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Prime Defense is no better than LD50 or QQ super queuing in a normal WZs. I hope you all got your rocks off farming. Enjoy your lopsided victories proving that you're better than any unorganized team full of players. Great job, you guys are the best! Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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thread was totally necessary


Maybe to him it was. Sometimes venting makes you feel better. I also hear crying lets the sad out but not sure if that one is true. But to original poster you do know there is a leave warzone button right. I mean If you didn't want to get farmed you could have used it. As most people will tell you I definitely know where that button is :)




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I can assure you that we do not attempt to super-que. On any given night, we have 2-3 groups of people queing for normal warzones. Some of those groups are full 4-person ques, and some are just a pair. We also have several people who solo-que lots, myself included. If you are referring to a certain Novarre Coast tonight, we had a group of 3, and a group of 2 who happened to luck out. I should add that only 3 of us were in teamspeak together and not the entire 5 of us. Should we leave the warzone because we got onto the same one as some other guild members? I really feel your pain because I do have an imp alt and solo queing imp side is not a fun experience. You are incorrect in your belief we deliberately attempt to group up.
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I can assure you that we do not attempt to super-que. On any given night, we have 2-3 groups of people queing for normal warzones. Some of those groups are full 4-person ques, and some are just a pair. We also have several people who solo-que lots, myself included. If you are referring to a certain Novarre Coast tonight, we had a group of 3, and a group of 2 who happened to luck out. I should add that only 3 of us were in teamspeak together and not the entire 5 of us. Should we leave the warzone because we got onto the same one as some other guild members? I really feel your pain because I do have an imp alt and solo queing imp side is not a fun experience. You are incorrect in your belief we deliberately attempt to group up.


Bovine Excrement! You are so full if, this thread reeks of it. You, LD50, QQ, and the rest that do that to PuGs do nothing for them but destroy their confidence in playing and most importantly, having fun. So continue sending your ranked teams into normal WZs, face roll everyone, and farm all the comms for your alts that you can. I'm sure tapping that well will run dry soon enough. I hope you and the rest are happy as ranked teams that do this are responsible for destroying PvP for those of us who are not the elitist super PvPers as you professionals are

Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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Maybe to him it was. Sometimes venting makes you feel better. I also hear crying lets the sad out but not sure if that one is true. But to original poster you do know there is a leave warzone button right. I mean If you didn't want to get farmed you could have used it. As most people will tell you I definitely know where that button is :)





You're an arse.

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Bovine Excrement! You are so full if, this thread reeks of it. You, LD50, QQ, and the rest that do that to PuGs do nothing for them but destroy their confidence in playing and most importantly, having fun. So continue sending your ranked teams into normal WZs, face roll everyone, and farm all the comms for your alts that you can. I'm sure tapping that well will run dry soon enough. I hope you and the rest are happy as ranked teams that do this are responsible for destroying PvP for those of us who are not the elitist super PvPers as you professionals are



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You're an arse.


I'm not an Arse I am a DICK. Think there's a difference. I could be wrong but I Doubt it.. Seriously tho if you have a problem with people super queuing or getting lucky with 2 premades in same team quit warzone. Hell I quit warzone when I load into a game where my team has 2 premades. For me it isn't fun. But for them it might be. Who are we to tell them how they are allowed to have fun.



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they're not superQing. I was solo Qing and had a few in my ops in a couple WZs. LD50 doesn't superQ to my knowledge. and about half of them are in my guild. they're trustworthy and often run with undergeared and drunk friends. they don't give a crud about stomping anyone. the only ppl I know for a fact that superQ are unicorns and their little buddies.
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they're not superQing. I was solo Qing and had a few in my ops in a couple WZs. LD50 doesn't superQ to my knowledge. and about half of them are in my guild. they're trustworthy and often run with undergeared and drunk friends. they don't give a crud about stomping anyone. the only ppl I know for a fact that superQ are unicorns and their little buddies.


Bovine Excrement! You are so full if, this thread reeks of it. You, LD50, QQ, and the rest that do that to PuGs do nothing for them but destroy their confidence in playing and most importantly, having fun. So continue sending your ranked teams into normal WZs, face roll everyone, and farm all the comms for your alts that you can. I'm sure tapping that well will run dry soon enough. I hope you and the rest are happy as ranked teams that do this are responsible for destroying PvP for those of us who are not the elitist super PvPers as you professionals are


Am I doing it right?

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Bovine Excrement! You are so full if, this thread reeks of it. You, LD50, QQ, and the rest that do that to PuGs do nothing for them but destroy their confidence in playing and most importantly, having fun. So continue sending your ranked teams into normal WZs, face roll everyone, and farm all the comms for your alts that you can. I'm sure tapping that well will run dry soon enough. I hope you and the rest are happy as ranked teams that do this are responsible for destroying PvP for those of us who are not the elitist super PvPers as you professionals are


Am I doing it right?


not angry enough.

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Maybe to him it was. Sometimes venting makes you feel better. I also hear crying lets the sad out but not sure if that one is true. But to original poster you do know there is a leave warzone button right. I mean If you didn't want to get farmed you could have used it. As most people will tell you I definitely know where that button is :)





I read this at 7AM while having my coffee. It gave me a nice laugh =)

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Lol, so much hatred for superqueues on this server. I don't understand it really. Some people are mad because certain guilds queue and play together in warzones? How dare they! How dare they have friends that they want to play with! How dare they not want to deal with having to carry crappy pugs like you in their games! How dare some people want to maximize their chance of winning! Everyone should solo queue and not play with any of their friends! Yeah!



P.S. It's been said, but if you see a full premade or superqueue on the other team, there is always the option to leave the game and save yourself some time and grief. After that wait a few minutes to queue again and chances are you'll get in a seperate queue where you probably won't have to face another skilled premade. I know this is complicated stuff.

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Well get use to it PD, it won't stop. Although US does intentionally SQ, more often than not they will get 5-6 in the same warzone because that group of 1-2 who isn't even in mumble or the same channel just got lucky. That doesn't stop certain members from certain pub pvp guilds from ************ if they lose or bragging with "SUPER Q FAIL!" If they win. It is really retarded no matter how you slice it.


I personally don't care if you guys have 8 guildies in the same war zone, but it is getting old how ppl are trying to be holier than thou because their super q was "luck" when running 2-4 groups during non peak times.


I for one love the irony that ppl will say US is terrible at pvp yet those same ppl complain when more than 4 get on the same team. That's logic for ya. However, I do think US has < 10 quality pvp'ers in a 140 man guild for what it's worth.

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It is people like you that ruin the gaming experience of the average player. I hope you all are pleased with yourselves. This is stero-typical behavior of elitist gamers, especially the so-called PvP professionals. Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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Bovine Excrement! You are so full if, this thread reeks of it. You, LD50, QQ, and the rest that do that to PuGs do nothing for them but destroy their confidence in playing and most importantly, having fun. So continue sending your ranked teams into normal WZs, face roll everyone, and farm all the comms for your alts that you can. I'm sure tapping that well will run dry soon enough. I hope you and the rest are happy as ranked teams that do this are responsible for destroying PvP for those of us who are not the elitist super PvPers as you professionals are


I'm not sure what you think the ranked scene is like here but there's rarely every anyone in queue. Most of the time it's just Uncensored after 8 ET and before then......no one. It would be great if we could get ranked pops all day but that's never gonna happen with swtor. Also no one is destroying the pvp scene.....it was broken before it even started. If you wanna QQ do it to bioware/ea.


Also we are far from having elitist, if you think myself and others in Uncensored, PD, LD or whoever are elitist you have a pretty big surprise in store when you play a real MMO.

Edited by nidalad
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Aw man now I got to go grocery shopping because I ran out of popcorn reading this thread.:p



On a more serious note. We didn't superqueue at all last night. It was just luck that the Novare Coast match put the group I was in and a separate PD group together. This does happen every now and then you know, and it really isn't any different than having two four man premades from different guilds on the same team.

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