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Everything posted by skomer

  1. I have been playing SW:TOR since EA. I have written about 20 tickets about bug where player win a match and it didnt count to his daily/weekly. Why there isnt any answer from EA and BioWare on that issue ? Its so annoying.
  2. Im using Biochem, but cant buy any schematics for reusable stims. Do I need to reverse enginer my normal stim ?
  3. Oh, ok so now i got it. It will be hard to get all Battlemaster equipment...
  4. So, I know I can buy it for 200 MC and 200 WC, but if i buy it do i get 1 champion commedation or there is a roll, and i can receive for example champion commedaiton for chest or legs ?
  5. Wow, it's 12:22 in the morning here in Poland and i'm placed 800 in queue. It is 3 hours of waiting. I dont get it, EA and BioWare spent 300 MLN $ for making this amazing game and now they are giving us this ?
  6. I know the command /afk but it doesnt work. I went to the shop, come back and I was kicked out from the server. How to leave my character online ?
  7. Anybody know, when it will go ONLINE ?
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