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I hate to be "that guy", but...


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...as primarily a pub player I'm loving what F2P has done to the imps. Not gonna lie. On my server, it seems as all the free players have rushed over to the Empire (no surprise seeing as that is what EVERYONE did at launch) and it has made the empire - in a word - terrible.


Seriously. On Po5, the imps used to absolutely dominate PvP in both brackets. Now, a good majority of warzones are imp vs. imp, and whenever they do get a pub team, they get facerolled.


Not to mention the fact that the quality of players in PvE has noticeably dipped as well. So, I am now a HUGE ADVOCATE of F2P.


Keep rolling Empire!!!:p

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...as primarily a pub player I'm loving what F2P has done to the imps. Not gonna lie. On my server, it seems as all the free players have rushed over to the Empire (no surprise seeing as that is what EVERYONE did at launch) and it has made the empire - in a word - terrible.


Seriously. On Po5, the imps used to absolutely dominate PvP in both brackets. Now, a good majority of warzones are imp vs. imp, and whenever they do get a pub team, they get facerolled.


Not to mention the fact that the quality of players in PvE has noticeably dipped as well. So, I am now a HUGE ADVOCATE of F2P.


Keep rolling Empire!!!:p


I wondered about this myself.... I thought it might be that we were just starting to even up with gear with them, getting most of our players out of Battlemaster into War Hero where the rating difference was only 4 points.


But you could be right... if it's the F2P baddies, that's hilarious.

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As someone that tanks and heals HM FP all the time there are a lot of actual new players coming to the game. It seriously feels like the first months of the game with having to put up with poor playing and explaining every boss encounter to a player decked in greens and blues. It's like this in almost every FP now and totally different than it was back in the Fall. I can only imagine that it effects PvP i nthe same way. On my server Empire has probably 30% more players on at a time so it may very well be that Republic would be running into a bigger ratio of noob players rather than the other way around.


/I play both sides too

Edited by sumuji
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Seriously. On Po5, the imps used to absolutely dominate PvP in both brackets. Now, a good majority of warzones are imp vs. imp, and whenever they do get a pub team, they get facerolled.


Really? I've only lost a few games to pubs and those we're because it was randoms against an organized premade.


Are you talking about 50 or pre-50 warzones?

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The OP has exaggerated quite a bit about Imp vs Pub in the lowbie bracket on Pot5. I have been leveling an Imp toon on that server. I have only been doing Class quests and PvPing. So needless to say I have to do a ton of PvP before I can move on to the next planet. I do agree a lot of the time its is Imp vs Imp, but when we do square off on the Pubs, we usually beat them. I will say that it seems later at night, around 10PM EST or so, I see a rise in the quality of Pub players and a drop in the quality of Imp players. I have lost my fair share of WZs to the Firestorm guys as well. Yet even with all that, the Imps still seem to crush the Pubs in lowbie PvP the majority of the time.
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Sadly this is true on my server (Bastion).I been playing since early access, and I have always been on the IMP side. Now where I load into a pug WZ over half my team has 15k or less HP. Most of them are wearing pve gear. You try to give them some direction and they just do thier own thing. They treat all warzones like it's a huge friggin deathmatch. Then when we get facerolled they try to talk s*** to everyone else saying, "You all are terrible!" Then when you see the stats at the end of the game, that person who was talking s*** has like 40k total dmg done 2kills and 23deaths. It has come to the point where if I suspect anyone in my pug group to be FTP I simply leave the WZ and requeue. They need to make a bracket for those who are FTP.
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<voice type="Montgomery Burns">Excellent</voice>

I have to say I started loving WZ again with imps being filled with much lesser concentration of "good players". However, it is still about team, sometimes Republic still gets roflstomped in Huttball...

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