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Goodbye TOR


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A person that was really wanting the developer to know why they were leaving would send a email directly to the developer so they would actually you know, see it, and not post a wall of text to be buried on some boards like they're more special than the other people leaving the game.


You can form a circle and join hands with the other people that think they special and entitled. There's plenty to find around the boards here. Everyone else is playing and enoying the game.

Edited by sumuji
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A person that was really wanting the developer to know why they were leaving would send a email directly to the developer so they would actually you know, see it, and not post a wall of text to be buried on some boards like they're more special than the other people leaving the game.


You can form a circle and join hands with the other people that think they special and entitled. There's plenty to find around the boards here. Everyone else is playing and enoying the game.


No. They know people like you will post things like this and bump it for them. So they won't be buried for a while.

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Get over the pretty graphics rendered by an engine that is so poorly optimized for MMOs that there will never be massive (40+) player battles of any sort (PVE or PVP). Try putting more than 30 players on the screen and watch your game turn to a slide show from ability animations going off from each player, player position tracking, and player status tracking (damage, healing, buffs, debuffs). That's why they took out the Ilum World PVP scenario - it had nothing to do with the mechanics being imbalanced - it was because people with even the best SLI/Xfire rigs couldn't display more than 5-10 FPS. Hell, why do you think Fleet is so laggy? And you're not even tracking 90% of the data that would be necessary while in combat.


That's not my experience with the big PVP events we've had and the conflicts that go on in the Black Hole, but whatever. You think it's true, so you posted it as if it was true anyway. Unfortunately, it's just another myth on your part.


Anyway, good luck wherever you're going.

Edited by Kubernetic
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Not going to get into the whole shebang of this thread or it's reasoning but did want to wish the OP happy trails and good luck in the future. I enjoyed your posts in regards to PTs and thought you did some nice research on the class.


Thanks for sharing your findings, videos, RWZ matches, and insight on PTs even if others disagree with some of the things you say. The point is you contributed your ideas/thoughts/findings and were helpful to people wanting some information on this class.


So I just wanted to say thanks.

Edited by Master_Nate
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Not going to get into the whole shebang of this thread or it's reasoning but did want to wish the OP happy trails and good luck in the future. I enjoyed your posts in regards to PTs and thought you did some nice research on the class.


Thanks for sharing your findings, videos, RWZ matches, and insight on PTs even if others disagree with some of the things you say. The point is you contributed your ideas/thoughts/findings and were helpful to people wanting some information on this class.


So I just wanted to say thanks.


Sorry for the loss of your elitist buddy:csw_fett::jawa_frown:

Edited by Belacose
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Sorry for the loss of your bed buddy:csw_fett::jawa_frown:


He's not my bed buddy. Just a contributor in the class forums that worked with others on PTs. Your humorous attempt was pretty immature and outdated but thanks for trying to be clever, even if you failed miserably at it. Sure, his attitude may come off belittling in this thread but I'm not concerned with his exit post or your opinion on him. It does not change the fact he was vocal and helpful to others before this post.

Edited by Master_Nate
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He's not my bed buddy. Just a contributor in the class forums that worked with others on PTs. Get over yourself because your humor is pretty immature and outdated. Thanks!


so why not have sent him a consoling private message if you can't handle public comments on his cyber funeral?

Edited by Belacose
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so why not have sent him a consoling private message if you can't handle public comments?


Someone is bored with their life :rolleyes:


EDIT: Lol, sounds like you can't handle public comments as you feel the need to hover over this thread. I just shared my opinion to the OP, like you did. So how are we different? Other than the fact that you are upset and I am not?

Edited by Master_Nate
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If a person plays for a year and a half, that is fine. Forums users rarely realize how much churn there is in these games. People come and they go. It is no indictment on the game. I played EQ 2 on and off for years. Never felt the need to post an overwrought break-up letter when I left.


You are correct, EA should care. They should be proud that a player enjoyed their game for well over a year.


Pssht, a person with realistic big picture view of not only SWTOR but how the MMO business world works! Perish the thought!


More well thought out posts instead of the rant that is the OP would actually make the forums a value added place in the SWTOR world. Alas, there are 100's of threads like the OP for every one of these. Oh well, back to actually playing the game then.

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Pssht, a person with realistic big picture view of not only SWTOR but how the MMO business world works! Perish the thought!


More well thought out posts instead of the rant that is the OP would actually make the forums a value added place in the SWTOR world. Alas, there are 100's of threads like the OP for every one of these. Oh well, back to actually playing the game then.



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I have spec "how-to" guides on my Youtube channel which I made publicly available and posted the links to in the appropriate Class forums. I would also help by replying to topics every third or fourth day (not enough traffic to reply every day) in the class forums.


What happens?


Some people appreciate the help, but most people want to argue with me about it. They try to convince me that their spec is the best, because beating on a dummy for 60 seconds is the best way to test PVP specs/builds. Yet they could provide no real-world data from actual duels/skirmishes...and then get roflstomped and complain how the class is broken.


Your frustration is understandable. While debate is always a good thing, you said it very well previously (paraphrasing here) when you responded to another post by saying that their opinions are set and so are yours. It comes down to that horse and water parable.


I'll have to take a look at some of the guides you've done if they remain available, as I cannot express enough how much I have appreciated reading through others out there. While some are better at conveying their intended information than others, all represent a significant time investment by their authors.


The fact that you have taken the time to respond to every (reasonable) post on this thread speaks volumes to your disappointment. By the way, thumbs up to the bird poop metaphor. I had a hearty laugh out of it, anyway! :jawa_biggrin:

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I've had an active subscription since December 17, 2011, and it was fun while it lasted. However, I just don't enjoy the content you have to offer any more. Too many persistent bugs, corporate mismanagement, and lack of cross-server queues has made the domination of the same pool of people for months on end a real bore. I just don't see the point in playing since competitive pvp is in a really bad place, and the 18-month-old GCD bug doesn't help. Every hard mode Operation is one-shottable (in one night), and nightmare mode does nothing to enhance the experience over hard mode - it's just a gear check, instead of a skill check.


Thank you, Bioware, for allowing F2P to inflate your population numbers while allowing people to have an option to contribute absolutely nothing to the game other than their ignorance and lack of skill. The dominant player mentality of, "I just don't see all these bugs you complain about," just goes to show the lack of insight, awareness and experience the game population has to offer. The average skill level of players is sub-par (compared to the 4 other AAA MMO's I've played long-term over the last 15 years) for every aspect of this game. I know how a large majority of players like to think their really good, but mostly...they're just awful. I honestly just sit back and laugh at players 80% of the time when I'm playing...that's how awful.


Get over the pretty graphics rendered by an engine that is so poorly optimized for MMOs that there will never be massive (40+) player battles of any sort (PVE or PVP). Try putting more than 30 players on the screen and watch your game turn to a slide show from ability animations going off from each player, player position tracking, and player status tracking (damage, healing, buffs, debuffs). That's why they took out the Ilum World PVP scenario - it had nothing to do with the mechanics being imbalanced - it was because people with even the best SLI/Xfire rigs couldn't display more than 5-10 FPS. Hell, why do you think Fleet is so laggy? And you're not even tracking 90% of the data that would be necessary while in combat.


The fact that almost no one remains on the development team from launch just goes to show how ridiculous Bioware is with their mismanagement of resources and assets. Hell, even two Bioware founders, Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka, left Bioware as things declined substantially in TOR during early summer 2012. Sorry to burst your bubble, fanboys, but Bioware is now just a mediocre subsidiary of Electronic Arts that made a mediocre MMO on the coat tails of a massively successful franchise.


I actually really agree with this post, we share alot of mutual outlooks on TOR and its an easy read. Even though i still play this game, my playtime has turned into "month on, month off" basically.


Sometimes i feel my biggest issues with TOR are not even the game itself, but how EAware is going about their business. With no QQ intended, as a long-time MMOer i feel SWTOR is ran by one of the worst companies in the gaming industry. I'm not so much pointing my finger at Bioware because i know EA has them in a headlock. However its gotten to the point where i feel flat out disrespected by their incompetence to respond/fix/take initiative for their mistakes, and investing all of their effort into the cartel market because it's quick & easy money.


That being said, it is just a game and we obviously aren't bound to it - but its a shame they are going about things this way.

Edited by Slicksteezin
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I never got why the need for making these threads.... You are quiiting the game? Then just quit!

Why do you think the WHOLE world needs to know it or even care?


He needs a hug ! ahah :sul_wink:

Or maybe he plays at Rep side.. :rolleyes:



Edited by chaosmadness
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I never got why the need for making these threads.... You are quiiting the game? Then just quit!

Why do you think the WHOLE world needs to know it or even care?


I never got why people have the need to respond with posts like this to a long-time subscriber that is simply leaving his input on why he's leaving the game? Maybe you don't care, but some people may appreciate a long-time player's honest output. Typical fanboi

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Exactly at the moment this game is just a come and go scenario for most players. This explais the lack of skill. People play this game for a few months, then move on. F2P made this even worse. I think I am one of the only few that played since the beta. But I'm just going through content right now, once I'm done I think I'm gonna move on as well.

Storywise the game is really good though. :)

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It is pretty horrible that they haven't fixed the server latency. All of the planets are still very laggy and fleet is horrid! I think they failed when F2P was released and they got rid of a lot of the servers. IMO I think they need to bring back some more servers to offset the population on some of them. It might actually help server stability.
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All these issues can be mitigated or completely avoided with a few in game tutorials and design changes. Yet we see none of those coming . Cutscene explaining what each ac does or what are the basics for each spec once you choose that ac and a rail quest to make players choose their ac .


Another thing this game really needs is to grant individual rewards for each player in a fp or ops. This would completely solve the issue with the increase of f2p ninjas, after each boss on a fp or ops each player gets to choose between 2 boxes, one that gives a reward relevant to his ac and another one that gives a reward to a random ac and is of a slightly lower grade than the other box.


On operations that currently drop non class specific tokens, it could give the option to chose between 2 mod tokens, like armoring or mod, mod or enhacement and etc the player would then be able to trade those tokens with an specific mod that he wishes to use. The end game shells would then be available to be purchased with comms with each piece being unlocked after defeating a certain boss ( wow getting armor for actually playing the game and not just throwing money on the cartel ). This would make gear progression more fluid and take a better advantage of the gear modding system in the game . Most importantly these changes would eliminate fact that players within a group have to compete among themselves (lolwut) for gear.


Pure brilliance, tekhiun!

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I never got why people have the need to respond with posts like this to a long-time subscriber that is simply leaving his input on why he's leaving the game? Maybe you don't care, but some people may appreciate a long-time player's honest output. Typical fanboi


they're just stupid tardbag kids looking for attention

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