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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warning on high population servers


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Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.


Finally. Let's hope ASAP means today. Dark Reaver is always capped as well, not sure why it wasn't mentioned.

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The game has been out for a week, and then only if you were a day 1 EGA'er


It's not like bioware are asking you to reroll on a new server and leave a tier X raiding epics character behind :p


But yeah, +1 to designated oceanic server listings please bioware ;)

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This is ridiculous, I understand and don't mind a queue of 15 mins or so but 90 minute wait times are unacceptable! Mr Reid and his team need to understand that alot of people actually work full time jobs and only have a hour or so to log in,unwind & play.



The queues are only getting worse and nothing is being done about it.

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This is my concern as well. I do not wish to start over again on a new light load server only to find out in a couple days that it's over loaded and I am back to queues. Besides, all my guild is on the server I was pre-deployed to, so we would all have to start over... it's not very likely.


I too am disappointed because my guild was pre-deployed to The Fatman server. I've talked with other players there and it seems as if an incredibly large amount of guilds were loaded onto this sever.

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This is a big problem. Us adults who dont have 3+ hours to play everynight just want to log on where WE WERE PLACED BY BIOWARE and PLAY THE CHARACTERS WE HAVE MADE without having to wait in 1000+ people queues (more than an hour wait).


FIX IT or you will not be getting my $15 a month.


I'll say Amen to that.

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The thing I don't get is that both Age of Conan and Rift had huge launches. Both of those games tapered off pretty quickly but the actual launches were massive. Neither of those games did I ever have to wait in a queue to play. I know that swtor is the biggest launch of a game ever but those games I mentioned had pretty massive launches as well.
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A big problem I see is that what is an acceptable time frame for Bioware is not an acceptable time frame for their customers. I've seen this time and time again through out the years with their ambiguous "soon" answers. Not everyone plays for hours at a time. Some people only have an hour or two to play a night and to sit through these queues during this time is not what I consider acceptable.



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While I understand your points about the server caps Mr Reid I have to say I wholeheartedly disagree with the method your team is taking to 'fix' the issue. The Jung Ma server {One of the only RP-PvP servers available} has been experiencing queues since the first day of EGA and, instead of getting better on release day, it has gotten worse.


An over 900 player queue during prime playtime is ridiculous and will drive away a good portion of your player base after the free month. Add to this the still present disconnects and crashes to desktop which make you need to wait in yet another queue and you have a completely unacceptable situation.


Obviously, in the case of RP-PVP servers {which weren't offered as a choice in the Guild pre-registration} you have severely underestimated the player base and, in my eyes and those of A LOT of players on the effected server, it does not appear you are doing anything to resolve the issue.


I sincerely hope that this issue is resolved within the next week because I personally know quite a few people who have said they are canceling their subscriptions if something isnt done quickly.

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While I understand your points about the server caps Mr Reid I have to say I wholeheartedly disagree with the method your team is taking to 'fix' the issue. The Jung Ma server {One of the only RP-PvP servers available} has been experiencing queues since the first day of EGA and, instead of getting better on release day, it has gotten worse.


An over 900 player queue during prime playtime is ridiculous and will drive away a good portion of your player base after the free month. Add to this the still present disconnects and crashes to desktop which make you need to wait in yet another queue and you have a completely unacceptable situation.


Obviously, in the case of RP-PVP servers {which weren't offered as a choice in the Guild pre-registration} you have severely underestimated the player base and, in my eyes and those of A LOT of players on the effected server, it does not appear you are doing anything to resolve the issue.


I sincerely hope that this issue is resolved within the next week because I personally know quite a few people who have said they are canceling their subscriptions if something isnt done quickly.




I have been on Jung Ma since first wave. The simple,"just re-roll" dont work too well when there arent any alternatives.


I guess we just cant play on RP-PVP servers if we want to actually, ya know play the game.

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The problem is that when BW recommended servers for people, they rolled on them. BW filled these servers up in EGA because they knew there were going to be additional servers come launch date. The problem with this plan is that almost everyone who did not play in EGA knows some one who did play in EGA, so naturally these new people chose the same servers as their friends before them.


Heinsight being 20/20, they should have had all the servers available in time for EGA. Then evenly disperse the recommendations for the EGA amongst those. Also... aren't these actually EA servers, not necessarily BW servers?


I'm assuming that BW said to EA "We're going to need ______ many servers for the game." And EA said "Np, we'll give ya half for EGA and half for the rest of the time"

and here in lies the problem.... BW says "Sounds good"


I know they are implementing a service to change servers, however I recommend they, for example, say "If you are in server ______ and would like a free transfer to a lower populated server named ______, the option is avail". This way we don't have free transfers for everyone, and everyone not randomly choose the same server....


Treat the lower populated servers as a spillway, and pair them with servers that are inundated with players.



I love you BW, and I'm not raging.... but a lot of people are staring daggers at the dev tracker...

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Very much agree with this quote:

if i'll create a new character on a new server with a light population how you could secure that next day I will not experience the same issue. i.e 2-4-6 hour queue. I think this is a main question that you need to ask yourself.


I don't want to constantly restart characters on new servers in an attempt to avoid excessive queue times. Since I played during early access my characters are now trapped on high population servers (ability to transfer would be a huge plus). Point blank, it doesn't matter how good the game is if we cannot get past the queue to play it.

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How about instead of telling the people who already rolled on those servers "too bad try someplace else" you guys buy some servers that can handle more then 20 people at a time.




the entire community stuck in a queue for an hour every single god damn night

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How about instead of telling the people who already rolled on those servers "too bad try someplace else" you guys buy some servers that can handle more then 20 people at a time.




the entire community stuck in a queue for an hour every single gosh darn night


Sometimes multiple times a night when the damn game dc's or you get bumped out of queue.... oh ya thats the solution BW tell us to reroll for your mistake. You are as bad as the idiots on these forums saying get over it because they happened to pick a server that wasnt over populated. I am raging, pissed off that I picked the wrong server with all of my friends and guildies. Pissed off that I have only so much time to play a video game in my daily schedule and a good chunk I have to wait in line to play a game that I purchased.

Edited by Insom
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Finally, some REAL information!


this, unfortunately, does not calm the rising population of frustrated customers that have PAID for a server they are NOT receiving!


Its opening day, did you think you'd get in easily? Since when has that happened on any opening day of any AAA game in the last ten years? Please, I'd like to know.

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I'm offended at the unrealistic expectations that people have about Bioware. Everyone seems to think they have the "magic cure" for this situation, and it may look good on paper, but not in reality. These are mmo developers, there career is dedicated to make mmo-games, I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing more than you. Every single popular mmo has had this problem at launch, this game is no different. They already stated they are working on it, but you can't just tell people "NO U CANT PLAY HERE!" if your reason to play is to socialize with friends.


I would be upset if some of my long time guild mates were locked from the server, I will take my wait time instead. If your so upset about your q time and paying for the game, then stop. I will enjoy my lower q time


Another stroke of brilliance from another fanboi.

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I know they are implementing a service to change servers, however I recommend they, for example, say "If you are in server ______ and would like a free transfer to a lower populated server named ______, the option is avail". This way we don't have free transfers for everyone, and everyone not randomly choose the same server....




Along with a free guild transfer option to the lower population servers. Also, a server split would work, keeping guilds together on either side.

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