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Powertech players it is time to stand up and be heard!


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I'll sign this because as it sits now, my PT's DPS is lower than my Lightning Sorc, that has been broken since 1.2. I we get the attention we need, otherwise it's time to roll a thrid toon (maybe a sniper or smash monkey they always seem to get buffed even when they are nerfed).
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Something needs to be done.


1. We can't out-DPS the ridiculous healing on a battlefield. If the other team has two healers, guess what? You can't kill them!


2. If your team has more than two PT/Mercs - you are going to lose. Period. A team with a healer, sniper, or smash monkey in your slot instead of worthless you, is going to win. Congrats, you just ruined a match for 6+ people because you decided to hit the PVP queue button. You are a liability and a handicap that can only be mitigated by having more of the useful classes in your group.


Hard facts to deal with, but true. It needs to be FIXED.

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I don't think they'll work on the pt, I mean, it took a year to change the merc. They're completely ignoring the subject, it's like if you were forced to roll a freaking smashtard class to play. Edited by Capote
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Played my 50 PT in some wzs today, full war hero gear.


I have to say, this class is bordering on being completely useless in pvp. I somehow melt faster under any sort pressure than any other class. Literally every class has more survival tools, and more damage than me. Unless you're drastically outplaying enemy team, you're very likely going to drag yours down with you.


Most games people instantly focus you down as well, since you're up in everyone's *****. All I have to attempt to live longer than a few seconds is an adrenal and this terrible barrier, which prolong my life for another couple of seconds at best.


I'm just going to respec to tank and never, ever, touch pvp again with my PT. I'll leave the wzs to the smash monkies and snipers.

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Played my 50 PT in some wzs today, full war hero gear.


I have to say, this class is bordering on being completely useless in pvp. I somehow melt faster under any sort pressure than any other class. Literally every class has more survival tools, and more damage than me. Unless you're drastically outplaying enemy team, you're very likely going to drag yours down with you.


Most games people instantly focus you down as well, since you're up in everyone's *****. All I have to attempt to live longer than a few seconds is an adrenal and this terrible barrier, which prolong my life for another couple of seconds at best.


I'm just going to respec to tank and never, ever, touch pvp again with my PT. I'll leave the wzs to the smash monkies and snipers.


I noticed that too. I seem to melt much, much quicker, in full EWH gear (only lvl 52 atm). I know PT's were very OP pre 2.0, but this is ridiculus. My merc for god-sakes, has more survivability and kill power than my PT. I broke her out or retirement after 12+ months retired from pvp, and that class is so much better than pt now. If i take out my sniper or sorc or op, good god what a difference. PT is no longer fun to play at all..

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Well the fact that you have EWHgear is pointless, they removed all the expertise from it. So you're basically in less than Hazmat lvl gear (from a stat perspective)



But yeah they nerfed us hard, thinking we were the OP ones. Once again they got it wrong. I would LOVE to see all the smashers nerfed to s***, like please make the warrior an unviable dps class. I hate them so much. And BW keeps giving them more ways to be OP, (that saber reflect? Come on BW, heads out of a***** please, for once.) We are insignificant now damage wise, and tank wise we're second rate. So why not roll anything else? Because every other class can and will out-dps us. Except maybe Sin dps. I hear they got it pretty bad too. Never played one though.

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Well the fact that you have EWHgear is pointless, they removed all the expertise from it. So you're basically in less than Hazmat lvl gear (from a stat perspective)



But yeah they nerfed us hard, thinking we were the OP ones. Once again they got it wrong. I would LOVE to see all the smashers nerfed to s***, like please make the warrior an unviable dps class. I hate them so much. And BW keeps giving them more ways to be OP, (that saber reflect? Come on BW, heads out of a***** please, for once.) We are insignificant now damage wise, and tank wise we're second rate. So why not roll anything else? Because every other class can and will out-dps us. Except maybe Sin dps. I hear they got it pretty bad too. Never played one though.


What is funny is the sin in my guild and I are always number one on the DPS.

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Powertech tanking is a joke now compared to Jugger and Assassin - I kinda give up explaining all the reasons why, but .. Saber reflect >>>>> all powertech abilities for damage reduction AND agro building.


Powertechs before 2.0 were the best damage soaking class but had the fewest useful cooldowns to use in a pinch. Assassin was the most cooldown/active ability reliant and Jugger fell somewhere in the middle.


Now, not only are powertechs the least damage resistant, but they also have the worst cooldown selection of any tank. Powertechs got hit by far the hardest in the gear rating "rebalancing". I dont even know where to begin to fix this, I think I'll just finally take my Jugger to 55....


Oh and the shoulder missile damage is a joke, it hardly builds any threat, and the self heal is broken. So ... really, FU BW.

Edited by Asavrede
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What spec are you running? And what numbers?




Tell you what, this week when we start SAV over again on Tues or if I get another decent run through a string of bosses on say SM or something I'll post a link to TOR parse for you. I had another one posted around here so.ewgere on the forums, but I have cleared off a ton of my crit (still trying to ditch the rest) and finally got rid of the alacrity as well so mydamage has improved quite a bit.


I am NOT the best player in the world, bbut I feel confident enough in my skill as a player to at least try to help others hitdecent numbers. One mistake iI think people might be making though is unbalanced stat allocation, I can speak first had to this issue since at one point I had over 30% ranged crit and 3% alacrity... because I was just taking the stats BW was trying to give me, instead of getting the correct stats myself.


If you are wearing straight off the vendor 66/69/72 gear your stats are so wrong as to break your class. I mean I was still pulling decent numbers, but I also started fixing the problem about halfway into changing my gear out.


If you want to see some of my slightly messed up gear hit up my armory link in my Sig. I have fixed quite a bit of my gear since then but it should show you want I mean.

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Ok, screw it, I logged in just to update my character. I am still way off base on a number of stats, but I am definately more in line with where one should be going for, for stats.


Just as a comparison, over the previous week of raiding (last sunday through tues) I had managed to ditch all of my alacrity, and drop my crit from well over 400 to 216. I still have a long way to go, but I don't think you can really judge performance on any class until people start optimizing. BW is trying to force crit and alacrity down our classes throats, and it is really disgusting how worthless both of these are.


So I challenge you, if you are still having issues with dps in PVE check your stats... This could be why you are pulling bad numbers because "default" gear hurts us probably a bit more than most classes. I know my DPS actually started to go noticeably DOWN at one point as I was moving from perfect 63s to horrible 69s... so keep that in mind.

Edited by Chickensevil
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I'm with this guy.


I disagree m8. I know we had sic burst 2.0, but it's all we had. If you compare defensive skills of a PT to other classes you'll see that we don't have many. Our burst was our defense. In many 1vs1 battles I did pre 2.0 it came very close. Either I died and me opponent had some 10% health or vise versa. Snipers ate me whole.


Either we need our pre 2.0 burst back, Or we need more effective defensive skills.

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I disagree m8. I know we had sic burst 2.0, but it's all we had. If you compare defensive skills of a PT to other classes you'll see that we don't have many.


PT Pyro still had more defensive skills than Merc Pyro. In fact still does.since the second stun is more effective than the Merc Pyro's extremely weak ranged knockback. PT Pyro got nerfed badly. But consider that Merc Pyro got nerfed as badly AND started out from a much lower base of effectiveness. That doesn't negate the need for BW to fix PT Pyro. But just saying that PT Pyros haven't seen bad, not REALLY BAD, till they consider Merc Pyro.

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Merc pyro = ranged.


Better survivability off the line bud. Mercs can heal themselves too. So that's basically one more than a PT in terms of defense. Counting the stun for the pyro and distance for the merc. Melee takes more damage anyway. Marauders have defensives to match that massive damage, hell they're frickin aggro dump makes them invisible AND they take 50% less damage. It took BW until now to give us our aggro dump, which is the exact same as the merc. And only thing it can do is remove movement impairment, and you have to spec into it. BHs have crappy cooldowns, and they made Kolto overload just....*********** stupid. ( Get your head out of your *** on that one BW). I don't wanna sound like a little kid here, but the nerfs to pyro just aren't fair. That crap 2.5% heal hardly ever seems to work when I get smashed for 9k every 6 seconds.


They nerfed the warrior....right...




Also, when you consider Mercs, pyro was never a popular spec, Arsenal was and still is the best dps spec for Mercs. If AP was as good as Arsenal, you wouldn't see any PTs complaining

Edited by Sardonyyx
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Merc pyro = ranged. Better survivability off the line bud.


No. With no snare to speak of, literally no root and a weak knockback, Merc Pyro has negligible ability to maintain range versus a melee dps. And with significantly weaker damage output than PT Pyro, Merc Pyro is unquestionably THE WORST subclass in the game. For PvP and PvE.


Also, when you consider Mercs, pyro was never a popular spec, Arsenal was and still is the best dps spec for Mercs.


Again incorrect. Arsenal was more popular than Merc Pyro for PvE in the 1.4-1.7 era. But Merc Pyro was more popular for PvP. But now after the repeated nerfs to Merc Pyro, Arsenal is preferred for both PvE and PvP. You still see PT Pyros in warzones. You don't see Merc Pyros. Their appearance in warzones is now equivalent to where Arsenal was about 3-4 months ago. Which is to say, none. Which is why it is *possible* they will see a buff in 3-4 months. Unless they continue to get side swiped with the continuing PT Pyro nerfs.

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Honestly the number of merc and mando PYROS in wz has never been a large number, at least on my sever, it's just not popular. And the few I have seen seem to have no problem keeping their distance, the key is not charging but waiting to stay in the back, like a sniper. Just without cover. Again, Mercs can heal, you didn't address that of course. They have an aoe heal, and two other ones. They can cure themselves of a few dots, although not force ones. They have a CC, which I guess you can count as a soft stun. Arsenal spec is now better for pvp with the rework to The shield cooldown reducer (can't remember the name right this second) granting energy redoubts and absorbing damage. Combine that with electro net if someone is closing in on you, and they aren't going to get far. Unload can be specced into to slow a target. Even in Pyro you have sweltering heat that reduced movement speed, although its not much, it helps you maintain range. Sounds to me like you just give up once a Mara gets in your face. Stun, knock back, electro net, then slow them down. Nothing to it. Electro net can be used as a defensive for keeping your range, as it kills people who are moving towards you very quickly, while also slowing them down. I don't see the problem you're having.


Yes Mercs were the whipping boy of BW for the longest time, but now Arsenal Mercs are some of the top dps again. PTs are now the low. Pyro is the low dps spec. At least Mercs have a viable middle tree. AP just isn't where it needs to be yet.

Edited by Sardonyyx
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  • 3 weeks later...
BUMB - still need to get fixeD!


the problem is not the class, its the people playing the class. There are great number of people doing very well with it. Just because the class is not as easy or faceroll as a smash monkey doesn't mean its broken, it simply means you have to adapt and get better.


If you can't do that then you were never good to begin with.

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i would like to see the following changes:


1) Rail Shot dmg is increased by ~8% when target is affected by Thermal Detonator or it's burn.


2) Thermal Detonator's kinetic dmg is increased by 50% when target is affected by Incendiary Missile.


i see this a increasing burst (needed) & in-powering TD & IM and making them useful. This will make it worthwhile spec'n to the top of the Pyro tree & also increasing heat management difficulty & expanding on the rotation.



As for AP, i think it just needs access to Flame Engine.

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i would like to see the following changes:


1) Rail Shot dmg is increased by ~8% when target is affected by Thermal Detonator or it's burn.


2) Thermal Detonator's kinetic dmg is increased by 50% when target is affected by Incendiary Missile.


i see this a increasing burst (needed) & in-powering TD & IM and making them useful. This will make it worthwhile spec'n to the top of the Pyro tree & also increasing heat management difficulty & expanding on the rotation.



As for AP, i think it just needs access to Flame Engine.


so you want to be over powered? The spec does not need such things, it just need the player base to stop trying to make pyro was it was in the past... it is over now learn to adapt. The ability to play it is still there as long as you stop thinking like it is the same spec before 2.0.

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so you want to be over powered? The spec does not need such things, it just need the player base to stop trying to make pyro was it was in the past... it is over now learn to adapt. The ability to play it is still there as long as you stop thinking like it is the same spec before 2.0.


Honestly, even with those changes, PT Pyro still wouldn't output more than a healer. Those two changes might increase PT Pyro output by 4-6%. This is the crux of the problem. Healer output is currently about 50% higher than dps output. The reality is that ALL dps need to be buffed. By a LOT. PT Pyros seeking to regain the output they had in 1.7, much less those such as yourself who say no changes are needed, are missing the point. It isn't a question of why won't a ranked team take a PT Pyro rather than a Sniper? Why won't a ranked team take a PT Pyro rather than a 3rd healer?!

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Honestly, even with those changes, PT Pyro still wouldn't output more than a healer. Those two changes might increase PT Pyro output by 4-6%. This is the crux of the problem. Healer output is currently about 50% higher than dps output. The reality is that ALL dps need to be buffed. By a LOT. PT Pyros seeking to regain the output they had in 1.7, much less those such as yourself who say no changes are needed, are missing the point. It isn't a question of why won't a ranked team take a PT Pyro rather than a Sniper? Why won't a ranked team take a PT Pyro rather than a 3rd healer?!


you do not play this game do you? BTW not every PT is pyro, only the ones who required pyro as a crutch still think pyro is the only spec.

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you do not play this game do you? BTW not every PT is pyro, only the ones who required pyro as a crutch still think pyro is the only spec.


gah asking for the pyro tree (i.e. notably its top end) to be on par with other dps tree is clearly asking too much.


btw, you do not represent anyone but you, keep that in mind when talking down people, thank you very much.

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mercs are not ahead of me... snipers and maras are capable but only the ones who exploited are parsing higher. The ONLY class that brings utility as a DPS are snipers and maras... so are you saying in your infinite ignorance that all DPS is worthless because maras and snipers have utility that is not needed in any encounter?




To claim that you are the BEST in game! :eek:


That no other class can BEAT you UNLESS they "CHEAT"!




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