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Everything posted by Vin_of_Vinheim

  1. In the world of PvP, you either die a noob or live long enough to get called a hacker. Feels good man.
  2. AAaarrghh! The main stat is broken! I just bought the obroan one last week and augmented it! SUMOFA&!^@#!
  3. I dont mind this even if I am losing. Sometimes HB can be over so fast you dont even have a chance to get 8 medals. Plus who doesnt like a little deathmatching every once in a while
  4. I seriously wish they would remove mvp voting. People care way too much about it. It seems some players spend all their time DPSing the nearest person or tunneling on their ops frames while ignoring objectives and smart play just so they end up with a nice big number and some votes. TL/DR- MVP voting is subjective and meaningless, that's why rewards for it are so low.
  5. After testing out healing in a few lowbie WZs as a solo que PUG, I would never ever, I repeat never, queue as healer without a group or at least a friend. A tank friend with guard would be best but any decent dps that knows how to peel would be helpful. You need someone looking out for you, especially when you are just starting out. Ask if anyone is looking for a pocket healer to pvp with in chat if you dont have a guild or friend to help you out. People are always more likely pick up healers, even ones in recruit gear.
  6. Lol, if you cant dominate 98% of lowbie wzs with just a 4 man premade then you and your friends are bad.
  7. What good would it do to see a list of gamer handles that are banned and can't play anymore? Or are you asking for real names? Personally I am sick of all the hacking accusations I see in general chat during WZs, especially since I've been wrongly accused a couple times of speed hacks because of predation, force speed, lag, etc. I should have reported the person for calling me out. Next time I will, I dont hack. Discuss it with the other people in you wz group, report it, and move on. Maybe friend them to see if they keep playing. If they really are hacking in a way BW can catch, they'll get banned. /notsigned
  8. I think stagger is important too. Not just for ravages, but also for catching people on fire traps or rooting them so teammates can cap.
  9. I like this one for PVP. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101MMZfzrRruddGRZM.2
  10. There is no way to be sure they are colluding or conspiring with the other team to win, and/or they hate the faction of the team they are on and want them to lose. I doubt either is the case. It is more likely that they are just bads, or on a team with bads and are getting owned, or they hate huttball. Either way, they just wish it over as fast as possible.
  11. Ha I do this on my sniper all the time too. SNIPER DUEL FTW!
  12. You can run whatever you want for regs but I think most go full engineering for pvp. I used to run full MM but switched to an Eng/MM hybird for more yellow damage and a nice dot slow combo. MM is too dependent on LOS and white damage imo, which is easier to mitigate. Plus I wasnt in love with sniper volley, the top move in the MM tree. Some people do great with it but I like engineering now and will definitely be trying lethality in 2.0. Engineering has strong area denial and aoe, lots of yellow damage, a couple moves that dont require LOS, and some extra defensive bonuses that make them somewhat tanky. All three trees are viable though for PUG, but i think ranked builds are mostly full engineering.
  13. Yep, experienced this last night. Huttball ended when we scored our first goal and 3 people quit on the other team with no backfill. Next I played an entire match of voidstar with 7 when someone quit before it started. Before that everything was fine, but after 2 failed WZs I decided to quit for the night...
  14. I just started leveling an assassin and in my very first game at level 10, I was the only one in the entire WZ to break 100k in damage. It was pretty pathetic. I always see some warrior or gun class just spamming their basic attack. The noobs probably have one or two abilities that they like and when those are on CD, they just use their basic attack, never pop a defensive CD, and die. Or they do what they really want to do and camp controlled nodes for medals. They never have read a pvp class guide, learned their rotations, or optimal skill tree builds. When they face actual pvpers they get shut down and burned down and therefore are more apt to give up and not care. They just want their daily lockbox, a few comms, and some XP with as little effort as possible. For instance, I always laugh when my team ends up holding both east/west nodes in Novare and the losing team just camps mid and they dont even try and attack their strong side node. Then i was in a game where this happened to me. After asking in ops chat why no one was attacking our close node, someone responded and said " i already tried to take west like a billion times and I am not trying again, i am sitting at mid and collecting medals." Needless to say, after that match I waited a few minutes before queuing with hope that I wouldn't get them on my team again.
  15. I havent done dailies in months and I craft my own stims. I make money selling stuff on the GTN just so I can have money to buy the next level abilities for my alts who only do PVP. Alts who in turn buy WZ medpacks and adrenals for my lvl 40+ characters. Just ranking up is really expensive in later levels. Just hit 46 on my jug and i feel like the 5-6 move upgrades plus vicious throw cost around 200k total. Creds earned through pvp should be doubled imo.
  16. I'll answer for Mid, the stun will only trigger from the caster's own bubble. Bubbles that he/she puts on teammates will just be the normal bubbles, no aoe stun on break.
  17. People that whine about lowbie pvp make me lol. People that whine about solo queue also make me lol. If you want to make friends, to queue with, insulting the entire server is not the way. Many lowbie players are probably just playing pvp for a quick participation daily. Some may even hate pvp and only do lowbie for the easy xp. That is the circle of PUG pvp, win some, lose some. Sometimes you get awful players that aren't interested in even trying, and sometimes you get great players. Roll with it. You can't control what they do and complaining about it is just wasted energy.
  18. I really think it's hilarious when people quit the 0-0 huttball game 5 minutes after it starts. What, the match to intense for you? Can't take all the excitement?
  19. Hackers use predation all the time.
  20. I use a 10k Killer shell. Accept no substitutes. http://www.torhead.com/item/dLyMFui/ten-kilometer-killer#screenshots;view:11236
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