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State of the Game #3


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How do I get a refund for the expansion now that you have decided to do the ol' bait and switch with the APAC servers?


Not interested in all in playing your game on the NA servers, so I want my money back.


^ This

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Hum all these replies to state of the game I have one comment to make HOW ABOUT FIX YOUR GLITCHY GAME you have now for gawd sakes!!!!!!!:mad: New content great new planet great but you still haven't fixed crap on the old content. I still to this day get booted every time I try to do Black Talon or the pub side version. I am a subscriber have been from day one, so do us all who pay for the game a favor fix the glitchy game you have now!!!!!:eek:
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I want to see some new things added to the CE store that was promised regular updates well before the game was ever released. What about that? Why not take some of things in cartel market and put them on that vender atleast there would be something new on there. Edited by Bahno
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I like the changes, hopefully you keep them coming. I unsubscribed but came back mostly due to your efforts. It says a lot I think about your commitment to making this game awesome and engaging. I was a little worried there that you might throw in the towel, but you didn't and you came up with ways to get my $$ again and did it with a smile on my face.


However, I still wish you made a Mac version of this game :) Please keep up the good work, this is a unique franchise, it deserves every effort to make it the best MMO out there.

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"the need to keep working on performance improvements and bugs."


If you really want to do that, make the PTS permanent. It's the path that makes the most sense.


I stepped back onto LIVE today, after a couple months of playing PTS, and it was an immense overload. Way too many players in the same area, none want to group, leaving everyone waiting for mobs to respawn. Tons of ninja looting... and that was the starting area on Tython! Imagine the game after 2.0 drops!


There are several bonuses to having the PTS permanent (I'll cover two or three. I'm sure there are more floating around out there):


  1. Players like me, who want to solo and enjoy the game in relative silence, can play.
  2. The environment is always being tested. A patch drops, we test and report back to the PTS forum (trust me. You get a LOT of feedback there).
  3. The PTS has fewer trolls. Last I checked, 'Star Wars' universe has no trolls in lore.


I'm not saying that the PTS not being permanent is why I have canceled my two subs. The expanded reasons include the draconian Planetary Comms cap (and no reason given why subs are being subjected to the cap), the various bugs and glitches, and the general feeling that concerns are being ignored (example: I posted today on the PTS forum, asking for someone to please address why the Planetary Comms cap is being enforced on even us subs. Ten minutes later, someone removed the post. Request not addressed, and dutifully ignored and removed. I'm accepting that as "We already got you to upgrade to ROTHC on two accounts, we don't need your $29.99/mo").


I can't post my 'State of the game' from this die-hard fan's view. My post would get removed.

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I hear what you're saying and it's not just your guild.


And not nearly everyone visits the forums, if even 10 out of your guild come to the forums that is a LOT. I told people in the guild I'm in about that and they too do not agree. Just ask a general question on general in game, you'll get a lot of people responding exactly how we know they will, and disagreeing with the "state of the game".


I can make pretty much any claim in my guild and people will believe it, that is unless I am agreeing with things like this "state of the game" or say certain features will come even sooner.


- Other stuff they don't talk about, just don't expect it in the coming years.


Your right about General Chat. You try to have a discussion about things and people just flame or troll. Saying garbage like "You must suck at PVP then" or "Learn how to play the game" or "Stop your crying or quit playing". etc.


Again, its very obvious the staff writing these articles do NOT visit these forums and only have their main test group and focus group to get biased feedback from. They really are NOT living in the reality of what the real State of this game is. Everytime I read one of these articles or watch on of the new video's it makes my stomach nauseous from the fake clouds and dreamlike BS they spew. They would probably spin the servers breaking down as a "Player Break Day". They NEVER tell you the truth and remain psychotically "positive" about every single thing this game is failing at. Like ugly poorly designed or reskinned gear and Party Jawa's are what people really want....


I swear, the people who design the gear in this game have ZERO aesthetic know how or vision.


Also : What ever happened to Guild Ships? More in game Guild controls? (guild mail, calendar, etc)

Edited by DarthVengeant
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One thing which is for me very hard to understand. Why I am teamed up in group finder only with people around my lvl?? And why players with free account mostly win the roll to get loot things from flashpoints or ops or in group?? I just do not like it happend!

I like what is to happend- the more content and more things to customization with my character.

But please make maybe more eq - i mean make more different looks of weapon and maybe give player opportunity to custome his/her look of gear(choose color or emblem). Or maybe something like list to choose in what gear player like to wear (ofcourse after wearing it). For example: I get new armor from vendor but i do not like it looks so I choose one of looks which was before with this new armor statistics.

In summary I very very like this game;) I am subscriber and I will stay for sure;) And I am waiting for this weekly updates:)

Good game for everyone;)

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One thing which is for me very hard to understand. Why I am teamed up in group finder only with people around my lvl?? And why players with free account mostly win the roll to get loot things from flashpoints or ops or in group?? I just do not like it happend!

Grouping you with players 20 levels higher or lower than you would be bad. It'd trivize the flashpoint and reduce the XP the group gains.

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To quote Jeff Hickman. "Our new, high capacity servers are teeming with people"


Jeff may I point you in the direction of this thread:




Clearly your statement is quite the contrary to the above thread. Your team has been promising to do something well for close to 8 months now, obviously there is little talk and no action. Please address the APAC concerns as soon as possible, this is a great game however the lack of action really hurts Biowares credibility in alot of peoples eyes.

Edited by Thepainfairy
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It has to be through the Cartel Market so they can actually make money from the non-subscription players. I agree, they need to announce some sort of major expansion, or at least mention they are thinking about it.



He said a whole lot of nothing. Playable content seems to be a secondary focus at this point. Post-Makeb production will focus on quality of life? Have you ever seen how quickly MMO players consume content? The production should focus on additional content AND quality of life.


You're adding a barbershop feature to the game, but gating it through the Cartel Market. Why shouldn't players be able to change their appearance using in-game credits? I understand charging for a racial change.


Pretty uninspired state of the game address. Take some passion in what you guys do, or has EA beaten the creativity out of you?

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Mr. Hickman,

I've read about half of the comments in this thread; moreover, by the time I got to page 20 I lost interest. It would seem there are a lot of people who are not very happy with the state of the game; although, I do believe quite a few of them are being unreasonable. But, on the other hand some of them have very real concerns that I do share.


*Barber shop: I really couldn't care less about this feature; moreover, when I made my characters I took great care in deciding what they looked like & I still like the way they look. I wouldn't mind some additional colors that were not previously available at launch (purples, pinks, blues, etc), but my characters are who they are & I would not change them for anything. I also think it is fair to charge a VERY MINIMAL fee for this service....which brings me to my next concern...


*Cartel Market Overload: It really had not occurred to me till I had read this thread, but I can see why everyone is concerned. As a subscriber I SHOULD NOT be nickle & dimed for core content. The packs & bonuses are fine for the CM, but things like the Cathar & hood toggle should not be included in that scheme. I wouldn't mind paying for the Cathar if they came pre-packaged with an proper expansion (like what wow does every year), but I in no shape way or form will be handing over any more of my money for something like this. In my opinion, the Cathar should have been bundled in with RotHC. I am more than willing to pay $40.00 - $60.00 bucks for a full expansion that would have 8 or so planets (they don't all have to be new, just most..backtracking could add story quality), some new races, flash points, pvp warzones, & species.


*Quality of life: With all due respect, what are you guys talking about? I in no way shape or form want chat bubbles, that would be a mess on the fleet (I would turn them off). Likewise the Guild Flagship would also take away from our ability to find people on fleet to run OPS...unless the General chat from the fleet was also the same General chat for the guild flagship -- which would be fine. Heck, just make the Guild flagships an instance on the Fleet for all I care. I wouldn't mind seeing an update to the group finder to include all the ops [HM & SM], but aside from that the game is pretty solid in my opinion as a system. The only other things I could ask for would be mini-games or a buddy list that condenses all ALTS that belong to one person under a single username (like in wow), but that has more to do with my next subject.


*Future content: This is what really scares me...what is going on after this next patch? Granted there is a lot going on with RoTHC & the next patch, but what is coming after that? Saying that you will be focusing on QoL & not mentioning even a teaser about new content really puts me off. Granted I still have 6 more story lines to complete even though I've been around since beta, but there are people who play A LOT more than I do (I go to collage full time & work nearly full time). When will we have new War Zones? When will we have new Flash Points? When will we have individual class story quests expanded & expanded companion relationships? Frankly, it's just lazy development that individual class quests were not inserted into RoTHC. I'm not expecting any of this content any time soon, & you guys have been doing pretty good since the restructuring at Austin, but just having someone from staff drop a comment saying something like "we are working on it but can't say anything right now -- relax" would probably put a lot of us at ease.


As I've said I'm willing to pay for a proper Expansion, & I would really like to see one. A while back you guys were asking for information form us regarding said expansion in the threads below:


Future planets:



Expansion Ideas:



What is the state of these projects & why have you ignored them? This is the kinda thing that really has me miffed, & if I ever did quit the game this is the reason why. Rest assured I love SWTOR right now, but I could see a day when that would change.


Thanks for your time,


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*Quality of life: With all due respect, what are you guys talking about? I in no way shape or form want chat bubbles, that would be a mess on the fleet (I would turn them off). Likewise the Guild Flagship would also take away from our ability to find people on fleet to run OPS...unless the General chat from the fleet was also the same General chat for the guild flagship -- which would be fine. Heck, just make the Guild flagships an instance on the Fleet for all .


As far as chat bubbles to they would only be for RP'ers and such using /say. I doubt fleet would be all that bad and this is something nearly every RP'er has been calling for. Guild capital ships I agree should have a linked general chat to fleet in order to stay connected with the community. Every other point you bring up I agree with.

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Love the barber shop idea, but I do agree with everyone else as a subscriber I shouldnt have to pay to change my hairstyle, eye color and physical features although paying to change your species makes sense. We shouldnt be charged for something that we will want to use so frequently. I like whats going on with the character customization. I love the idea of being able to toggle my hood on and off as well so I'm glad that will be addressed eventually. Hopefully we won't have to pay for that through the cartel market as well. 20 cartel coins per toggle!!


I have to admit that I was very disappointed with the looks of the previous installment of pvp gear (WH) and I was very vocal about it! The new pvp and pve gear that is coming out looks A LOT better in my opinion, but could still use some improvement. I hated the Jedi Sentinel WH gear, always thought it looked like a beetle or a space clown this time we actually look a lot more like Jedi Knights. In the future I would really like to see a Sentinel pvp set with a full robe chest piece. (not robe leggings that make it look like a dress) Maybe in black & white :)


I love all the new toys, pets and espically the gear and mounts from the cartel market, but put more of that stuff as earnable rewards for completing in game content such as operations and pvp too! Give us more reasons to play and not just more reasons to spend money! What do you mean by "quality of life"? Quality of life is pretty good these days.... Keep adding operations,flashpoints, warzones, story, gear, pets, mounts, planets, and improve on the space mini game! Oh yeah, I almost forgot... WE WANT A YODA PLAYABLE SPECIES!

Edited by chriscruiz
Forgot something!
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"So how did it go? Well, you can see for yourself when you log in to the game. Our new, high capacity servers are teeming with people. Since launch of the Free-to-Play option we have had over 2 million new accounts created and have thousands of new players jumping in every single day. This means more people to play with, more growth for your guilds, more Warzone matches, and more ways for players to continue to advance their characters."


So, in a nutshell, it means more money for BW and more money for EA, while we(subscribers) are left with cluttered servers of players who can't do anything. Very exciting indeed!!

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I'm a subscriber who has been playing since the game started and will continue to play because I'm enjoying the game and the stories. But as a subscriber why isn't the new species included? I like the idea of a barbershop if there are new hair styles/colors but am not sure why it is tied to the Cartel Market. Shouldn't I just be able to go to fleet, go to the barbershop spend a few in-game coins? Also, as a subscriber the hood toggle be included without the Cartel Market being involved? If your free-to-play I can understand having to unlock from the Market but not as a subscriber. I've 8 characters at level 50 and a few more little ones and don't really want to keep using up Cartle Coins for each character.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm a Founder and day one CE subscriber. I get 600 CC a month and spend them on packs just for the heck of it. As people have said over the past 45 pages... Cathar should be a core part of the game (atleast for subscribers). And changing your appearance should be in game currency based aka Credits. If I have to buy cartel coins for these things I'm just going to cancel my account and look for another mmo, or even worse go back to WoW. Hopefully you all will realize this would be a huge mistake and cost you alot of customers. As I've heard people say "who cares if subs quit, they're making money from the CC market now". However one person spending $40 on CC doesn't make up for losing 100 subscriptions.
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  • 3 months later...
Mr. Hickman,

I've read about half of the comments in this thread; moreover, by the time I got to page 20 I lost interest. It would seem there are a lot of people who are not very happy with the state of the game; although, I do believe quite a few of them are being unreasonable. But, on the other hand some of them have very real concerns that I do share.


*Barber shop: I really couldn't care less about this feature; moreover, when I made my characters I took great care in deciding what they looked like & I still like the way they look. I wouldn't mind some additional colors that were not previously available at launch (purples, pinks, blues, etc), but my characters are who they are & I would not change them for anything. I also think it is fair to charge a VERY MINIMAL fee for this service....which brings me to my next concern...


*Cartel Market Overload: It really had not occurred to me till I had read this thread, but I can see why everyone is concerned. As a subscriber I SHOULD NOT be nickle & dimed for core content. The packs & bonuses are fine for the CM, but things like the Cathar & hood toggle should not be included in that scheme. I wouldn't mind paying for the Cathar if they came pre-packaged with an proper expansion (like what wow does every year), but I in no shape way or form will be handing over any more of my money for something like this. In my opinion, the Cathar should have been bundled in with RotHC. I am more than willing to pay $40.00 - $60.00 bucks for a full expansion that would have 8 or so planets (they don't all have to be new, just most..backtracking could add story quality), some new races, flash points, pvp warzones, & species.


*Quality of life: With all due respect, what are you guys talking about? I in no way shape or form want chat bubbles, that would be a mess on the fleet (I would turn them off). Likewise the Guild Flagship would also take away from our ability to find people on fleet to run OPS...unless the General chat from the fleet was also the same General chat for the guild flagship -- which would be fine. Heck, just make the Guild flagships an instance on the Fleet for all I care. I wouldn't mind seeing an update to the group finder to include all the ops [HM & SM], but aside from that the game is pretty solid in my opinion as a system. The only other things I could ask for would be mini-games or a buddy list that condenses all ALTS that belong to one person under a single username (like in wow), but that has more to do with my next subject.


*Future content: This is what really scares me...what is going on after this next patch? Granted there is a lot going on with RoTHC & the next patch, but what is coming after that? Saying that you will be focusing on QoL & not mentioning even a teaser about new content really puts me off. Granted I still have 6 more story lines to complete even though I've been around since beta, but there are people who play A LOT more than I do (I go to collage full time & work nearly full time). When will we have new War Zones? When will we have new Flash Points? When will we have individual class story quests expanded & expanded companion relationships? Frankly, it's just lazy development that individual class quests were not inserted into RoTHC. I'm not expecting any of this content any time soon, & you guys have been doing pretty good since the restructuring at Austin, but just having someone from staff drop a comment saying something like "we are working on it but can't say anything right now -- relax" would probably put a lot of us at ease.


As I've said I'm willing to pay for a proper Expansion, & I would really like to see one. A while back you guys were asking for information form us regarding said expansion in the threads below:


Future planets:



Expansion Ideas:



What is the state of these projects & why have you ignored them? This is the kinda thing that really has me miffed, & if I ever did quit the game this is the reason why. Rest assured I love SWTOR right now, but I could see a day when that would change.


Thanks for your time,



Subscribers should not have to pay for anything except expansion packs. LOTRO does it. STO does it. Got lifetime accounts on both. I paid for expansion on LOTRO with my turbine coins that I saved up. On STO I can convert currency in game to to PWE coins so to speak. Same on Neverwinter. Where they do get me to pay is other things, which they know I will pay for since it does support their development for more content.


Makeb expansion, fine , we pay for it. Cathar access? No we should get that for free as a sub. Like the Ewok. I use in game credits to get the ewok .That's technically free since I sub anyways.


C'mon get some programmers in there and create content. You've got a wealth of material to work with in the SW universe.

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