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Quitting in middle of WZ and consequences


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Nearly half of the warzones it looks like it:


Enemy gets 2 turrets or goals or advance fast... and 2,3,4 people quit. Another are joining. They quit too, cursing for joining lost WZ ... etc. So, maybe add a penalty for quitting warzone in middle? Like 10-15 minute ban for entering another warzone?

I understand that people does not want to play when they're losing due to incompetent team (sometimes I have the urge to quit as well). Quitting in middle, though, severely cripple the rest of the team.

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Nearly half of the warzones it looks like it:


Enemy gets 2 turrets or goals or advance fast... and 2,3,4 people quit. Another are joining. They quit too, cursing for joining lost WZ ... etc. So, maybe add a penalty for quitting warzone in middle? Like 10-15 minute ban for entering another warzone?

I understand that people does not want to play when they're losing due to incompetent team (sometimes I have the urge to quit as well). Quitting in middle, though, severely cripple the rest of the team.


People pay money to get a fun, if they do not have fun - they quit. They quit uncoordinated or weak/badly geared teams (wz, fp, ops), especially in wz whenever they face strong premade(or just good team). Weak doesn't mean dumb players, just can b lack of heals/composition or something else.


Ism a bit surprised that a number players have nazi philosophy "let's punish em". Instead of it u have to ask devs to make wz more enjoyable.


For example, I don't like yr thread, shall i ask devs to cancel yr subscription?

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People pay money to get a fun, if they do not have fun - they quit. They quit uncoordinated or weak/badly geared teams (wz, fp, ops), especially in wz whenever they face strong premade(or just good team). Weak doesn't mean dumb players, just can b lack of heals/composition or something else.


Ism a bit surprised that a number players have nazi philosophy "let's punish em". Instead of it u have to ask devs to make wz more enjoyable.


For example, I don't like yr thread, shall i ask devs to cancel yr subscription?

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If you punish for leaving WZs (a intended feature) as there is a button for it, then all those that leave will simply sit idle till the next match.


The only single answer is that a matchmaker needs to be implemented in order for both teams to have a fair chance to win. As it stands now, I can tell about 75% of the time if its a bad win or great loss in the 1st 1 min.


Why do I want to be part of a unfun 15 mins because players can't don't have a clue how to do objectives, have bad gear and can't run their toons worth a damn? As much as you are being disenfranchised by players leaving, the players that leave are being disenfranchised by players that are bad, inexperienced or lazy.


You will never fix this, its just life, the only solution is to have a equal number of good geared, high experienced players on each team and a equal number of low experienced, bad players on each team.

Edited by x_Boots_x
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If you punish for leaving WZs (a intended feature) as there is a button for it, then all those that leave will simply sit idle till the next match.


The only single answer is that a matchmaker needs to be implemented in order for both teams to have a fair chance to win. As it stands now, I can tell about 75% of the time if its a bad win or great loss in the 1st 1 min.


Why do I want to be part of a unfun 15 mins because players can't don't have a clue how to do objectives, have bad gear and can't run their toons worth a damn? As much as you are being disenfranchised by players leaving, the players that leave are being disenfranchised by players that are bad, inexperienced or lazy.


You will never fix this, its just life, the only solution is to have a equal number of good geared, high experienced players on each team and a equal number of low experienced, bad players on each team.




The challenge is, we know Bioware track queue lengths. If they refined the match making system to ensure that teams are reasonably equal in gear and experience (I would assume valour level can be the only measure for experience) the queue times will explode.


Therefore the solution is better match making. To ensure the queues continue pop in reasonable time is to create cross server warzones.


It would appear in the 2.0 patch their intrim solution is for a better bolster system.


Hopefully the long term solution is cross server warzones.

Edited by FrogSkin
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10 minute penalty is a must.

Kick afk players after 1.5 mins if not moving fixes idle players.

No medals for healing yourself.

Remove defender medals other than the initial one.

Backfill disabled after 2/3rds of wining requirements are met, (Score, time, progress).


Bioware may inquire at my listed email address for payment options related to the above consulting and its associated fees.

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10 minute penalty is a must.

Kick afk players after 1.5 mins if not moving fixes idle players.

No medals for healing yourself.

Remove defender medals other than the initial one.

Backfill disabled after 2/3rds of wining requirements are met, (Score, time, progress).


Bioware may inquire at my listed email address for payment options related to the above consulting and its associated fees.


I'm curious if you actually play in WZs.


1. Kick afk players after 1.5 mins if not moving fixes idle players.

People don't usually leave keyboard. They will move around, but the big thing is, they will ***** and moan on the ops channel the entire time, making peoples ears hurt.


2. No medals for healing yourself.

So the OP/marauder thats focusing you the entire match, as is their job, and you will get no medals for trying to stay alive? folks wont play healers anymore if you start penalizing them. Doing this is like saying tanks can only guard healers and taunts/guard doesnt count towards protection when casted on dps or other tanks.


3. Remove defender medals other than the initial one.

No one will ever guard nodes. Heck, no one wants to guard nodes now, take this away and no one will go near them, or just leave them once captured and get the initial medal.


4. Backfill disabled after 2/3rds of wining requirements are met, (Score, time, progress).

while crappy, a lose still applies towards daily.. just make a backfill person get a minium of the same number of comms as the lowest person on their team.


If you penalize people for leaving, you force people that don't want to stay in a match. That means you get angry people that will either sit in a corner and sulk (and not help the team anyway), or ***** and moan the entire time, making everyone else just as miserable as them, or do both.

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10 minute penalty is a must.

Kick afk players after 1.5 mins if not moving fixes idle players.

No medals for healing yourself.

Remove defender medals other than the initial one.

Backfill disabled after 2/3rds of wining requirements are met, (Score, time, progress).


Bioware may inquire at my listed email address for payment options related to the above consulting and its associated fees.


I don't agree with no medals for healing yourself. As a commando healer, I get targeted a lot for a free easy kill (Which is never the case) And i got to heal myself for a good portion of the match, because the PUG team can't peel.

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"No easy victory for me, so I quit" ? Congrats.


It's about fun and having the "possibility" of victory. You see, those 2 items don't exist in a lot of WZ's because the matchmaking is crap.

Stop punishing the players. This is a BW issue not a player issue. If BW gets their act together and stops giving us the generic matchmaking they do now, maybe they could start providing us with some quality pvp experiences?


Feel free to continue blaming players though......:rolleyes:

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10 minute penalty is a must.

Kick afk players after 1.5 mins if not moving fixes idle players.

No medals for healing yourself.

Remove defender medals other than the initial one.

Backfill disabled after 2/3rds of wining requirements are met, (Score, time, progress).


Bioware may inquire at my listed email address for payment options related to the above consulting and its associated fees.


You're fired. Next?

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People pay money to get a fun, if they do not have fun - they quit. They quit uncoordinated or weak/badly geared teams (wz, fp, ops), especially in wz whenever they face strong premade(or just good team). Weak doesn't mean dumb players, just can b lack of heals/composition or something else.


Ism a bit surprised that a number players have nazi philosophy "let's punish em". Instead of it u have to ask devs to make wz more enjoyable.


For example, I don't like yr thread, shall i ask devs to cancel yr subscription?


like ....

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Nearly half of the warzones it looks like it:


Enemy gets 2 turrets or goals or advance fast... and 2,3,4 people quit. Another are joining. They quit too, cursing for joining lost WZ ... etc. So, maybe add a penalty for quitting warzone in middle? Like 10-15 minute ban for entering another warzone?

I understand that people does not want to play when they're losing due to incompetent team (sometimes I have the urge to quit as well). Quitting in middle, though, severely cripple the rest of the team.


YES there must be stiffer penalties though i have seen incoming players turn the whole thing around and into a win. I will personally not leave no matter what, fight on till the bitter end and its not like you aren't going to get anything as the rewards, however small, can still be used to get better gear until youre full elite and full holding entitlement.


Its bad form indeed............people should be more about enjoying the pvp environment, its not only about winning and i for one enjoy it and have a good laff doing so too

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At the middle, I agree because players will get to take a good look at the wz and their chances, but this won't do ****, cause a lot of the frustrated players don't give a crap and all that would do is generate more frustration from players who join a lost game and quit themselves eating the lockout too. So no...


If you want this fixed, go for the original problem, lack of balance in classes in setups and in general. Fix that and much fewer would leave.

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I honestly think it's better off to leave it as it is. It's better for them to leave instead of feeding the enemy or "defending" to get their medals without any dedication to the game. They won't get their rewards and you might get a competent player joining the game.


So many times I have joined a seemingly lost Warzone and I have changed the course of battle. Never give up :l


Besides it's rather harsh to pose penalties for leaving when we can't select a warzone to play on.

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Oh good yet another one of these whining threads about quitters. If people learned to play, people probably wouldn't quit.


Why should I stick around, if someone is too stupid to call inc, guard the node, fight BY the node, watch the door, pops their CC breaker so they can get CCed again and point gets capped?


I will always leave when I see MP behaviour in a game. Its not about the winning, its about playing with stupid people.

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The only thing that irks me is when people quit and the result is still reasonably in doubt.

I mean, I quit the occasional warzone after it starts, but typically not because we started losing initially.


I'll stick around until I am annoyed by my teammates stupidity, or I just get zerged so hard and often (maybe because I'm of only two people on the team doing DPS worth a crap) that I just have enough of it.

I don't mind hard fought defeats. You can learn from those on a personal level.

There's nothing to be learned from getting zerged/stunned/smashed over and over though.

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I'm to the point where I no longer complain in chat (because I live in a glass house).


And I no longer quit WZ's even when we are getting bowled over by a group of Superhero's. You just take your beating. I learned from experience, the chat and these forums that quitting is hugely frowned upon by your teammates, and I agree with them. Besides, it's just silly sometimes, like the guy who quits with 30 seconds to go. He just lost some valor and some comms.


But here's my QQ on the topic. I do get frustrated when most of your team retreats, often way to early, to the one node you hold and then they just give up. Then they chat about smoking a fatty, and how they knew in the first minute that the team was going to lose. They rail on and on about Bioware, and how this is BW's fault. Frankly, I'd rather they leave the WZ. Because these fools lost the WZ before the ever queued.


We all know this is true. Because in the very next WZ, you get grouped with teammates who are giving their best effort, and actually trying to achieve the objective. You might barely lose, you might barely win, but the WZ ends up being fun to the end.


There is no way Bioware will ever be able to tweak the match-making system to account for slackers with an attitude of entitlement, slackers who will never hold themselves accountable for their own failures.



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Been mentioned 1000 times. Never addressed by Bioare that I know of. Summary, WZ shoppers will continue to flee...putting a team that's already most likely off to a bad start at a even more of a disadvantage.


If it were a perfect world this game would have some kind of mechanic like, I don't know, pretty much every other game out there with instanced PvP games. There's not really any debating to be had here. It's an expected MMO standard feature for a good reason.

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