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Gree even XP Exploit fix FAILED!!!!!


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Well well well. Who is the idiot now? The fix didn't work. That's why servers are down again. Enjoy your humble pie, Mr. Reading Comprehension.


I have no problems admitting i was wrong. You on the other hand is the only idiot here.


So i was wrong, but right about you lacking and sort of comprehension.

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I just want to add my voice to the "this is unbelievable" crowd. The amount of bugs in this game that have been ignored by the devs for MONTHS, and they decide to take down the servers mid-day to fix a bug that actually benefits players.


F**k you, EAware.

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How exactly is the Ilum powerlevelling bad? If f2p newbies do this, they will likely be more apt to want to do endgame PVP and Ops, buying the weekly passes for them. Hell, this may even encourage them to buy Makeb when it comes out since they'll have a 50, which was the entire reason for the BXPW, isn't it? Who cares if more older players that already have 50's grind another toon to 50. This could even encourage people to cross servers easier, which is better for community. If you didn't do it, how exactly does it affect you? Why should this even have been an issue and why should BW have even bothered with "fixing" something that isn't even an exploit when there are other, more pressing issues to be dealt with?
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I have no problems admitting i was wrong. You on the other hand is the only idiot here.


So i was wrong, but right about you lacking and sort of comprehension.


Speaking of comprehension, I find myself having trouble comprehending your poorly worded and poorly spelled fail of a post.

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I just want to add my voice to the "this is unbelievable" crowd. The amount of bugs in this game that have been ignored by the devs for MONTHS, and they decide to take down the servers mid-day to fix a bug that actually benefits players.


F**k you, EAware.


Haven't you heard? they only fix the things players enjoy

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Ok, I said I wasn't going to but oh well... *Jumps on the train - Choo-Choo* :D OP please go waste someone else's time in another game... Say maybe that "other game".... I've been around since launch and I can say that there are FAR more pressing issues they could be fixing. How long did it take for them to fic the companion lightsaber bug? That was around in Beta.... Just one more example of a player QQ'ing over people using something to their advantage....
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I queued for LI HM last night, one of our DPS had 13k health and was wearing blue armors + green (low lvl) implants... He got the kick to find a second DPS wearing stuffs hardly better.


The whole XP farming on Ilum did a great job :o


Those people do know they can get a free Tionese set right?


Like, it's not the best gear, but at least it's something to build on.

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I keep seeing people saying "who cares, it doesn't effect your game play". When in reality it does, if you run RHMFP's or pug ops for comms, it certainly will effect your game play. Even people that have leveled a toon old school may not read every available skill and bring down the group/op because they out leveled their skill with that class. Ad the brand new players that PL their first toon to 50 in a day or two and it's even worse. There shouldn't be any double xp to begin with, it's already way too easy to level.


I remember the early days of EQ and meeting someone with a 50 main was cool. SWTOR on the other hand it's very common to hear someone say in an op "well if needed I can log on my Jugg, Op healer, sniper, assassin or PT if needed". Children these days feel entitled to have everything handed to them. That's half the reason SWTOR failed so miserably at launch, within a month everyone was 50. No sense of accomplishment, no feeling of time invested, no feeling of anything lost by walking away. Cut xp in half, not double it...

Edited by Opiezerker
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this was fun made me play a char i had lost interest in because i didnt want to sto i mean borey grind again . i got out met new ppl socialized in a social game and had more fun in the last few days in swtor then in the last year . now ea says dont let them have fun put the borey grind back in and i put the game back to sleep. no more socializing. just another single player lan game here people move along this isnt the game your looking for....archeage is coming this fall to na mayby ... mayby thats the social game were looking for
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Bioware is it really necessary to interupt service for all of your customers because some of them are power leveling toons during your double exp weekends that you intentionally set up for faster leveling before the expac? I mean come on I feel like you guys are just wasting everyones time by doing this. This is the last weekend with the ilum event in place anyways so its just a waste of time. Let the grinding power levelers do their grind fest...they will do it anyways so its not like they are missing out on anything they would do anyways. Stop hurting your entire customer base with their inconvience of emergency maintenance to patch the patch.


I second this...



Bioware, I've been a big supporter and defender of yours, and for the first time I really feel like you are wasting time doing this. This has ZERO detrimental effect on the game and you take the servers down to "Fix" it? Come on.


people are going to 50 one way or the other, weather they spend 12 hours on Ilum, or 12 hours PVPing, they are leveling at the same rate either way. Leave it alone, there's other things you should be doing with the money we pay you.


That's the trick isn't it... -We- Pay -You-. We expect your features to work, we expect problems to be resolved... This is NOT one of them, and shouldn't be a speck on your priority list right now. Keep your team focused on making Rise as bug free as it can be. Focus on fixing numerous other problems the game has, such as the hood toggle half the forum is screaming about or the helmet's not working properly. Or maybe adding features that people keep asking you for. Ready check for example. Quit messing with things that the vast majority of your player base doesn't care about, or are actively using.

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Those people do know they can get a free Tionese set right?


Like, it's not the best gear, but at least it's something to build on.


free tionese and free recruit gear...don't blame the power lvling on ilum blame the bad players that dont pick up the free gear.

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The fact that people are cry'ing because some are smart enough and crafty enough to find a way to level faster a day before a power leveling weekend starts really makes me hopeful for humanity. Is it because they are smarter than you op? Or craftier then you? Or perhaps one of them might have a girlfriend and that just eats you to pieces?


Get a life man. Who cares. I would hate to know you or any like you in real life. Must be a lonely world, hence why you are worried about everyone elses digital experience.


I love this reply :)

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thanks to the whiners we now have another maintenance downtime. blame them for disrupting everyone's schedule today.


Actually you can blame the people who took advantage of this exploit, because of them we have extra patches and people who are lvl 45+ and are trying to do the world event legitly get punished by the buff system being turned off due to people exploiting the situation.

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free tionese and free recruit gear...don't blame the power lvling on ilum blame the bad players that dont pick up the free gear.


Oh yeah.


Forgot about the free recruit gear.


Sucks they took the 300k badge out though :(

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Haven't you heard? they only fix the things players enjoy


You noticed huh? Remember after the game launched, there were tons of awful game breaking bugs and the only ones they jumped on were ones that gave us too much money or could be exploited to our benefit.


If a bug exists that keeps you from receiving the proper loot or XP, good luck on seeing a fix to that, but have a bug that gives you too much loot or XP and they'll patch that **** by lunch.

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Actually you can blame the people who took advantage of this exploit, because of them we have extra patches and people who are lvl 45+ and are trying to do the world event legitly get punished by the buff system being turned off due to people exploiting the situation.


PLease note that BW stated that it is NOT an exploit. You lot are so focused on what Bioware say or do, but when it comes to something you don't like, you ignore what Bioware have said.

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I just wonder if they will ever fix the horrible combat delays and psuedo GCD activations of skills...though I suppose those are more complicated fixes that requires them to pick through the entire engine


Probably never get fixed if they keep fixing 'these' major gamebreaking issues like ilum boosting....lol

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Actually you can blame the people who took advantage of this exploit, because of them we have extra patches and people who are lvl 45+ and are trying to do the world event legitly get punished by the buff system being turned off due to people exploiting the situation.


That would be completely correct, if it was an exploit. Even more if it was actually faster to do the gree thing than run flashpoints with all the xp buffs on, but the fact remain it isnt, my toon is going to be lvl 50 before reaching 30h of total gameplay, I never set a foot on ilum with that toon. Are you gonna cry and say that I exploited too ? really ? Because my method was much more fun and efficient that this silly gree thing that ppl are worrying so much about it =)

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