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Seriously, we (PvP'ers) need new content FAST!


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Sorry for my bad english! ;)


Ok, so everyone are waiting for 2.0 and Makeb and perhaps better balanced PvP, but that is not enough, seriously!


Ranked Warzones need a buff, a huge buff. Make them cross server. In Scandinavia we want to play with our german brothers south of us! Instead there are only a handfull guilds that are queing for RWZ's. This needs to be fixed ASAP. And RWZ's need leaderboards or brackets. Pre Season cant be longer now, it's retarded and unprofessional.


Also, give us something more to do than just Warzones over and over. I love Warzones but if Warzones are going to be your only PvP in this game then you really need to give us more of it, make it 3v3 or 4v4 on smaller maps. Make more Huttball-maps, Hutball is probably the best and most dynamic tactical PvP-map I've ever seen in a game. Huttball is brilliant, why dont you do more with that idea? There are plenty of PvP-players in your game SO GIVE THEM CONTENT! You know this, but something is holding you back. Ancient Hypergate isn't enough. Novare Coast was a great add back in the day and the ideas that came with it was great as well. You were talking about so many things on the guild summit in march or april 2012, what the hell happened? (See video here for you who missed out



Thank you. See you online everyone!

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Sorry for my bad english! ;)


Ok, so everyone are waiting for 2.0 and Makeb and perhaps better balanced PvP, but that is not enough, seriously!


Ranked Warzones need a buff, a huge buff. Make them cross server. In Scandinavia we want to play with our german brothers south of us! Instead there are only a handfull guilds that are queing for RWZ's. This needs to be fixed ASAP. And RWZ's need leaderboards or brackets. Pre Season cant be longer now, it's retarded and unprofessional.


Also, give us something more to do than just Warzones over and over. I love Warzones but if Warzones are going to be your only PvP in this game then you really need to give us more of it, make it 3v3 or 4v4 on smaller maps. Make more Huttball-maps, Hutball is probably the best and most dynamic tactical PvP-map I've ever seen in a game. Huttball is brilliant, why dont you do more with that idea? There are plenty of PvP-players in your game SO GIVE THEM CONTENT! You know this, but something is holding you back. Ancient Hypergate isn't enough. Novare Coast was a great add back in the day and the ideas that came with it was great as well. You were talking about so many things on the guild summit in march or april 2012, what the hell happened? (See video here for you who missed out



Thank you. See you online everyone!


Yup. I completly agree with you. The way they have handled pvp-content is beyond terrible imo.


They added 2 Warzones in 14 months, and they completly removed Ilum as pvp-area. That makes 1 addition in 14 months, in my book.


Everything else that concerned pvp in any previous patchnotes have just been about bugfixes, balance and skillchanges.


EDIT: And dont even mention the Gree or Rakghoul.....those were events, we need more to do on a permanent daily basis.

Edited by Twin
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Why people ever need of new maps?


PvP is a sport like competition. Take footbal for example. There is only one map - and people are not tired of it for centuries!


There plenty other games 1-ball/puck based, which have success: football, basketball, hockey, handball, water polo...

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Cross server queues.


This is the single most important thing that needs to be added to help the PvP community asap. The high end pvp has become stagnant due to the small population of high end ranked pvp guilds per server. This makes it terribly hard for the unestablished pvpers to break into the ranked PvP scene, as the main competition they have to face are the ~5 PvP guilds per server that run min/max'd team compositions in fully min/max'd gear that have been playing together for sometime. Linking the servers would provide opportunity for the high end teams to play in a larger pool of skilled teams, while allowing the lower tier teams to have more teams of their caliber to play against, making the initiation process of a pvp team (something that many teams don't survive) a much less punishing process.


There is a plethora of other things that I would like to see in this game (actual meangingful world PvP, arena type PvP, some semblance of class balance, etc) but fixing what is already in the game is priority #1. As it is the only competitive form of PvP in SWTOR, in my opinion, has not been implemented to satisfactory levels.

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Sorry for my bad english! ;)


You were talking about so many things on the guild summit in march or april 2012, what the hell happened? (See video here for you who missed out



This was just before they made the decision to go F2P. The massive layoffs and splitting up existing updates in several smaller updates makes it obvious that they had to cut spending and developing on certain aspects of the game. And it looks like PvP development got the boot here. They talk about so many good things for PvP in that interview and after almost 1 year, they achieved almost none of it.


I for one agree that we don't necessarily need more warzone maps, but we need a proper season one with cross server, leadboards, brackets etc. It is obvious that PvE is the priority here and PvP is on the backburner for now. RoTHC has absolutely no PvP content, and PvP-ers have to pay for it to remain relevant. But that's OK, the price is not high, but I hope that at least after this expansion we will have a big PvP patch coming. If however that patch is just another warzone map without any season one or cross server / tournament server, I'm done with this game.

Edited by Pahomi
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We just got a new Warzone not long ago, and Illum; love it or hate it, was done with PvP in mind. Do we need more? Sure. but this stuff for these games don't happen over night, and it's clear they are focused on 2.0 and makeb right now.
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Why people ever need of new maps?


PvP is a sport like competition. Take footbal for example. There is only one map - and people are not tired of it for centuries!


Terrible analogy.


This is a MMO and playing the same map a thousand times over can get stale.

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Why people ever need of new maps?


PvP is a sport like competition. Take footbal for example. There is only one map - and people are not tired of it for centuries!


What if i told you thats why i find football boring then hmm?


PvP content is other players.


Aah right, and PvE content is enviroment - so i guess that means 1 decorated lil room with an NPC in it is content for PvE'rs huh? Good for BW to know they can cut down on the PvE fluff since much more of that is being developed =)

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Why people ever need of new maps?


PvP is a sport like competition. Take footbal for example. There is only one map - and people are not tired of it for centuries!


Do you play ten football games that last 15 minutes each in an evening?

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Ok, so everyone are waiting for 2.0 and Makeb and perhaps better balanced PvP, but that is not enough, seriously!


Actually, PvPers don't need that much content. That's the beauty of PvP. Most of the content is emergent. What content the Devs do provide us just needs to be bug free though so it doesn't get abused by exploiters.


However, if BW is going to force players through Instanced PvP as the only route for gear progression, we certainly do need more than two new WZs a year.


And while The Gree Event was a total blast, it contributed nothing to PvPers as an alternative to gear progression in WZs.



[Cross-Server Queues] is the single most important thing that needs to be added to help the PvP community asap.


A working Matchmaking System is far more important, and would do a lot more for the PvP community, than XServer Queues.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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A working Matchmaking System is far more important, and would do a lot more for the PvP community, than XServer Queues.


As far as I know, the matchmaking system in ranked is already in place (ELO rating) and they even said so in the interview posted by the OP. However, it is impossible for a matchmaking system to work properly when there are only two or three teams queuing. So yes, cross server is the single most important feature that would help PvP so much. Once the player pool is increased so much, the matchmaking system will start to function. Also, newer teams would start queuing as well because they know they won't get facerolled by that same top team over and over again and chances are much higher that they will be pit up against opponents of similar skill level . So cross server would not only keep the current active teams queuing, it will encourage so many new teams to get in, bringing new life to PvP. This is much more important IMO than throwing just another warzone map at us and be done with it.

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As far as I know, the matchmaking system in ranked is already in place (ELO rating) and they even said so in the interview posted by the OP.


In that Youtube Summit vid, Amantalego mentioned that a matchmaking system based on ELO rating was something BW intended to implement in the future (9:42) along with XServer queues. His timeline for that system implementation was TBD. As far as I'm aware, this level of matchmaking was never actually implemented in live and RWZs remain, like Regs, first-come first-serve in terms of matchmaking.


At 17:01, Gabe does mention that the matchmaking system attempts to match Group versus Group in Regs (which itself is interesting), but nothing about ELO.


Damion Schubert in a much later 11/12 Live Stream Q&A discussion mentioned a hope to "improve the match making system in the future," but that is all that has been said on the subject.


I would love to see a SWTOR Dev make a definitive statement about the current matchmaking system implemented in game and what criteria it uses when matching opponents in Rated.


However, it is impossible for a matchmaking system to work properly when there are only two or three teams queuing...Also, newer teams would start queuing as well because they know they won't get facerolled by that same top team over and over again and chances are much higher that they will be pit up against opponents of similar skill level.


I don't think the implementation of a useful system would be impossible, even with a few groups queuing. Firstly, if a good matchmaking system were in place, one that did actually match teams by ELO rating, new RWZ teams, for example, could queue up for a RWZ with confidence that they would not be insta-matched against the best Rated team on the server (what happens now and has happened since RWZ release).


A proper system would give a new team the option to accept the match-up if the disparity between ELO rating was indeed wide. Just because there are teams in queue doesn't mean a Rated match should happen if the ELO ratings are not in similar brackets and a team doesn't want to get roflstomped.


So cross server would not only keep the current active teams queuing, it will encourage so many new teams to get in, bringing new life to PvP.


I don't disagree that XServer would improve PvP. I just think that without a proper matchmaking system even XServer would fail in a short period of time (say a month or two). Gabe actually recognizes this fact in his guild summit presentation.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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