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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Men = Formal, girls = sex slaves


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I want to wear the formal clothes on my character. "It's ok, there's a slave costume for girls" I am told.


While I'm perfectly fine with there being ****ty outfits in game, I find it incredibly offencive and ****ed up that I only get one option- ****.


And if you have a problem with me calling a spade a spade, deal w/ it. Bioware put the costume in the game and they knew what they were doing.




Remove all gender restrictions from items.

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You can get the balmorran resistance stuff, it has some nice leather pants and some pretty awesome boots/gloves. I find the helmet and shirt to kind of be silly looking though.


But either way, formal is the only social 1 stuff, so even if you dont care about the looks its kind of unfair that female characters must grind to social 2 to get moddable light armor


A few builds ago females could wear the formal clothing, it looked pretty good on females i think, i don't know why they changed it.

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The game is implying that the only outfits girls should wear are skimpy.


Exactly. Or that only girls should be allowed to wear skimpy outfits, which is just as bad.


Either way you look at it there's a sexist implication, and I don't like it. It is also unfair in general as somebody upthread pointed out- girls have to wait until social rank 2 before getting any of the special clothes.


All I want is access to the same game people who made male characters have. The game has a nice 'gender-fairness' thing going on, and I like that for example my sith master is a strong independent woman, but this was a real slap in the face.

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So...you're trying to fix societies sexism/gender discrimination by complaining about a game?



Just...stop. Please. You're diluting the real issue with the crap your spewing about a video game.


Yes, that's it. Thank you for completely taking this out of context and trying to make me look bad. That's helpful and definitely proves me wrong.




There are items in game that are female only, and other items that are male only. This needs to change.

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Greetings Alexthree,




I am Protocol Droid Z9-T2 of Human-Cyborg Relations...




I have received your transmission regarding the issue Formal hat vs. slave costume.


I apologize, if you have been offended by this in any way.


I forwarded your demand to our developper so that this issue might be reviewed.

Thank you very much for your concern.



Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


I don't know if this is a good sign, but hopefully they take a look and really change the problem.



Good to see they really read the tickets and give personal responses. :)

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But Formal Wear is for females. I just saw it. What's wrong with something being female-only and something being male-only? How is that sexism?


Because men can do it and women can't? That's, like, the definition of sexism. Same goes for the other way around.


Not to mention as someone said upthread, male characters (sith, anyway) get a social outfit at rank 1. Girls have to wait until they're rank 2 and in a futher-along city. The items are very good not only for the aesthetic reasons, so I am somewhat disadvantaged compared to a male character at this point in the game.


Anyway, regardless of whether or not it's even a big deal or matters in the long run it certainly is a restriction I feel should be removed. It's pointless and serves only to create a gender difference in a game where there shouldn't be one.

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But Formal Wear is for females. I just saw it. What's wrong with something being female-only and something being male-only? How is that sexism?


Some people think that acknowledging that there is a fundamental difference between males and females is sexism.


A man wearing a bikini is just plain idiotic. They don't even have breasts.

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Exactly. Or that only girls should be allowed to wear skimpy outfits, which is just as bad.


Either way you look at it there's a sexist implication, and I don't like it. It is also unfair in general as somebody upthread pointed out- girls have to wait until social rank 2 before getting any of the special clothes.


All I want is access to the same game people who made male characters have. The game has a nice 'gender-fairness' thing going on, and I like that for example my sith master is a strong independent woman, but this was a real slap in the face.


that's funny... none of my outfits look skimpy.

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Some people think that acknowledging that there is a fundamental difference between males and females is sexism.


A man wearing a bikini is just plain idiotic. They don't even have breasts.


But they've got areolas! I mean, if women can't show their areolas in public, neither should men. IT'S SEXISM!!!11!

Edited by racrguy
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Because men can do it and women can't? That's, like, the definition of sexism. Same goes for the other way around.


Not to mention as someone said upthread, male characters (sith, anyway) get a social outfit at rank 1. Girls have to wait until they're rank 2 and in a futher-along city. The items are very good not only for the aesthetic reasons, so I am somewhat disadvantaged compared to a male character at this point in the game.


Anyway, regardless of whether or not it's even a big deal or matters in the long run it certainly is a restriction I feel should be removed. It's pointless and serves only to create a gender difference in a game where there shouldn't be one.


Maybe it's just that BioWare doesn't want to, you know, subject their graphic designers and players to the horrors of men wearing very feminine clothing - such as bikinis.


Also social items are just as good as any other orange thing. The only reason to feel "disadvataged" is you can't get an easier orange sooner, or you feel the item should be easier to get because you like it.

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Some people think that acknowledging that there is a fundamental difference between males and females is sexism.


A man wearing a bikini is just plain idiotic. They don't even have breasts.






Some do, though I would probably want to see the ones without in a bikini first.

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