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Everything posted by CommanderKirk

  1. *sigh* I haven't been around this last week because of hectic school work/projects and filling in at work, but if you have problems with PD please direct them to me either through in-game whispers or mail. PD members don't respond to server forum trolling please. Thanks
  2. I have done this, in pug ranked even but i never took a screen shot cause never thought to. In voidstar Being dps on attacker phase and healer on defend phase. And a novare when i switched to heals after we took middle node. Ill have to try to do another one later
  3. http://www.twitch.tv/tazzswtor
  4. http://i.imgur.com/wkEKusV.jpg use this as damage to death ratio also
  5. http://i.imgur.com/mSYVy.jpg Healing per second http://i.imgur.com/XtlwM3i.jpg biggest heal i have on record, never cared to look most of the time http://i.imgur.com/Iard8.jpg Overall healing, that million game still eludes me http://i.imgur.com/wkEKusV.jpg overall Damage, that million game also still eludes me http://i.imgur.com/jKV5n9m.jpg highest dps i have on record http://i.imgur.com/TxLHzpb.jpg biggest hit That's all I have for now Oh this is for commando btw
  6. He still plays every once in a while, he just has a busy schedule
  7. I hate doing these I always leave people out, and there are a lot of good players to list.
  8. Exactlynospacesisthewaytogofromnowonnomoreunneededusesofthethumb:D
  9. #healsforhobiifhewouldquewithmesometime #alsonomorespacesinanywordsyouwanttotypefromnowon
  10. Im not one of JC's better players, but I haven't been able to transfer characters over successfully so others might have the same issue.
  11. If you know who I am then you know i cant really threaten anyone, seeing how I mostly play healer.
  12. Hey OP what's your character's name by chance? I'd love to solo que and find you.
  13. Yay! my internet is finally back! And slightly improved! Let's do this! :):)
  14. Ok how about it only knocks smashers through the world
  15. You forgot the knockback that makes all enemies fall through the world
  16. That's the healing adrenal for raids, just got done with a raid that night.
  17. Everyone should just team up with your enemies for an awesome time in huttball. BTW this should totally be a record -.^ http://i.imgur.com/OTizi.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TLbPI.jpg
  18. I play a healing commando and it is possible to put up high numbers but you need to either be supported with another healer or a guard. Here is a couple examples of some games granted some were full length voidstars but i consistently put up around 500k+ games depending on speed of games and such. The most important and overlooked ability is kolto bomb which is a great aoe heal which also increased healing done. And trauma probe is a nice ability as long as you have ammo to spare. http://i.imgur.com/Iard8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/kBU4i.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hOn8o.jpg
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