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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warning on high population servers


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I agree character transfers are the best way, but if they don't have the mechanism in place to do it, then, cloning would be the fastest alternative to alleviating the problem.


We don't know how their data hangs together ... I'm sure they will try and get a solution asap ... being so close to Christmas though I'm betting the stars of the team have already booked a nice chunk of holiday.... this may be why people avoid any new deployments around Christmas :rolleyes:

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Exept for having a queue on "The Resoration Zone - EU" the whole day - sometimes less long (200-300) sometimes longer (800-1200) - I am wondering why the server seems to be really empty. Yesterday with level 31 i have met my first opponent during questing. I'm not really satisfied with this feeling playing a singleplayer game.
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Hello Swtor,


I bought the collector edition 'cause I believed in this game. I was one of the lucky ones who got to try the beta and now I am finally here with my box and my character ready. But I'm not giving you no chance to play. I work all day and there is no 'best thing that can get home and play a few hours. Now I see that I was already asking to pay for the next month when the server on which to play and 'perpetually FULL already at 8.00 AM with more tails' of 4 hours. I am ready to sign and even 6 months 1 year warrant, or if you give me immediate access or a free transfer of my character on another server. These are my requests and other hundreds of people playing on Tomb of Freedon Nadd.

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Lock all the full servers then add something so players can invite friends to their server even if its full, that way everyone is happy, you can up the pop cap without worrying about loads of people joining and friends can still play together.


Good suggestion. Still, as has been said many times, they need to get with the server transfers, or even guild transfers. Our guild has no allies or nemesises, we'll be happy to transfer en-mass to another server.

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I am as frustrated as many other players about the the waiting. Still, I do not really work myself up into a fit. The reason for this is simple. I understand Bioware. The pre-launch guild program made sure that our entire guild got on to the same server and had the guild registered at start. It worked nicely. Now tough, after a week of early access and now the main release, the server has a queue, I am not surprised as it was the only RP-PvE server in Europe (doh!).


My first thought was: Why is the server still open for new players? Why not lock it down, and then let the players on it remain without having horrible hours of waiting to play. I soon found my own answer: You cannot block a server for new players who didn't pre-order and who are supposed to join their guild members. If they did, well the community would explode.


Why then, why oh why didn't they add more servers at start? Reason? Money. I've been through releases of Age of Conan, Pirates of the burning sea and Warhammer Online. What did they do? They had a HUGE list of servers, and people joined everyone of them. Then slowly player total diminished and all of sudden the servers were unbalanced. They moved the players to other servers and closed down the empty ones which only cost them a lot of money which could have been spent on development of new content or whatever.



So how can Bioware solve the they currently have? Well, add servers and then have to move players in six months. Lock servers for new players, and have the community explode. Or do what they do now. Sure we have queues and waiting, yes they do not know when we won't have queue any more, probably when the rush of new players has stopped, player base is spread a bit more evenly between servers.


Is there a quick fix? Perhaps. A possible solution would be to allow guilds to move to a newly set up server which is already planned to be added. Players answer yes, perhaps wait 30 minutes and then would play on new server. Old server gets a slightly smaller player base while the new server is building up its own and new players can still join it. Only solution I see as of now.



My five cents on something I don't really find an issue at the moment and am simply bored at work....



Btw, thanks Bioware for ruining my free time. Love the game.

Edited by Wargie
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It seems to me that BioWare simply underestimated the interest in the game, by a considerable amount. Exactly how they managed this is beyond me as they could have simply looked at the pre-orders. And for me, this is very worrying.


The server issues need to be fixed and fixed very quick but simply increasing the caps as some have suggested is just plain daft. Yes increase them gradually over time but if you doubled the server cap, say, that server would be fine for about a week or two and then even more people would create characters there and the initial problem would not only return but would be escalated to ridiculous proportions.


Free server transfers would likely be the best way to go and would infact be rather easy to implement as someone has already suggested via cloning.

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I am wondering why the server seems to be really empty. Yesterday with level 31 i have met my first opponent during questing. I'm not really satisfied with this feeling playing a singleplayer game.


I'm wondering that too. Even playing on a "FULL" server (only 15 mins queue, but still...) it feels empty. I guess people are spread out over the zones by now, but even on starfleets and capital cities it feels pretty empty. It feels that there are very few people on the servers and that makes me a bit worried about the future. How will the end-game community look like if there are so few people on the servers?

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As someone else pointed out, something had to be done yesterday, not tomorrow, not next year. I logged in at around 8am this morning on TOFN and 2 hours and 13 minutes later, I'm still only about 70% of the way through the queue.. going by this I imagine my queue time will be over 3 hours. 3 hour queue at 8 in the morning on a Wednesday? That's pretty crazy. Edited by Senden
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ALL this comments are totaly useless! they're working on transfer...we must wait stop.


Only so many times a week you can clean your place, watch your favourite movies blah blah blah.. I got to do something while I wait 3 hours to get ingame.

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If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.


The update is great and we appreciate it but why do you keep using the above as a statement?


The idea of an RPG is to progress, creating new characters each time you screw up is not helping us progress ?

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So frustrating. These queues are really punishing the biggest fans - people who preordered and joined guilds on the official site, people who played the beta, because the most high population servers are the ones BW put the guilds on. Why don't BW indicate on the server selection screen which servers are busiest during peak times, not just right now, so players can see they will likely be queuing at peak times, and so roll on a different server?


Character and/or guild server transfers are absolutely essential if you expect people to come back after having to put up with 5 hour queues.

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I think you can add to the list the server I'm playing on : the ONLY RP-PVP server (Eu-English) : Lord Calypho.

Our queue are starting to increase a lot. I really suggest to all new players, to NOT roll on Lord Calypho.

I've already two guildies gone to play republic on another server to avoid queue. And this sucks cause they are good friends.

Edited by Elloa
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So frustrating. These queues are really punishing the biggest fans - people who preordered and joined guilds on the official site, people who played the beta, because the most high population servers are the ones BW put the guilds on. Why don't BW indicate on the server selection screen which servers are busiest during peak times, not just right now, so players can see they will likely be queuing at peak times, and so roll on a different server?


Character and/or guild server transfers are absolutely essential if you expect people to come back after having to put up with 5 hour queues.


This pretty much, I wasn't in a guild come guild deployment but I was avidly following a big pvp community initiative.. BW put them alongside the Spanish community initiative and TOFN queues were born. I don't think anybody really could foresee these crazy queues so everyone just shrugged and said it was fine. I was also in the day 1 wave 3 of the early access invites and back then every server population was either light or standard.

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Launching any new mmo without the ability to transfer characters is asinine and smacks of poor planning, the entire launch and early access is rapidly becoming a fiasco on par with other high profile failures. I tweeted Reid pre launch, to warn their staggered access plan was flawed and would result in this very scene we see now, it was bloody obvious what would happen.


To then suggest players give up and move elsewhere after investing heavily in new chars, many, myself included actually taking part of our holiday entitlement to get a head start during early access, is simply unacceptable. Yet again gamers are treated like mugs and expected to bend over and take it in the *** now that they have our money and all because some prat in a suit does not know his arse from his elbow and couldn't plan a trip to the toilet.

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Tomb of Freedon Nad has been suffering 5+ hour queues from some of my guildies.


Its honestly been a horrible experience.


I just cannot understand how this happened.


After all the information Bioware had at hand, they really got it wrong with server population.

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higher population servers will not be 'locked' because we want to allow people to join a server to play with their friends if they wish to.[/Quote]

STUPID. increasing the server population over and over suggets that you want people to continue to join the server reguardless of the 2hour + queue. and if people wanted to play with theyre friends they should have rolled on a LIGHT server. doesnt take much brain power to think of that tbh.


If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.


This actually suggests that you want us to delete our toons which some people ( including me) have gotten to 35+ already & reroll onto a new server


and your twitter you replied to someone saying


Rockjaw Stephen Reid

@Sykrax Nope, won't tell you that. Totally understand your frustration. Everything you mentioned we're working on fixing.

16 hours ago



thank you bioware for failing so badly at controling the server queues and not actually finding ANY SOLUTION WHAT SO EVER & OBVIOUSLY STATING THE OBVIOUS

Edited by swiftdh
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Launching any new mmo without the ability to transfer characters is asinine and smacks of poor planning, the entire launch and early access is rapidly becoming a fiasco on par with other high profile failures. I tweeted Reid pre launch, to warn their staggered access plan was flawed and would result in this very scene we see now, it was bloody obvious what would happen.


To then suggest players give up and move elsewhere after investing heavily in new chars, many, myself included actually taking part of our holiday entitlement to get a head start during early access, is simply unacceptable. Yet again gamers are treated like mugs and expected to bend over and take it in the *** now that they have our money and all because some prat in a suit does not know his arse from his elbow and couldn't plan a trip to the toilet.


I'd blame EA more than BW for this. Going by how things went it's pretty obvious EA didn't want to release this alongside Diablo 3 and seeing as most people expected that to come out this year, EA probably planned for this game to be released sometime in Feb/March. Now BW are left to pick up the pieces.

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2 hours waiting in the morning is a GREAT issue. People pay to play, not to wait. Many guildies have gone to other servers thus breaking a long work of creating a community for this game. Now we can't even play toghether... "Great" job on this matter.


And you already state that will there be queues and that you can't fix this, maybe reduce them but not get rid of them... to the hell with that :mad: Welcome to the real world, not only the banks steals you...


So far i'm loving the game, but the situation is making me really ask myself to stay (and i know i'm not the only one)

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