some small potential, but was probably going to end up as a generic cover-based shooter. Might have had a good story, might not. We might still see that game released by an out-of-house developer under license from disney.


Tcw had gone on a long, long run. The only reason it was still going so long was because it was the only thing lucasfilm was putting out. Now that they're refocusing on the new films, they need to allocate their resources to those. We'll probably see a few special episodes wrapping up the major plot arcs of the tcw, and then they'll release the whole deal as a bluray bundle or something to complete your collection. No big deal.


I'm rather sick of people crying their eyes out because disney is running the show decisively. You're getting three whole new episodes of star wars! This is every fan's dream come true, since the late 80's when it was rumored that there would be nine films, three trilogies! Then lucas dismissed all that, made the prequels, and the fandom despaired.


So, instead of getting all melodramatic and claiming that star wars belongs to you and you're sad that disney is ruining it. First of all, they haven't actually done anything. You have seen zero content produced by disney, so you have no way of knowing how good it'll be. Disney has a long history of fantastic franchise management, i expect great things from star wars in the future. Secondly, star wars does not belong to you. It belonged to lucas, and now it belongs to disney.


Nothing appreciable has changed, except that disney is committed to producing new content, something lucas hasn't done in almost a decade. So sit down, shut up, and enjoy the ride.


*stands up and applauds!

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I d want to share your optimism, XantosCledwin, and I also heard what you mentioned, everybody has heard the same either.But, the facts speak for themselvesLook, I know what I m talking about, because I am a stockbroker and see situations like this every time everywhere.When a company invests a strong quantity of money into a project, needs a return as equal stronger at least, (unless it wants to lose money), the LUCAS GROUP s products, especially SW, are cult brands, the fans keep them alive and profitable (that´s why I say "..SW belongs to the fans..."), DISNEY seems to ignore it, and that is a mistake. Started suspending CW, a product very profitable, which despite have had 5 season, it had potential yet, for a 6th and final season, another animated movie, or even a new series sited in the time of the original trilogy.But they just wiped it out. Dave Filoni and his team, said goodbye to the fans, watch the video on the web, why do you think what it really means?.LUCASarts, we all know the most of the company´s products were being developing by outsarcing.But what about SW1313?, it was

almost finished and was to see the light in this year.Cancelled.The most of investment wasn´t paid for DISNEY, the product had been welcomed for the fans, it has good chances to be a success such as it was R.Commando, or Battlefront saga.Why throw it away?.Two financial mistakes in my opinion.OK, you would tell me they also said these projects were not dead at all, but until they announce the contrary, they are already dead.


DISNEY´s market share, is children and young teenagers, that is set at the customer´s mind, and that is all that made grow up the company, all series you mentioned probe it.Power rangers,etc were though for kids.DISNEY is erroneously expanding its portfolio far beyond this segment, and treating all new market´s share they take, like it was for children and young teenagers, they apply the same politic to all of their products without counting on each segment has its own followers wich its own likes and dislikes.They said Darth Vader was gonna appear in episode 7, that is another probe, they will turn it into a funny monster who dies and reborns all of the times they need it, like Fredy Krugger or Jason.This is a marketing mistake.


I reconize that DISNEY, has done a good work with MARVEL and CAREBEAN PIRATES as well, that was because I put a vote of confidence on them at first.But they are not doing the same with SW.In fact they are doing the opposite.


When they realize that buying LUCASGROUP are not being as well as they thought, they will simply cut the company off, splitting and sell it in parts.They don´t care, it s all about money.But fans who has a personal instead professional interest in the SW saga, will be the real losers.

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Alright, here I go:


Star Wars the Clone Wars was a pretty crappy show, anyway. Plus, I'm pretty sure they confirmed a second series taking place on another channel.*


LucasArts was no longer the sole producer of Star Wars licensed games. Rather, Disney wants to sell the license to better companies. (I.E. Sony, EA, etc.) This allows for a larger amount of Star Wars games, along with an increase in related media.*


(*'s are subject to change.)

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Alright, here I go:


Star Wars the Clone Wars was a pretty crappy show, anyway. Plus, I'm pretty sure they confirmed a second series taking place on another channel.*


LucasArts was no longer the sole producer of Star Wars licensed games. Rather, Disney wants to sell the license to better companies. (I.E. Sony, EA, etc.) This allows for a larger amount of Star Wars games, along with an increase in related media.*


(*'s are subject to change.)


I quite liked the clone wars series to be honest, though i do hope that they do a new space sim or even better upgrade Tie Fighter and X-Wing Alliance to use more modern graphics and hardware, i surely miss those games.

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Alright, most of the EU is probably going to remain in place. Everything covered by the post-RotJ era stuff will be reworked and probably overwritten.


This isn't Disney's doing, it's Lucas. They're using his original story treatments to craft the new trilogy, while retaining Lucas as a creative consultant. Which is what he does best anyways, not directing or screenwriting.


As for LucasArts, who cares? They're deadweight, really. They haven't produced any games in years, and Star Wars 1313 had some small potential, but was probably going to end up as a generic cover-based shooter. Might have had a good story, might not. We might still see that game released by an out-of-house developer under license from Disney.


TCW had gone on a long, long run. The only reason it was still going so long was because it was the only thing LucasFilm was putting out. Now that they're refocusing on the new films, they need to allocate their resources to those. We'll probably see a few special episodes wrapping up the major plot arcs of the TCW, and then they'll release the whole deal as a BluRay bundle or something to complete your collection. No big deal.


I'm rather sick of people crying their eyes out because Disney is running the show decisively. You're getting three whole new episodes of Star Wars! This is every fan's dream come true, since the late 80's when it was rumored that there would be nine films, three trilogies! Then Lucas dismissed all that, made the prequels, and the fandom despaired.


So, instead of getting all melodramatic and claiming that Star Wars belongs to you and you're sad that Disney is ruining it. First of all, they haven't actually done anything. You have seen ZERO content produced by Disney, so you have no way of knowing how good it'll be. Disney has a long history of fantastic franchise management, I expect great things from Star Wars in the future. Secondly, Star Wars does not belong to you. It belonged to Lucas, and now it belongs to Disney.


Nothing appreciable has changed, except that Disney is committed to producing new content, something Lucas hasn't done in almost a decade. So sit down, shut up, and enjoy the ride.


So, you shut up, and site where over you wish, may be enjoy the ride then.

The company´s products finantially belongs to the customers, (may be legally to the company), because customers like us as the same as shareholders, decide to put our money on them or not, and without our money, companies die.That is so obvius that I didn´t believe neccessary to explain it, but had to, because it seems you took it literally.


So DYSNEY has a long story of fantastic franchise management, yes FOR KIDS.

STAR WARS was not though for kids despite it can be watched for kids too, but this is a different thing.


Time will say, who ´s right.

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Last I checked the new Avengers was not targeted at "little kids". It was quite fantastic and Disney didn't really do anything to screw that up. You people who think Disney is just after that "kids" market, don't have any idea what you're talking about. Do your research into target markets and demographics. Disney made a fantastic decision in Lucas Arts, it was dead weight. Even SWTOR was handed off to EA and Bioware, Lucas Arts just put their name on it for licensing purposes. Stop freaking out. Everything will be fine.
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Said this in the other thread, going to reiterate this here: Disney doesn't NEED two in-house game development studios. They already have Buena Vista Games, so switching LA to a licensing entity is actually a smart move on their part.


Doesn't make sense to employ and pay for TWO fully functional development studios for a segment in which Disney is not heavily invested (the video game business).

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Either way, from all the "layoffs" which is a fancy way of saying "you're fired" that's 250 people out of a job who had a fixed income for YEARS. I don't mean to point this out, but how Lex/Lionel Luthor of them. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. And the liklihood of them diverting their resources for all of them so they all still have jobs within the company isn't bloody likely.


On the EU note, Disney may not have to care, but the story itself was hammered out by George, Kathleen, JJ, and Michael Ardnt. The EU already has tons of material they can draw from for merchandise, to which Disney knows too well (cause the only reason Clone Wars was cancelled was because THEY didn't create it, we all know that) and Ardnt, the screenwriter, is a HUGE EU fan, and Kathleen knows of the breath of the EU (even if she hasn't read it) and George also has a pretty clear idea of the EU and like he did the Clone Wars, made compromises. So I doubt the EU in its entirety will be gone but there will be a WHOLE lot of retconning going on as they did with the Clone Wars.


Still, I wouldn't wish 250 people out of a job on anybody in this economy in such a competitive market.

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Judging by how much Lucas has claimed to like some of the EU characters, like Jade and the kids, chances are the movies will be adapting EU material. It will not tell the same story, but it will likely involve at least some of the same characters.


Thus, hopefully, they will at least leave space for the Thrawn trilogy to still be presumed canon even if none of its events are outright confirmed or mentioned in the NT. Going by actor age, the NT should be set a good several decades later, which means the state of the Galaxy should be different enough that it doesn't really need to erase earlier EU materiel. The later stuff though, Legacy and probably NJO, will probably all be retconned to "alternate universe" status. Chewbacca will probably be alive.


Though, personally I think if the NT was based at least loosely on the NJO series, just with less focus on the original characters who would be older, that would be awesome.

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Either way, from all the "layoffs" which is a fancy way of saying "you're fired" that's 250 people out of a job who had a fixed income for YEARS. I don't mean to point this out, but how Lex/Lionel Luthor of them. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. And the liklihood of them diverting their resources for all of them so they all still have jobs within the company isn't bloody likely.

Comparing Disney's management to Lex Luthor because they got rid of a redundant department? Yeah, that makes sense.

The EU already has tons of material they can draw from for merchandise, to which Disney knows too well (cause the only reason Clone Wars was cancelled was because THEY didn't create it, we all know that)

You actually don't know that. The stated reason for not continuing the Clone Wars was that they needed to focus their energies on creating the sequel trilogies, which makes sense. I'd rather see the full energies of LucasFilm devoted to that project.

Still, I wouldn't wish 250 people out of a job on anybody in this economy in such a competitive market.

That's very nice and sentimental of you, but the fact of the matter is that "the economy" isn't really that bad. There are jobs around, they're just not always the jobs you wish people were demanding. Smart businesses don't retain employees whose talents they no longer require, and LucasArts was far from a massive powerhouse of creative talent.

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Disney will not kill Star Wars. Look at Lucasarts recent track record (during the past decade). How many "hits" have they developed? They have done some good work, but anything great? No.


It makes perfect sense to shut down Lucasarts and let other developers and companies try their hand at Star Wars games. Bioware/EA with this game has seemed to done a good, but not great, job with SWTOR. Hell, even Sony did okay with Star Wars Galaxies during the first two years of the game. We all know what happened next, though...


Disney did what made sense to them based on Lucasarts recent past. Lucasarts did really well in the 90's with X-Wing vs Tie Fighter, and even the very first Rogue Squadron game, IMO. I hope those games get remakes at some point in the near future. There are too many Star Wars fans and opportunities out there for Disney to just throw it away. Especially after spending (was it four billion?) a lot of money on it.

Edited by Aikon
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It looks like Disney is about to jettison all the EU that takes place in comics, books, and games after Return of the Jedi.




Disney will NOT wipe out the EU. Yes, there will be some changes, continuity cleanup and such, but the majority of the EU will remain intact. There is absolutely nothing to suggest otherwise at this point in time. The article is taking the news of LA being shutdown as a GAME DEVELOPER and is trying to spin it as the beginning of the end of the Expanded Universe. That article has no credibility.

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It looks like Disney is about to jettison all the EU that takes place in comics, books, and games after Return of the Jedi.




Gawd, we can only hope. There's some ok stuff in the EU, but honestly most of it is crap. Personally, I couldn't be more thrilled that Disney is now in the drivers seat. Lucas had no idea how to steer a franchise and rode it into mediocrity.


As far as LucasArts getting shut down, that only confirms what many suspected: It was not part of the deal valuation. Disney does not see itself in the business of making video games. Better to let the licensing group send it out. No risk, all profit. Let more experienced businesses build Halo-style success while they concentrate on making motion pictures and television shows (witness the success of recent serial dramas, e.g. Game of Thrones, Battlestar Galactica, etc).


Disney kill Star Wars? They may just bring it back to life. I for one am excited that someone's trying.

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Some of you guys spend a lot of time responding to baseless, unhinged drivel.


How nice of you to share your opinion. It has been most insightful.


In any case, three movies dont produce themselves. For what I know Disney, they don't want to disappoint us. Disney may be a lot of things, but they are not stupid. Buying the Lucas divisions for 4 billion is no small investment, so I trust them they wont take a **** on the Star Wars universe. To be honest, I would rather see three new movies with new story to advance the Star Wars saga than to continue a serie which we all know how it will culminate. The only thing I was sad about is I wanted to see the story of Maul finished, but they said they will wrap loose ties up with 'bonus content', as a fanservice.


I will eagerly await Episode VII and hold my judgement of Disney until they actually showed us what their investment was worth.

Edited by Kameki
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How nice of you to share your opinion. It has been most insightful.


In any case, three movies dont produce themselves. For what I know Disney, they don't want to disappoint us. Disney may be a lot of things, but they are not stupid. Buying the Lucas divisions for 4 billion is no small investment, so I trust them they wont take a **** on the Star Wars universe. To be honest, I would rather see three new movies with new story to advance the Star Wars saga than to continue a serie which we all know how it will culminate. The only thing I was sad about is I wanted to see the story of Maul finished, but they said they will wrap loose ties up with 'bonus content', as a fanservice.


I will eagerly await Episode VII and hold my judgement of Disney until they actually showed us what their investment was worth.


I was speaking of the baseless and unhinged drivel in the OP. I have every confidence that Disney will do Star Wars a great service.

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