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[Repairs] Too expensive!!!


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huge credit sinks are only an issue when they are mandatory credit sinks (like repairs). No one cares when the credit sinks are voluntary like purchasing cosmetic gear.


If they add some asinine cartel perk that lowers the repair costs for real money, i'm out. Nothing would be more of a slap in the face than nickel and dimeing like that.

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I'm getting out of tanking and moving my spec and gear to dps. I'm not going to sit and subsidize the other players in my group runs. This repair cost thing is just silly.




i know i respec my assassin to dps mode and im not looking back. i love to tank and hold most of the damage of a mob/boss


but with these new costs, i just cant wing it.

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I bet the reduced mod-pulling cost was a "bug" too.


Soon, we'll see the 45K per pulled mod again, just like old times - woohoo! :rolleyes:


Bioware almost killed the game with 1.2 and apparently learned nothing since.


oh lets bring back those crazy speeder route prices they had in beta as well, if they want to drain the player base of all it's money might as well... :mad:

I noticed tonight there was not that many spams for looking for groups in the space staion as well as on some planets, not sure if that has anything to do with the cost or that a lot of folks are out at Ilum doing the Gree thing.

Edited by kevlarto
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Signed. This is a terrible decision that will lead to people quitting the game. I quit D3 literally the day after they quadrupled repair costs as well.


Find a better way to deal with inflation, not milk it out of the players through bs repair costs.

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down to 5 days of sub time if they don't fix this im not paying 30 dollars for 60 days of playing time. and if after a week it's still not fixed. game will be taken off the hard drive. im not playing this f2p.


Considering being right behind you. When the game is no longer fun, it's time to move on - and if I have to grind for 3 hours a day to be able to raid, that isn't fun.

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I don;'t raid. I do super casual flashpoint runs with my buddies from college that I used to tabletop SW with back in the day and then solo the PVE content. I don't exploit the GTN to make money and only focus on my crew skills when I get to chapter 3 and I can power level them while playing. I run multiple alts and alternate between them so despite having 12 characters and having played consistently since beta I only have two level 50 characters. Suffice it to say that the way I play means that I am almost never swimming in credits to begin with.


But this repair expense issue has crippled me and forced me to reconsider even continuing to play this game. I hit 50 with my second character today and he went from having over 150,00 credits to less than 200 over the course of closing out the last two areas on Corellia and finishing up the final bounty hunter class quests. It was insane. And decidedly NOT. FUN.


Surely Bioware cannot be planning on keeping things this way.....

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The 'fixed' repair values are way to high versus the credits earned from content, such as dailies.


You (Bioware/EA) are penalising casual players, not to mention shutting the blast doors after the Taun Taun has frozen at the first marker!


Please revert the repair costs to pre 1.7 values or adjust them in some way, and reevaluate internally, the community response is damning. You should'nt need weeks or months to reach the decision to take the above action.


I have grouped frequently since 1.7 and as a tank have been bleeding credits faster than they are coming in, whilst other classes who do not take the brunt of the damage get away scott-free. Regardless though the expense has been referred to negatively by all group members.


Thank you.

Edited by Farstrider
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I really hope this is just a misunderstanding by some clueless new dev who took an actual change from afair 1.2 patch to repair/mods cost as a bug.


Now if I see some kind of repair kits on the cartel market I'm quitting, I pay a subscription and don't have to deal with this crap.

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/signed :mad:


I will not run any HM queue until this is fixed, and I've already canceled our guild progression OPS run I lead this week, no WAY can I afford repair bills under the new system, and there is no way in the world I'm going to help newly geared 50s learn HMs on my dime under this new system. Frankly guys I'm not even sure what you were thinking with this change, all it's doing is hurting other players, less tanks queuing, more "OMG this noob is in Tionese, hes going to get us all killed" vote-kicking, and more people NOT running your content you worked so hard on... This couldn't have been the intended result of this change?


If you insist on keeping the bill this high, may I suggest you give subscribers the pre-1.7 repairs and leave the high costs to F2P and Preferred players? Then at least you can add one more "perk" to get them to subscribe "Repair costs are 50-90% cheaper when you subscribe" - that way those of us loyal subscribers will be happy.

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If this isn't fixed, I am done with ToR as an MMO. I'm sure I'll play the game as a single player game in playing the class quests, but I wont touch grouping as a tank anymore.


I just did a HM Directive 7 run with some fairly green players. This usually doesn't bother me. I have no problem instructing and teaching mechanics. 4 deaths later we finally beat the FP. Usually 4 deaths wouldn't bother me that much. However after a 53,000 credit repair bill, I'm pretty incensed to say the least.


I guess I could abandon using the group finder and doing PuGs, but that kind of defeats the whole point of the group finder now doesn't it.


Hopefully Bioware will see reason, and will address this....positively, not with further insults.

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I think they could recover a lot of good will with a simple post: "We ****ed up and tonight we will revert the change to what it was in 1.6 even though it will undo our plans to create more money sinks and grinds. This was a boneheaded move that wasted our the valuable time of our employees and customers. Please accept our apologies."


Wholeheartedly agree.

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The question is; why should I keep my sub? I can probably go Preferred and have the same experience I have now, except no coin stipend. Of course, purchasing some coins is an option and would probably be cheaper in the long run.


Contemplate this, I will.


Just unsub. Money is the ONLY language EAware understands to any degree. If they fix this issue we can all resub.

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Yes. Yes they are.


I did NOT see anything in the patch notes saying repair costs would go up. I am pretty sure this is an inadvertant bug.


I am a little surprised there have been no developer comment on this one yet.


It is in the patch notes:

Item sell values and item repair costs now reflect the value of the items and any enhancements attached to them. Previously, items were incorrectly being valued without their enhancements.


Does that make it any better? No!


As for any of them showing up in this thread.. yeah when pigs fly

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I just created a poll to gauge the number of people who are actually unsubscribing because of this.


If you have unsubscribed or have decided to unsubscribe please go make your voice heard.

Click here to go to the post


It will be good for the community at large to see how many people are sufficiently unhappy to vote with their wallets (and their feet)

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Alright, here's the thing for me at least. I do notice that repairs are roughly double what I was paying before for in combat deaths on two of my characters. Armor degradation in regular combat on my tank seems to run about 3 times as much as normal however. More or less going from 3,xxx credits to 7,xxx credits on a wipe, and from about 500 credits to 1.2-1.4k credits after running a full set of dailies without a death. So roughly 700 credits per point of dmg to the armor.


My sentinel however, who's wearing a few champion shells with PvE mods seems to be having a different formula applied. Roughly 825 credits per point of armor damage. The gear levels of the characters are roughly the same, with the major difference seeming to be the shell choice. Likewise the armor seems to take damage slightly quicker in regular combat as compared to wipe based deaths.


I heard people saying daily quests cost them more to run then they reward. For me I'm looking at about 1k-3k tops for a chain (without a death mind you) which makes me question those numbers a bit?


I haven't tried putting on stock tioneese or anything of the sort and going out to die to test it to see the result mind you, but I'm seeing wildly different numbers from players in this thread, so maybe a developer should give feedback on what exactly is governing the differences? Because it sounds like this repair fix might have created a new bug all it's own if some of the numbers I've read from users are accurate?

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Can't be arsed to be even annoyed about this. Just lolling at the stupidity of the whole thing. Yes yes, I bet they have the numbers and statistics that the credits are piling up but this is not the solution, no. I just can't be arsed to get back to dailies to cover few wipes here and there. If they introduce some silly CC Repair Pack i'll roar with laughter. :rak_grin:
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