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Tired of carrying scrubs.


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I feel that Star Wars The Old Republic needs to have the ability for full 8 man grouping in pre 50 PvP (and pre 55 after patch) . I am tired of losing hard fought games because one or two people refuse to play the objectives properly. I dont personally feel that carrying bad players through warzones is a good thing. I have personally tried on countless occasions to enlighten said scrubs on the tips for each different warzone, but no one listens. People that enjoy PvP shouldn't have to drag along people who don't deserve a win because we are limited to 4-man premades. If you can't play the objectives in a warzone why play at all?
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Why don't you just run Rated Warzones instead then? Problem solved.

Beacuse hour long queues and in the event that some other team is in the queue you'll probably have to face them every time. Doesnt matter if you happen to win every time, it gets old.


I'm in favor of hidden ratings though, games would be less loopsided and you wouldnt have to carry people who play their first warzone and have no idea of what's going on. Even "number of games played in legacy" would help the situation a bit.

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Fuh real. My guild was in a Q for 3 hours the other night. I think the rated system needs to be fixed. I think a group should be able to set a team and have a drop down of what they still need. I.E. we have seven players and still require 1 ranged dps. Then a single player gets to Q for ranked and the team is notified that there is lets say a gunslinger named "...". Then the team can choose to use him or not. This way you have a lot more teams Qing for rateds. It would be similar to the group finder I suppose except you get to choose specifically what you want as not to ruin your group structure. Either that or cross server rateds would be nice.
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Apparently some of you can't read, I said pre 50 warzones... you can't do rated in pre 50.


Prepare to face hatred of those who QQs about premades right now. Although i've never complained about premades, I think it's too bold to ask possibility to queue in the full ops group against pugs.


Also if you're good... khm... what did happen to lowbie warzones since i was there? Usually if the wz group gets 1-2 decent players it wins ~80% of times. What must happen to prevent winning of group with 4 good players in lowbie warzone?

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for sure the current situation needs plenty of fixes, I am worried a lot of the issues though are down to population and that might be impossible to fix. Assuming there are plenty of people who want to and would play warzones though a proper matchmaking system and opening up the queues rather than restricting them would make sense, but only if matchmaking took things properly into consideration, wouldn't put 8 solo queuers against an 8 man group for example.


sadly imo we are going to get another very poorly thought out move to season 1, maybe it will include X-Server as the one 'fix' and maybe that would be enough but as for a proper matchmaking system and flexible options on queuing I think we are screwed this year at least.

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Who gives a f__k about pre 50? lowbies is such a joke I would skip doing them but if you are serious about PvP you almost need to run them. 10-49 after a few matches I just wanna bang my head against the wall.
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Also if you're good... khm... what did happen to lowbie warzones since i was there? Usually if the wz group gets 1-2 decent players it wins ~80% of times. What must happen to prevent winning of group with 4 good players in lowbie warzone?


Lol...i think this is a very important point.

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Who gives a f__k about pre 50? lowbies is such a joke I would skip doing them but if you are serious about PvP you almost need to run them. 10-49 after a few matches I just wanna bang my head against the wall.


Lowbies are serious business Cycao. How else are you gonna farm for Med packs/adrenals?


In all (actual) seriousness it seems kind of harsh to have an 8 man pre-made going against lowbie pugs. I see what you mean about carrying people. I have been in wZ's with lowbies that I wasn't sure were playing the same game as me but that's the time for people to learn. Not get rolled over by a full guild premade.

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Beacuse hour long queues and in the event that some other team is in the queue you'll probably have to face them every time. Doesnt matter if you happen to win every time, it gets old.


let me get this straight, you think it would be less lopsided to bring an 8m team into regs, where you'll hit teams of any combination of solo Qers to 8m's rather than guaranteed 8m teams? and that it would be more interesting/fun than playing the same 8m for an hour?


that doesn't make a lick of sense. maybe I misunderstand you. the empty Q issue is testament to the fact that people DON'T want to face full 8m squads.

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Lol, if you cant dominate 98% of lowbie wzs with just a 4 man premade then you and your friends are bad.




Curious OP...how many of you are pimped out 49s? Seriously, you aren't as good as you think you are if you and 3 other guys CAN'T carry lowbies in an under 50 wz.

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Curious OP...how many of you are pimped out 49s? Seriously, you aren't as good as you think you are if you and 3 other guys CAN'T carry lowbies in an under 50 wz.


True, ONE twinked out toon can carry a pre 50 team. Done this on two toons now and I almost never lost ANY game. For the record, I didn't twink them to stay under 50, just have all the crafters and did all my crafting while I PvP'd on my 50s.


When the gear was ready, I'd go into pre 50 PvP and LOL at everyone because it was too easy but I level up through PvP so it was the most fun way for me to do it. Thread is a joke...

Edited by Master_Nate
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Curious OP...how many of you are pimped out 49s? Seriously, you aren't as good as you think you are if you and 3 other guys CAN'T carry lowbies in an under 50 wz.


Truth, I am shocked the OP would think anyone would sympathize with him. A premade of 2 decently geared good players can swing WZs in pre-50 the use of vent cannot be understated in objective based WZs. In particular pre-50 where half the people dont understand what they are doing fully or dont have all their abilities or up to level gear on top of the fact both teams get similar amounts of tools more or less.


The game does not need full 8 man premades stopping levelers and F2P players, what a f'n joke.

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I feel that Star Wars The Old Republic needs to have the ability for full 8 man grouping in pre 50 PvP (and pre 55 after patch) .


but you'll ruin warzones!!


i kinda think the mix in lowbie bracket is a good thing so new players can learn from the example seet by the good players they are grouped with. They sure as hell aren't going to learn anything in an 8 man PUG


(which is why they want 8 man PUG only queues so the game is "balanced" because everyone is dumb)

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to be fair, my guildmates will often lowbie in packs, and they're very well geared. so if you're up against a premade of purple geared/aug'd....one or two geared toons isn't going to cut it.


that said, it's so easy for a premade of 4 to dominate lowbie that 8m is asking for way too much.

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