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How Much Have You Spent on Cartel Coins?


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I spent a bunch when the cartel market first started. I was not happy with the drops i got so i pretty much never bought anything again, aside from the jedi knight armor.....That had to be done because it was the right armor for jedi


Today i went and threw 20 bucks down to play the cartel gamble and bought some of the new packs, I though i could at least hit newcomer and buy some of the old armors when for credits from here out, but alas 20 bucks later and i got no good drops and i am still an Outsider Rank.


So i guess i am not spending anymore.

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I've spent....plenty. These packs seem to be 'streaky' more so than other packs. I opened two packs in a row and got skiffs, I also opened 3 packs that were the EXACT same in a row. But all in all I'm happy with the latest pack content, although the crafting mats are still trash. Also, the cartel market 'tokens' should be sellable and not bound to a character, imo.
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Not a single cent in excess of my subscription.


And when I look back at the development of the cartel market, I am glad to not have spent any more money on it.


I did consider to buy me some cool clothes, but I will rather drop dead, than to promote the casino mentality.

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Not a single cent in excess of my subscription.


And when I look back at the development of the cartel market, I am glad to not have spent any more money on it.


I did consider to buy me some cool clothes, but I will rather drop dead, than to promote the casino mentality.



There is a lot more on the cartel market than just packs; the Holier Than Thou, Nose in the Air tone gets tiring.

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The only time I bought coins was when the market first launched, and you know what I bought? Legacy Unlocks. If I want to play CM roulette, I buy from the GTN, that way I'm spending virtual money for virtual trinkets. All told, since the launch of the CM I may have bought 2 dozen packs, and the new rep system isn't going to make me buy more.
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Nothing here either.

I have only used my monthly grant of CCs and so far the only thing I've bought that's fluff is one speeder.

Otherwise I've spent my coins on more character slots, GTN and mailbox on ship unlocks and I'm planning to unlock some more cargo bays for all chars later on.


There is no way I'm going to spend any real money on these packs.


I might use real money if I could buy exactly what I wanted, a certain speeder, pet or armour, but this gambling?

With real money? Never ever.

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There is a lot more on the cartel market than just packs; the Holier Than Thou, Nose in the Air tone gets tiring.

I know that there is other stuff to buy... but I would buy a lot more clothes, if I would be able to buy them directly, instead of having to buy a package, and hope to find the item I want to get.


All I was saying, is that I am not spending additional money to buy the packages. If that is a "holier than thou" tone to you, then I can give you a sweet "I do not care at all" with sugar on top.

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Not a single cent in excess of my subscription.




I have made my share of CS purchases, but not to excess. I got the 2200 or so when in launched and my 500 a month since then and I have 1750+ at the moment.


It's kind of funny, that the other night, I was waiting for my guild to start our ops night and I bought one of the latest pack and someone commented that I did really well. My response to that comment was that I have no idea what is good or not. I buy one (usually about every 6-8 weeks) and whatever I get, I use or try to sell.


Other than that I have bought two chest pieces because of their looks.

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Nothing yet. Though I'm thinking off getting the 2400 coins.. ah well, maybe next month. And by next month I probably won't be tempted anymore. And I already have what I really want anyway (jumpsuit), though I wouldn't mind the skiff. :p
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I have spend $0 on cartel coins. I have spent some coins that were granted to me, but I still have several thousand and growing.


I don't do the packs. I buy items off the GTN from people who do. Works for me, and it works for them as well.

Edited by Andryah
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Meh, not really sure. Sometimes, if I need more CC, I'll buy the 4.99 pack when I'm starting a new character to get the inventory unlocks, and other things that any good alt needs. ;) Sometimes, if there is a sale, or a limited time pack (The Life Day pack, and the Golden Gree Armor.) I'll buy those with my monthly stuff
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