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Why are you ruining my weekends? Option to turn off xp bonus!


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Omg, what is the big deal about getting double xp? You people against it love grinding the same world quests for the 8th time? Or is it your first toon? If it's your first toon, just be quiet and enjoy the double xp. You'll have plenty of time to make an alt and grind those world quests 7 more times. You're not missing anything you can't easily see again.
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Logic. This was a build up to an expansion. To allow people to quickly get to 50 so they can experience the expansion because unlike WOW or SWG's first expansions, there is NOTHING in the expansion for low levels. Until and unless they do another expansion, this won't happen again. and if there is another expansion, it won't be for at least a year or two.


If they want to maintain a flow of people buying the expansion, it makes much more sense to have double XP weekends on a regular basis. Servers were really busy during the weekends, so it definitely attracts a lot of players. And we don't have any numbers, but I will assume there is a positive correlation between number of players and amount of cash spent in the CM (assuming people will get a few legacy character unlocks and maybe some gear or boosts).


With double XP weekends, I look forward to creating alts for every class there is. I doubt I would do that without.

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If they want to maintain a flow of people buying the expansion, it makes much more sense to have double XP weekends on a regular basis. Servers were really busy during the weekends, so it definitely attracts a lot of players. And we don't have any numbers, but I will assume there is a positive correlation between number of players and amount of cash spent in the CM (assuming people will get a few legacy character unlocks and maybe some gear or boosts).


With double XP weekends, I look forward to creating alts for every class there is. I doubt I would do that without.

I think the 25% major xp boosts on the CM should be replaced with 200% major XP Boosts. That way, those that want to level fast can. Those that dont... don't have to.

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I love double XP weekends. I have 11 characters, 10 of which I'm leveling. So doing the content 6 times on Empire side and 4 times on Republic side can get rather boring. I just do the quests until I'm at max level for my class quests and then go and finish the class quests. I love being able to do this. In fact, I haven't heard anyone I know complain about it. Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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Not whining at all, I completely agree. For new chars I'm completely skipping Taris to stay in sync. Instead of increased XP items in my pack, give me .5 so I can play on weekends.


ALSO - option to turn OFF XP for space missions - I want the space tokens, not the stupid XP


Double XP totally gimmicked for F2P


Not a gimmick for F2P, it's for the new expansion, allowing for reaching 50 a bit easier so people can play on Makeb.

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The request is for an OPTION to turn it off, not to get rid of double xp. I do like grinding quests for the nth time, but I do not like being forced to over level my character. The pacing of the game was set up to be as fast as it is for a reason. Double xp and to a much more limited extent rested xp interferes with that pacing. To those that enjoy double xp, great! I just don't see why others who are new to the game or love the pacing as is have to participate in it as well.


Bomyne has a good idea here which I hadn't thought of as another possible solution, which is to have double xp boosts as a cartel market item or some variation thereof.

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The request is for an OPTION to turn it off, not to get rid of double xp. I do like grinding quests for the nth time, but I do not like being forced to over level my character. The pacing of the game was set up to be as fast as it is for a reason. Double xp and to a much more limited extent rested xp interferes with that pacing. To those that enjoy double xp, great! I just don't see why others who are new to the game or love the pacing as is have to participate in it as well.


Bomyne has a good idea here which I hadn't thought of as another possible solution, which is to have double xp boosts as a cartel market item or some variation thereof.


Leveling means absolutely nothing to the challenge in the game (outside of a few bonus points and a new ability).


If you go around and do every single quest and get every single piece of gear you will be more than ready for the next challenge.


The reason people are complaining about being over leveled has no merit because this game is gear based. Doing all the quests drops you all the gear you need and makes the next encounters trivial. The encounters aren't being trivialized because your are three levels ahead.


Now you will say "But Arkerus, being over leveled allows me to equip higher level gear than the planet was designed for."

That's another FALSE argument. Let's take Alderaan for example: If you start on Alderaan, complete all the quests on Alderaan and never leave Alderaan until you beat the entire planet...YOU NEVER GET GEAR THAT WASN'T MEANT FOR THAT PLANET.


This ludicrous argument about over-leveling trivializing the game needs to end. It has no basis in fact. You are experiencing the illusion of being more powerful when in reality you aren't.

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Lets take it a step further.... HALF XP WEEKENDS! then we can try finding every quest, give us a true feeling as if we are living on the planet. Plus it will really feel as if we are making a difference in the war. :rolleyes:
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Double XP is the ONLY reason I returned to SWTOR.

After being here on day one of early access, and having

two characters at 50, the leveling is soooo much better now.

It's a shame that it won't last. I would honestly level every

class to 50 to see the story. But, after the smuggler is capped

next weekend, it wil be very hard for me to stick around.

And oh, cry more noob.

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I don't get what the problem is with getting double XP. Just play through to where you want your class story to be at. Then go back and play planet missions. Are they greyed out? No problem, you won't be getting a ton of experience for them (which is the way you want it) and you still get to see the story. Then, after the weekend, you can pick up your class story again.


"But I'm only interested in the class story. Why should I set it aside?" Good question. Don't. If you're only interested in the class story, then you'll be happy not to have to do all the side missions before moving on.


Seriously, where is the downside to this? :t_confused:

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I don't get what the problem is with getting double XP. Just play through to where you want your class story to be at. Then go back and play planet missions. Are they greyed out? No problem, you won't be getting a ton of experience for them (which is the way you want it) and you still get to see the story. Then, after the weekend, you can pick up your class story again.


"But I'm only interested in the class story. Why should I set it aside?" Good question. Don't. If you're only interested in the class story, then you'll be happy not to have to do all the side missions before moving on.


Seriously, where is the downside to this? :t_confused:


The downside is some people like their gameplay to be challenging. Going back way later would be even worse than doing it grey a few levels over :rolleyes:

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As I really enjoy the double xp weekends to get my last chars to 50, I have to agree on the concerns of the OP:


If you start playing this game and haven't done the entire planetary quests before, you should be able to enjoy it at a normal pace. This game is just not build to get double exp if you do all quests. So an option to disable the double exp would be more than fair.


Just my2cents

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The downside is some people like their gameplay to be challenging. Going back way later would be even worse than doing it grey a few levels over :rolleyes:


Well, there's still plenty of challenging content to tackle. If it's not exactly what someone is looking for, they may need to get creative. You know, dismiss your companion and try the missions. Do FPs. Move on to more challenging content. I know that not all of those solutions work for everyone, but it's impossible to make everyone happy.


On the bright side, there's only one more double-xp weekend. Most of us will be happy play through at a nice pace.

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Why do you feel the need to do every single quest to move on to the next planet? And if you're really in it for doing the content, why should it matter if you out level the quests?


It helps people level a new class for the launch of the expansion.


You obviously don't understand his problem. I love the weekend, but I can still see why this bothers people. They want to enjoy all the content on the level it was meant to be enjoyed. Not be 7-8 levels higher while doing it, one shotting the mobs and don't get any real satisfaction out of killing that hard boss on class missions. Think a little before you question.

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This double exp buff every weekend sucks. I mostly only get to play on the weekend and now for 3 weekends I can't because of this double exp weekends. You already out level the game content with normal exp, double exp is completely ruining the game for me.


Why have you not included an option to turn it off? I want to play the game and I am a subscriber I am sick of doing all grey missions because I am level 35 doing level 24 missions because of this double exp crap.


So, since i actually like this and have happened to have the unfortunate luck of having to work all these weekends, can i have a switch to have double xp all week instead?

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I think the 25% major xp boosts on the CM should be replaced with 200% major XP Boosts. That way, those that want to level fast can. Those that dont... don't have to.


Sounds like a good idea to me, I'd definitely get those from either the CM or GTN. :)

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You obviously don't understand his problem. I love the weekend, but I can still see why this bothers people. They want to enjoy all the content on the level it was meant to be enjoyed. Not be 7-8 levels higher while doing it, one shotting the mobs and don't get any real satisfaction out of killing that hard boss on class missions. Think a little before you question.


You do realize that if you go through "All the content" without double xp (Class story, planet story, side quests, bonus series, space missions(x1) ) You will already be 7-8 levels above the content right? The OP and collaborators are complaining about something that has been in the game since day 1, like it's something new. Double XP gets you through a planet faster yes... So you have to do even less side missions. But if you are going to do them all anyways then turning off double XP will not help at all you will still be over leveled.

Edited by Emencie
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You do realize that if you go through "All the content" without double xp (Class story, planet story, side quests, bonus series, space missions(x1) ) You will already be 7-8 levels above the content right? The OP and collaborators are complaining about something that has been in the game since day 1, like it's something new. Double XP gets you through a planet faster yes... So you have to do even less side missions. But if you are going to do them all anyways then turning off double XP will not help at all you will still be over leveled.

This. 100% this.


I can understand someone asking "Make the double xp optional"

I don't get the "you are ruining my weekend"


Every single toon in this game, no matter what XP bonuses they have, no matter double XP is either:


1. Already Overleveled

2. Already Skipping optional side quests


All the double xp does is ask you to skip more side quests (which you can see on alts). How is this ruining your weekend? How is this the end of the world? How is this a big deal?

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This. 100% this.


I can understand someone asking "Make the double xp optional"

I don't get the "you are ruining my weekend"


Every single toon in this game, no matter what XP bonuses they have, no matter double XP is either:


1. Already Overleveled

2. Already Skipping optional side quests


All the double xp does is ask you to skip more side quests (which you can see on alts). How is this ruining your weekend? How is this the end of the world? How is this a big deal?


I just realized that as well. Usually I'm at or near 50 by the time I leave Voss. Plus I'm always at least two levels above the content.

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Oh my god, these double xp events are just until the cartel expansion comes out, which is next week, so there is just one more double xp weekend, they are only doing this so that everyone can atleast have a single level 50 to experience the cartel expansion content.


I do admit, i would prefer xp booster items having this double xp at all times, then its down to choice and nothing else, but thats just me.

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If you don't care about the XP then just run the quests over powered and get no XP for them.


If you want a challenge while doing it then have some fun. Put on some social armor with no mods and effectively run the content naked or run it without a companion out. That will make the content more challenging even if you are overpowered.

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If you don't care about the XP then just run the quests over powered and get no XP for them.


If you want a challenge while doing it then have some fun. Put on some social armor with no mods and effectively run the content naked or run it without a companion out. That will make the content more challenging even if you are overpowered.







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(Class story, planet story, side quests, bonus series, space missions(x1) )

You forgot flashpoints :p


Running without companions out is actually a good idea. It will make the game trickier. The biggest problem with that though is that the game autosummons companions during certain events. A possible way around that is just summon the ship droid (So he doesn't speak) and set him to passive.

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