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I've just re-subscribed (Haven't played since Feb. 2012)


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A lot of overwhelming changes... I'm giving it a try for a month... I hope these things are taken care of and fixed:


1) Ability Delay

2) Endgame Content is more engaging

3) Community is more stable on servers

4) More optimization - Lesser load times...

5) General Bugs being fixed



One big worry I have however is that now with the F2P focus etc. We will likely never see any progress with companion stories... new companions... voice overs etc. Or am I wrong?


Perhaps we will buy new companions via cartel market only? And have DLC Type stories? This would suck :(



Thank you for all the replies, I've only played very little so far but here are my initial impressions:


1) Ability Delay

I have done a bit of PvP and it is just as bad as it was in Feb. 2012. This is stunning to me, it was the primary reason I left. Suddenly enemies will warp across the screen, abilities lag at times... snares don't apply immediately but at times after a 1-2 sec delay if I am using it within a rotation.


I can still interrupt my own instant cast...


Although it appears they change the way the mounting up animation works. No longer does it have a Cast Bar? This means it cannot be shown (as in previous videos it was) how one gets dismounted if moving after the cast completed.


2) Endgame Content is more engaging


I cannot yet comment on this obviously.


3) Community is more stable on servers


It does appear like more people are playing, server consolidation appears to have worked?


4) More optimization - Lesser load times...


Load times and optimization appear to be just as bad... I mean, I cannot yet be 100% as I have not played enough but its still roughly the same I believe.


5) General Bugs being fixed


Cannot comment yet, I haven't come across any real 'bugs' not related to optimization/ability delay.



My wife isn't happy about it, she complains that she always has to "Re-Zoom Out" after loading somewhere etc. I think we will try it a bit more but it looks like Guild Wars 2 might get a shot from us.... at least we got League for sure! :)


Thank you all for your replies :)

Edited by Xcore
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A lot of overwhelming changes... I'm giving it a try for a month... I hope these things are taken care of and fixed:


1) Ability Delay

2) Endgame Content is more engaging

3) Community is more stable on servers

4) More optimization - Lesser load times...

5) General Bugs being fixed



One big worry I have however is that now with the F2P focus etc. We will likely never see any progress with companion stories... new companions... voice overs etc. Or am I wrong?


Perhaps we will buy new companions via cartel market only? And have DLC Type stories? This would suck :(


1. Ability delay is fixed.

2. Personally, I'd say no, but that' s a matter of opinion.

3. After the mergers, the community is definitely more stable.

4. Sort of. Though I'm not sure what you want. I'd say the load times are standard for an MMO.

5. Bugs have been fixed. Bugs still remain. More bugs will appear in the future. More bug fixes will occur.

Edited by SamuraBob_Fl
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A lot of overwhelming changes... I'm giving it a try for a month... I hope these things are taken care of and fixed:


1) Ability Delay

2) Endgame Content is more engaging

3) Community is more stable on servers

4) More optimization - Lesser load times...

5) General Bugs being fixed



One big worry I have however is that now with the F2P focus etc. We will likely never see any progress with companion stories... new companions... voice overs etc. Or am I wrong?


Perhaps we will buy new companions via cartel market only? And have DLC Type stories? This would suck :(



1) Not sure. See answer to #5

2) Depends. If you ask me, PvP endgame has gotten less engaging with time. The end-game ops stuff has much more variety than it did.

3) Community is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more stable now. The megaservers fixed basically every population-related problem the game had. Warzones pop fast. If you're one short for ops finding an qualified capable extra takes very little time and has a decent success rate. GTN has pretty much whatever you're looking for or a buyer for whatever you're trying to sell.

4) Not that I can tell.


5) Bioware left almost all bugs sit until about December. Since then, without saying anything, they seem to have been slowly, steadily stealth fixing a lot of little annoying things and not putting anything about it in the patch notes. Ability delay -might- be one of those. I used to just deal with it, but now that you bring it up, I think it's been a few weeks since I've been burned by it.


6) The only free to play focus I've seen, in a practical sense, is it looks like all future gear looks are gonna come through the cartel market. There is one new companion now, who requires a long series of new quests to attain.


7) I doubt companions will come through the cartel market, but all story expansions that are not ops seem to be paid dlc.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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One big worry I have however is that now with the F2P focus etc. We will likely never see any progress with companion stories... new companions... voice overs etc. Or am I wrong?


Perhaps we will buy new companions via cartel market only? And have DLC Type stories? This would suck :(


1. Still here, though maybe not as common as it was last spring. I play tanks and healers, mainly, and definitely get annoyed by it frequently.


2. Stopped doing it a long time ago so it would be unfair to comment.


3. Much more, compared to Feb. 2012 standards. You'll really enjoy this improvement. I know I did when I came back.


4. This seems a bit unchanged on the load times part. Optimizations, as far as fps/video quality aspects, they seem to be better...to an extent.


5. This is still a pretty horrid portion of the game, along with everything else in live services, compared to other MMO's (and no, I am not comparing to only WoW).


Hope you enjoy your time back. The wife and I got to the point where we are ready to go ahead and leave it for a time. Time will tell if that ends up being permanent.


Quoted the last part of your post to reply with this:


With the direction of the game since F2P launch, this would seem like a completely logical concern and the most likely outcome for the next few months. Sad to say, but yeah, they look like they're going with the subscription MMO + DLC route. Hope I'm wrong, doubt I am.


But welcome back and, again, hope you enjoy it.

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A lot of overwhelming changes... I'm giving it a try for a month... I hope these things are taken care of and fixed:


1) Ability Delay

2) Endgame Content is more engaging

3) Community is more stable on servers

4) More optimization - Lesser load times...

5) General Bugs being fixed



One big worry I have however is that now with the F2P focus etc. We will likely never see any progress with companion stories... new companions... voice overs etc. Or am I wrong?


Perhaps we will buy new companions via cartel market only? And have DLC Type stories? This would suck :(

1. Fixed

2. clear raids and flashpoints do dailies etc. It's still a mindless gear treadmill, upto you if you can stomach that anymore

3. some servers are full, some are empty

4. load times are terrible, corellia will make you go insane, as always.

5. It seems every time bioware patches in something new they break a million other things, it's gotten old for just over a year of live service. So yeah there are still weird stupid bugs everywhere. Probably the engine. :/

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1) Ability Delay

2) Endgame Content is more engaging

3) Community is more stable on servers

4) More optimization - Lesser load times...

5) General Bugs being fixed


1. For the most part.

2. I think so, but this is very subjective question.

3. Absolutely, merges / mega-servers solved this (except for the Oceanic servers I hear)

4. Optimization: Yes Load times: No change

5. Some have been, some are not. Also a lot of times a bug will be fixed but then re-appear later again.

One big worry I have however is that now with the F2P focus etc. We will likely never see any progress with companion stories... new companions... voice overs etc. Or am I wrong?

Some people say this but I haven't given up hope. Time will tell.

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Thank you for all the replies, I've only played very little so far but here are my initial impressions:


1) Ability Delay


I have done a bit of PvP and it is just as bad as it was in Feb. 2012. This is stunning to me, it was the primary reason I left. Suddenly enemies will warp across the screen, abilities lag at times... snares don't apply immediately but at times after a 1-2 sec delay if I am using it within a rotation.


I can still interrupt my own instant cast...


Although it appears they change the way the mounting up animation works. No longer does it have a Cast Bar? This means it cannot be shown (as in previous videos it was) how one gets dismounted if moving after the cast completed.


2) Endgame Content is more engaging


I cannot yet comment on this obviously.


3) Community is more stable on servers


It does appear like more people are playing, server consolidation appears to have worked?


4) More optimization - Lesser load times...


Load times and optimization appear to be just as bad... I mean, I cannot yet be 100% as I have not played enough but its still roughly the same I believe.


5) General Bugs being fixed


Cannot comment yet, I haven't come across any real 'bugs' not related to optimization/ability delay.



My wife isn't happy about it, she complains that she always has to "Re-Zoom Out" after loading somewhere etc. I think we will try it a bit more but it looks like Guild Wars 2 might get a shot from us.... at least we got League for sure! :)



Thank you all for your replies :)

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If your looking for an MMO/social activity with family and friends then this is not your game. I say keep it installed till you finish all or most if the class stories but after that I would not expect much. This game is and should have been KOTOR 3. I say the same thing about this game that I say about ESO. Why try to make an MMO when you clearly just want to make a bigger, badder installment of your single player franchise? Edited by Manifoldgodhead
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Thank you for all the replies, I've only played very little so far but here are my initial impressions:


1) Ability Delay


I have done a bit of PvP and it is just as bad as it was in Feb. 2012. This is stunning to me, it was the primary reason I left. Suddenly enemies will warp across the screen, abilities lag at times... snares don't apply immediately but at times after a 1-2 sec delay if I am using it within a rotation.



Using directx 10 or 11 instead of directx 9 which this game is optimized for has a lot to do with lag in game. On every thing. Case in point my friend was having issue playing warzone with people warping around after installing directx 9 this went away.


installing directx 9


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Using directx 10 or 11 instead of directx 9 which this game is optimized for has a lot to do with lag in game. On every thing. Case in point my friend was having issue playing warzone with people warping around after installing directx 9 this went away.


installing directx 9



I have played this game since beta on a very underwhelming machine. and i discovered a long time ago, that all this "ability delay" (which i experience at times too) Is coming from my end, whither it be connection, or my cpu is bottlenecked because this is a very cpu intensive game, compared to others that are more GPU intensive.


Also make sure you dont have the Ability delay option marked in preferences. It is on by default, so if you left and came back, it could be checked again. Remember they put that in there so you could que up 1 to 3 abilities in advance, but it never worked the way they intended it IMO. I mean heck, i just did LI HM with a gunslinger in mostly tionese lol, only two rakata pieces from doing EV and KP HM. And i didnt get any delay until the project savrak fight, (which is still a lil buggy, we had him down to 37% and he evaded and reset on us, then we wiped because the enrage timer didnt reset at all.) and the final phase of the doctor lorrek fight. Where on my other toons, I quit doing that FP because the delay was so bad in most cases.


Another overlooked tip, is try programs like Gamebooster. It turns off all the unnecessary processes running in the background of your computer. And it makes a Huge difference on my machine with a Pre sandy bridge I3 processor.


Hope that helps :D

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My wife and I like to play Coop, xcore. Not sure if that's your draw. If you're not planning on staying long, I would recommend checking out one of the true F2P games out there right now. We're going to head over to LOTRO and give that a shot since we both love story and she's a major English nerd so the Tolkien stuff is appealing.


My wife got to see most of the stories she wanted to and I'm just tired of all the problems. At the conclusion of my experience in TOR, it really felt more like I was paying 2 subscriptions for my wife and I to play a below average beta test.


Enjoy your time back.

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If your looking for an MMO/social activity with family and friends then this is not your game. I say keep it installed till you finish all or most if the class stories but after that I would not expect much. This game is and should have been KOTOR 3. I say the same thing about this game that I say about ESO. Why try to make an MMO when you clearly just want to make a bigger, badder installment of your single player franchise?


pretty sure its not really possible to make a bigger ES, it might be the first time an mmo is less grindy than the single player due to having to cut down to classes rather than giving you everything. not really holding my breath for that, but it could happen.

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Don't write off the Elder Scrolls because this game was a ridiculously massive failure on all fronts. Let that game fail or succeed on it's own merits. Other than that, the 'ability delay is fixed' posts got an lol out of me as ability delay is horrendous in this game like none other. And this coming from someone with overpowered everything (machine, internet, CPU, GPU, RAM, etc).
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Welcome back. I am also recently returned to the game. I was a preferred player for a couple weeks back in December, then subbed for a month, let my sub lapse for a couple weeks and have been back non stop since January. Just bought 60 days og game time as well, so I am subbed till April as well. :D I am enjoying what I am seeing so far, though still low levels, as I am a bit of an altaholic, as I want to see all the class stories. Edited by Shadokitty
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A lot of overwhelming changes... I'm giving it a try for a month... I hope these things are taken care of and fixed:


1) Ability Delay

2) Endgame Content is more engaging

3) Community is more stable on servers

4) More optimization - Lesser load times...

5) General Bugs being fixed

1: Somewhat. Still happens, but less.

2: yes. We've gotten new operations, flashpoints, and daily areas, plus Heroic space missions.

3: Harbinger seems to have about 300+ players per planet.

4: Um. Bioware has made a lot of performance optimizations, but they've also made performance worse in many cases. So...no different, really. Turn off shadows, that helps a LOT.

5: Well, they release a ton of bug fixes, so...yes?

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