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Why no class story quests in expansion?


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I understand this is now not going to happen in the expansion. What is the point of the expansion if we don't get the story to go along with it? Personally I will feel like I wasted money if there are no Class Story quests in the expansion.


I only have two level 50 characters but both story lines ended and ended solidly. I can't see the point of creating a new story to take me back to single-player mode when my characters are now enjoying the multiplayer aspect of the game. But more than that it would just feel tagged on and artificial...a story for stories sake.


I hope any future story chapters are all encompassing, moving the story forward for both factions; I still have the choice to play a story out on a new character, if a bit of single-player mode gaming is what I crave, so I see this as the best of both worlds.

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I only have two level 50 characters but both story lines ended and ended solidly. I can't see the point of creating a new story to take me back to single-player mode when my characters are now enjoying the multiplayer aspect of the game. But more than that it would just feel tagged on and artificial...a story for stories sake.


I hope any future story chapters are all encompassing, moving the story forward for both factions; I still have the choice to play a story out on a new character, if a bit of single-player mode gaming is what I crave, so I see this as the best of both worlds.


So "The Empire Strikes Back" was completely extraneous, then? I mean, the first movie told the story of this small farm boy embracing the Force and becoming a galactic hero. Where is that universe supposed to go from there? They pretty much wrote themselves into a corner with that one. :rolleyes:


Not to mention that it was overtly stated that class stories have been mapped out well beyond the existing chapters and that, to this day, every time you log into a character that has completed their story, a particular word appears that promises a continuation of your personal story.

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So "The Empire Strikes Back" was completely extraneous, then? I mean, the first movie told the story of this small farm boy embracing the Force and becoming a galactic hero. Where is that universe supposed to go from there? They pretty much wrote themselves into a corner with that one. :rolleyes:


Not to mention that it was overtly stated that class stories have been mapped out well beyond the existing chapters and that, to this day, every time you log into a character that has completed their story, a particular word appears that promises a continuation of your personal story.


This is the whole point I think.

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So "The Empire Strikes Back" was completely extraneous, then? I mean, the first movie told the story of this small farm boy embracing the Force and becoming a galactic hero. Where is that universe supposed to go from there? They pretty much wrote themselves into a corner with that one. :rolleyes:


Not to mention that it was overtly stated that class stories have been mapped out well beyond the existing chapters and that, to this day, every time you log into a character that has completed their story, a particular word appears that promises a continuation of your personal story.


Blimey Cel I have no idea, it is 30 odd years since I have seen the movies and curiously enough my characters didn't appear in them. I do remember that Luke didn't solo-play it though :p


*Sigh* I'm only telling you how I feel as a player of characters in this particular MMO. I've had my three chapters, just as the original stars of the original movies did. I wouldn't mind my characters being a footnote in a larger story sometime in the future, but I wouldn't want to have the starring role again.

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Because Rise of the hUtt Cartel was not originally considered an expansion when Makeb and the level cap raise were revealed last year. It was never meant to advance class stories. When they release a true, large expansion class stories will continue. RotHC wil hold us over until then.
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I understand this is now not going to happen in the expansion. What is the point of the expansion if we don't get the story to go along with it? Personally I will feel like I wasted money if there are no Class Story quests in the expansion.


because origanlly this was supposed to come out months ago as an update. They are saving the class storys for the BIG expansions.

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Time, money and ROI.


There. I answered your question.




Look how long it's taking to deliver a 5-level world arc (i.e., the expansion). Now, take that and muliply it by 8, if you want a new personal story-line for each class. Don't get me wrong - I'd love for my Smuggler to have something to do other than be the Republic's errand boy, which is unfortunately what most of the world/faction-based stories do.


But I really doubt we'll see personal story-lines expanded. Obviously, that was the plan originally, but in this post-Cartel Market/F2P/Bioware-designer-exodus world we play in, things have changed and not for the better. It doesn't seem likely that EA will invest the money in this game to have a large enough dev team to pull it off.


Another question, is where, level-wise, would you put Chapter IV? RotHC will take from 50-55, so if there was going to be a Chapter IV, wouldn't you think that would be levels 55-60? Meaning, an expansion? Meaning 2014 would be as soon as I could see anything like this happening....which is a shame.

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Makeb was claimed to be not an expansion, yes, however, that was a long, long time ago, before people spilled so much bile and hatred on this game (it also did not help that EA somehow expected the game to have several millions subscribers after first month, something that takes other games much longer to accumulate) that it went F2P (although it should not change the fact that Makeb could be free for loyal subscribers who paid at least 6 months). That had, as BW has admitted several times, paused many ongoing projects, until the numbers showed how the new model is working. Now, it would seem that it works well, even so much that it pleases EA, so many of the project were resumed.


Have they broken any promise yet? Broken promise would mean them saying something like "meh, screw that", they just did not get to writing it (I assume that there are no complete scripts, just jumble of ideas), programming it, and creating voice-overs for it, which takes a lot of time.


And as others have said, Class stories are reserved to additional expansion packs, as it is probably going to be a whole new chapter, and that should cover more than one planet, as returning to old planets would not provide much of a challenge outside of short instance.

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Look how long it's taking to deliver a 5-level world arc (i.e., the expansion). Now, take that and muliply it by 8, if you want a new personal story-line for each class. Don't get me wrong - I'd love for my Smuggler to have something to do other than be the Republic's errand boy, which is unfortunately what most of the world/faction-based stories do.


But I really doubt we'll see personal story-lines expanded. Obviously, that was the plan originally, but in this post-Cartel Market/F2P/Bioware-designer-exodus world we play in, things have changed and not for the better. It doesn't seem likely that EA will invest the money in this game to have a large enough dev team to pull it off.


Another question, is where, level-wise, would you put Chapter IV? RotHC will take from 50-55, so if there was going to be a Chapter IV, wouldn't you think that would be levels 55-60? Meaning, an expansion? Meaning 2014 would be as soon as I could see anything like this happening....which is a shame.

If the F2P is as profitiable as it turns out to be I think we will see a continuation of the class story lines but it won't be till a full proper $49.99 expansion.



But their bigger priority should be getting some time of new space combat out and other things like pod racing and sabaac. Things to do in the game OTHER then just the typical MMO stuff.

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Makeb was a project that started out shortly after launch of the game and they did not ever intend it to contain class stories - this is quoted from Daniel Erickson a long time ago. Whether they continue class stories in the future is another matter, but Makeb was simply not created with class stories in mind. It seems it was meant to be way to get more story in the game on a smaller scale, though they decided to turn it into more of a mini expansion.
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Because Rise of the hUtt Cartel was not originally considered an expansion when Makeb and the level cap raise were revealed last year. It was never meant to advance class stories. When they release a true, large expansion class stories will continue. RotHC wil hold us over until then.


My problem with this is the game will be out for a year and a halfish when the RotHC hits. When will we see a big expansion then? every three years or so? That might be okay, but I was kind of hoping for an every two years sort of thing.

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Because of my own way of gaming, i have never reached endgame. But i know well enough that most of the class quest seem to end with a dead stop. Meaning it would be hard to continue them without, perhaps, creating new storylines. And even then, it would be hard to put them at the end of some storylines due to the originals finale.


Perhaps, and i use the word perhaps very carefully as there is no sign of this happening, in the future we will see some new storylines of a sort. But i think, we have a good long wait ahead of us for that. :)

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Do you people understand that they plan MMO's years in advance? All the assets they need to create new items take a long time to pull together. There might be a few changes here and there, but the big stuff has a road map. You can't change on a dime. And with F2P, you can probably assume the entire road map has been pushed out a half a year at least.


Makeb wasn't designed to advance your class stories. We've known that for a very long time.

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class stories will probably continue when they release the space project. it will be a giant expac plus personal class story will be how we all get our new ships. im sure the nonfunctioning escape pod will have a purpose. like, in our class story our current ship will be destroyed, use escape pod... then continue the class story and eventually get put into the new ships for new space system. Edited by MiaRB
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I would be surprised if there are ever extensions to the class stories. They kind of painted themselves into a corner. Since your choices can mean that your character will end up in different statuses at the end of the existing progression, picking each story up from those varying points would be somewhat complicated.
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