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my thoughts on double xp


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When the game was designed a lot of thought was given to the leveling process. The speed at which characters level and the power of the character in relation to the particular mob they are facing or the quest they are doing was carefully thought out. There was rested xp, but this only involved mobs.


Later there were legacy perks that people could earn and even character perks such as increased xp for operations, or class quests that players could purchase. Still later there were minor and major xp boosts. All of this allowed the player to customize how they leveled. I'm ok with this because you have to purchase the perks and they are optional. As can be expected I chose not to participate. I find that I am leveling a little too fast due to rested xp, but this is well within the range of what is normal in the leveling process.


Fast forward to the present day and we have double xp weekends. I expect that this event will happen more often in the future. I understand that the devs have done this as a promotional thing and to get the majority of players ready for their first expansion coming out. I also suspect that the majority of players will really like this too.


The problem is that this xp is forced on everyone and is applied to everything. For players like myself who like to role play our characters over and over again ad nauseum this makes the game unplayable. I have a hard time complaining about anything, but this drastically changes how the game is played. What is worse is that this is not in any way optional. I can't even play as free to play so that I can enjoy the game at a normal pace. Since double xp applies to everything it is more like quadruple xp as I find myself getting ridiculous amounts of xp for everything. I feel like the game is being handed to me on a silver platter.


Why not get a new level every hour that you play no matter what you do? Why not get rid of all of the mobs? Why not cut the hit points of all mobs by half and half again? A lot of players would prefer games that had no challenge, but is pure choose your own adventure while chatting with friends. I don't.


What do I want? I just don't want the xp handed to me or rather forced on all of my characters. Right now I don't play while double xp is going on. I did level one character to level 10 while double xp was going on because I needed to see if an account wide cargo bay purchase had worked. I also wanted to see if it was as bad as I feared. It was. Playing was pointless.


I canceled my account as soon as I discovered double xp had gone into effect. I don't know if I will renew it. I hate to cancel my subscription over this, but the game is completely unplayable while double xp is in effect.


I know that this is considered a gift to the players, but it is really doing a lot of harm to the gameplay. In particular the storyline is harmed. swtor is based on the basic mmo framework, but with the additional pillar of storyline, which is all fully voiced. This is very impressive. A lot of work went into that aspect of the game. With double xp weekends I feel like swtor is abandoning its core principles.


I am not looking to troll and in fact don't want responses from other members. I want the devs or any dev to read this and hopefully respond, but even if you don't respond I hope you read this.


Please please don't spoon feed the game to us like this. Please understand that I don't want to offend your kind offer of double xp weekends, but it really is not helpful. I really feel that you put a lot of heart into the game, but giving everybody whatever they ask for is not good either. Double xp is an example of going too far in bending over backwards to give players what they want.


Just try to make a good game that you can believe in.




Edited by James_four
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Do we really need ANOTHER one of these threads? There are a dozen of these threads already. At this point Eric and team need to go ahead and consolidate these threads to clean up the mess of Gen forums. And had you read through the other dozen or so threads on this very EXACT topic you would've seen the ways you can work around the double XP weekends seeing as it is a very temporary thing and not something that has or will become the norm. To be honest, I quit reading your OP when you started into the hyperbole about the other things that are "yet to come" with nothing that would support that theory.


The other thing that baffles me is how something done by Bioware for the players as a.nice little incentive is getting ripped on by people here. Bioware really can't win for losing, they can't even do something nice for the players without a very vocal minority raising all sorts of hell about how their entire game is ruined, and they are being forced to do this that or the other. For gods sake they can't even do anything nice for us. Seriously the QQing is getting old folks.

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please do not respond to this thread unless you are a developer. There are countless other threads on double xp you can participate in if you want. This post is for the developers, not you.


Do you have any idea how self centered and egotistical you are? Well you know that giant sucking sound that seems to follow you around? That's your ego not letting anything escape it's gravitational pull. Honest to goodness... what makes you think you can post on a public forum and tell people not to respond. You have no entitlement to this thread just because you wrote it.


Speaking to your original post...I would be hard pressed to believe that a majority would agree with your opinion. So have fun with your time away from the game..

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please do not respond to this thread unless you are a developer. There are countless other threads on double xp you can participate in if you want. This post is for the developers, not you.

If you expect developer responses, I suggest you file a ticket. This is not the place to request that only they respond. And these topics are getting incredibly old...

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When the game was designed a lot of thought was given to the leveling process. The speed at which characters level and the power of the character in relation to the particular mob they are facing or the quest they are doing was carefully thought out. There was rested xp, but this only involved mobs.


Later there were legacy perks that people could earn and even character perks such as increased xp for operations, or class quests that players could purchase. Still later there were minor and major xp boosts. All of this allowed the player to customize how they leveled. I'm ok with this because you have to purchase the perks and they are optional. As can be expected I chose not to participate. I find that I am leveling a little too fast due to rested xp, but this is well within the range of what is normal in the leveling process.


Fast forward to the present day and we have double xp weekends. I expect that this event will happen more often in the future. I understand that the devs have done this as a promotional thing and to get the majority of players ready for their first expansion coming out. I also suspect that the majority of players will really like this too.


The problem is that this xp is forced on everyone and is applied to everything. For players like myself who like to role play our characters over and over again ad nauseum this makes the game unplayable. I have a hard time complaining about anything, but this drastically changes how the game is played. What is worse is that this is not in any way optional. I can't even play as free to play so that I can enjoy the game at a normal pace. Since double xp applies to everything it is more like quadruple xp as I find myself getting ridiculous amounts of xp for everything. I feel like the game is being handed to me on a silver platter.


Why not get a new level every hour that you play no matter what you do? Why not get rid of all of the mobs? Why not cut the hit points of all mobs by half and half again? A lot of players would prefer games that had no challenge, but is pure choose your own adventure while chatting with friends. I don't.


What do I want? I just don't want the xp handed to me or rather forced on all of my characters. Right now I don't play while double xp is going on. I did level one character to level 10 while double xp was going on because I needed to see if a account wide cargo bay purchase had worked. I also wanted to see if it was as bad as I feared. It was. Playing was pointless.


I canceled my account as soon as I discovered double xp had gone into effect. I don't know if I will renew it. I hate to cancel my subscription over this, but the game is completely unplayable while double xp is in effect.


I know that this is considered a gift to the players, but it is really doing a lot of harm to the gameplay. In particular the storyline is harmed. swtor is based on the basic mmo framework, but with the additional pillar of storyline, which is all fully voiced. This is very impressive. A lot of work went into that aspect of the game. With double xp weekends I feel like swtor is abandoning its core principles.


I am not looking to troll and in fact don't want responses from other members. I want the devs or any dev to read this and hopefully respond, but even if you don't respond I hope you read this.


Please please don't spoon feed the game to us like this. Please understand that I don't want to offend your kind offer of double xp weekends, but it really is not helpful. I really feel that you put a lot of heart into the game, but giving everybody whatever they ask for is not good either. Double xp is an example of going too far in bending over backwards to give players what they want.


Just try to make a good game that you can believe in.





As another poster stated in another thread and i would credit them if i could recall their name but:


1. Cry me a river


2. Build a bridge


3. Get over it

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please do not respond to this thread unless you are a developer. There are countless other threads on double xp you can participate in if you want. This post is for the developers, not you.


I logged on just to post on this thread...




And I ain't a developer.


In the future please refrain from posting nonsense in the general forum and expecting only dev responses. There are a number of other threads on this very topic, please add your constructive feedback to those threads.


That is all.

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I should clarify. What I meant to say is that I don't care if you respond. Respond all you want. I am not asking for help from the community about this. I have read several of the other threads on this topic. I have looked at the other options regarding double xp for players that don't like double xp, but it doesn't matter because the game is utterly unplayable to me unless I want to just hang out and chat in a cantina. I am writing to the devs here. If they respond or read this that is great.


Yeas or nays from other players will serve no purpose here though. You can if it makes you feel better. I have already canceled my subscription some weeks ago and I am very sorry to do that, but I can't play that way. I have no other complaints about the game. I know that swtor means this as a gift and I really want them to understand that I appreciate the sentiment. The devs put a lot of heart into this game. I just want to respectfully explain why this was and is a bad idea.


As this is a public forum please feel free to respond, but that is not my original intent in starting this thread. There are countless other threads that I can participate in if I wanted to do that.

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I should clarify. What I meant to say is that I don't care if you respond. Respond all you want. I am not asking for help from the community about this. I have read several of the other threads on this topic. I have looked at the other options regarding double xp for players that don't like double xp, but it doesn't matter because the game is utterly unplayable to me unless I want to just hang out and chat in a cantina. I am writing to the devs here. If they respond or read this that is great.


Yeas or nays from other players will serve no purpose here though. You can if it makes you feel better. I have already canceled my subscription some weeks ago and I am very sorry to do that, but I can't play that way. I have no other complaints about the game. I know that swtor means this as a gift and I really want them to understand that I appreciate the sentiment. The devs put a lot of heart into this game. I just want to respectfully explain why this was and is a bad idea.


As this is a public forum please feel free to respond, but that is not my original intent in starting this thread. There are countless other threads that I can participate in if I wanted to do that.


You quit because of a couple double xp weekends???


My god is your life that sad that u quit over something so stupid???

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please do not respond to this thread unless you are a developer. There are countless other threads on double xp you can participate in if you want. This post is for the developers, not you.


This comment is why the developers don't answer people like you.


I should clarify. What I meant to say is that I don't care if you respond.


Nice backpedal. Are you sure you're not a developer working for Bioware already?


You forgot the part where you said:

please do not respond to this thread unless you are a developer. There are countless other threads on double xp you can participate in if you want. This post is for the developers, not you.


Congratulations, you have just joined the "Game Developer Experience".


How's it feel?

Edited by CaptRavenous
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Look, you put a lot of effort into this thread and I can appreciate that, but what you fail to recognize is that the double XP weekends are only a bad idea in your opinion. It's implied, somewhat, but you make it sound as though you're trying to save the rest of the player base from themselves and... really, just let other people play the way they want to.


I'm not going to tell you to get over it. Personally, I don't understand why anyone would want to grind the same side quests over and over again, but if you say you enjoy it, I'm going to respect that. I understand that not everyone is happy about the double XP, but I can't say I want it gone - I really enjoy the change of pace. So why is how you feel more important than how I feel? (or vice versa, but double XP is only a temporary thing after all)


As others have pointed out, though, if you want a developer to read your post (or reply to it), a more private setting might have been a good idea.

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I have already canceled my subscription some weeks ago and I am very sorry to do that, but I can't play that way.


I'm sorry but now you are just flat out lying. If you cancelled your subscription you wouldn't be able to post on the forums. The game has been out for over a year now and we will have had a grand total of 4 weekends with double xp leading up to the expansion. There is nothing suggesting that this will turn into anything consistent.


You also state that you don't care if we post in this thread yet after the second post in this thread you asked that no one other than a dev post here. You are now coming across as hypocritical.


If this is really bothering you that much that you feel the need to come to the forums and lie/demand attention from devs then maybe you should take a break from the game.

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My that was a very long post.


Lets see, my thoughts are that I have chocolate and a bottle of whiskey and Star Wars and life is good.


Cheesecake, Percocet and muscle relaxers, and Star Wars for me.

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I'm sorry but now you are just flat out lying. If you cancelled your subscription you wouldn't be able to post on the forums. The game has been out for over a year now and we will have had a grand total of 4 weekends with double xp leading up to the expansion. There is nothing suggesting that this will turn into anything consistent.


You also state that you don't care if we post in this thread yet after the second post in this thread you asked that no one other than a dev post here. You are now coming across as hypocritical.


If this is really bothering you that much that you feel the need to come to the forums and lie/demand attention from devs then maybe you should take a break from the game.


Even if you cancel your sub you can still post on the forums until you hit what would of been your next payment date, so he could be telling the truth about that.

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My thoughts on double XP and people that QQ about it..


Sorry.. I just don't understand what the issue is here.. You could create a new character and hit 50 after just completing your baby planet and still nothing stops you from doing whatever quests you want..


So what is the issue here?? What is stopping you from doing whatever quests you want?? Because Double XP is not stopping you at all..

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I don't understand what the problem is. I see many Double XP weekends in other games e.g Call of Duty. What i know no one complain about the Double XP weekends for COD. When a new map pack is released, there is always a Double XP weekend.

Personally I like the double XP weekends. It saves time to leveling my character. My new character is on lvl 45 in 2 weeks. Normally I level my character to lvl 50 in 1 month or more. I have 4 characters on lvl 50 and this will be the 5th :)

If you want that the developers of Bioware reply on your complain write them an email... I am afraid that they won't reply on a General post.

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I want the devs or any dev to read this and hopefully respond, but even if you don't respond I hope you read this


I am a developer, just not for this game :p


Its a promotional thing but unfortunately went down the wrong path and upset people by the looks of things. Rule of thumb with anything like this should be not to force anyone into something as minor as double xp, just in case.


I have 5 almost 6 50's and would welcome permanent double xp with open arms along with a re-opened grind on ilum. But then there are always new players that want to experience things as they should be.


However, you can also argue that even if you out levelled a planet, that nothing is stopping you from carrying on as normal and experiencing the story... seriously, nothing.


Even if everything you killed and all the quests you turned in were grey, then this would slow the process of levelling down now wouldn't it as grey = waste of time for xp.

Edited by Omisri
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