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Wildstar has player housing and player cities... and SWTOR doesn't? C'mon!


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Oh cool, another cartoonish MMO. Just what we needed :rolleyes:

No thanks, I'll be sticking to games where developers actually care enough to make them realistic (e.g. SWTOR, Elder Scrolls, World of Darkness, TSW etc.) rather than trying out games that take the easy, Jak-&-Dexter way out...

Just my two cents.


Since when did TOR look realistic? o.O It looks rather cartoony to me.


Or is it, what you really mean, is Wildstar is even more cartoonish? Because TOR feels awefully cartoony to me.

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Since when did TOR look realistic? o.O It looks rather cartoony to me.


Or is it, what you really mean, is Wildstar is even more cartoonish? Because TOR feels awefully cartoony to me.


TOR IS cartoony. The devs even said they were going for a stylized look which I think they have done rather well.


One of the biggest complaints back before the game launched was 'this looks too much like the Clone Wars show, I'll never play something so cartoony derp derp'

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For player housing and citys in this game there would only be 3 ways todo it, 1st allow us to customize our ships to become our houses thus no player citys, 2nd to put phased zones in pre existing citys like our capitals that we can rent but that would probably cause alot of lag.


The 3rd and final option would be to drop in prime planets, these are basically blank planets with just random mobs scattered about, they would have to either create a new crew skill to make these houses or purchased from a vendor. A system to maintain the planets to keep blank houses from cluttering the planet, they would have to introduce some form of teraforming for when dropping the houses and some kind of boundry system and possibly a leader system within a town.


They would also have to stop a planet simply becoming a new coru where all you see are houses and some kind of transport system that is either bought and placed by players or placed by the devs themselves. They would then have to resolve the issue of people complaing that there isnt a taxi near them or there are thousands of taxis on this planet.


None of them easy plans and none of them would suit everyone on the playerbase as a planet would cause some people to complain with 'why do i have to go right over there and then travel x time' whilst others think its the best thing since sliced bread, some with the ship will complain they still have to use there old ship and they cant customize it enough or its to small. The list goes on and its just a giant headache.

Edited by Shingara
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I know some don't care about housing, but it's an MMO and a game played by many. Not everyone wants the same things, and that is perfectly normal. So considering it is an MMO many different functions can and should exist so that all player types can enjoy the same game. Housing is something that I didn't care about originally, but came to really enjoy after a while when playing SWG's. I think every MMO that cares about having a large player base should take it seriously. It NEEDS to exist in some form. It of course won't be perfect for every player, but as long as it is there and works.
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Btw, Wildstar could be the greatest game ever. But I won't be touching it because it looks too cartoony for my tastes. Plus anything NCSoft not done by ArenaNet is almost asking you to invest time in something that won't be there that long.


So WS is not the best thing to point to IMO.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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This game Wildstar looks like someone who played WoW, took some mushrooms, had a bad trip and poodoo'd in a box and called it an MMO. Here is the thing... why does this POS game have player cities and housing and SWTOR doesn't ?


So, as you can see from their

Wildstar has Player Cities, that can war agianst eachother


it has player housing, and custimization




Wanna tell me where all these "player cities/houses" would go? Cause planets are like 1/4th the size of SWG's planets...

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I'll just cut-and-paste from the other thread. There's my response, the huge freaking wall of text.




As for Wildstar...eh. Flimsy premise, and I don't trust them to not pull a CoX maneuver (shutting down a game that's making money). I'll stay right here, thanks.


What do you think is flimsy about the premise, out of curiosity?

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Wanna tell me where all these "player cities/houses" would go? Cause planets are like 1/4th the size of SWG's planets...


Instance off a section of any planet or all of them. Not that hard

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Those saying we should get over it, why? Were just telling them something we like to see in the future. Not everyone into Raiding/gear grind.


I prefer our ships as a house, but they may run into trouble because of the cut scene with our companions so I'm not sure if it really a viable option. I don’t want houses littering up the planets and I hate that back in SWG but I love having a house. They could easily make instant zone with houses, apartment, or even have sectors which could have player cities (guilds HQ) in them, accessible by instant door or taxis. I do like Guild capital ships too. Housing would give players something else to do, particular in-between content updates, not to mention it work as a great credit sink and they’d make a killing in the CM.


PS Our space ships aren’t housing because we can't do anything but travel with them. We have more choice in speeder then our supposed housing.

Edited by SithEmpress
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If they did player housing like Everquest II or other games where you have multiple players using a single house/condo/apartment etc, then yes. But player cities like in SWG? Absolutely not... Not just because this game isn't a sandbox, but having houses and such randomly scattered across all the planets would annoy the hell out of me more than it did in SWG
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I think Wildstar looks great, lot of fun. Not every MMO has to look realistic, take pandas for instance. To call a game a POS before you even know what it's all about....Give me a break.


Agreed, I think the game looks great and I can't wait to try it out!

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You have a ship that is your own personal little place of residence. Be honest, how many of you bring other players onto your ships? I've done it exactly one time. TOR isn't a very social game, unfortunately. Adding player houses and cities would be a gross misuse of resources, IMO. Edited by HaoZhao
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I think Wildstar looks great, lot of fun. Not every MMO has to look realistic, take pandas for instance. To call a game a POS before you even know what it's all about....Give me a break.


For myself, I never said it looked like a POS. It looks like WoW in space, essentially. My big reservation is, I admit, not so much the game itself, as to who is putting it out. How long are they going to have it operating if it doesn't measure up to their expectations? CoX was making them decent income - not a multitude of riches, no, but enough to pay all their bills and then some. And yet it 'wasn't profitable'...even though it was profitable and making them money. Are they going to do the same thing for Wildstar, hire some outsider schloob who just up and tells them 'this game isn't profitable', when it actually is?


And then shut it down? Truth be told, I could get over my problems with its extreme Saturday Morning look, if some other company, any other company, even EAWare, was the one offering the game to us. But they left a lot of people on the side of the road as they sped off in fourth gear towards the Land Of Quick Bucks when they tossed CoX into the dustbin. I know a lot of people who refuse to play GW2 for that very reason, and I will be not at all surprised if they hold Wildstar in that exact same category.

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Like had already been said a couple times, I think your ship is the key to player housing in this game. I hope they take the already instanced nature of the ships and expand it with unlocks and customization options through Legacy, the Cartel Market and Crafting, giving us some of the following:


-The ability to change the hull color of the ship, and having that change show in Space Combat and the instanced docking bays. "Ship dyes" could be implemented just like the armor dyes with a main color and accent color and equipped on your ship tab, or at minimum a few preset color schemes could be equipped on it like the Companion Customization slots.

-The ability to reposition your companions within the ship, and maybe what their idle animations are there - it'd be cool if an Inquisitor could set Xalek and Ashara to be sparring in her Fury's cargo bay for example.

-Similar to above, the ability to move the Legacy unlocks that appear in the ship, like the mailbox, repair droid, or training dummies.

-Add in trophies and paintings that can be purchased/won and positioned around your ship.

-The ability to name your ship, even if it only appears on your Ship tab for now.

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Coruscant and Dromund Kaas had instanced appartments in early development. Can't recall the full reason, but part of its removal was due to the fact that you were on your ship waaaaaaay more than in your apartment.
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