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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warning on high population servers


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LOL I almost fell from the chair reading this post.

3 US vs. 9 EU queued servers!? Are you kidding me?


Why the difference???

Can someone answer this for me, because I don't get it.



the languaje issue


if I´m Spannish and all the spannish are in red eclipse I will go to red eclipse because I wana play with people I can talk with in a voice chat. and this happen with all non german-english and french speaking countries wich are a lot.


And the funny thing is that a lot of comunities write to bioware and tell him " hello we are 40 italian guilds we are going to be together could you put us in a server and make a warning that this is a italian server" answerd from bioware = " screw you is my game and I rule"


so my options are go to a light server and play alone or go to a full server and play with friends joing a guild etc....

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Just got disconnected from my server (Basilisk Droid) again - crashed my computer ..

I logged in right away and ended up in queue as number 783.. It is 12:10 pm on a wednesday.. most people are at work.. How the **** can the server have this much queue already? And why do I keep getting DCs?


More importantly, why am I paying for a product that clearly don't work?

Just because this is a MMO it does not mean they are "allowed" to have these kinds of failures.. There is NO WHERE on the product where it says that 3 hour queues are to be expected, therefore it is unacceptable to have these kinds of failures..


If this keeps going on for the next few days, I would call it close to a scam..

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There are too many posts in this thread for me to read all the way through so forgive me if this has been mentioned before.


Myself (and my guild) were placed on the Freedon Nadd server, although queue times state 1hr 45mins to 2hrs I can assure you that I have to wait a hell of a lot longer than that to actually get ingame.


Now, you mention the fact that we should roll toons on other servers, that raises the issue of the guild becoming fragmented and that is something we do not want. You, Bioware created this problem by placing us onto this server, your selling point was aimed at guilds that wanted to play/group and fight together or against each other....so we bought into that, another couple of guilds from SWG were placed on the same server...now we are in a situation where half the guild have levelled toons over lvl20 and the other half want to jump ship....and an opposing guild have already started on another server.


Dont get me wrong, I love the game...but this queing issue is pure sh*te. I truly hope this issue is resolved sooner rather than later.

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Just for information just because a guild was deployed on a specifik server which to clarify meant that you got an guild ivnite if you joined that server and the guild name was reserved nothing else.


The guild could have picked any other server at day1 with no problem.


So dont say they forced the server choice which is totally false at least when it comes to eu servers.


Tell that to the pre-access people who have level 40/50s running around out there!

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Since my topic about Frostclaw EU got locked.



Bioware could you please take a good look at this server, something has to be done.

Our guild was assigned to this realm with the early access and we started to play there early on.

Before launch the queues became very long and we weren't sure if you kept the server capacity low on purpose for launch.


Now a bit later and the queue is out of control.

People that come out of work have to wait +3 hours to get in, even around 23:30 the queue is + 2 hours.

11:25 and a +500 queue this is around a hour wait on this server in the morning on a week day.


We're having a problem in our guild since most people are a bit higher level and know people on the server.

Leaving means we have to start all over again and say our goodbyes because you didn't locked this server when it was full.


The result is that new people roll on Frostclaw forcing established guilds to leave.

We can't raid or play together since it's impossible to get in.



Simply put increase server capacity and lock it so people can enjoy your product.


Sadly, this is not unique to your server. We're all the same boat, everyone who took part in the guild preparation initiative over the last couple of months. It's no coincidence that the servers the guilds were assigned are those that are currently perma-queued for hours and hours on end.


Speaking of which, the "estimates" listed on the server list are utter tripe; I seriously hope all this "monitoring" we're hearing about is based on actual player feedback, and not just looking at the list of queue estimates. Typically for me my server (The Red Eclipse EU) has a 50 minute estimate, but the actual wait time is anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours.


Unfortunately it seems the community building guild scheme completely backfired. It was an awesome incentive initially, but with all those guilds with thousands upon thousands of members assigned to far too few servers when early access started, there's no hope of getting in. It's an odd lesson to learn that in this game it's actually better to avoid community building than encourage it. The guild program was a fantastic idea, but the range of servers available to support it initially was far too inadequate. Sure, they keep adding new servers, but that does nothing to help all the people who invested in the guild program and are now entrenched in the handful of servers we were dumped on on early access day one. The guilds should have been dispersed to a greater extent over a wider range of servers. As things stand now, there are more than enough servers to accommodate all the guilds, but it's too little too late.

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Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.


As long as it's free when it happens it will calm many people down. You have to admit that telling people who have already worked hard on their characters to just switch server and start again was pretty shoddy.

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Just for information just because a guild was deployed on a specifik server which to clarify meant that you got an guild ivnite if you joined that server and the guild name was reserved nothing else.


The guild could have picked any other server at day1 with no problem.


So dont say they forced the server choice which is totally false at least when it comes to eu servers.


None of those servers were full at the beginning so what does it matter where they created their guilds ?? What matters is many of them spent days to level up their characters and dont want to start all over again .And why should they ? Its not their fault , its EA/Bioware's fault.

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Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.


Thanks for addressing this issue. It was a major problem yesterday on Frostclaw.


Looking forward for a hot fix.

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hmm waiting for this server fixing....


But i must say you need to add Nightmare Lands into that list as since pre-order (4 days of early access reason for this server it was on light when I logged in) I've waited 40min each day to get in and if it early or last same story....


I also like how the US servers are no where near blocked as much as the European servers...


Simple answer we need more servers and free migration (at the moment not paying and if it stays like this i wont be paying simple as that).


so maybe the simple answer is to screw the lag and play on an American server as i wont have to wait hmmm....

Edited by FreejackeR
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Ok this is it.



When I logged in I got in a queue with 800 people.It's been almost 3 hours and the queue is still 300 people.


Bioware, your failure level is unmatchable.


You work on a game for years and years, and somehow you can't anticipate this launch scenario although you have lots of launch failure examples in front of you.


Guild placement simply killed this launch.Please keep doing single player games because apparently you don't have any idea about the online world.


Seriously, we are almost in 2012.What kind of mediocrity is this ?

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hmm waiting for this server fixing....


But i must say you need to add Nightmere Lands into that list as since pre-order (4 days of early access reason for this server it was on light when I logged in) I've waited 40min each day to get in and if it early or last same story....







I would love to be on your server. The servers people are complaining about are taking 6-7 hours to get into.

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Yeah dealing with exploits should be another HUGE priority!


Im not trying to defend those people who use exploits, third party programs, macroes, and this kind of stuff, but who was 1st the egg or the chicken ??, most of people who are using this coz they wont wait this crappy endless queues, so blame them, but dont blame them too much, most of them are forced to do it, coz of the situation .......

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You've killed our guild.


even a 30 minute wait sucks, but we're averaging 1-2hr wait during the times of day we can play to get on our Bioware assigned server, meaning no one's going to sit in a wait queue for 1-2 hours if that's going to cut out a 2-3hour play time.


Now all our guild has rolled alts on other servers, which, sadly, have now become our mains, and the time invested in pre-launch game time has now been lost on characters that can't be played at all during our guild time because of wait times.


I love this game. I'm not planning on leaving. I haven't seen any server crashes, or resets, so yeah, I'd say you've got a great launch planned out except for basically ruining our entire pre-launch characters and guild.


Are we supposed to wait 4 months before we go back to our pre-launch character/guild server and then resume playing them? Was that the intention?

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Waiting one and half hour from the position 367 on Frostclaw still seems a little to much to me(nearly as long as from possition above 1k last night). If I had not allready paid for this game.... I have startet on friday, you can not to expect me to start anew on another server, where there isnt waiting, not without transfering the characters, so please, hurry with it....
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Been queuing from Freedom of Nadd for 2 hours now. My position in queue, 963.


In two hours I have moved up about 400 places. It was only meant to be a 1:45 queue.


My concern is that people are finding ways to stay logged in 24-7. So they don't have to queue when they come back.


While this is obviously great for them, it means they can come back from work and start playing straight away, it also means there are people taking up places on the server who are not actually playing, while those of us who want to play now are stuck outside.


I think a more urgent solution than character transfers would be to prevent this type of thing. Maybe a message that comes up requiring you to press a certain key sequence if you haven't been in combat for a while. Or something.

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You've killed our guild.


even a 30 minute wait sucks, but we're averaging 1-2hr wait during the times of day we can play to get on our Bioware assigned server, meaning no one's going to sit in a wait queue for 1-2 hours if that's going to cut out a 2-3hour play time.


Now all our guild has rolled alts on other servers, which, sadly, have now become our mains, and the time invested in pre-launch game time has now been lost on characters that can't be played at all during our guild time because of wait times.


I love this game. I'm not planning on leaving. I haven't seen any server crashes, or resets, so yeah, I'd say you've got a great launch planned out except for basically ruining our entire pre-launch characters and guild.


Are we supposed to wait 4 months before we go back to our pre-launch character/guild server and then resume playing them? Was that the intention?


So true. Same here.

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As many of you know, we're experiencing high load and corresponding queues on some servers. This is to be expected during launch, as a high number of people want to play the game, and for long stretches at a time.


We're monitoring all of our servers around the clock, and we're raising server population caps where required. However, to ensure our long-term goals of server stability and healthy populations, we do not want to raise population caps too rapidly. We want incoming players to populate lower population servers. At the same time, higher population servers will not be 'locked' because we want to allow people to join a server to play with their friends if they wish to.

With this in mind, we wanted to notify everyone of some consistently high population servers. These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.


We strongly advise you to not create new characters on these servers, unless you are prepared to queue to play.


US-based servers


The Harbinger – US West Coast - PvE

The Swiftsure – US West Coast - PvP


The Fatman – US East Coast - PvP


EU-based servers


Bloodworthy – EU English - PvP

Frostclaw – EU English - PvE

Legions of Lettow – EU English - PvP

The Red Eclipse – EU English - PvE

Tomb of Freedom Nadd – EU English - PvP


Darth Revan's Mask – EU German - PvP

Darth Traya – EU German - PvP

Jar'Kai Sword - EU German - PvP


Hrakert Rift – EU French - PvP


Many of you who are already playing on these servers are asking for solutions, and we understand your frustration. At this time we can only ask for your patience. Population caps are being gradually raised on these servers, but raising them too fast will create an influx of new players and perpetuate the problem. We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.


Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.


Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.


Nope. My friends chose a low cap server because of the queues, so why should I care? It's every man for himself now :D.

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