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Maintenance Now???


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Guys, maybe we should make a question to Bioware if they give us back our EVENT time?


i mean the time the servers are offline we cannot farm helix and repu :(


so either they extends the event or they give us helixes and reputation items..


what u say?

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Panic fixes are needed if they cant get it right in first place :)


Taral V bug was good example that they didnt actually test changes when they fixed last boss not being able to skip and broke rooms leading to last boss.


Silly mistakes from AAA mmo title.

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yeah they updated that message from 10am to 5am, just a cpl minutes ago. Honestly, I have seen some screwed up MMO's before, but I swear bioware takes the cake for lack of communication and frankly.. being ran by a group of amateurs. I thought CCP (EVE Online) was bad with lack of timely communications but bioware makes them look like timely Tina's in comparison.


Ah, I quoted and linked the URL because I'd assumed the time displayed as shown as my time (it's 13:03 here). :)


I love BioWare; but this sudden change of downtime without any timely notice is utterly unacceptable.

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They can't even get this BS candy cotton dress up "content" patch right. Just what can you get SO wrong with a reputation system with a few reskinned outfits being added to the gree vendors wrong that you need to patch every night since 1.7 hit? No class rebalancing, hey, whats another month of smashtards wrecking pvp when it's already been 6 right? AS LONG AS OUR IDIOT CARTEL PACK BUYING CUSTOMERS HAVE MORE *********** THRONE THINGS TO RIDE AROUND ON AND PRECEPTORS ARMORS OR OTHER **** SO THEY CAN SPERG OUT WHILE LOOKING LIKE DARTH *********** REVAN.


Then on top of that general ineptitude that was this laughable "content" patch, they can't even get the *********** patch time right?


Well done Bioware, you're truly the trailblazers of the MMO business, showing everyone else how to do it.

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Maintenance on the weekend... what could I say more. Bad planning and bad managing a game that already struggles to keep up.

I logged after months to check if there is something to make me continue my sub. Well, maintenance at weekend is not goin to make me do it.

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The launcher says differently, and that's where most people get their info: http://i.imgur.com/xVob9fL.jpg


The updated info on the link was posted 8 minutes ago; I shared the link because I'd incorrectly assumed that the post was updated at least an hour before the shutdown - the reason for this being that I saw the display time as 11:54AM and assumed it was 11:54AM my time (it's 13:09 here).

Edited by Mofuwic
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Good morning


The maintenance of today is happening from 5AM CST (3AM PST/6AM EST/11AM GMT/12PM CET/10PM AEDT) until 7AM CST (5AM PST/8AM EST/1PM GMT/2PM CET/12AM AEDT).


The reminder message has been updated with the correct times.


We apologize for the inconvenience.


Hey TonyMoreno. How about posting updates in a timely fashion, you know, like at least an hour before your obviously incompetent developers decide to actually do your maint so we have at least 'some' warning instead of the 15 minute countdown timer suddenly kicking in and then you posting this crap 9 minutes after the fact.


You guys show your utter and total lack of any competence in the MMO field by doing things like this.


I won't even get into the fact that you EDITED the original message about the maint from 10am CST to pretend it was 5am the entire time. Sheer, Utter Incompetence.

Edited by Saitada
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Artistic integrity. That is all.


P.S. Better now than in the evening I guess since most people are sleeping in here (UK). And it could be worse, just look at LOTRO.


Can't get much worse then handing out misinformation tbh, regardless if the time the servers actually go down happens to be better then what was originally stated.


Look at me for example, i wont be able to play today at all - i had exactly 1h free today which i planned in so it would not be during this maint (Wanted to do a few gree dailies). And then ofc they shut the server down. How is that better then if they shut it down as stated?


Sure, its a game and its not the end of the world that i cant play - but it's damn annoying when you have made arrangements to play based on the information at hand.

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Way to shove it to the European customers, Bioware *clap-clap*. There goes my playtime for today, since maintenance is off by merely 5 hours!


Welcome to BioWare's mindset - they are US based (iirc) and so schedule things accordingly. No appreciation for the European community whatsoever.

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