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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Since sorcs are asking for cover on PTS forum


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Jugs are the ONLY class that gets to choose between dps/tank in ranked. Funny that you should use that example!


Merc/commando? Not invited in any spec.


Scoundrel/op? Heal only, oh yeah and their dps spec sucks for raiding to, unlike a sorc/sage who is very viable in 3 freakin dps specs, madness, hybrid, lightning. YOU POOR SORCS!


Sin/shadow? Hybrid tank only, and they sit at a node defending it. WOO HOO FUN!


Marauder/sent? Carnage only and brought for group sprint. Yeah a dps class with one viable ranked pvp tree. Cool eh?


PT/Vanguard? Pyro PT or go home. Their tank tree is a joke in rateds and their other dps tree might be the worst in the game in pvp. Doesn't stop sorc's from crying about pyro pt though does it?


Sniper/gunslinger? Almost all play lethality atm. Again a dps only class pigeonholed into one spec. This may change in 2.0, with Marks/engineering looking much better.


If you want to cry about a class? Cry about Jug's/Guardians. Everyone else is in the same boat in RATED. Of course I could care less about Jug's and if they are only given one viable spec, I am just making a point.


Sorcs simply have it as good or better then all AC's in this game in all facets of the game, with the exception of one class and that is a tank. If you don't plan on tanking? Sorc is still the best choice for doing EVERYTHING well.


Not sure you can math good: "oh yeah and their dps spec sucks for raiding to, unlike a sorc/sage who is very viable in 3 freakin dps specs, madness, hybrid, lightning." It isn't viable to have any spec as a sorc that isn't hybrid, so your idea that we have three is completely wrong, madness has no force pool, lightning has no damage impact. Also, do you ever see a DPS sorc invited along for rated?


"Merc/commando? Not invited in any spec"


Then what do you propose? You have QQ'ed plenty about it being unfair for all other classes that your's is the adopted child. Start a thread that offers suggestions. It is not unheard of: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=562553

That is an excellent suggestion forum thread. (If you skim and don't actually read it all, it will not make sense to you)


"Jugs are the ONLY class that gets to choose between dps/tank in ranked. Funny that you should use that example!"


You are right in the respect that all classes are restricted to specific skill trees and that Jug/Guard are the only ones who have some lee way. But to QQ that someone still has it better is a missed perception on your part. You are too staunchly with the idea that only merc/mando has it rough along with a few other specs, and that sorc/sage has it better. The grass is always greener on the other side (take your own advice and reroll).


"Sorcs simply have it as good or better then all AC's in this game in all facets of the game, with the exception of one class and that is a tank. If you don't plan on tanking? Sorc is still the best choice for doing EVERYTHING well."


Everything? Last I checked I couldn't bring down another player on my own. I can't aid in objective games unless I move with a group. There is no way in hell I can aid my team unless the opposing team largely ignores me. So in my opinion? Grow up, life isn't fair, QQing about it raises the problem, but it is entirely on you to suggest what to do (I suggest QQing about other classes... oh wait...) Make your own thread suggesting what to do, don't suggest what everyone around you should do to fix your problems.

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Not sure you can math good: "oh yeah and their dps spec sucks for raiding to, unlike a sorc/sage who is very viable in 3 freakin dps specs, madness, hybrid, lightning." It isn't viable to have any spec as a sorc that isn't hybrid, so your idea that we have three is completely wrong, madness has no force pool, lightning has no damage impact. Also, do you ever see a DPS sorc invited along for rated?


"Merc/commando? Not invited in any spec"


Then what do you propose? You have QQ'ed plenty about it being unfair for all other classes that your's is the adopted child. Start a thread that offers suggestions. It is not unheard of: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=562553

That is an excellent suggestion forum thread. (If you skim and don't actually read it all, it will not make sense to you)


"Jugs are the ONLY class that gets to choose between dps/tank in ranked. Funny that you should use that example!"


You are right in the respect that all classes are restricted to specific skill trees and that Jug/Guard are the only ones who have some lee way. But to QQ that someone still has it better is a missed perception on your part. You are too staunchly with the idea that only merc/mando has it rough along with a few other specs, and that sorc/sage has it better. The grass is always greener on the other side (take your own advice and reroll).


"Sorcs simply have it as good or better then all AC's in this game in all facets of the game, with the exception of one class and that is a tank. If you don't plan on tanking? Sorc is still the best choice for doing EVERYTHING well."


Everything? Last I checked I couldn't bring down another player on my own. I can't aid in objective games unless I move with a group. There is no way in hell I can aid my team unless the opposing team largely ignores me. So in my opinion? Grow up, life isn't fair, QQing about it raises the problem, but it is entirely on you to suggest what to do (I suggest QQing about other classes... oh wait...) Make your own thread suggesting what to do, don't suggest what everyone around you should do to fix your problems.


I am not the one QQ'ing. You are. I explained multiple times in this thread where you are wrong. All I have gotten were personal attacks, which caused me to school those people, until they reported me and got their OWN POSTS DELETED AS WELL (LOL).


Some fights are multi-target, different specs excel at different fights, respeccing is free. How much is free? Since you are so good at math maybe you can instruct me.

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I am not the one QQ'ing. You are. I explained multiple times in this thread where you are wrong. All I have gotten were personal attacks, which caused me to school those people, until they reported me and got their OWN POSTS DELETED AS WELL (LOL).


Some fights are multi-target, different specs excel at different fights, respeccing is free. How much is free? Since you are so good at math maybe you can instruct me.


You really do just hate sorcs/sages.


Read some of your earlier threads, you just have an agenda against sorc/sage. I sense a strong senator Feinstein in you young one.


Frankly I think I'm becoming the troll since I'm laughing at how worked up you get over complaints that aren't congruent with your own. You really are oblivious to the world around you, and only see what you want to see. Anything else is incompatible with your plans and must be by default, wrong. By the way, your "schooling" does you no favor as it only shows your pompous arrogance.


But, a congrats are in order, you sir are a professional troll. As a side note, what difference does respeccing make? Next to nothing unless you have the gear to attribute to your new spec. So it would cost quite a few coms to save up for two sets of gear and to augment it all over again. There's your answer linguistics major.

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You really do just hate sorcs/sages.


Read some of your earlier threads, you just have an agenda against sorc/sage. I sense a strong senator Feinstein in you young one.


Frankly I think I'm becoming the troll since I'm laughing at how worked up you get over complaints that aren't congruent with your own. You really are oblivious to the world around you, and only see what you want to see. Anything else is incompatible with your plans and must be by default, wrong. By the way, your "schooling" does you no favor as it only shows your pompous arrogance.


But, a congrats are in order, you sir are a professional troll. As a side note, what difference does respeccing make? Next to nothing unless you have the gear to attribute to your new spec. So it would cost quite a few coms to save up for two sets of gear and to augment it all over again. There's your answer linguistics major.


Not worked up. Been laughing at this whole thread. Played all these classes. Let you know that other classes face worse problems and are in worse spots. Have countered stupidity with logic, and been called a "rager", a "anti-sorcite" and now I am a senator trying to control guns.


For the record I don't hate sorc's/sages. I find people who can't see past their ONE CLASS THAT THEY PLAY, and yet call other people "narrow minded", "delusional" quite funny though.


As far as Feinstein? Another dual citizenship politician. That in itself is a joke. Oh well, maybe you learned something today.


Anyone who calls someone who presents posts which have PROOF, and LOGIC, shouldn't be called a troll, but that seems to be the cool thing to call someone whom you can't debate with.

Edited by biowareftw
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People please stop saying I'm unviable DPS as a balance sage. I am very Viable. I attack things they die. Who cares if 95% of Rated warzone Teams wont accept my kind at their dinner parties. I really don't care for BiowareFTW (spread the hate around, plenty of horrible melee too) but he Brings up plenty of valid points. Stop being bad and play my class better.



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Not worked up. Been laughing at this whole thread. Played all these classes. Let you know that other classes face worse problems and are in worse spots. Have countered stupidity with logic, and been called a "rager", a "anti-sorcite" and now I am a senator trying to control guns.


For the record I don't hate sorc's/sages. I find people who can't see past their ONE CLASS THAT THEY PLAY, and yet call other people "narrow minded", "delusional" quite funny though.


As far as Feinstein? Another dual citizenship politician. That in itself is a joke. Oh well, maybe you learned something today.


Anyone who calls someone who presents posts which have PROOF, and LOGIC, shouldn't be called a troll, but that seems to be the cool thing to call someone whom you can't debate with.


I'll grant one last reply, you post about posters QQing about their class, claiming it to be sucking, when others are worse off. Yes, true, factual, and so on. Let it die, you refuse to let it. A troll is someone who persists in an argument, not caring where the argument ends at, as long as you are the last man standing. To an extent we both are.


Clearly sorcs have been QQing for almost a full year now and BW hasn't done a thing, clearly they could have but didn't, what makes you think they will by now? They are going to get to fixing the other classes first anyways, the mer/comando is the poster boy of broken class. It is clearly needed over the sorc. You win in that respect.


So instead of deconstructing the criticism given by the whining QQers; perhaps giving BW something to work on for your class would be more productive. People who post in these threads are only reminding BW what needs to be fixed. If posting thousands of threads would have fixed the OP/Scoundrel after they were nerfed, they would have damn well near have been as well off as when they launched. So trying to decry the QQers for sorcs hundreds of threads doesn't do anything.


Telling them to re-roll and try another class can really only be an advice. "Take a walk in my shoes", is all you are really asking. Frankly though, lets be honest, if you play as a jug in pvp and then go to sorc, you clearly see a different pattern in how people target you. Same for Commando to Sorcerer, it's just a different reception.


That is my only "rage" towards this thread. Let QQers threaten to quit, continue to cry etc. why don't you go build up the need for your class instead of deconstructing the base of others? Let me take care of me and you take care of you.

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I'll grant one last reply, you post about posters QQing about their class, claiming it to be sucking, when others are worse off. Yes, true, factual, and so on. Let it die, you refuse to let it. A troll is someone who persists in an argument, not caring where the argument ends at, as long as you are the last man standing. To an extent we both are.


Clearly sorcs have been QQing for almost a full year now and BW hasn't done a thing, clearly they could have but didn't, what makes you think they will by now? They are going to get to fixing the other classes first anyways, the mer/comando is the poster boy of broken class. It is clearly needed over the sorc. You win in that respect.


So instead of deconstructing the criticism given by the whining QQers; perhaps giving BW something to work on for your class would be more productive. People who post in these threads are only reminding BW what needs to be fixed. If posting thousands of threads would have fixed the OP/Scoundrel after they were nerfed, they would have damn well near have been as well off as when they launched. So trying to decry the QQers for sorcs hundreds of threads doesn't do anything.


Telling them to re-roll and try another class can really only be an advice. "Take a walk in my shoes", is all you are really asking. Frankly though, lets be honest, if you play as a jug in pvp and then go to sorc, you clearly see a different pattern in how people target you. Same for Commando to Sorcerer, it's just a different reception.


That is my only "rage" towards this thread. Let QQers threaten to quit, continue to cry etc. why don't you go build up the need for your class instead of deconstructing the base of others? Let me take care of me and you take care of you.


Corrections sorcs have been QQ'ing since the game began.


First it was "no skilled tracer missile/grav round specs" (even though marauders countered them HARD). Solution? Class isn't even represented in ranked.


Then it was "no skill" scoundrels/ops.Solution. Nerfed into the ground. DPS not even pve viable.


Then it was the "no skill" annihilation/watchman marauders. Solution. Cut their healing in half, took away 80 group sprint and forced them to only be carnage in ranked. Still trying to wrap my head around that nerf but whatever.


Now it is the "no skill" smash specs even when the marauder/sentinel spec isn't ranked viable.


This is the reason why everyone can't stand the sorc class. They were well out in front calling for nerfs on damn near every class. They actually think it is super hard spec when it is easier then everything that got nerfed except for grav round/tracer missile.


They have nothing to complain about and now want sympathy from the rest of the player base. Sorry ain't happening.


If you have a class that has a viable ranked class, is viable in all phases of pve, with all specs, and can lead dps in pugs, and you are crying?


To top that off, anytime someone SHOWS you are wrong, you report their posts repeatedly and get people forum warnings, like a little child, who doesn't get his way.


Nothing more to say on this. I have proven my point time and time again. I could have a more interesting debate with my German Shepherd on the subject.


Enjoy being a great class that is only broken in your mind.

Edited by biowareftw
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Corrections sorcs have been QQ'ing since the game began.


First it was "no skilled tracer missile/grav round specs" (even though marauders countered them HARD). Solution? Class isn't even represented in ranked.


Then it was "no skill" scoundrels/ops.Solution. Nerfed into the ground. DPS not even pve viable.


Then it was the "no skill" annihilation/watchman marauders. Solution. Cut their healing in half, took away 80 group sprint and forced them to only be carnage in ranked. Still trying to wrap my head around that nerf but whatever.


Now it is the "no skill" smash specs even when the marauder/sentinel spec isn't ranked viable.


This is the reason why everyone can't stand the sorc class. They were well out in front calling for nerfs on damn near every class. They actually think it is super hard spec when it is easier then everything that got nerfed except for grav round/tracer missile.


They have nothing to complain about and now want sympathy from the rest of the player base. Sorry ain't happening.


If you have a class that has a viable ranked class, is viable in all phases of pve, with all specs, and can lead dps in pugs, and you are crying?


To top that off, anytime someone SHOWS you are wrong, you report their posts repeatedly and get people forum warnings, like a little child, who doesn't get his way.


Nothing more to say on this. I have proven my point time and time again. I could have a more interesting debate with my German Shepherd on the subject.


Enjoy being a great class that is only broken in your mind.


You win, your generalizations are absolutely right, i concede, you have victory almighty. I am allays QQing and such. I am wrong, because I like a class and was caught trying to defend it. Fine. I totally QQed about other classes.


As a matter of fact, I know you can pull up every post I have ever had, you will not find one asking for someone else to be nerfed. Only that we remain untouched. Read all my posts, I dare you.

Edited by Remorce
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You win, your generalizations are absolutely right, i concede, you have victory almighty. I am allays QQing and such. I am wrong, because I like a class and was caught trying to defend it. Fine. I totally QQed about other classes.


As a matter of fact, I know you can pull up every post I have ever had, you will not find one asking for someone else to be nerfed. Only that we remain untouched. Read all my posts, I dare you.


Generalizations? Hell just check out the thread I linked where sorcs didn't even know they were being trolled. They actually thought the game should be imbalanced in favor of their class due to lore.


This class provides me with SO much laughter.




If you don't know most of the people who play your class are idiots, then you haven't looked too hard. In WoW most of my fellow mages were idiots, and so were the rogues. Never did one say good duel after they lost. Certain people just gravitate to what they perceive is OVAPOWERED. Then when they fail on it? They want everything else nerfed, and their class buffed for no reason.


Do me a favor and make a jedi shadow or scoundrel on a pvp server. Watch how hilarious it is as the sorcs backpedal, run around in circles and my personal favorite


AOE LIGHTNING when a melee is on them. HAHAHAHAH.

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Generalizations? Hell just check out the thread I linked where sorcs didn't even know they were being trolled. They actually thought the game should be imbalanced in favor of their class due to lore.


This class provides me with SO much laughter.




If you don't know most of the people who play your class are idiots, then you haven't looked too hard. In WoW most of my fellow mages were idiots, and so were the rogues. Never did one say good duel after they lost. Certain people just gravitate to what they perceive is OVAPOWERED. Then when they fail on it? They want everything else nerfed, and their class buffed for no reason.


Do me a favor and make a jedi shadow or scoundrel on a pvp server. Watch how hilarious it is as the sorcs backpedal, run around in circles and my personal favorite


AOE LIGHTNING when a melee is on them. HAHAHAHAH.


Already made a shadow and I know there are plenty of idiots out there, I wished they would shut up, and I tried to get them to. One voice in a sea of them doesn't get heard though.


I just don't like being lobbed with "them" because I like a certain class. If we could go back to launch, pre stun bubble, and pre nerfed healing, I would be extraordinarily happy. We were balanced then, and right now we are of the most balanced. Are we perfect? No, but we don't need to be fixed as bad as others. I think you and I can find common ground there.

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Already made a shadow and I know there are plenty of idiots out there, I wished they would shut up, and I tried to get them to. One voice in a sea of them doesn't get heard though.


I just don't like being lobbed with "them" because I like a certain class. If we could go back to launch, pre stun bubble, and pre nerfed healing, I would be extraordinarily happy. We were balanced then, and right now we are of the most balanced. Are we perfect? No, but we don't need to be fixed as bad as others. I think you and I can find common ground there.


I know not all sorcs are bad. I can tell you this though. Playing both sides of the most populated PvP server? Give me 3 sages over 3 sorcs any day.


Other classes face the same crap. Most marauder/sents I know don't even like smash. They liked annihilation. They have to be carnage/combat in rated and smash is best for pugging. They are labeled smash tards on this forum lol.


Why do you CARE what other people think? Screw em lol :).


Now as far as class balance etc? Sorcs are in a good place. They will be a STRONG healer in 2.0 with immunity on coordinated burst, and lightning hits like a freakin truck for pugging.


Currently you can spec bubblestun and your pug will beat another pug damn near every time. Copy and paste with control V that they can aoe stun by clicking the bubble off. Paste it in ops chat. Enjoy the easy win. No other spec can almost guarantee a win atm. A sorc can. Is it a dumb mechanic? Sure. Should it have ever been implemented? No, and I also think the smash buff was stupid. But whatever, the game is what it is, and sorcs are fine.

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I know not all sorcs are bad. I can tell you this though. Playing both sides of the most populated PvP server? Give me 3 sages over 3 sorcs any day.


Other classes face the same crap. Most marauder/sents I know don't even like smash. They liked annihilation. They have to be carnage/combat in rated and smash is best for pugging. They are labeled smash tards on this forum lol.


Why do you CARE what other people think? Screw em lol :).


Now as far as class balance etc? Sorcs are in a good place. They will be a STRONG healer in 2.0 with immunity on coordinated burst, and lightning hits like a freakin truck for pugging.


Currently you can spec bubblestun and your pug will beat another pug damn near every time. Copy and paste with control V that they can aoe stun by clicking the bubble off. Paste it in ops chat. Enjoy the easy win. No other spec can almost guarantee a win atm. A sorc can. Is it a dumb mechanic? Sure. Should it have ever been implemented? No, and I also think the smash buff was stupid. But whatever, the game is what it is, and sorcs are fine.


Well, the main reason I care, is because of the image. Yeah, there are idiots out there, yeah they make stupid arguments, but just the same, I don't want to be labeled with them and overlooked when in PvP. I will try to keep this class respectable, but it is damn well near impossible with all the idiot forum spammers out there. As a jug, I prefer to go tank spec and make it impossible for anyone to take down a healer, I'm usually a healers best friend on my jug.


I have no clue why they put bubble stun and overlooked other things that they nerfed. Frankly I don't want to know why they put that stupid mechanic in (another reason to hate sorc?). I liked the DPS output prior to 1.2 of sorc. Was it spectacular? No, but it would get the job done, which was much better said than for Op/Scoundrel at the time. Many of the cries for nerfs pre 1.2 was because of idiots who didn't understand the mechanics of the game. The whole "tracer spam" could easily be shut down. Did it do damage? Hell yeah but it was tolerable, people QQed for nerfs tho. Snipers were in need of some love and they got a decent amount, could still use a little more though. Commando's were a ***** for me to take down as a sorc if they were heal spec, but it was doable. Too many people QQed about that, got a nerf. The only class that got a lil too much love would be the jug/guard and for a while the mara/sent. The mara and sent were still workable for me as a sorc though, me and a guildie would practice together working on cycles I would need to run to keep them off me and burn them down. A pain, but was doable.


The problem we face is that BW has no actual way to take in all the complaints and discriminate them from the QQ's of the forums. That is why we have the nerfs we have now. Launch had classes that (in my opinion) were pretty well off. Op/Sound could actually burst to bring someone down coming out of stealth. I wish BW had only polished the classes they had initially launched, rather than spiraling them to where they are today. Do I still have faith in BW? Well, I'm still here and have been since 2009.

Edited by Remorce
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Well, the main reason I care, is because of the image. Yeah, there are idiots out there, yeah they make stupid arguments, but just the same, I don't want to be labeled with them and overlooked when in PvP. I will try to keep this class respectable, but it is damn well near impossible with all the idiot forum spammers out there. As a jug, I prefer to go tank spec and make it impossible for anyone to take down a healer, I'm usually a healers best friend on my jug.


I have no clue why they put bubble stun and overlooked other things that they nerfed. Frankly I don't want to know why they put that stupid mechanic in (another reason to hate sorc?). I liked the DPS output prior to 1.2 of sorc. Was it spectacular? No, but it would get the job done, which was much better said than for Op/Scoundrel at the time. Many of the cries for nerfs pre 1.2 was because of idiots who didn't understand the mechanics of the game. The whole "tracer spam" could easily be shut down. Did it do damage? Hell yeah but it was tolerable, people QQed for nerfs tho. Snipers were in need of some love and they got a decent amount, could still use a little more though. Commando's were a ***** for me to take down as a sorc if they were heal spec, but it was doable. Too many people QQed about that, got a nerf. The only class that got a lil too much love would be the jug/guard and for a while the mara/sent. The mara and sent were still workable for me as a sorc though, me and a guildie would practice together working on cycles I would need to run to keep them off me and burn them down. A pain, but was doable.


The problem we face is that BW has no actual way to take in all the complaints and discriminate them from the QQ's of the forums. That is why we have the nerfs we have now. Launch had classes that (in my opinion) were pretty well off. Op/Sound could actually burst to bring someone down coming out of stealth. I wish BW had only polished the classes they had initially launched, rather than spiraling them to where they are today. Do I still have faith in BW? Well, I'm still here and have been since 2009.


Just work on being the best sorc ever, if that is the class you like man. I rarely, if ever see them "fakecast" to bait interrupts with a trash spell (heal specced ones usually do this), and they are SO good at kiting. Trust me, everyone knows who the good sorcs/sages are on every server, just like everyone knows who the best "smash" Jug is. If you are newer to mmo's look up vids of fakecasting/kiting. You can do some pretty awesome stuff with a sorc.


The only people you should care about impressing? Are the people you play with.


The best DPS sorcs? Usually heal at first. Why? They get used to healing/bubbling other people and having awareness. Once you have that down? Dps is a breeze. Game slows down. You clownstomp pugs :).


Perhaps I was too harsh in viewing the class as easy for a first time MMO player. If you played a mage/priest in WoW? The class is easy because over YEARS you learned kiting, fakecasting, and to know what other classes abilities were to counter them. If you don't have that experience it may be hard to jump right in against melee who have also worked on countering those ranged for years.

Edited by biowareftw
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Any sorc posting on pvp forums crying for nerfs or better burst instead of the removal of bubblestun before gets his opinion invalidated on everything.


But about the PTS. The hell **** is getting ridiculous when you see a class asking for other class skill/mechanich which defines them.

Edited by Keldaur
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Operatives most definitely need a buff. Sorcs are fine, l2p.


Nope, I've played Sorc from the beginning and I'll continue to play it no matter how bad it gets, but they are definitely not on par with other classes. I think BW see the class as reasonable because they can heal + bubble. Though, healing isn't that great when you're pretty much dead from most classes if they have more at least double digit IQ. As for bubble, it barely blocks any damage as is, and in 2.0 it gets halved. Yipee!


I always see people saying that Sorcs always get high numbers in PvP. What use is high Damage if you aren't actually killing anyone, but simply supporting other DPS by spamming the same attack over and over.



This is a compltely unbias opinion as I have all classes at level 50 and mostly -if not fully- war-hero geared and augmented, except Merc/Commando. I really do enjoy the Sorcerer playstyle, but I don't think that's a valid reason for them not being on par in terms of survivability with other classes.

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Nope, I've played Sorc from the beginning and I'll continue to play it no matter how bad it gets, but they are definitely not on par with other classes. I think BW see the class as reasonable because they can heal + bubble. Though, healing isn't that great when you're pretty much dead from most classes if they have more at least double digit IQ. As for bubble, it barely blocks any damage as is, and in 2.0 it gets halved. Yipee!


I always see people saying that Sorcs always get high numbers in PvP. What use is high Damage if you aren't actually killing anyone, but simply supporting other DPS by spamming the same attack over and over.



This is a compltely unbias opinion as I have all classes at level 50 and mostly -if not fully- war-hero geared and augmented, except Merc/Commando. I really do enjoy the Sorcerer playstyle, but I don't think that's a valid reason for them not being on par in terms of survivability with other classes.


hey man, sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes, the bear gets you.

class difference impacts the match to the degree that your team manages it.

sorry to be a hard-***. but, technically speaking, this matters very little to a skilled group. would matter even less in a warzone where they gimped all gear.

but they can't do that, it's not cosmetic enough for all you materialists, and its to neutral for all you drama/communicator-sound-bite-types.

i'll gladly sorc it up in a good group of 8.

i'll gladly take any loss due to class difference, because they musta been a helluva team, and it was prolly a super fun match.


you guys, class difference people, seem to be asking for some big, amorpheous, homogenous blob characteristic to classes where we all look different in our clothes and ability animations but have the same skills available to us.

we already have that

its called the warzone environment, knowing how to use it. its called using basic, general skills that synergize with the environment or situation.


:end of discussion:

Edited by ubermouth
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Is this a serious thread? No serious sage/sorc has asked for passive permanent leap immunity. If you have actually read the pts threads then you would have realised that sages/sorcs just like every ranged class has been asking for buffs to their kiting/make distance mechanisms given that roots and snares are so easily countered in 2.0.
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you lost all credibility with number 2. Madness/Balance isn't a hard rotation but pyrotechs is way easier. plus there are zero hard classes to play in this game. let me say this again there are 0 classes that are hard to play. if you find a class difficult to play then you my friend are bad. that is all. have a nice day





IMHO keeping 10 meters and wathcing out for proc on railshot, keeping energy at 60%+ is harder then 2 dots+spam force lightning for 18 sec, reapply dots. (with addition of crushing darkness, every 15 sec and death field here and there)

while PT has only 3-4 buttons to do that and sorc has about 5 buttons, PT has to account on his enegy level more, while all sorc has to do is count to (15).

(before I get flamed, neither sorc nor PT are my mains, just some random alts which I don't enjoy playing, but I did hit 50 on them)

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Ironic how pt is the easiest class in the game pvp and pve and he is calling others bad and other classes op? The op is a moron if you talk about easy mode dps and op classes and you play a pt your points are invalid. I hope they break pyro i really do.
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Any sorc posting on pvp forums crying for nerfs or better burst instead of the removal of bubblestun before gets his opinion invalidated on everything.


But about the PTS. The hell **** is getting ridiculous when you see a class asking for other class skill/mechanich which defines them.


Just to clear things up for people who go on someone else account of things instead of looking for themselves. I was referring to the stun immunity mechanic not cover on the Pts someone took my words way out of context and created this massive thread.

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IMHO keeping 10 meters and wathcing out for proc on railshot, keeping energy at 60%+ is harder then 2 dots+spam force lightning for 18 sec, reapply dots. (with addition of crushing darkness, every 15 sec and death field here and there)

while PT has only 3-4 buttons to do that and sorc has about 5 buttons, PT has to account on his enegy level more, while all sorc has to do is count to (15).

(before I get flamed, neither sorc nor PT are my mains, just some random alts which I don't enjoy playing, but I did hit 50 on them)

Force management without effusion is crap. Whenever you have to clip FL, which happens a lot in games where you can't just steamroll the other team, or apply bubble it will take a huge dip. So then you have to rely on consumption, which is like the worst regen ability in any game ever, the trade-off is horrible and you get a debuff that makes it even worse. They should add an inst-regen ability in the madness tree, 300 force every 2 mins.
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