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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why Makeb?


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You must study makeb to understand.


Makeb backwards ---- Bekam - swtor devs like football.


Rearrange Makeb - M A K E B ---- Bakem - Swtor likes baked goods

Kebam - sounds like explosion

Kabem - sounds lke explosion

Ambek - sounds like I am back

Abkem- Ab cam- camera for the abs- I think this has deep meaning.

Akbem- A gay beam - rainbows in Makeb

Akmeb- A gay meb- maybe - chance of everything being gay is... maybe

Mabek- sounds like- my back- a new foundation for swtor


Rearrange the possible meanings to string your own sentence.


lol....how about, it sounds a bit like Macabre - is the quality of having a grim or ghastly atmosphere. Macabre works emphasize the details and symbols of death.


I think they could make Kashyyyk work in some way. There is a lot of crazy wildlife living there to hunt. We'll never get our proper Life Day celebration without it. :D

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Actually, the RotHC story was decided on a lot earlier than the name of the planet. Possibly as early as launch (as the Hutt story arc began with Karagga's palace) but definitely as early as the TORHead patch leaks (sometime late 2012 late January or February). When this game was still the so-called "highest growing MMO in gaming history" and had millions of subscribers, the story of RotHC was slated to come out in patch 1.4.


If you read the leaked notes from a year ago, you'll see that they planned a new daily area on Varl (the original Hutt homeworld) along with the operation Scum and Villainy. I have a hunch that they scrapped Varl (probably because it would have been too similar to Nal Hutta), expanded the storyline and renamed the planet to Makeb. But I think the basic idea comes from the planned Varl daily area.


That said, I don't have a problem with adding new planets. Denova was a new planet and turned out to be quite fun to explore. Quesh was a new planet. Voss was a new planet. It's not like they haven't done this before.

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Why Makeb? Because if not then you'd accuse of Bioware not being Bioware anymore, lack of creativity and sucking everything out of the franchise instead of adding new stuff like they did in KotOR. But then once they go ahead with Makeb you question why aren't they using one of the dozens canon planets...
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Well these are the Worlds that we actually saw saw from the 6 movies:


[*]Dagobah = Why? There isn't much of anything during this Era.

Dagobah is actually prety interresting, if Lucas Arts permits, at least.

All we know is that it's a swampy rainforest 3000 years later. But during this timeperiod, it could actually have some degree of civilization. Think of bringing to life an Incan city deep in the Amazon forest, but then even older. Whatever happens there is not meant to last for more than a few hundred years. So about anything could happen, from an erupting volcano to a dinosaur killer meteor strike, or its asteroid rings collapsing the debris constantly bombarding the surface.


Just something will happen, HAS to happen. Enough will happen to hide or obscure any trace of the planets' civilization from initial survey scans 3000 years later. And whatever happens, it could make for a nice background for the story.

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Dagobah is actually prety interresting, if Lucas Arts permits, at least.

All we know is that it's a swampy rainforest 3000 years later. But during this timeperiod, it could actually have some degree of civilization. Think of bringing to life an Incan city deep in the Amazon forest, but then even older. Whatever happens there is not meant to last for more than a few hundred years. So about anything could happen, from an erupting volcano to a dinosaur killer meteor strike, or its asteroid rings collapsing the debris constantly bombarding the surface.


Just something will happen, HAS to happen. Enough will happen to hide or obscure any trace of the planets' civilization from initial survey scans 3000 years later. And whatever happens, it could make for a nice background for the story.


Dagobah would be pretty interesting


Some people mentioned areas being hard to implement a real reason to be there and this planet might be a hard one, but the swamp element would be cool


I like the idea of climates and terrains i future maybe something different from things already used

We don't yet have a volcanic planet or much Forrest


Stuff like is to be considered


I also am in agreement with the points people have made here about new planets offering freedom

Though we are set so far I the past it seems to me that freedom should be there anyway


Sorry about the typos I did this on my I phone and I need bigger buttons

Edited by kirorx
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Well these are the Worlds that we actually saw saw from the 6 movies:


  • Coruscant = Already in game
  • Naboo = Barely a Starport and the Gungans are either fighting each other or are fighting the early settlers, not part of the Republic yet. Theed does not exist in this Era.
  • Tatooine = Already in game
  • Geonosis = This could be interesting place to visit during this Era
  • Kamino = Would be somewhat difficult to create, but the ruins of Derem City does have Jedi Artifacts from Ossus
  • Cato Neimoidia = Could be interesting but might also be difficult to create
  • Alderaan = Already in game
  • Kashyyyk = Will likely be added at some point, but it would be interesting if added to see how it looks compared to KOTOR 1, SWG, and the Movies
  • Felucia = IF they were to add this, then it will likely be added with an Expansion that adds in (or more of) the Xim Empire as during this Era I believe it is still under the control of Xim's Empire.
  • Mustafar = 40 years before the events KOTOR a massive battle took place which caused the environment to change, and ~340 years later I'm pretty sure that Mustafar would likely be still dangerous to explore.
  • Dagobah = Why? There isn't much of anything during this Era.
  • Saleucami = I don't see why we would visit this during this Era as there isn't any info on this World during this Era other then 6,100 BBY it was colonized by Wroonians
  • Mygeeto = Only reason I can think of to visit would be abandon Rakata Tech and Crystals
  • Utapau = I don't see any reason to add it into the game
  • Yavin 4 = Other then the Sith Temples there, not much reason to go here as Naga Sadow's spirits & Freedon Nadd's Spirit have already been destroyed before the Game begun and we wouldn't be able to kill Exar Kun's Spirit as it doesn't die until 11 ABY.
  • Hoth = Already in game
  • Bespin = Cloud City doesn't exist during this Era so no real reason to add this Gas Giant to the game
  • Endor = The Republic does have secret bio-labs here


So, of the Worlds that were shown/explored in the Movies, the Worlds of Geonosis, Kamino, Cato Neimodia, Kashyyyk, Mygeeto, and Endor would be plausible or be interesting to visit however Kamino & Cato Neimodia could be a bit too difficult to create for various reasons so Kashyyyk, Geonosis, Mygeeto & Endor would be the the ones from the Movies that would be the most plausible at being added.


Endor at this time had nothing but a secret republic research base on it. So maby as an empire-only instanced flashpoint?

Certainly not as a full planet.

Kashyyyk would be recovering from the recent (relatively) slavery by czerka corporation and just tentatively taking its first steps into the rest of the galaxy. Needless to say they would hardly be empire friendly.

Geonosis could easily fit in. It would act as a sort of second Nar Shaddaa in being a neutral ground for both factions to scheme against eachother.

Mygeeto would either be under the control of the Hutts, Neimoidians or the Banking Clan, neither of which would let outsiders come to their precious crystal-rich planet...

So thats a no as well.


So out of all the movie planets, only geonosis would make any kind of sense.


But i still dont see why everybody gets their panties in a twist over getting a new planet instead of one from the movies.

Do you really want the galaxy to consist of 10 or so planets that are just re-hashed over and over and over again?

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Endor at this time had nothing but a secret republic research base on it. So maby as an empire-only instanced flashpoint?

Certainly not as a full planet.

Kashyyyk would be recovering from the recent (relatively) slavery by czerka corporation and just tentatively taking its first steps into the rest of the galaxy. Needless to say they would hardly be empire friendly.

Geonosis could easily fit in. It would act as a sort of second Nar Shaddaa in being a neutral ground for both factions to scheme against eachother.

Mygeeto would either be under the control of the Hutts, Neimoidians or the Banking Clan, neither of which would let outsiders come to their precious crystal-rich planet...

So thats a no as well.


So out of all the movie planets, only geonosis would make any kind of sense.


But i still dont see why everybody gets their panties in a twist over getting a new planet instead of one from the movies.

Do you really want the galaxy to consist of 10 or so planets that are just re-hashed over and over and over again?


No I know, some of the Worlds that were shown in the Movies that aren't currently in the Game, would either work as Flash Point/Operation World or would require a lot of work to either create in and of itself &/or create a reason logical reason for going there.


I agree with you on Endor, because the only thing we know about it during this Era was that the Republic has a Secret Bio-Lab. However I don't agree that it would be an Sith Imperial Only FP/Operation because it could also work as a Republic Orientated FP/Operation as the Republic could be sent in to secure the Facility to keep it from falling into Imperial hands or they have to go there to deal with an experiment gone wrong to keep the experiment from getting off world.

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I think Yoda settled on Dagobah for one specific reason, and that being it's complete lack of anything interesting being there, ever, plus it being very badly suited for any colonization and exploration.


That and the strong dark side area there masked his presence from the Emperor.

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I'm pretty sure it's because the developers already used part of Makeb in developing the original game. Due to how relatively easy it is to create an environment (again, I say RELATIVELY, compared to other engines) with the Hero Engine, they likely took a lot of that from places like Hutta/Quesh. Does anyone remember walking into Karagga's Palace and thinking "What the Eff? Wasn't I already here 40/15 levels ago??"


I'm willing to state, with no hyperbole, that much of what we see on Makeb will be a rehash of the Hutta/Quesh (possibly some elements of Alderaan) environment. Perhaps not pixel for pixel, but close enough.


That, in my opinion, is why the developers chose to go the route they did. Of course, there are other variables to consider. New NPC's, new stories/side stories, new voices, new gear, new effects, etc. But if you already have an environment semi-built, already existing, why waste resources on developing something ENTIRELY new?

Edited by rbkrbk
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I'm pretty sure it's because the developers already used part of Makeb in developing the original game. Due to how relatively easy it is to create an environment (again, I say RELATIVELY, compared to other engines) with the Hero Engine, they likely took a lot of that from places like Hutta/Quesh. Does anyone remember walking into Karagga's Palace and thinking "What the Eff? Wasn't I already here 40/15 levels ago??"


I'm willing to state, with no hyperbole, that much of what we see on Makeb will be a rehash of the Hutta/Quesh (possibly some elements of Alderaan) environment. Perhaps not pixel for pixel, but close enough.


That, in my opinion, is why the developers chose to go the route they did. Of course, there are other variables to consider. New NPC's, new stories/side stories, new voices, new gear, new effects, etc. But if you already have an environment semi-built, already existing, why waste resources on developing something ENTIRELY new?


LOL, I am so oblivious. I never realized the similarities between Hutta and Quesh. You are correct, they are very similar. :o


If this is the case and Makeb will be Re-hashed environments, i would hope they decide to start just adding more to the planets we already have. Korriban is a planet I was looking forward to prior to launch, and i still like the look and feel, but i would love to see it expanded though.

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they likely took a lot of that from places like Hutta/Quesh.


Well considering the Hutts controls those Worlds, and they have a specific way they like their Palaces, it shouldn't be a big surprise that the Hutt Palaces looks the same.


As far as how Makeb will look, I would say it would probably end up looking more like Ord Mantell, Tython, and Alderaan.

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I think Makeb looks awesome


I guess that is reason they went with it

Someone mentioned the creative freedom as a good reason, I can agree with that and it looks like it will pay off


I really want to see more known planets in the future, bioware does a good job making them look good and I love to see their art applied to some if the planets from books or movies


Dathomir and kashyykk would look awesome IMO

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LOL, I am so oblivious. I never realized the similarities between Hutta and Quesh. You are correct, they are very similar. :o


If this is the case and Makeb will be Re-hashed environments, i would hope they decide to start just adding more to the planets we already have. Korriban is a planet I was looking forward to prior to launch, and i still like the look and feel, but i would love to see it expanded though.


The game reuses assets frequently. It's not something to be surprised about... almost every game does. And sometimes its very large pieces of content.


Hoth, Belsavis, & Ilum all reuse some of the same textures and wireframes.

The nightmare lands on Voss shares the arch shaped trees with Belsavis.

The same "ship wreckage" is used on many planets.

The interior spaces from several of the flashpoints are reused ~ sometimes within the same flashpoint.

Almost all of the interior spaces of buildings,tombs, temples, & caves are reused many times, and recolored to match certain maps.

(this list could go on for many pages)


This isn't cheating... it's good game design ~

1) most players are not consciously noticing the reused content.

2) it promotes a consistent look and feel to the environments.


and the biggest advantage...

3) By building content in segments with specific "chunk sizes" - the elements can be recombined many different ways to more quickly generate interesting new content. Sort of like building a Flashpoint out of legos.

Edited by Cleet_Xia
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I think using a planet that good stories can be easily placed in > using a planet that is widely known. I.e. Endor. Why the heck would anyone want to go there? There's a superweapon there that everyone wants? Every class feels the sudden urge to meet a few ewoks?


Dunno much about Makeb, hoping it's good. The only candidates from kotors/movies that could beat that would be imo Manaan or Kamino. Manaan because with their peace-laws, there could be nice stories build there, and Kamino simply because it would be really pretty to watch with those whole-white hallways and dark and constant raining outdoors. But tbh I don't care too much what the planet is as long as the story there is good (unless they'd make Csilla. Then I'd probably get a fangirl seizure, scream, run around the house and go reread my Outbound Flight once again, lol.)

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I think using a planet that good stories can be easily placed in > using a planet that is widely known. I.e. Endor. Why the heck would anyone want to go there? There's a superweapon there that everyone wants? Every class feels the sudden urge to meet a few ewoks?


Dunno much about Makeb, hoping it's good. The only candidates from kotors/movies that could beat that would be imo Manaan or Kamino. Manaan because with their peace-laws, there could be nice stories build there, and Kamino simply because it would be really pretty to watch with those whole-white hallways and dark and constant raining outdoors. But tbh I don't care too much what the planet is as long as the story there is good (unless they'd make Csilla. Then I'd probably get a fangirl seizure, scream, run around the house and go reread my Outbound Flight once again, lol.)


I think looks pretty neat, the waterfalls are pretty awesome looking IMO


Pretty excited about place


Manaan would be cool place as well, they could probably throw in some of those white hallways similar to the ones on kamino


I guess one reason I like to see already established planets is because we have such a vast number of them and seeing biowares take on them and actually getting to explore them is a bonus


That was why I really glad Hutta and Coruscant would be in his game


Another thing I like about lore planet would be that you could tie in SWTOR history to the films or books


If we visit the Massassi temples on Yavin, when you see the film you can say "I know that place and my sith was there"

Or a storyline on Dagobah that links events in this time period to the reason it has such high dark side powers later


Same could be Said about revisiting the old planets, we could learn more about the changes made since Revan and the exile left those places


Makeb still looks great

Sorry about grammar and spelling, this is the ole I-phone

Edited by kirorx
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Im fine with makeb, but since we paid for an expansion, I think they should have thrown in a second planet just to make everyone happy, one new planet, one old planet.


My vote goes for naboo. There would be no need for a storyline on naboo, it could simply be used for farming credits, simply the more gungams you kill, the more credits you get. World boss would of course be jar jar, even though he doesnt exist yet, id be okay with it. All members of the ops group would be required (for their own sanity) to use a device that leaves him unable to speak. Upon defeating him, all members of the group would earn the title, savior of the galaxy.

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They should consider adding a volcanic, oceanic, forest or jungle world next. Either Mustafar, Manaan, Kashyyyk, Onderon, Dxun, Yavin IV or Dac I believe should be implemented in a future expansion. Edited by Vitas
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They should consider adding a volcanic, oceanic, forest or jungle world next. Either Mustafar, Manaan, Kashyyyk, Onderon, Dxun, Yavin IV or Dac I believe should be implemented in a future expansion.




At least it looks like Makeb will not be a simple rehash, the waterfalls and such look pretty amazing.

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