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What the heck is this?! This is a joke! New armor models up. Gremlins and moths :l:l


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I would imagine the designs for the new tier of gear were in place ages ago. Whilst BW could probably react and make changes to one or two sets of cartel gear, I would imagine that it was far too late to go back to the drawing board with the 2.0 sets following BWs acknowledgement of players not liking the art direction...


Now that they have acknowledged the players dislike of the art direction, I would expect improvements over the next few months...what we are seeing now was likely already in place before BW came out and said "We get it, you dont like the armor"....




Yes, designs for the "new" models were sat on for almost a year.


http://toroz.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Star-Wars_-The-Old-Republic-News-Articles.jpg - early stage of the new knight armor.

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Why not just use common sense, and rip the mods out when the patch goes live? Oh, but then you can't complain on the forums. If I get an infraction for this, I don't care. You people will complain about ANYTHING, won't you? You all act like children who didn't get the toy they wanted for Christmas. Just grow the hell up, and act like adults. Or maybe you should sue BW because you hate the armor. Because THAT will work....:rolleyes:

Actually, judging by the tone of your post, i think it is you who should grow up. Bashing people who has an opinion which is different from yours is anything but acting like an adult.

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Honestly, the chest/legs/gloves for most of these are fine, some are even really good. But those helmets... just... wow.

It's no big deal since you can swap out the mods and transfer the set bonus, but I'm honestly baffled at who decided these helmet looks were the way to go.


The BH Elite helm and the Trooper Ultimate helm do look really good though, and the Trooper Elite would be good if they take that random satellite dish off of it.


But what in the world is up with the Ultimate BH helm???

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Really, I don't remember in any of the movies, pointy shoulders on any of the sith or shoulder armor on any of the troopers or BHs that struck straight out. I'm in agreement with most everyone else, this stuff, except a few pieces looks hideous.


I also don't remember Rebel soldiers running up to stormtroopers and attacking them with swords and staffs while lasers fly all around them.

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Just letting you guys know that Republic models are available now. Had to level a republic character fresh on the PTS as my character transfer wouldn't work.


Working on the stats now: http://dulfy.net/2013/02/21/swtor-arkanian-and-underworld-level-55-armor-statsinquisitorconsular/




Thanks for the effort Dulfy as always!! :)



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Second warrior looks all right, first one is atrocious. Both Inquisitor gears are horrid, the agent gear is iffy, I absolutely love the first BH gear (looks like the concept of Boba Fett's helmet, and also the helmet worn by Rako Hardeen, the bounty hunter Obi-Wan disguised as, in The Clone Wars). I get the feeling the second BH gear is supposed to look like Dengar, but it just makes me shudder because it looks like Hazmat gear.


The Consular gear looks like a weird mummy/ninja hybrid. I like the second JK, the first one is iffy (but why do they have hoods up?!?), because the second one basically looks like the creation screen armor with the outer robe removed and a tunic put over it. The smugglers are typical smuggler gear -- good; I'd give 'em a 7.5/10. As for the trooper, both look all right, but I especially like the second one's helmet. The first one's helmet looks like a big-obvious "hey! I'm a doctor, remember?" *wink-wink, nudge-nudge*


Overall, they are hit-and-miss, but I would agree that they definitely need to hire new art designers that have actually watched a Star Wars movie, and haven't played WoW. Seriously.

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Other than a couple of decent pieces the bulk of this continues to look like BW/EA went and hired the Power Rangers bad guy development team.


Eye Guy feels insulted by your insinuations.


I just saw the consular gear's look...


First, Phase Walk, now, this gear... Yep, we're definitely not Jedi anymore. We're ninjas.


Oh, please, you're Samurai! :p

Edited by JediMB
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I would imagine the designs for the new tier of gear were in place ages ago. Whilst BW could probably react and make changes to one or two sets of cartel gear, I would imagine that it was far too late to go back to the drawing board with the 2.0 sets following BWs acknowledgement of players not liking the art direction...


Now that they have acknowledged the players dislike of the art direction, I would expect improvements over the next few months...what we are seeing now was likely already in place before BW came out and said "We get it, you dont like the armor"....




Good point, I know nothing of game design, and thought that the new gear was made after the backlash of the Campaign gear. I am more than willing to wait until the next set of gear as long as it will be more like some of the Cartel gear they are putting out (Revan/Phantom/Valiant/Interstellar/Investigator)

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I also don't remember Rebel soldiers running up to stormtroopers and attacking them with swords and staffs while lasers fly all around them.


Yup that is another thing I don't like about the game. I just put up with it but the armor is what makes your character and the armor models in the game really are not good or ala Star Wars. I think the models in the Cartel market are much better and that is what I have on every one of my 9 characters. Of course, then again *shrugs* that may just be what they are looking for. I have to say, I was looking forward to doing some PvP with my sage and earning the battlemaster gear which I thought was gorgeous. They aren't taking that out of the game or are they? If they are, I'm going to be sorely disappointed. I may even have to unsubscribe *kidding - really now, I'm kidding*

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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What I can't understand is why the development team so against Star Wars style armour.


Everytime new armour comes in they seem determined to make it more outlandish and odd looking. Where people have been asking for Robes and the armour seen in the trailers and even armour seen in other Star Wars games or the movies. But instead we get something that looks like something found in a pyramid in Egypt.


Surely they can just give armour that looks like classic star wars gear.

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